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Thread: Michael Jackson- Cardiac Arrest

  1. #46
    Demerol - Painkiller
    Dilaudid - Painkiller
    Vicodin - Painkiller
    Soma - Muscle relaxant
    Xanax - Sedative
    Zoloft - Anti-depressant
    Paxil - Anti-depressant
    Prilosec - Proton pump inhibitor

    Is it any wonder why he's six feet under when he's taking all that lot.

  2. #47
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    Prilosec - Proton pump inhibitor

    Is it any wonder why he's six feet under when he's taking all that lot.
    Wtf is a proton pump inhibitor?
    La freak, c'est chic!


  3. #48
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    I must be the only one on this board that sees Jackson for what he really was...a pedophile. I was as big of a fan as anyone of his as a kid, I still own my original "Thriller" LP from my childhood. However, the guy paid off families that accused him of molesting their kids. The police found pornography in his room, the same room that kids claimed he gave them "Jesus Juice" in. Why does everyone make excuses for a grown man sleeping in bed with children that are not his own. That is weird people! It's so bizarre to hear people make excuses for someone who was obviously very sick & disturbed. Look at what the guy did to his own face for God's sake.
    There are lots of people that become famous as a kid and lose some of their childhood, but they don't carve their face up and start molesting kids. You know? The folks who seem to think he was an innocent soul are probably the same people who think O.J. was innocent of murdering his wife.
    Micheal Jackson's life was sad and pathetic, but he mostly did it to himself.

  4. #49
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    TBH no one really knows what went down, it is all assumed. Every single bit of it. Unless the man was convicted he is not considered anything. you are entitled to your opinion, but, lest we forget he was tried and found not guilty. Neither witness was considered credible, holes in their story and the DA scrambled to keep some away when he found out that in part most of it was an extortion attempt.

    While I do not defend nor justify what occurred, keep in mind when Michael was younger he had no friends, not because he was a recluse, but because his own father forbad anyone in the family to have friends or have a childhood, it was all work work work. His Neverland ranch was built to reclaim the childhood he never had, and most likely the psychological and physical abuse the entire group went through at the hands of Father joe probably played a very Large part in why Michael was Michael as we know him.
    Last edited by DjfunkmasterG; 27-Jun-2009 at 05:36 PM.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  5. #50
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo View Post
    I must be the only one on this board that sees Jackson for what he really was...a pedophile. I was as big of a fan as anyone of his as a kid, I still own my original "Thriller" LP from my childhood. However, the guy paid off families that accused him of molesting their kids. The police found pornography in his room, the same room that kids claimed he gave them "Jesus Juice" in. Why does everyone make excuses for a grown man sleeping in bed with children that are not his own. That is weird people! It's so bizarre to hear people make excuses for someone who was obviously very sick & disturbed. Look at what the guy did to his own face for God's sake.
    There are lots of people that become famous as a kid and lose some of their childhood, but they don't carve their face up and start molesting kids. You know? The folks who seem to think he was an innocent soul are probably the same people who think O.J. was innocent of murdering his wife.
    Micheal Jackson's life was sad and pathetic, but he mostly did it to himself.
    Though I agree that Michael Jackson was a very troubled person and quite possibly a creepy pedophile, I don't think you are being entirely fair to the members who have posted their thoughts on this thread.

    In looking back over the various posts I do not see anyone defending Jackson's penchant for sleeping with young boys, giving minor's "Jesus Juice" or carving up his body to alter his appearance. Along these lines, I also did not see anyone depicting Michael Jackson as an innocent soul as you mentioned. Instead, I notice that a lot of members feel affected by the death of a popular culture icon, and that some of the members have relayed their sadness regarding his death. That they are saddened by his death, however, should not automatically be construed as a defense of the way he lived his life.

    Similiarly, I don't think that you are saying that you are necessarily happy that Jackson died at 50 just because you are pointing out that he was a very flawed individual.

    Whether Michael Jackson was a product of his own weirdness, or if his weirdness was a coping mechanism brought on by his fame, or if his weirdness was manufactured by the media, or if he was a pedophile or not a pedophile - these are all conjecture and speculation. Folks will believe what they will believe. But to feel sad about the passing of a relatively young person who - however flawed he may or may not have been - had some amount of meaning and influence in popular culture does not automatically put these folks in the same camp as those who feel that OJ was innocent of murder.
    Last edited by Yojimbo; 27-Jun-2009 at 06:20 PM.
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  6. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo View Post
    The police found pornography in his room, the same room that kids claimed he gave them "Jesus Juice" in.
    1. It is totally legal to own pornography and 2. he was not found guilty of administering an 'intoxicating agent' on children.

    The kids claimed that he was showing them the magazines and whispered to his sleeping son, Prince Michael II, who was a baby at the time, "Hey Prince, you're missing out on all the pussy!" Well, if you believe that, you will believe anything.

    And 'Jesus Juice', it's absolutely laughable!

