View Poll Results: Who is the bigger bad ass? (Public Poll)

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  • John "Die Hard" McClane

    14 70.00%
  • Jack "24" Bauer

    6 30.00%
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Thread: Ok! Who is the bigger bad ass? Vote NOW!

  1. #46
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    So when exactly did you carry out this survey amongst the other 599999999985 people to find out their hardcore 24 fans then?

    My point is that you have been shot down, i aint bothered about what fanboy statements have been typed by the 4 of you, a poll was created for all HPotD members to vote, they have voted and you have been shot down. admit it.
    You STILL aren't seeing what I'm trying to say, I'm not saying I asked 6 billion people, or wanted to, or would, or whatever - but what I'm saying is that 16 people out of the entire planet earth isn't conclusive...hell, 12 people versus 4 people out of over 1000 isn't conclusive, so shove that up your ass and smoke it, if you're gonna resort to that kinda playground argument talk.

    Shot down - by a bunch of people who use "nyah, cos he is" arguments to bulldoze over anyone who has a whole list of reasons to think otherwise, christ!

    "Fanboy statements" - like those of you behind John McClane you mean? Clearly you're not bothered about listed comparisons, nor character facts, nor anything else - again, schoolyard "cos he is" assertions.

    Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna go watch Jack pwn some slippery, shady Chinese government types as he ignores his internal bleeding like a proper man and gets on with it.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 18-Apr-2007 at 06:38 PM.

  2. #47
    Twitching fartpants's Avatar

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    couldn't have put it better myself MZ

  3. #48
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    *after reading the whole thread*

    ....and people call me jaded.

  4. #49
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Look back through this topic and give me one fanboy statement that ive posted.. ive simply said that i personally prefer die hard and dont like 24. thats opinion, i never claimed anything as fact, it is merely my opinion.. and the majority of our members have agreed with me.

    Thats what you refuse to accept.

    Now as for the playground tactics, it looks to me like your the one throwing your toys around becuase your not winning the argument

  5. #50
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    ^ id just like to point out two adults are haveing a "whos tougher" argument.

    dont mind me ,continue

  6. #51
    Twitching fartpants's Avatar

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    i know childish or what ( but Bauer is stiil the baddest badass )

  7. #52
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Im not trying to point out "facts" about a fictional show, i dont like 24 at all.. i think its boring.. im not posting that as fact im posting it as my opinion and your little facts you've got off wikipedia arn't changing my opinion of the show or characters.

    I Pointed out that the majority of members seem to agree with my opinion and all this comes out and then i get accused of "playground" tactics by someone who is literally throwing his toys around becuase i wont accept his "facts". 24 is fictional, die hard is fictional, they are the only facts in this argument.. the rest is opinion, i dont like 24, i like die hard.. therefore john mcclain is the biggest bad ass in my opinion, and that is all there is to it SO ACCEPT IT BECUASE IT ISNT CHANGING.

    More members agree with my opinion than yours on a poll which was created to gather members opinions.. your trying to pass this off as irrelevant? this is the desperate playground tactic of someone who has been trampled on in a argument. sorry but it is.

  8. #53
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    McClane blew up a plane full of Rogue army guys (Domestic Terrorists) and managed to create runway lights to save 12-15 planes in die hard 2, that would equal close to 4000 people, whats is in a mall at any given moment, maybe 1000.

    John McClane the ultimate badass that ever walked the planet. I mean the guy uses a police car to take out a helicopter... and when asked why... "I ran out of bullets"

    :FINGER: to the Nth degree
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  9. #54
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    This thread is becoming more and more amusing.

    Also, McClane has driven a Mercedes through the concrete wall of a bridge, landed it, and drives aways casually.

    He's surfed on top of a semi.

    He's been ejected at the last minute from an exploding air craft.

    He's fell down an elevator shaft.

    He's stabbed a man in the eye with a f*cking piece of ice.

    The list goes on and on. And he's done alot of this while he has one hell of a hang over that he got from his suspension of smoking cigerettes and watching Captain Kangaroo.

    Now THAT is a badass.

