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Thread: Anarchy

  1. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    I did not ask for links, I asked for explanations of practical applications. I did not ask for a general theory, as provided by your links, but I specifically asked for how you would practically apply the theories you believe in. These are two different things. One is theory, the other is not.

    You failed to provide a specific explanation of how a hierarchy-less food economy could work. You did answer that it could be a flat hierarchy, but you did not answer any specifics - which is what I asked for.

    You failed to explain what lessons you'd learn and change from the Soviet attempt at communal farms. You just said "you wouldn't shoot people" - as if that was the only thing you took away from the historical attempt at communal farming, and not the inability of attempted-communists to institute the idea in the first place.

    These are the only real things that I am concerned about. But you have so far not provided an explanation, apart from general wikipedia links.
    I'm not a dictator, again. This isn't just up to me. I'm not a deity. "Food Not Bombs", how about that? You've heard of them, yes?

    Are you also allergic to the term "anarchy"? Because... That's what a "flat hierarchy" is. Horizontal government, like I've been saying. And since I cannot give detailed specifics, my ideas are worse than yours? (which, let's be honest, what ideas have you actually proposed yet?)

    It shows that totalitarianism doesn't work. Which I already knew. And which goes completely against anarchism.

    Which is more than you've ever done. May I rest my case now?

  2. #47
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Again. You dodged my questions. I'd be happy to discuss the practical applications to these theoretical ideas, but it seems you have to brush up on it before we can continue. Until then I, and everyone else, will dismiss it.

    I don't have to present a case. I think we have it fine now. Capitalism has created a middle class, welfare systems and promoted science, medicine and culture in a way that no other system ever has. I think capitalism has to be regulated, and a social-liberalism is, according to me, the best compromise, but nonetheless: "It works better than all other forms of government that we've tried" - as Churchill said. And that includes communism, and anarchism...
    Last edited by EvilNed; 03-Sep-2019 at 07:28 AM. Reason: ffdsfd

  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Again. You dodged my questions. I'd be happy to discuss the practical applications to these theoretical ideas, but it seems you have to brush up on it before we can continue. Until then I, and everyone else, will dismiss it.

    I don't have to present a case. I think we have it fine now. Capitalism has created a middle class, welfare systems and promoted science, medicine and culture in a way that no other system ever has. I think capitalism has to be regulated, and a social-liberalism is, according to me, the best compromise, but nonetheless: "It works better than all other forms of government that we've tried" - as Churchill said. And that includes communism, and anarchism...
    Again I answered them to the best of my ability. It seems you'll have to actually be willing to hear another side than your own before we can continue.

    You do, and you haven't yet. You're speaking from a place of privilege and ignorance and it really shows. Capitalism created slavery, child labor, and obfuscates science when it doesn't promote capitalist endeavors. What is "culture" to you? White people with too much money and power? Regulations work well, right? Oh boy, minimum wage! ...Which is still way too low to be considered an actual minimum, but yes! Churchill was again a genocidal maniac. Maybe don't listen to him. Also a known capitalist, so no surprise there. You're really going to have to start trying harder than that. "So what if Henry Ford didn't care about the rights or safety of his workers? He made cars!" That's how you sound. Completely foolish. How can you really think that an unjust and unbalanced hierarchy is the best possible system? How can you really justify only the wealthy and privileged minorities as the ones with power and control? Are we not all human? Equally fallible? Then does it make sense for only a small few of us to lead? Medicine? I'm sorry but no. Capitalists will charge whatever they want for medicine if they can get away with it. They're not doing it for the good of anyone but themselves, which is the folly of all capitalist thinking. Socialists created the middle class. Socialists fought for the welfare we have today. If you're this ignorant, AND unwilling to learn... Then I don't know what to say. I can't change your mind. YOU have to change your mind. Grow some empathy, why don't ya?

  4. #49
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I understand. However I do think you should form a better understanding of the ideology of which you preach before you support it. Anarchism is simply not feasible, as has been laid out here in this thread.

    Slavery and child labour pre-dated capitalism by thousands of years.
    Capitalism, or liberalism, doesn't inherently obfuscate anything - people are free to express the opinions they want.
    Also the so-called "character assassination"-falacy doesn't bite. Churchill may have had some faults, but it would be very foolish to dismiss one of the most experienced and accomplished statesmen of the 20th century just because you don't like him.
    Middle class and welfare sprung into creation in capitalist and liberal countries. Take note; Socioliberal countries are also capitalist. Socialism did not create them in a vacuum - capitalism and liberalism laid the ground work.

