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Thread: 3rd Episode - Tell it to the frogs

  1. #61
    Twitching BillyRay's Avatar

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    Fair enough, but you gonna get 'et....
    Those aren't real problems, Sam.

  2. #62

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    I hit enter after every sentence because it's the way I prefer to see text laid out.
    Sorry if it's hard to read.
    I'll start hitting enter twice to end paragraphs.
    I assure everyone I'm not this kotrick fella!!
    EVEN if it got her out of there and lead to her staying alive... I do not care. I am only addressing what is right. It is right that you or I make our own decisions and those decisions are based off the truth no matter the circumstance.
    That's fine, not telling you what to think or judging you.
    I just think that the survival of Lori and Carl is more important than Lori having the luxury of making her own choice, when in all probability from their POV Rick was already dead.

    Why rush in to a losing situation that will likely kill everyone just to preserve some feeling of "fairness"?
    Why is that fairness worth everyones life?
    Ya think if Rick came out of the hospital only to find his wife/kid/best friend either covered in sheets or zombified that the idea that at least Lori got to choose would offer any consolation?

    I don't know...
    In my mind survival is the most important thing, not fairness.
    I also think that's the difference between life and death in this scenario.
    So hey, if you're more concerned with fairness that's fine.
    I don't fault you for it.
    But personally I'd rather be alive without a sense of fairness than a zombie that got a fair shake or a pile of grissle leftover from a feast.
    And if someone has to lie to my family about me being dead in order to save their lives, I would hope they'd do so!

  3. #63
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    This series seems to be bringing a lot of emotions out of people.
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  4. #64

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
    Honestly I didn't miss your point at all. I get it, you feel that Shane may have made the right decision, and I am saying I disagree with you and at no point is it right for a man to make a decision for another person regarding their family. There is nothing missed here just two people who disagree.
    Actually, I DON'T think Shane did the right thing. Morally I think it was a bastard thing to do, and if he ever pulled something like that with my wife and kids I'd do my best to make him swallow his teeth and pee blood out his ass. Then I'd get to the really unpleasant stuff.

    But no matter which decision I would have made if I was in that position, I could have lived with the decision for my children's sake if nothing else. Could Lori have? Honestly, from what we've seen so far, I kind of doubt it. If that's the case and Shane knew this...well, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not sure what the right call is there. I guess it comes down to if keeping Lori and Carl alive was enough to justify lying to them. Comparitive morality wasn't never my strong suit in college.

    I'm just saying that Shane wasn't necessarily wrong, or maybe more accurately, that there may not have been a right or wrong answer, just really muddled shades of gray.

  5. #65

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    This series seems to be bringing a lot of emotions out of people.
    Funny how that happens...
    I think it's a testament to excellent character development on the part of the writers.
    They're invoking alot of emotion and it's working well to get people to actually care about these characters.

    I'm just saying that Shane wasn't necessarily wrong, or maybe more accurately, that there may not have been a right or wrong answer, just really muddled shades of gray.
    Well said...
    I'd just add that not only is it not right or wrong, but it's a difficult decision to make about a best friend, and there's not alot of time to make the decision.
    You make it and deal with the consequences.
    Last edited by babomb; 16-Nov-2010 at 10:22 PM. Reason: fun

  6. #66

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    All beside the point,
    Thorn is right. If at the end of having everything done FOR us (society/civilization) we do not retain whatever control over our destiny remains to us, and retain the freedom to choose as our hearts, minds and souls/essence/guts dictate, then SURVIVAL IS IRRELEVANT.

    Ben Franklin said: "A society willing to exchange freedom for security is deserving of neither." This statement holds true on the individual scale even more so. If Survival becomes your Holy Grail, to the point you turn over all free will and personal responsibility to someone who you either give that responsibility to, or who takes it of their own initiative "for your own good" you are NOW LIVESTOCK.

    In essence, anyone who looks at what Shane did and believes it to be Good because Lori and Carl are still alive, when it all comes crumbling down I wish folks like you were wearing some identifying insignia, so I'd know who to use as meatshields to bypass zombies, and who not to exert the tiniest effort saving, because you have zero worth as humans. Because, end of the day, you are no longer human in just as profound a way as the zombies.