    Quote Originally Posted by Chic Freak View Post
    Wtf is a proton pump inhibitor?
    Actually, I'm not sure, Chic. But Prilosec is an over the counter drug used to combat heartburn and ulcers.
    Last edited by capncnut; 27-Jun-2009 at 07:25 PM.

  7. #52
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo View Post
    I must be the only one on this board that sees Jackson for what he really was...a pedophile. I was as big of a fan as anyone of his as a kid, I still own my original "Thriller" LP from my childhood. However, the guy paid off families that accused him of molesting their kids. The police found pornography in his room, the same room that kids claimed he gave them "Jesus Juice" in. Why does everyone make excuses for a grown man sleeping in bed with children that are not his own. That is weird people! It's so bizarre to hear people make excuses for someone who was obviously very sick & disturbed. Look at what the guy did to his own face for God's sake.
    There are lots of people that become famous as a kid and lose some of their childhood, but they don't carve their face up and start molesting kids. You know? The folks who seem to think he was an innocent soul are probably the same people who think O.J. was innocent of murdering his wife.
    Micheal Jackson's life was sad and pathetic, but he mostly did it to himself.
    Michael Jackson was, in the latter part of his life, a self-evidentially abnormal person. Here's what we do know for sure - he clearly had serious emotional issues, psychological problems, prescription chemical dependencies, an addiction to surgery tantamount to self-mutilation, and he had a inappropriately over-the-top affection for children. He was a tragically fucked up person - some of it was his fault, some of it wasn't, we are all to some extent products of our environment, and Jackson grew-up in an environment than none of us on here can even imagine (combining violent physical abuse and massive worldwide stardom). I wholeheartedly believe that if you or I, thxleo, had experienced the same upbringing, we'd be pretty fucked up too. Now that not an excuse for his weirdness, that's just the reason. Everything has a reason, even human behaviour - cause and effect.

    None of this, however, makes him a rapist. Parents who genuinely believe their son has been sexually abused do not just come knocking for a few handfuls of cash, they go out for blood and make sure the bastard is sent to jail for a long, long time. Now I'm not saying he definitely wasn't a paedophile, just that since he's never been convicted and has never been any real, court-solid evidence that he has molested anyone, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, as opposed to simply saying "Ewww, he's different to me, so let's make some unfounded allegations and throw some stones!"

  8. #53
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chic Freak View Post
    Wtf is a proton pump inhibitor?
    I wish I could say that I knew the answer, but admit that I had to go to wikipedia , and after reading the entry I realize that answer is much too technical to try to bullshit my way through pretending to be a smart guy who knows all about proton pump inhibitor, which to me sounds like something you would find in a Star Trek episode.

    Not that you should ever trust Wikipedia's accuracy but here you go:

    Summarized below:

    "Proton pump inhibitors (or "PPI"s) are a group of drugs whose main action is a pronounced and long-lasting reduction of gastric acid production. They are the most potent inhibitors of acid secretion available today. The group followed and has largely superseded another group of pharmaceuticals with similar effects, but different mode-of-action, called H2-receptor antagonists. These drugs are among the most widely-selling drugs in the world as a result of their outstanding efficacy and safety.[1] The vast majority of these drugs are benzimidazole derivatives; however, promising new research indicates that imidazopyridine derivatives may be a more effective means of treatment.[2]"
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  9. #54
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    1. It is totally legal to own pornography and 2. he was not found guilty of administering an 'intoxicating agent' on children.

    The kids claimed that he was showing them the magazines and whispered to his sleeping son, Prince Michael II, who was a baby at the time, "Hey Prince, you're missing out on all the pussy!" Well, if you believe that, you will believe anything.

    And 'Jesus Juice', it's absolutely laughable!

    Responses like this one are exactly what I'm talking about.
    The guy payed $20 million dollars to a family to make their allegations go away. Who does that if your not guilty of something? It's amazing how naive people can be.
    Last edited by thxleo; 27-Jun-2009 at 09:32 PM.

  10. #55
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo View Post
    Responses like this one are exactly what I'm talking about.
    The guy payed $20 million dollars to a family to make their allegations go away. Who does that if your not guilty of something? It's amazing how naive people can be.
    thxleo, I respect you, so I say the following with no intention of disrespect: Just because Jackson settled the first allegation of molestation brought against him does not automatically mean that he was guilty, and to state such (that is, the fact that he paid the settlement means that he is guilty) is naive in it's own right. Surely, I would fight an allegation against me if it were not true, but then again I don't have millions upon millions in my bank account that Jackson had at that time, and maybe if money was no issue -as it clearly wasn't for a guy who could spend his money trying to buy the elephant man's remains and stocking his private zoo with exotic wild animals - then I would settle just to spare myself the entire circus the media would erect around me to cover a case such as this. Also, legal cases are very expensive, and the outcome (even if you are innocent) can be very unpredictable, so without knowing the specifics of what had transpired I say that it is possible that the 20 million settlement was a fiscally sound alternative to fighting the case.