    If you think that I sound foolish, then that's probably just your frustration of not comprehending what we're talking about manifesting itself. I'm sorry for you, but that doesn't change the fact that you don't seem to know anything about what you're preaching - as is evidenced by your many faulty assumptions of history.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 03-Sep-2019 at 09:08 PM. Reason: fdsfsd

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    I understand. However I do think you should form a better understanding of the ideology of which you preach before you support it. Anarchism is simply not feasible, as has been laid out here in this thread.

    Slavery and child labour pre-dated capitalism by thousands of years.
    Capitalism, or liberalism, doesn't inherently obfuscate anything - people are free to express the opinions they want.
    Also the so-called "character assassination"-falacy doesn't bite. Churchill may have had some faults, but it would be very foolish to dismiss one of the most experienced and accomplished statesmen of the 20th century just because you don't like him.
    Middle class and welfare sprung into creation in capitalist and liberal countries. Take note; Socioliberal countries are also capitalist. Socialism did not create them in a vacuum - capitalism and liberalism laid the ground work.

    If you think that I sound foolish, then that's probably just your frustration of not comprehending what we're talking about manifesting itself. I'm sorry for you, but that doesn't change the fact that you don't seem to know anything about what you're preaching - as is evidenced by your many faulty assumptions of history.
    Forgive me, but I don't think "It'll never work!" is a very convincing argument.

    Yet capitalism still used them, rather than abolishing them outright immediately.
    Mm, no, remember when the big oil companies paid scientists to hide their findings about climate change and stuff decades ago?
    Well alright, fair enough. I guess Hitler was good too, since he was great at public speaking.
    From socialists! NOT capitalists! Only in that capitalists gave something for the socialists to fight.

    *squints* No, it's you stanning evil exploiters. THAT's what's foolish here. *narrows eyes further* We're not talking history, but the future here. I'll ask again. What's YOUR vision for the future? If you can't be any more specific than me, then what are you even talking about?

  6. #51
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I'd love to pick this up at one point, but I need you to learn how to stick to your own line. It's impossible for us to get anywhere if you avoid questions, don't know history (but claim to do) and worst of all; change your mind and constantly shifting the goal post. In one post your arguing that capitalism is bad because it created slavery. Then when you realize you're wrong about that you simply change your mind to that capitalism is bad because it didn't it abolish it outright - (when in fact capitalism/liberalism is the ONLY ideology that ever has abolished slavery).

    Please learn your history and try to figure out what your arguments are, as well as learning more about the ideology you which to argue for.

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    I'd love to pick this up at one point, but I need you to learn how to stick to your own line. It's impossible for us to get anywhere if you avoid questions, don't know history (but claim to do) and worst of all; change your mind and constantly shifting the goal post. In one post your arguing that capitalism is bad because it created slavery. Then when you realize you're wrong about that you simply change your mind to that capitalism is bad because it didn't it abolish it outright - (when in fact capitalism/liberalism is the ONLY ideology that ever has abolished slavery).

    Please learn your history and try to figure out what your arguments are, as well as learning more about the ideology you which to argue for.
    You don't seem to know any anarchist history. I recommend Mark Bray. You're clearly avoiding my questions. Turnabout is fair play. I've never changed my mind once. Not my fault if my own ideology is nuanced and complex. Seriously, without specific examples, what points are you even making here? I can address things, but you need to tell me what they actually are. Capitalism created WAGE slavery. There, added a word so it's more true and sensible. Capitalism didn't abolish slavery. You ponce. Public outcry, activism, and the desire for human rights and liberty did. If the people hadn't wanted it abolished, the capitalist masters would have kept it.

    Please learn literally anything about anarchy (Again, Kropotkin, Goldman, Luxemburg, Bray, Bookchin, Bakunin, etc), then get back to me. Or just cruise leftube for a few hours. Non Compete, Thought Slime, Philosophy Tube, Christopher Szabo, Sarah Z, etc.

  8. #53
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Sorry, but I came here to argue with you. I thought that was the point of this thread? But so far it's difficult because you change your mind, wording, and train of thought with every other post - as well as not being very informed about the ideology you preach.

  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Sorry, but I came here to argue with you. I thought that was the point of this thread? But so far it's difficult because you change your mind, wording, and train of thought with every other post - as well as not being very informed about the ideology you preach.
    The point of this thread was to discuss anarchy. Which I've continued to do. Haven't changed anything about that. Also, not my fault if you suck at arguing. I'm complex. If you can't handle that, that's not on me. I'm still more informed about it than you are about your beloved capitalism, it would seem. What do YOU hope to see for the future? What's YOUR vision? You keep failing at explaining this, just as JDP (RIP, btw) had. Ready to accept defeat, or are you going to lash out again with more excuses?