    Now, as for Shane: Shane is RELISHING his control over that group. In the name of "protecting them" he as assumed authority over 98% of every aspect of their entire lives. His confronting Ed over the fire was not a dirty job he recognized needed doing and did out of a sense of duty or moral obligation. It was a demonstration of his control, capped off with a twisted version of a phrase he used as a cop. "I appreciate your co-operation" means JACK & SHIT when the sentence before that was something along the lines of "Do you really want to get into it with me full-on right now Ed?" That was the bigger gorilla not-so-subtly reminding the less dominant gorilla "Comply or I feed you your guts."

    Second, Shane was NOT happy to see Rick return. His face has a flat affect, and is very sulky, UNTIL Rick looks in his direction. As Rick begins his turn, Shane plasters what I'm sure was the old familiar "Hey Buddy" smile Rick would recognize on his face, lying to Rick with his very expression.

    Need proof of this? How about Shane up on the RV roof staring daggers at the camper that Lori is inside of w/ Rick and Carl. That's an angry man, feeling wronged and bitter. Not a man feeling even the SLIGHTEST BIT good his alleged "best friend" is still alive. His focus was 100% on the "loss" of Lori and Carl to him.

    More proof? When Lori tells him her and her family are off-limits to Shane from now on, he goes into the whole "That isn't really fair, Rick's my best friend bit." Only when his connection to Rick can be perceivably useful to Shane as Lori is slamming the door definitively to shut him out does Shane go there. Yes it IS FAIR, Rick his supposed best friend, that SHANE CHOSE to lie about being dead to Rick's wife, doesn't now want to accept the consequences of that lie coming back to cost him. All of a sudden "It's not fair."

    Where was Shane's concern for how unfair it was to SEIZE the decision about the future of her husband and father of her child. Or how unfair it was of him to make her feel awkward and/or embarrassed or even ashamed that she was wearing the locket and Rick's wedding ring on a chain until she took it off? How about how unfair it was to Lori, that as a cop with every reason to understand that women that have suffered a spouse's loss to violence are vulnerable, does he take what MIGHT have begun as a one-time mistake in the heat of and pain of the moment and push it into an ongoing sexual/romantic relationship that includes stepping in as Carl's father-figure, less than a MONTH after Lori had suffered that loss?

    How about how unfair it was to Carl? Shane's sneaking around with his mother, but behaving as his "Uncle Shane", a father figure he looks to for strength and stability in the wake of the most devastating thing that can happen to a child, the loss of a parent. Why were they sneaking around? Because even Lori knew Carl would never accept that, not yet anyways. We see how raw and open Carl's wounds still are when he sees loved ones and a father being reunited with his family upon the return from Atlanta and he begins to freely cry (something boys that age are LOATHE to do in front of adult men unless they are fucked up enough to wipe the thought of being embarrassed about their tears clean from their head.)

    Unfair to Shane? No, actually it was EXACTLY what Shane deserved. To have his ill-gotten gains seized from his clutches, his position as tyrant eroded by the addition of a man able to stand up to him who won't stand for it for long, and his hopes and feelings crushed as surely as the hopes and feelings he crushed of his own free will.

    Looks a lot more to me like justice than unfairness.

    No, Shane doesn't have a shred of decency about him. Ask yourself this: Do you genuinely believe he would serve that group as protector had the group insisted on one of the other men (or women) being its leader?

    In no universe can you credibly say you could swallow that. He'd strike out on his own, but more likely convince Lori and Carl to come with him and leave the group. If someone else was the leader, he wouldn't have his need for control and dominance fulfilled. What do we see within HOURS of something not going his way? Shane transfers his frustration, bitterness and jealousy onto Ed and savagely beats him as a stand-in for Rick. Again, he didn't much give a rat's ass about what Ed had been doing behind closed doors. Only the public setting allows Shane to exert the power he craves. Only when it suited HIS needs did he do anything about Ed.

