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Thread: World War Z (film)

  1. #721
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    If you're still incoherent and babbling in 1 week we'll have to consider putting you out of your misery
    Look at the flowers, Trin.

    I saw it the other week ... here's what I thought:

    I went into watching this flick (in its "extended" form) with my expectations at rock bottom after months of negative press and information and trailers in the lead-up to the initial release. Likewise with very mixed reviews coming from fellow zombie fans, I was preparing myself for an out-right calamity. Fortunately, it wasn't quite that bad - however, it was still a massively compromised hodge-podge of CGI, gargantuan plot holes, and leaps in logic that crumble what semblance of a narrative there is. Effectively a series of increasingly large scale set pieces, the film rushes to establish a 'family dynamic' to give Brad Pitt's Gerry something to fight for. Sadly, the film never earns the right to our emotions as it swiftly goes about throwing as much money at the screen as possible. The scale is impressive, but the running, jumping, screeching, twitching, 'zombies' look awful - it's CGI overload and groan-inducing "I Am Legend" style nonsense all-the-way. The 'ant hill' and 'fluid group dynamics' are just naff gimmicks as the CGI 'zombies' defy physical logic and the abilities of the human body.

    The third act - the much talked-about costly reshoots - is, by comparison to the rest of the film, evidently cheap. It's essentially twenty minutes creeping around an office building in Wales with an underwhelming biological discovery. Crammed-to-the-gills with moronic characters, idiotic decisions, and dodgy plotting, WWZ gives grand and entertaining spectacle, but the complete and utter trampling of the source text is unforgivable. Furthermore, swapping out the novel's shambling zombies for CGI runners is a slap in the face to the hardcore fans - you can't help but wonder if the filmmakers just weren't capable of 'making slow zombies scary' ... never mind that the book shows them exactly how to make it work (the Battle of Yonkers, anyone?), as well as the most popular show on Cable TV in America right now by the name of The Walking Dead.

    Lots of flash, lots of "BIG STUFF HAPPENING", but little thought throughout, and a fetid stench of a death by a thousand committee cuts. Sometimes alright, sometimes shite.

  2. #722
    Just been bitten zomtom's Avatar

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    I still don't understand all of the hate for this movie. I read the last two pages of this thread last night and was compelled to go downstairs and watch WWZ again. It's about my fourth time viewing it and I still really like it. Is it Dawn? No, but it still has that "something" which makes me enjoy it.

  3. #723
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by zomtom View Post
    I still don't understand all of the hate for this movie. I read the last two pages of this thread last night and was compelled to go downstairs and watch WWZ again. It's about my fourth time viewing it and I still really like it. Is it Dawn? No, but it still has that "something" which makes me enjoy it.
    Personally I don't hate it. It's just a shame it didn't live up to what the book suggested it could!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  4. #724
    Just been bitten zomtom's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Personally I don't hate it. It's just a shame it didn't live up to what the book suggested it could!
    But that is one of the problems!! I read the book and absolutely loved it. I also read plenty of reviews of the movie, and found it was nothing like the book. Okay; I can live with that!! I watched that movie with no expectations and allowed myself to just enjoy it. Too many people on this site have their minds set a certain way and if things change, they just automatically shut it down or go on the attack. It's their loss. Still, I can understand the disappointment. Who knows what the future holds. Maybe that huge epic is right around the corner. Who knew ten years ago we would have a zombie television series which was a huge hit today??!!

  5. #725
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zomtom View Post
    But that is one of the problems!! I read the book and absolutely loved it. I also read plenty of reviews of the movie, and found it was nothing like the book. Okay; I can live with that!! I watched that movie with no expectations and allowed myself to just enjoy it. Too many people on this site have their minds set a certain way and if things change, they just automatically shut it down or go on the attack. It's their loss. Still, I can understand the disappointment. Who knows what the future holds. Maybe that huge epic is right around the corner. Who knew ten years ago we would have a zombie television series which was a huge hit today??!!
    Sounds like all you're saying is that you liked the film and everyone who didn't is wrong. Sure there were some decent bits in the film.

