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Thread: Night 90 Blu-ray up for Pre-Order

  1. #46
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    I am not a color correction expert... But it could have been something simple like someone putting the filter over the film, it could have been something a little more complicated like someone accidentally triggered a filter, and didn't catch it. However, I know from having the Deadlands films mastered the engineer would send me a copy and he would take one home to watch, but that is a small studio versus Columbia Pictures aka $ony, who might have just had the original 1999 DVD telecine re-comissioned for the Blu-Ray master and maybe it aged, but from what I can see this looks like a filter with color timing shifted towards a cooler look.

    Maybe they were hoping to give it a more apocalyptic feel, but all you really have to do to get that is bring down the saturation by half. It doesn't affect brightness, contrast, just the saturation of color.

    This is really out there but maybe there was a glitch in the mastering, but again someone should have QA'd this disc master before ok-ing for replication.

    It could also be possible Savini and Romero agreed to this look, but in my honest opinion that is far-fetched. I don't see either of them looking at the final render and saying ok, but I have seen stranger shit happen.

    TT said in their response the filmmakers could have approved this, but I don't see Columbia brining Tom or George in since this title didn't make it's budget back via theatrical, and was only a modest hit on VHS and DVD. I am sure Tom and George also would like to get paid for their time and a lot of studios don't want to pay for stuff like that, case in point TROTLD, MGM screwed Dan O'Bannon out of money from the first DVD release of that film, and when it came to doing the 20th Anniversary and Collector's edition DVD's Dan wouldn't participate until he got paid. Even Jewel shepard went on record saying she wouldn't do the interviews or the commentary with the cast because the studio wouldn't even cover travel costs. She was one of the cast who lived outside of LA.

    What we do know and a majority of us agree on is that the transfer sucks and something is rotten in the state of denmark, and it ain't Romero's rotting corpses.

    Also, For the record... people are also complaining about sound issues with the gunfire, and chambering of rounds. Towards the end credits when cooper runs out of ammo the sound of the gun going click click click because he is out of bullets the click is very faint.
    Thanks for that.
    I work in retail and deal with quality assurance, customer service, PR, complaints etc and i find it hard to be believe that somebody would really do this as a cash grab. The damage to your reputation alone makes it a non-starter for what is only $90,000 gross. The actual profit at source will be massively less. Its just not worth it.

    Someone is definately gonna get the bullet over this.
    Last edited by kidgloves; 30-Sep-2012 at 09:10 PM. Reason: dp
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  2. #47
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    Thanks for that.
    I work in retail and deal with quality assurance, customer service, PR, complaints etc and i find it hard to be believe that somebody would really do this as a cash grab. The damage to your reputation alone makes it a non-starter for what is only $90,000 gross. The actual profit at source will be massively less. Its just not worth it.

    Someone is definately gonna get the bullet over this.
    I dunno about that... Some people are claiming Savini always wanted the film to look darker, that he hated a lot of footage and wanted to reshoot a lot of Day for Night shots, which makes no Sense because with the filtering it has now it looks more day for night than it did before.

    You can't even discuss this on TT's FB page the trolls come out in force, those who support the release. It makes me think... Are you fucking blind? You think this looks good, but when you see their ages you realize they never saw the true representation of the film on the screen so to them it fits in with todays Blu Horror look.
    Last edited by DjfunkmasterG; 30-Sep-2012 at 09:32 PM. Reason: blubed
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  3. #48
    Being Attacked

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    I dunno about that... Some people are claiming Savini always wanted the film to look darker, that he hated a lot of footage and wanted to reshoot a lot of Day for Night shots,
    From the NOTLD DVD special features:

    Patricia Tallman: "When we started filming, we started with the beginning of the script which was the graveyard scene. This was spring time in Pittsburgh. We wanted to have the gloomy, rainy, kind of thing going on which I believe is the way it is in the original. Instead we had these glorious sunshiney blue days with birds chirping in the background. Its not scary at all. But in the end, Tom *Savini* LOVED it. Because it was the Opposite. It was the opposite of what you expected...and thats what he kept doing in that scene."

    It just doesn't "feel" right to me, I know that birds don't chirp loudly at dusk where I live. I don't want to give them any ideas though, because maybe they'd actually reissue it, but with the only change being crickets dubbed in over the birds.