    Shane is more dangerous to that group than a few hundred Walkers right now. The only thing keeping him going is the cherished hope that this time Rick won't come back.
    Last edited by Wyldwraith; 16-Nov-2010 at 10:22 PM. Reason: More to say

  7. #67
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    You could be right Wyld. And you could not. That's what's great, is that there's enough subtlety & subtext that you COULD interpret the characters motivations a couple different ways. I don't agree with Shane's actions. I don't believe his motives are 100% pure. But I also think, IN HIS MIND, he thinks he's doing the "right" thing. "He protected Lori & Carl", "He provided protection & leadership for a group that would have turned on themselves if it hadn't been for him. Somebody HAS to be strong, to maintain Order." This is how I think HE sees it.

    As I've already said, just because somebody is a bad guy doesn't mean they're a Bad Guy, capital BEE capital GEE, if that makes sense. This isn't Doctor Doom or Snidely Whiplash. It's a pretty compelling portrait, of a flawed, corrupt, unstable human being. Which makes it that much scarier IMO.

  8. #68
    Just been bitten Gryphon's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by BillyRay View Post
    Rick's headstrong, and always tries to do the Right Thing, regardless of consequence. That's hard to deal with when you're keeping the Home Fires Burning, waiting for the worst phone call in the world to come.
    Yeah Rick definitely has a hero complex, which is good for a leader in a world where the dead get up and wanna eat you. That's a guy I wanna have at my back.

    As far as Lori, well... she did marry a cop. And if she didn't want to fear that "worst phone call in the world," she should have married an accountant Cops' wives worth anything should already be prepared for that call, especially if their husband is as good and heroic a man as Rick is.

  9. #69

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    In essence, anyone who looks at what Shane did and believes it to be Good because Lori and Carl are still alive, when it all comes crumbling down I wish folks like you were wearing some identifying insignia, so I'd know who to use as meatshields to bypass zombies, and who not to exert the tiniest effort saving, because you have zero worth as humans. Because, end of the day, you are no longer human in just as profound a way as the zombies.
    That's cute how you get to decide the worth of people based on reactions to a fictional character in a setting where not only is all the information not given, a lot of it is purposely hidden.

    Here's the reality of war: wars are won by the people that are willing to de-humanize everything and look at it strictly by the numbers. They are won and lost on resources. Lives are knowingly lost to gain territory and number superiority, and the needs of the few are completely outweighed by the needs of the many. That's not conjecture, that's not opinion, that's history. He who makes the best decisions with the resources available to him wins the war. Sacrificing one life for two is logically the correct thing to do.

    There is, however, a big difference between the "correct" thing and the "right" thing. I certainly wouldn't have made the same choice as Shane. Truth be told I'm not sure what I would have done, but I certainly wouldn't have told a woman that her husband was dead when that wasn't the case, no matter what the stakes. It's not in my personality, and it's one reason why I would never lead men into war (that, and nobody in their right mind would trust me with a tank).

    One of the most prominent themes in The Walking Dead is how people like Rick can make decisions that are morally attrocious and yet are for the good of the group. For example, Rick coldly shoots a defenseless man in the head because he probably would be a danger to the group (in the comics, of course). Is that the "right" thing to do? Of course not, calculated murder is never morally right. Is it the "correct" thing to do to end the life of an individual to protect the group as a whole? One life for many more, yep, it sure is.

    You quoted Benjamin Franklin, but for every Franklin there was a Washington sending men off to die in Virginia. The needs of the many put over the needs of the few.

    Nobody said that what Shane did was "Good" simply because Lori and Carl survived. It doesn't exactly make him the spawn of Satan, either. If Shane made the choice to tell Lori that Rick was dead and it wasn't for alterior motives, if it was only because he judged it to be the only way to keep Lori and Carl alive, then you simply can't judge that act as bad or evil or wrong or whatever. There is no black or white in situations like that.

    I want to stress that I'm arguing for this decision only. What Shane does afterward, especially when it's known that Rick is alive, isn't something that I support whatsoever. And if it's revealed that he told Lori that Rick was dead for any other reason than to keep her and Carl alive, then nothing I've been arguing applies. We won't know that for sure until the next episode.