    I used to be a work comp hearing rep, and I can say that insurance companies with deep pockets would take a case where I would demand 50k and offer a 10K settlement to me in return, all the while telling me that they feel that the case has no merit and that they had evidence to show that my client was attempted to defraud their client. Even with their evidence and doubt they were still willing to pay a "nuisance value" settlement because it was more cost effective to them to do so rather than send attorneys to contest the issue in front of the WCAB. So, what I am pointing out is that settlements cannot be construed as proof of guilt.

    Additionally there were aspects of the second accuser's story and family background that seriously makes me question whether or not the second allegation was a complete fabrication. In looking over the what I could regarding the case, it appears to me that there is a great chance that this kid made these allegations at the insistence of his mother, who was certainly not saint and appeared to be a money hungry opportunist.

    On a personal level, I think Jackson was pretty creepy, and quite possibly a creep. But I can still be sad that he is dead and should be able to say that without being branded an apologist or naive. And on the subject of guilt or lack thereof, I can safely say that I, like you, can only conjecture as to what the truth really was/is in this situation. We can suspect, but we cannot know for certain and therefore should hold our judgment of him and his supporters.

    In the end, I agree with what Kraken posted about the settlement. To paraphrase Kraken, if my kid was molested by someone I would not settle the case for any amount of cash because I would be out to destroy the molester and no amount of money would give me satisfaction. I would imagine that you would feel the same way if you had a child that had been molested by a creepy dude like Jackson. So, in a way the fact that the family accepted a settlement lends as much creedence to the case being a total fabrication as much as the fact that Jackson offered this settlement might be construed by some as an implicit admission of guilt.
    Last edited by Yojimbo; 27-Jun-2009 at 11:17 PM. Reason: bad spelling and unforgivably crappy grammar
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  11. #56
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo View Post
    Responses like this one are exactly what I'm talking about.
    The guy payed $20 million dollars to a family to make their allegations go away. Who does that if your not guilty of something? It's amazing how naive people can be.
    whilst its nothing new that were not on the same page, dude really?, if you knew in your heart of hearts that a guy raped your child would you settle for currency as a recompense for that act?, would you let the man walk free?

  12. #57
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    whilst its nothing new that were not on the same page, dude really?, if you knew in your heart of hearts that a guy raped your child would you settle for currency as a recompense for that act?, would you let the man walk free?
    I'll ask you then, would you pay someone $20 million dollars if you did nothing wrong? I know I would fight tooth and nail to keep my good name in tact and would never pay a dime to someone if they were making it up against me.
    As for your question, I would never accept a pay off. But there are plenty of people in this world that would. That's why it's called a pay off and it's been going on for a very long time.

  13. #58
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    You may all have loved him and thought hes great
    and thats fine. If you truly feel that way
    then so be it.

    Everything about him I find revolting and
    The man hangs his baby off a 4th floor balcony.
    Yeah ill miss a mind and person that stable.

    Its all summed up in this little story:

    Farrah Fawcett arrived at the Pearly Gates and God asked her what he could do for her having led such an honest life. Farrah asked God to simply make sure the children of the world were safe. Five minutes later, Michael Jackson died.

    Bless you Farrah.

  14. #59
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    You may all have loved him and thought hes great
    and thats fine. If you truly feel that way
    then so be it.

    Everything about him I find revolting and
    The man hangs his baby off a 4th floor balcony.
    Yeah ill miss a mind and person that stable.

    Its all summed up in this little story:

    Farrah Fawcett arrived at the Pearly Gates and God asked her what he could do for her having led such an honest life. Farrah asked God to simply make sure the children of the world were safe. Five minutes later, Michael Jackson died.

    Bless you Farrah.
    You see, Korick, no one is saying that Jackson wasn't a total mess of a person. The difference between "you" and "us" is that we recognise the singers deterioration from cultural icon to mentally unstable, baby-dangling fuck-up as a sad, tragic series of events. Mental illness does not equal moral badness, and I think he deserves our pity rather than our dogmatic judgement.

    Unfortunately, some people are under the false impression that moral arbitration - putting the world to rights, pointing fingers and assigning blame and guilt in almost every conversation with the slightest controversial element - is the "grown-up" and "sensible" thing to do. It's not. This ain't the movies, there isn't always a moustache-twisting evil villain in every story, sometimes there is, but just as often it's simply a bunch of bad shit that might have been avoided but sadly wasn't.

  15. #60
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo View Post
    I'll ask you then, would you pay someone $20 million dollars if you did nothing wrong? I know I would fight tooth and nail to keep my good name in tact and would never pay a dime to someone if they were making it up against me.
    As for your question, I would never accept a pay off. But there are plenty of people in this world that would. That's why it's called a pay off and it's been going on for a very long time.
    he was a freaky man child who back then had the money to just make the whole mess go away, hell if your albums are constantly making your revenue wouldn't 20 million be a price youd pay to stop being called a pedophile?


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