    Also, there are shadows that are congruent with the objects that block the sun, which wouldn't be evident at dusk. There are also scenes where the sun is visibly beaming down on Ben and Barbara, even though it is made to appear as "dusk". It is also evident in the darkened indoor scenes that the sunshine was quite intense outside as could be seen through the open back door.

    There is a scene where Barbara is at the front of the house, and about to go check around the back and you can see white puffy clouds in a blue sky, all darkened of course.

    The most glaring thing however is the creepy little montage after those darkened scenes that shows the transition to night time. This transition kind of loses its effectiveness in this BLUE Ray.

    I am seeing people say that they prefer this version, and that it works better for the film, but when you take everything that I mentioned into account, how does it work? How can anyone prefer the detail that is lost in the process?
    Last edited by AnxietyDilemma; 01-Oct-2012 at 09:39 AM. Reason: additional points

  4. #49
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    yep, a little disappointed with this odd coloring technique they employed....a friend from work and his gf come over for movies usually once a week and i'd planned to use this blu-ray to introduce them to NotLD 1990...but now i'm thinking i may just use the dvd. i plan to email the company and voice my displeasure...not sure i'd want to return it for a refund, but if they did a PROPER release, i'd gladly trade this copy back in.

  5. #50
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Well professor, they are supposed to talk with the studio this week, so we shall see.
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  6. #51
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Wow, guys! Talk about BLU-ray!

  7. #52
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Yes Ned. .I acknowledge your clever use of the situation to form a series of witty double entendres. The fact that the screen is blue and the media is Bluray is a smorgasbord of untapped comedy gold, and I applaud your ability to capitalize on it.
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  8. #53
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    and if it was RED US HD DVD's fans woul dhave been having a bigger blast with it.
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  9. #54
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I was just reading on the forums that Savini has approved this transfer. So even if TT is nice and allows customers to return them for a refund, it looks like we won't be getting a better Blu Ray release anytime soon.

    There are also quite a few more screen cap comparisons over there: and on the AVS forums. How Savini or anyone else could be happy with that is beyond me. Unless they're just blind....
    Last edited by bassman; 02-Oct-2012 at 08:04 PM. Reason: .

  10. #55
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Well, I wouldn't be happy with the bluray transfer... I'd rather watch my old DVD I'm afraid
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  11. #56
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    I was just reading on the forums that Savini has approved this transfer...How Savini or anyone else could be happy with that is beyond me. Unless they're just blind....

    Bass and/or others tuned into this: can you tell me if they (Twilight Time) are officially saying the bluing of the film is purposeful to add a heavier nighttime effect to the film and turn the daylight shots to a perceived nighttime oriented timeline for most/all of the film? It's hard to tell from the 240+ pages of conversation on that forum and I actually like the color and picture quality of my DVD, so the very idea is off putting to me.

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  12. #57
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Highdefdigest dont like it either

    Whatever (and whoever) caused this, all that matters is that once it's seen, it can't be unseen. It's also odd that skin tones return to normal once night truly begins. Am I happy with the product I paid a handsome fee for? Honestly, no. The product inside this expensive package belongs in a budget bin, not a high end collector's line.
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  13. #58
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Aces - From what i've seen, TT is playing the ol' "we're not sure and we're looking into it" card but at the same time posting up that Savini has approved the transfer(within the last day or so, no less - AFTER the discs were shipped to customers). Seems to me like they just dropped the ball and don't want to admit it.

  14. #59
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Savini approved this bugger up?! Really?! What's the man thinking?!

    A simple bit of colour correction to restore colours (e.g. Jaws), or blend matte paintings in with live action like you were never able to do before (e.g. Blade Runner) is where it should peak ... slapping a blu tint over the day scenes is just moronic, frankly. Not only that, but it messes with the long-established look and feel of the film itself - a film that has long been in the hearts of zombie fans around the world. You don't mess around with such things, you just don't.

    I hope all the people who bought this in true faith get their cash back, but damn, you'd be feeling properly gutted if you'd stumped up cash for one of those eBay copies!

  15. #60
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Does anyone have actual video of SAVINI approving this? I just can't buy he approved it. I'll accept it if he has, but he has lost a fan if he did. Thankfully I still have my DVD.
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