  10. #55
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    McClane wouldn't be able to bring himself back from death, nobody can, it's physically impossible ... *flips bird at Lou*
    Exactly, MZ. No one can bring themselves back, but that doesn't change the fact that Bauer DIED - McClane never did.

    What does that mean?

    McClane was enough of a badass to keep himself from buying the farm.

    Debate over.


    He's stabbed a man in the eye with a f*cking piece of ice.
    This alone seals the deal.

  11. #56
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    *responding to Lou's "icicle to the eye" death*

    Ah, but on the other hand, Jack Bauer hacksawed the head off a paedophile criminal to use as proof-of-allegience to a gang of criminals so he could gain covert access to their set-up to try and track down the threat at hand.


    I'm shocked by how brick-wall you're being Andy. You seem arrogant about 12 people versus 4, that is what pisses me off, because it's lame. And I didn't mean you specifically, oh heaven forbid I not write every single word exactly right the first time around - I've got TV to watch in the background you know! - and what I'm saying is, what I feel you're saying is, that you take this poll as some be-all and end-all over the two characters...that's the impression I get...when it's just a bit of fun.

    And unlike you, I love both 24 and Die Hard, I was getting technical, like I've said before - McClane's a cool-customer-cop-with-a-gun, Bauer is a serious hard nut.

    Fictional show or not, the "facts" are still relevant to the characters in question, and out of the two characters Bauer has the much tougher and badassy background and present day story. As for the backhand over Wikipedia, it's a quick reference so I don't have to summarise, but being an avid fan of the show, I know that what's written there is completely accurate.

    I'm arguing my view from rationality and looking at it technically, yet you're just being that ever-so-annoying-child who repeats what you've just said, but in a stupid voice, and I'm taken aback by this, it's uncharacteristic of you.

    Did I ever intend to change your opinion? No, I'm engaging actively in a fun debate and I'm laying out my personal opinion with points, backstory, clarity and rationality - like I've constantly said, McClane is still majorly kick ass, but under the specific question of the poll, I personally believe Bauer is the bigger badass - but I was always just stating my view, and as people bitched back with "cos he is" for McClane, I entered the fun of the debate, but with my typically organised rationality ... yet you seem to be really enjoying acting like a little kid putting on silly voices.

    As I've said before, I don't give a squat, because McClane is (albeit slightly skew-wif to Bauer's character at the base level) a worthy adversary/opponent/whatever in this fun poll.

    The reason why I've responded these recent times is to clarify myself as I despise people taking my words out of context or finding some odd, unintended meaning in them. I'm historically a stickler for providing accuracy and definition in my text, and that is why I've been responding to this last slew of posts in this poll.

    Nuff said, I'm off to watch Grand Designs.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 18-Apr-2007 at 09:28 PM.

  12. #57
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    "Can't we all just get along?"

    *runs around and kicks everyone in the shin*

    Ok, now that we got that outta the way, back to the fun.

    MZ - an ice pick in the eye is a lot more inventive than a hacksaw.

    Advantage: McClane.

    (this thread rocks I might add. )
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 18-Apr-2007 at 09:56 PM.

  13. #58
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Inventive? Hmmm ... spur of the moment I'd say, cool - yes.

    I'd personally say the hacksawed-paedo-head-as-covert-crime-gang-access is inventive.

    Bauer secretely infiltrated an airport during a hostage situation, used his mobile phone and pocket-scope to organise covertly action to be taken by teams waiting outside, when forced to give himself up (to save the life of the kid of his possible-f*ck-buddy) he played the terrorists and pwned them superbly by deliberately using an out-of-date call sign for distress (Flank-Two position, if memory serves) and managed to dish own some serious that's crafty...and he goes straight from one lass back to his lass from the previous season (who had been lead to believe he was dead) - so he's a pimp daddy too.

  14. #59
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    but he allowed himself to expire.

    Death = instant removal of badass status.

    *runs and hides*

  15. #60
    Oh bollocks to it! I went for Brucie 'cos he would so blantly kick Kiefer's ass in a cage fight. Stick think the pair of 'em are sissies though, I only voted 'cos I wanted to see who was winning.


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