  10. #55

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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    The point of this thread was to discuss anarchy. Which I've continued to do. Haven't changed anything about that. Also, not my fault if you suck at arguing. I'm complex. If you can't handle that, that's not on me. I'm still more informed about it than you are about your beloved capitalism, it would seem. What do YOU hope to see for the future? What's YOUR vision? You keep failing at explaining this, just as JDP (RIP, btw) had. Ready to accept defeat, or are you going to lash out again with more excuses?
    No, you haven't, you keep changing your tune and modifying what "anarchy" supposedly means as it suits you, instead of following accepted definitions of it. That's one of the reasons I stopped responding to your posts. So, no "RIP", it's just that we are starting to plainly see that we are wasting our time here. Kind of talking to a brick-wall. We answer with facts, common sense and logic, and you answer with... dreams, wishful thinking, mistaken statements (Ex: "capitalism invented slavery", Huh? Slavery predates capitalism by a very long time, as I informed you many posts back, but apparently you did not remember it and repeated the same mistaken claim just recently, so now the new tune is "capitalism invented wage slavery"; but people were being paid wages for their work long before "capitalism" as well; for example, ancient and medieval carpenters and other craftsmen living under monarchic or feudal systems earned wages for their work and services, nothing remotely "modern" about this; again, you fail to understand that PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE TO WORK FOR FREE and they want to earn the means by which they can buy the things they like or need, which can easily vary from person to person, thus one of the reasons why you will never get rid of such a convenient, versatile and practical invention as money; it works better than bartering, that's why we started to gradually abandon bartering for money as a means of exchange some 3000 years ago), links written by other people that often do not address the issues being discussed (like how eliminating laws altogether supposedly will "get rid" of crime??? Absolutely ridiculous idea. Even cavemen committed what we understand as "crimes" whenever they took someone else's mate, children, food, belongings, etc., by force, even though there technically were no "laws" around that said such things were "illegal"... that's in fact why "laws" were invented and put into place, to keep such abusive people who do not respect the lives and rights of others in check and punish them for their actions, yet you hilariously think that people will stop doing such things by eliminating the very thing designed to reduce them! If you take the laws out, people will revert to those "cavemen" times: survival of the strongest, kill or be killed, every man/woman for himself/herself! The Law of the Jungle. Again, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure this out...), and when they do it is about theories and speculation of how an anarchy might work, but which when attempted to be put into practice they won't really work well or at all.
    Last edited by JDP; 05-Sep-2019 at 12:08 AM. Reason: ;

  11. #56
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    The point of this thread was to discuss anarchy. Which I've continued to do. Haven't changed anything about that. Also, not my fault if you suck at arguing. I'm complex. If you can't handle that, that's not on me. I'm still more informed about it than you are about your beloved capitalism, it would seem. What do YOU hope to see for the future? What's YOUR vision? You keep failing at explaining this, just as JDP (RIP, btw) had. Ready to accept defeat, or are you going to lash out again with more excuses?
    I'm sorry, but to debate requires both parts to contribute and spar along and around a continuous idea. Unfortunately your method of debating revolves too much around emotional distraction, shifting the goal post, avoiding answering questions and changing your arguments. Basically, what JDP said.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 05-Sep-2019 at 09:06 AM. Reason: dsfsd

