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Thread: What do you Americans make of this Trump derangement syndrome (TDS)?

  1. #61
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    These types of threads brings out the worse in everyone. Best it gets shit canned sooner rather than later.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  2. #62
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    Alright, maybe you don't understand what "shifting the goal posts" means? Or maybe I don't... Sorry. Yes, Trump won the electoral vote. Which is not a democratic system. So, if he wishes to represent a democracy, then in theory he would personally hold more regard for the popular vote, than the electoral college. Yet he did not. For he has no honor, nor high ideals. But perhaps this is mere spurious mud-slinging, baseless and biased. But yes, let us not get side-tracked.

    I'm curious how you don't find Trump to be very imperialist. Would you care to elaborate?

    ...Why should I do something for you that the dictionary has already done? I call him one because he has friends who are. He does not ostracize these men (and it's mostly men, isn't it?), nor does he lambast their detestable beliefs publicly, as a moral person might do. For this, I damn him. As would, I imagine, most who have standards and regard for others.

    ...Continuing on from that, why should my false claims about a demonstrable racist and evil man in general (since there are plenty of just as bad if not worse proven facts about the man I've not even brought up yet... many in fact) be of any concern to you? Am I a trusted news media source? What power do I personally have to influence public opinion, beyond my handful of facebook friends and other virtual strangers online? "Do it properly"? Fine, I'll throw a milkshake on him, shall I? Get murdered by the secret service. Sounds great. What did I personally make up out of thin air? I can't think of anything. Please again, if you wish, elaborate and I can address this concern.
    You are incorrect. The electoral vote is a democratic system. Representative democracy is also a form of democracy.

    Re: Imperialism
    Trump is an anti-interventionist. That term stands in opposition to imperialism.

    You can slander Trump all you want. But you have to expect your arguments to be met with counter-arguments. My motives are irrelevant, I simply want an accurate and civil debate. If you label someone a fascist and imperialist, you have better be prepared to explain why.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 11-Jul-2019 at 10:55 AM. Reason: fdsfds

  3. #63
    Banned User

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    You are incorrect. The electoral vote is a democratic system. Representative democracy is also a form of democracy.

    Re: Imperialism
    Trump is an anti-interventionist. That term stands in opposition to imperialism.

    You can slander Trump all you want. But you have to expect your arguments to be met with counter-arguments. My motives are irrelevant, I simply want an accurate and civil debate. If you label someone a fascist and imperialist, you have better be prepared to explain why.
    ...So, an oligarchy is to you, democracy as well then? ...May I ask why? Do you not trust the popular vote? Regardless, like many things in my country's government, the electoral college needs to be abolished. We don't own slaves anymore, after all... Or do we?

    .........What? You're going to have to go into much greater detail here for me to understand what you mean, I'm afraid. How many troops has he pulled out of the Middle East, for example? Is he not attempting to intervene in the DPRK, etc.?

    And I will. Because he's horrible. I don't, because again, these are demonstrable facts about the individual in question. Unless you believe Breitbart or some shit. ...You are taking action, yet your motives are irrelevant? How can that possibly be? Is this centrist fence-sitting bullshit? Or just a convenient out for you, so that you don't have to self-crit, or take personal responsibility for anything? ...Again, this isn't a debate, so, not sure why you want to frame it as one. And I have explained why, as have all the major news outlets, and pretty much everyone else I know online. So, many people more qualified than me, basically. fdsfds


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