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Thread: Ahhh...Battlefield Vietnam...

  1. #61
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    That's a good plan there actually, with the uncappable base thingymajig ... didn't know you could drop vehicles, hmmm. Might give that a go today...

  2. #62
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    *pokes MZ and whispers 'hey, this tricky guy is gooood'*

    Yeah, I wonder if you could drop a jeep on top of a crane while you're up there? Might give that a go today..

  3. #63
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Now, prepare to sit down in shock, but not once today have I had time to play BF2! Been too busy today!

  4. #64
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Ok, that's just not right.

    I played the 'oil fields' maps last night and HOLY bajeezus was it insane! There's only 3 flags (each base and a 'center' flag in the middle of the map) - well, I managed to get the center flag and pushed the troops 'twards the enemies last flag.. that's when it got interesting.. I got blown out of my tank twice, and the third time I came back it was on foot and with a really pissed off attitude () I managed to get to the flag, and I was so bombarded by enemies that I emptied my MG, then my pistol, and then I had t whip out the knife 'cause I had NO time to reload - enemies kept coming and coming! Eventually, I got wasted and had to come back and do it again, but man talk about intense! When you have 5 guys running at you and you only have one clip left in your pistol, you really start getting tense as they close in..

    I still haven't had a chance to fire up the BF2142 demo, but I will soon.. I can't wait to see what kind of futuristic weapons there are in that bad boy..

  5. #65
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Played Dalian Plant again today, started out as commander, but my men were completely ignoring all my orders and were doing whatever they wanted despite my constant calls , so I went back to being one of the guys and stomped some ass.

  6. #66
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Played Dalian Plant again today, started out as commander, but my men were completely ignoring all my orders and were doing whatever they wanted despite my constant calls , so I went back to being one of the guys and stomped some ass.
    That maps class online,the chinese have that airfield right at the top & you can sneak round as sniper & pick off all the wannabe pilots from the far end of the runway some servers dont like it & accuse you of "baserape" but i think its a good way of keeping the enemy from having air superiority

  7. #67
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Hmmm ... I think one of us has the wrong map name as I certainly don't recall an airbase on Dalian Plant (or what I at least believe to be Dalian Plant - the first of the official BF2 maps). The one I'm on about has a big crane in the middle as well as one (or two?) cooling towers nearby. Four bases in all, all are cappable.

  8. #68
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Hmmm ... I think one of us has the wrong map name as I certainly don't recall an airbase on Dalian Plant (or what I at least believe to be Dalian Plant - the first of the official BF2 maps). The one I'm on about has a big crane in the middle as well as one (or two?) cooling towers nearby. Four bases in all, all are cappable.
    Aah yes your right there,my mistake!the one i was thinking about is the qatar oilfields one!although when playing dalian plant on a 32 or 64 player online map,it has an uncappable airfield for the chinese at the top,behind the mountains,& an uncappable aircraft carrier for the USMC out at sea

  9. #69
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Yeah, the more players, the more the map is opened up. He's right there, MZ.

    Y'know what's funny? After I capped that last flag (oil fields map), I had to hunt down the remaining enemies and kill 'em off before they capped another flag and allowed more to spawn. Well, there was only ONE person left on the enemies team - and I spent what felt like 5 or so minutes scouring the map to find him....

    ...only to find out the bastard was flying a helicopter!

    So I blew him outta the sky with a tank's machine gun.

  10. #70
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Ah yes, I'd forgotten you can extend the size ... not sure how to do it with the official maps, but a lot of the ones I downloaded are bigger ones or you can choose the size (16, 32, 64).

    Will have to try some of these maps out on the bigger version, give another new layer to sniff around on BF2.

    Lou - indeed, tracking down those odd pesky bastards after you've got the final flag can be a tricky thing, as well as tense, it's like an episode of 24 - you've simply GOT to get the job done NOW! So it's best to get one of those fast jeeps and tear-arse around.

    Actually, I did that once on that oil field level (official level #2), finally managed to chip away at the bad guy's base and had to hunt down the last couple of gits ... but running them over at speed - oh the fun.

  11. #71
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Yeah, running over your opponent at full speed in a jeep (or hell, even in a tank) is good fun! Sometimes they jump out of the way those buggers...

    Oh, and MZ, you'll be happy to know now that i have the controls down right now - forcing the driver of a tank out so I can take over works good now. w00t!

    I dunno, I must've been trying to use the keys for BF1942 or Q4 or one of the other 100 games I play.

    Off to the battlefield!

  12. #72
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Here's a question - how do you change the size (16, 32, 64) of the maps in the game? I was trying to play either 32 or 64 on Dalian Plant - or heck, ANY of the official levels - but I couldn't figure out how to change the number...any help? Tricky? Lou?

  13. #73
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Sheeit, i'm the dumbass who couldn't figure out how to push the AI outta the drivers position in tanks and couldn't figure out the single player game for a while, and you're asking ME?!

    tricky may know the answer to this one, but I don't. I usually just stick to the defaults and pray I don't get my ass handed to me in the game.

    There's not an option in the setup for # of players? There was in BF1942, but I haven't noticed it in BF2 - but of course I haven't really dove head-first into all the options ('cept to turn off that annoying music and remap all the keys. )

    Speaking of remapping the keys - I'm not sure if this is something I do out of habit or not, but my Quake4 friend once taught me that W, S, A & D are nice for controls, but get this: if you shift the keys over one key and use E, D, S & F, then you can remap the W, A, & Z buttons for weapons. See, in Quake, you don't have time to 'scroll' through your weapons, and to instantly choose a weapon it's like BF - you press 1, 2, 3, or 4. The problem is, those keys are kind of a distance away - and in Quake4 tournaments, even 1/10th of a second could mean the difference between life and being fragged, so I remap W, A, Z, R, T, & G as weapons I want to whip out in a seconds notice. It's much quicker to hit a single key to pull out a new weapon than it is to try and scroll through your weapons while the enemy is bearing down on your position - and when the keys you need to press are right next to your movement keys, it makes you extremely dangerous.

    it requires you to remap some other keys too in BF2, but in my opinion it's well worth it. Those few tenths of a second you save sometimes mean the difference between victory and defeat.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 10-Oct-2006 at 12:13 PM.

  14. #74
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    lol, that's some crazy key mapping I tell thee, I think I'll stick with trusty old WSAD (I used to use the arrow keys until a friend in high school entrusted me with the WSAD knowledge when I was playing the original Counter Strike back in the day).

    I just stick to using the number keys to select weapons, never bother scrolling - the scroll button on my infra-red mouse is such a 'tard, half the time it'll scroll in the opposite direction to what you are actually doing - no idea why, wearing out? It's a pain in the ass for scrolling through word documents I tell you...

    Dang, will have to wait till Tricky gets online to tell me how to change the map sizes (16, 32, 64)...

  15. #75
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    yeah, it's not something that's easy to get used to when you re-map the entire keyboard, but it comes in handy. Not so much in BF2, but in Quake4 it's a necessity if you want the 'edge' over your opponent. tenths of seconds count in Q4, so you better be prepared - and even then you'll get your ass handed to you. I know I do, and I consider myself decent at Q4!


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