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    No, you haven't, you keep changing your tune and modifying what "anarchy" supposedly means as it suits you, instead of following accepted definitions of it. That's one of the reasons I stopped responding to your posts. So, no "RIP", it's just that we are starting to plainly see that we are wasting our time here. Kind of talking to a brick-wall. We answer with facts, common sense and logic, and you answer with... dreams, wishful thinking, mistaken statements (Ex: "capitalism invented slavery", Huh? Slavery predates capitalism by a very long time, as I informed you many posts back, but apparently you did not remember it and repeated the same mistaken claim just recently, so now the new tune is "capitalism invented wage slavery"; but people were being paid wages for their work long before "capitalism" as well; for example, ancient and medieval carpenters and other craftsmen living under monarchic or feudal systems earned wages for their work and services, nothing remotely "modern" about this; again, you fail to understand that PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE TO WORK FOR FREE and they want to earn the means by which they can buy the things they like or need, which can easily vary from person to person, thus one of the reasons why you will never get rid of such a convenient, versatile and practical invention as money; it works better than bartering, that's why we started to gradually abandon bartering for money as a means of exchange some 3000 years ago), links written by other people that often do not address the issues being discussed (like how eliminating laws altogether supposedly will "get rid" of crime??? Absolutely ridiculous idea. Even cavemen committed what we understand as "crimes" whenever they took someone else's mate, children, food, belongings, etc., by force, even though there technically were no "laws" around that said such things were "illegal"... that's in fact why "laws" were invented and put into place, to keep such abusive people who do not respect the lives and rights of others in check and punish them for their actions, yet you hilariously think that people will stop doing such things by eliminating the very thing designed to reduce them! If you take the laws out, people will revert to those "cavemen" times: survival of the strongest, kill or be killed, every man/woman for himself/herself! The Law of the Jungle. Again, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure this out...), and when they do it is about theories and speculation of how an anarchy might work, but which when attempted to be put into practice they won't really work well or at all.
    As it suits ME? Am I seriously the only anarchist you've ever met in your life? I haven't conjured up anything out of thin air here. Hence my long list of sources. If you hadn't noticed, dictionary definitions do not do most concepts justice, especially things like political ideologies, which are often if not always very nuanced and complex. Wikipedia does much better on it, but still of course doesn't tell the whole story. So you got frustrated with me because I'm not a one-dimensional stereotype? Or what? My thoughts exactly (except I'm the only one here who's NOT a brick wall). Again, wtf is "common sense"? You've yet to define your take on that phrase. Here are some facts: Capitalists are actively destroying the environment of this planet. The oceans, the rain forests, the polar ice caps, etc. Are you saying it's wrong to have any hopes? Any dreams for a better future? Then again, why are any of us still alive? Still doing things? And YOU fail to understand that money is a negative construct that must be abolished if we are to have any kind of future. Why are you still talking if you haven't yet read Marx or Kropotkin? It'd be like me weighing in on a discussion of quantum physics. Meet me at my level, so you don't look like an absolute ignoramus. Do I need to link you to gift economy too? Fucking bootlicker. Yes, eliminating the police and impractical laws (most of the ones on the books currently) would drastically reduce crime, especially in conjunction with equality for all. Which is the goal. A bad goal, would you say? Do you believe that not everyone deserves consideration or care? Laws were invented to restrain the masses and keep us from overthrowing the tyrants in power, and still are to this day. You fool. Has Trump been punished yet, for his many many counts of fraud, and other heinous acts? No. The laws don't work if you have enough money and influence. It's fucking rigged. How can you not see that? Again, you've watched The Purge one too many times, methinks. If everyone behaved as a violent hermit, our species would quickly die out. And hell, would that be so bad? Look what we've done to our own planet. Now I'm not trying to kill anyone here, but you gotta admit... We kinda suck. And capitalism (greed, self-centeredness, exploitation of the weaker, etc) is the greatest offender. Where are your links? Why am I the only one posting links? Am I the only one here who actually reads? Maybe if you didn't repeat meaningless phrases so much, I'd take you more seriously.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    I'm sorry, but to debate requires both parts to contribute and spar along and around a continuous idea. Unfortunately your method of debating revolves too much around emotional distraction, shifting the goal post, avoiding answering questions and changing your arguments. Basically, what JDP said.
    Apology accepted. We're not debating, we're discussing. Ah, more excuses it is. RIP Ned.

  13. #58
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    Discussion, debating - whichever you prefer. If you wish to get a point across and have a constructive discussion/debate on something I really think you should think it through next time. Chances are you'll actually get people interested, even if they do disagree with you and you can have a meaningful exchange of ideas. Just a tip.

  14. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Discussion, debating - whichever you prefer. If you wish to get a point across and have a constructive discussion/debate on something I really think you should think it through next time. Chances are you'll actually get people interested, even if they do disagree with you and you can have a meaningful exchange of ideas. Just a tip.
    Fair enough. And maybe you should think it through before you tout a system designed to subjugate the majority of the planet's population through violent oppression. Just a tip. Oh, and if you ever feel like reading...
    Last edited by blind2d; 06-Sep-2019 at 01:39 AM. Reason: anarchy

  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    Fair enough. And maybe you should think it through before you tout a system designed to subjugate the majority of the planet's population through violent oppression. Just a tip. Oh, and if you ever feel like reading...
    I'm sorry, but I've read and experienced enough about political ideas and history to have formed my own definite opinion regarding what kind of world I want to live in. I'll take the unfair wage gaps of capitalism any day over the unavoidable tyranny and political and social instability over anarchism or communism.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 06-Sep-2019 at 05:12 AM. Reason: fdsfds


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