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Thread: since when do they need passports?

  1. #46
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by CooperWasRight View Post
    Ok I lied... Im am gonna get into the "we" argument... One could say that argument holds water you are using except for one thing.... You are on stolen land.... And the atrocities committed have not been properly answered for...
    One could also argue that most land on this planet has been "stolen" somewhere in the past by SOMEBODY. And there's loads of atrocities unanswered for throughout tizzime. Should I feel bad everytime other Whiteys laid the hammer down on another race? Hell, I've heard stories of Indian tribes wiping out other tribes back in the day, too. Didn't they used to leave their own elderly behind to die when they were a burden?
    The world is full of atrocities, wish I could make them stop, but I ain't gonna have guilt and shame laid upon me like that, sorry.

    Quote Originally Posted by CooperWasRight View Post
    Im not saying anyone here falls victim to the following intellectual fallacy...
    Hey I take pride in my country and its wonderful history or even current event that I have nothing to do with...BUT.... I have nothing to do with the naughty bits and therefore should not be blamed for such.

    also even if people now have no responsibility or should bare no sense or shame for the past shouldn't they at least be the champions of making sure that a proper respect for the past is had and clearly denouncing past actions?

    Rather then a stance of...uh ...Fuck em... These guys need to get with the program... or one of my favorites... Fuck those guys why do they get special treatment.
    Le sigh. There is absolutely no reason why I should personally feel any shame over things in the past done by others. I do hear what you are saying about not repeating things like that. Not sure how I can personally "champion the cause" but I'm open to suggestions...

    And I wanna know if they made it to their game as well...

  2. #47
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    Forget the whining about the poor natives and shit from centuries ago.

    A more current question would be this: did these guys ever get to their game, or what?

    nope,had to forfeit. its nice to see foreigners get treated better coming here and establishing an identity. geez.

  3. #48

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    I mean Cholera. I'm aware of the smallpox issues which are potentially very similar, but I was just recently reading a book which included the synopsis of the court transcripts of an Indian Management agent who plead guilty to trading blankets on their way to be burned due to their having been used by victims of Cholera and Yellow Fever. (No, you don't need to tell me Yellow Fever can't be transmitted by contact with a blanket of someone with the disease. The point was the Agent had no more idea of what caused Yellow Fever at that time than anyone else of that time did, but he admitted to knowing where the blankets came from, and what they'd been potentially tainted by and trading them anyways for turquoise from desperate Native Americans. Navajo in this case.)

    In the particular instance I'm mentioning I don't know whether any of the Native Americans even got sick, that's NOT THE POINT. The point is you DON'T SELL GOODS POTENTIALLY TAINTED WITH LETHAL INFECTIOUS DISEASE.
    Interesting. That sounds, though, like cases where companies have gotten in trouble for recklessly selling tainted food, etc. Like this guy who was recently prosecuted for selling salmonella-tainted peanut products. We don't normally call that biological/chemical warfare, just a crime. It sounds like that guy wasn't trying to wipe out the Navajo, just make a buck with no regard for what the consequences of his actions might be. And he was caught and punished (though probably not severely enough).

    ---------- Post added at 03:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:42 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by acealive1 View Post
    oh yea they got id. they're pretty friggin civilized. its not like they have stone tablet ids
    But not up to current standards, being partially handwritten and all. They shouldn't feel too bad, though, it's not just a Native thing. The Irish have had problems recently too. See their Foreign Affairs Ministry's guidance and this guy's story.
    "We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist." - Queen Victoria

  4. #49
    Dying CooperWasRight's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Publius View Post
    Interesting. That sounds, though, like cases where companies have gotten in trouble for recklessly selling tainted food, etc. Like this guy who was recently prosecuted for selling salmonella-tainted peanut products. We don't normally call that biological/chemical warfare, just a crime. It sounds like that guy wasn't trying to wipe out the Navajo, just make a buck with no regard for what the consequences of his actions might be. And he was caught and punished (though probably not severely enough).

    ---------- Post added at 03:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:42 AM ----------

    But not up to current standards, being partially handwritten and all. They shouldn't feel too bad, though, it's not just a Native thing. The Irish have had problems recently too. See their Foreign Affairs Ministry's guidance and this guy's story.
    tory is not really similair. What was done to the native americans was done in many cases with intent to kill them off.
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