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Thread: TWD 5x03 "Four Walls And A Roof" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

  1. #61
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    I guess they were supposed to do what with Gareth and co.? Torture them for the sake of satisfaction or some twisted sense of justice? Yeah, that usually works out real well for the people who commit and witness such acts after the fact, sort of like an anti-team building exercise.
    It kind of reminded me of a video from Mexico I watched where lower level cartel thugs killed a whole slew of people at the same time with assorted weapons. They all started at the same time, and it was brutal. I'm also sure it will be done to them eventually, probably by the rival gang that they had done it to. An endless cycle...
    That being said, TWD gang could've at least stuck some firecrackers up their butts and lit them.
    We want vengeance, we want blooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.
    I j/k, bee tee dubs.
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  2. #62

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    Completely support and agree with Team Rick's heated massacre of the Terminians. You try to hurt/kill a person's family and close friends, with malicious premeditation, you shouldn't be surprised that however "civilized" the person(s) might be in "normal" life, that the inner barbarian within us all will come to the forefront and do whatever is necessary to eliminate the threat to one's self and family. I guess I could understand Sasha, Glenn and Maggie (in particular) being somewhat thrown after the fact...we all hug certain elements of self-deception close, and the massacre of the Terminians quite probably cast those self-deceptions into sharp relief. Rather than stick it out and face that, it was easier and much more comfortable to simply put a lot of distance between themselves and the place where it all went down.

    Although I agree with whoever said that it didn't make a lot of sense for Abraham to be in such a rush to leave once the immediate threat which had lead to him wanting to move out in the middle of the night was eliminated. Given that a bit earlier in the night all of Team Rick had agreed to go to would've thought a military man would have considered sacrificing 24-48hrs inside a defensible structure and with no immediate threat at hand a small price to pay in exchange for gaining 6 more veteran combatant-survivors. In fact, lacking anything remotely resembling recent intelligence concerning either the areas through which they intend to pass on the way to D.C, and D.C itself, it only makes sense to go with as strong a force as can be mustered.

    Put another way: Where's the upside of rushing off with just the 6 of them in the bus, when waiting in a well-secured church for one or two more days would CERTAINLY DOUBLE the size of the group headed to D.C? It just doesn't make any sense, so it comes of feeling like the writer-contrived excuse to split the group up that it is.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm REALLY enjoying this Season. Yet the # of highly visible applications of writer-fiat seems to be reaching an all-time high. That's bad, because it denotes a certain kind of intellectual laziness on the part of the writers.

    Just my opinion. As always your may vary wildly and still be all good.

  3. #63
    Just been bitten Christopher Jon's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post it comes of feeling like the writer-contrived excuse... denotes a certain kind of intellectual laziness on the part of the writers
    That applies to nearly everything that happens in The Walking Dead.

    Teenagers in slasher movies who explore dark basements alone after the power has gone out have more common sense than Rick and Company.

    Abraham comes off as the worlds greatest chairborn ranger. Probably a 02G or similar MOS.

  4. #64
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Well spoken Wylde. Now this next question is a little late in the week and its just for fun. All circumstances are the same but Dale is alive and with team Rick. Does he argue with the church massacre?

  5. #65
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Well spoken Wylde. Now this next question is a little late in the week and its just for fun. All circumstances are the same but Dale is alive and with team Rick. Does he argue with the church massacre?

    Tyreese is the new moral compass of the group.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  6. #66
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Well spoken Wylde. Now this next question is a little late in the week and its just for fun. All circumstances are the same but Dale is alive and with team Rick. Does he argue with the church massacre?
    Oh good lord. TV Dale's fishing hat woulda blown clear off his head. Now COMIC Dale...

    Comic Spoiler:
    was the "Tainted Meat" special! There was no "Bob" in the comics. Herschel inherited the 1st half of Dale's story arc (losing a leg) & Bob the 2nd & final arc
    So I don't think he would have argued against.
    Last edited by MoonSylver; 02-Nov-2014 at 03:24 PM. Reason: .


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