    That said, to me WWZ failed on multiple levels.

    -The scope was nice, but got ugly with all the crazy super-leaping and column-forming zombies and related hokiness.

    -The zeds looked great up close during the few moments they weren't a blur, but were uninspired otherwise...they were merely effects in the film.

    -Poor, half-baked set pieces. The plane. Korea, which was pointless and seemed tossed in. Even Jerusalem, which had some okay ideas going for it and a plot specific reason for being in the film, seemed limp and rushed.

    -It failed as an adaptation of the source material. There's not getting everything out of the book, then there's dumping the book and name-raping the property. Sadly they went for the later and didn't give us anything close to the book in entertainment value.

    The budget for this film is in the area of 190 million...and the best this film can do is provide some cool clips for fan-made youtube videos and set the bar lower on big budget zombie film expectations.

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  6. #726
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    I would have found WWZ boring even if hadn't been an adaptation of a relatively popular book. Not sticking closer to its source material is the least of its problems.
    I have no problem with some mindless action films but not if I can't invest in any of the main characters whatsoever. The set pieces left me cold.
    In fact, whereas I managed to get to the end of Dawn04, I managed to fall asleep right after the aeroplane level (I'm not calling them 'scenes', this fim is a videogame). Did i miss anything spectacular?
    Last edited by krisvds; 14-Apr-2014 at 03:14 PM. Reason: .

  7. #727
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    Well kris, you missed 'gnashing teeth' zombie, which is by far the only memorable zed in the whole film. Felt rather Resident Evil, though. Yeah, flookers, I'm back. Anyway, I'll say it again. This movie is dung. Worst film I've ever seen in a theater. And I saw that stupid Star Wars Clones animated film in a theater (I know, the shame...). But yes, no, you missed nothing. In fact, it would've been better if you had seen none of it at all. It's an insult to any actual zombie fan. Rar rarr. I didn't like it. Boohoo. No, I'm over it... I've got the book. Better to buy the book again than watch the film.

  8. #728
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    Sorry to make it to the party late, Trin, as a fellow Merican, I might have to suggest to the club you give up your Bro card for that review of the movie. If they had made the zeds slow and perhaps followed the book just a little more I might want to see it again but not as it is now. AEights, great suggestions!
    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    Did you notice that the second they crashed in the UK that music took on a real 28 Days Later theme? I thought it was a neat little nod to 28DL.

    Best line of the film for me...

    (South Korean Military outpost...)

    Brad: "How did you stop them?"

    Army Guy: "Expenditure of ammunition"

    (...Which is pretty much the only way to stop those WWZ/28DL/Dawn 04 type of fuckers IMO).

  9. #729
    Just been bitten DayoftheZ's Avatar

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    I have just got Sky Movies so have finally watched this.

    If ever there is a below par episode of The Walking Dead, I will think back to this film and all will be fine again. Beyond that I shall say no more, because I was taught if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all!!

  10. #730
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DayoftheZ View Post
    I have just got Sky Movies so have finally watched this.

    If ever there is a below par episode of The Walking Dead, I will think back to this film and all will be fine again. Beyond that I shall say no more, because I was taught if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all!!
    Did you like the squeaky bikes? So for some reason they all had to cycle to the plane on bikes, while Mr Soldier just got in a nice big safe truck and drove there!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  11. #731
    Just been bitten DayoftheZ's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Did you like the squeaky bikes? So for some reason they all had to cycle to the plane on bikes, while Mr Soldier just got in a nice big safe truck and drove there!
    Not even a little bit!!

    I have seen some terrible films in my time but WWZ its near the top of the list. I have never read the books so had very limited knowledge of the story and low expectations and I would sill rate it 3/10. I though Brad Pitt was reasonable as the leading man and the shambling walkers in the lab in wales were creepy (until they screamed. Seriously what noise was that!!) The movement and super human mechanics just had me shaking my head and laughing!!!

    Needless to say the fact it was the first film I had watched since ordering Sky Movies I was regretting subscribing instantly.


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