  10. #70

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    In essence, anyone who looks at what Shane did and believes it to be Good because Lori and Carl are still alive, when it all comes crumbling down I wish folks like you were wearing some identifying insignia, so I'd know who to use as meatshields to bypass zombies, and who not to exert the tiniest effort saving, because you have zero worth as humans. Because, end of the day, you are no longer human in just as profound a way as the zombies.
    In other words there's only 1 way to see this, the way you laid out, and if you think otherwise you should be the 1st to die?
    You're condemning folks with a differing POV over TV characters.
    You're in essence committing the same atrocities you're condemning others for.
    It's a capital offense to lie to someone to save their life, but it's perfectly OK to throw others to their death because they have a different POV than you?

    Second, Shane was NOT happy to see Rick return. His face has a flat affect, and is very sulky, UNTIL Rick looks in his direction. As Rick begins his turn, Shane plasters what I'm sure was the old familiar "Hey Buddy" smile Rick would recognize on his face, lying to Rick with his very expression.
    That's your interpretation.
    I didn't see the same thing.
    I saw a man shocked to see his friend, and then a feeling of guilt washed over him over the decision he made regarding his friends life.
    Like I said, you make the decision and deal with the consequences.

    No, Shane doesn't have a shred of decency about him.
    That's another opinion.
    I think you're making that judgement very prematurely.

    Do you genuinely believe he would serve that group as protector had the group insisted on one of the other men (or women) being its leader?
    Yes, I do. Nobody is deciding on who's the leader, people are stepping up to offer what they can bring to the table. I don't remember a vote in the comics.
    Shane is an alpha male, he's not a tyrant. There hasn't been anything to suggest that Shane has appointed himself protector, but he was a cop so that role probly comes naturally. Everything he gets on people about makes sense. He's trying to make sure everyone adheres to rules that they all probly agreed on.
    Who should've been the leader before Rick got there? The Dixon bros?

    Unfair to Shane? No, actually it was EXACTLY what Shane deserved. To have his ill-gotten gains seized from his clutches, his position as tyrant eroded by the addition of a man able to stand up to him who won't stand for it for long, and his hopes and feelings crushed as surely as the hopes and feelings he crushed of his own free will.
    There's no evidence of this yet, only suspicion. And you're condemning a man simply because you have a hunch, or a pre-existing prejudice because of something personal.
    How do you justify that?

    Only the public setting allows Shane to exert the power he craves. Only when it suited HIS needs did he do anything about Ed.
    Shane confronts Ed about the log on the fire the night before he beats his ass.
    Ed needed to be put in check.

    Shane is more dangerous to that group than a few hundred Walkers right now. The only thing keeping him going is the cherished hope that this time Rick won't come back.
    Yeah, that's reflected perfectly when Shane tries to talk Rick out of going, and when he gives him rounds for his handgun.
    Yes it IS FAIR, Rick his supposed best friend, that SHANE CHOSE to lie about being dead to Rick's wife, doesn't now want to accept the consequences of that lie coming back to cost him. All of a sudden "It's not fair."
    That rides on the idea that all of your assumptions about Shane are correct.
    IMO, you're jumping the gun here.
    It always sucks to pay the fiddler though.
    And most people default to thinking it isn't fair, but you don't have to like the consequences you just have to deal with em.

    No offense to you, it would be totally stupid to get into a big argument over TV characters.
    But I really do think you're being way too emotional about this.
    Last edited by babomb; 17-Nov-2010 at 01:00 AM. Reason: more

  11. #71
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    *thinks of changing avatar pic to one of shane to see what sort of reactions he gets to his opinions...*

  12. #72
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    Yea, wow. Jesus Christ.

  13. #73
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Noob fight!!!!

  14. #74
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    I was going to come on and bitch about yet more cliched characters being intoduced to the show. I don't think I will now.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  15. #75
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    *thinks of changing avatar pic to one of shane to see what sort of reactions he gets to his opinions...*


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