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Thread: STALKER - Reviews

  1. #76
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    console max payne,red faction,half life,call of duty,the GTA series,wolfenstein,all auto aiming!some not quite as much as others,but all guided your aim in when you were pointing within the hit box of the enemy.
    Its annoying when playing online PC games and some people are using aimbots though,they get you before you even pull the trigger,battlefield 2 & counter strike are notorious for it
    I thought those aimbots had all pretty much been shut down now?
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  2. #77
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post

    Mind you, there was one point with a guy in a white hoody being held up at gunpoint by bandits who were demanding his credentials, but he didn't have them. I was gonna try and save him, tried for a headshot on one of the three baddies, but they killed the white hoodied guy anyway...I wonder how you can save that guy?
    he was probably just an eastern chav,so no harm done eh?

    @ neil,theres plenty of people using aimbots on battlefield 2,you run round a corner,someone does a roll then shoots,instant headshot and your down!now im pretty good at that game,i can seriously rack up some kills,but theres no way anyone can shoot that good!Ive seen a few other cheats being used there as well,such as the artillery hack where the enemy commander has control of your artillery as well as his own,and when he drops your arty on your team,you get punished for the teamkills

  3. #78
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Mind you, there was one point with a guy in a white hoody being held up at gunpoint by bandits who were demanding his credentials, but he didn't have them. I was gonna try and save him, tried for a headshot on one of the three baddies, but they killed the white hoodied guy anyway...I wonder how you can save that guy?
    I think the guy is just scripted to always get killed.

    I think I'm a bit ahead of you (haha!) but I've been doing alot of just running around and exploring. To get from point A to B takes alot of time in STALKER which is nice cause on the way you can stumble upon all sorts of adventures.

    I just met my first REAL mutants (none of those pig or dog freaks) and heck they're kinda scary. Once they chased me through some sewers and since they can turn invisible and I could pretty much not see a thing it was pretty creepy. They don't do much damage tho.

  4. #79
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    You talking about the bloodsuckers? Those sumbitches look scary.

    Speaking of mutants, aye, in the first part of the game you just come across other men or wild animals (who attack if they're hungry, neat addition), but I went down into this little section of basement underneath the Agroprom (sp?) type area, and it was just men ... but when I finally found my way out of there I was jogging over to the ladder (as the others were blocked) and then all of a sudden I hear this awful noise behind me, and it's this psychic monster thing, scared the living sh*t out of me, I had been through that entire underground area, and hadn't come across any monsters, so it freaked me out cos - WHERE THE F*CK WAS THAT THING HIDING?!!? ... was it WATCHING me whilst I trecked about?! *shivers* ... lurking in the shadows or some ****.

    Anyway, as it was doing it's weird mind-f*ck tricks on me I desperately struggled for the ladder and just managed to get the f*ck outta there, I was all panicked and desperately clicked on "YES!!!!" to load the next 'level' (i.e. going back outside again).

    I'm trying to find some information about this bloke you've gotta kill (as seen on your PDA from the very beginning), which is apparently in some cache of stuff, but there's like four of them in the area where it apparently is, so I'm running back and forth amongst a shedload of army blokes trying to find what I need, hehe.

    Also watched a new troop of soldiers march into an area I'd just attacked and wiped out the soldiers there, so I hid behind ... no, not a rock (Kevin Smith, ) ... a tree, fortunately they didn't spot me, but I ran away and straight into another three guarding the gate, haha, just barged it through.

  5. #80
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    There's something really strange about this game. The dark, underground tight corridors are actually... rather good? That's very hard to pull off, but STALKER did it. I was just in X16 and I loved it. Now I'm gonna go do some mindless tasks for awhile.

  6. #81
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I went down underneath the Agroprom (sp?) place recently, will be heading down there again to see out some documents or some stash - yeah, a stash, that's it...apparently Strelok's gang's stash I need to find.

    Anyway, when I first got down there I just went "woah" as I saw the circling light illuminating the area. Lovely, then got nearer and heard it rotating, squeaking away, fantastic atmosphere. The attention to sound detail (except for lip synch) is superb, true atmosphere. It's not obvious, it gets under your skin, it's almost subliminal.

    And yes, the underground areas are fantastic. True decay and true terror - see my comment about that psychic monster thingy.

    Just watched GamerTV and they had a review of it, clearly they didn't "get" the game (no doubt hardcore haters of the game from the off), they just moaned about how drab it was, as if saying it wasn't "fun, light and fluffy" enough - excuse-f*cking-me, it's based on a REAL tragedy, how on earth could you possibly make it all fluffy rabbits? F*cking numpties...

  7. #82
    Dead LoSTBoY's Avatar

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    Yay, there are actually zombies in this game!!

    It's when you go to the lap for the X18(That right?) Documents. You go to the yanvar(?) lake and they are stalkers/army guys who have been psi attacked by this thing in the compound next to the lake. They shuffle like zeds but they still use their guns, quite easy to sneak up on them and put a bullet in their heads.

    Lots of snorks about too, hate those guys.

    Wait till you get into the compound for the X18 documents, been the best one so far.

    The multiplayer is going to be excellent! All those places you can hide. Shame you can't lie down (as far as I know).

  8. #83
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I know, there's a strange lack of prone, but you get crouch ... and then a slightly lower crouch (WTF is that about?! ).

    Anyway, I went under Agroprom and finally found Strelok's stash, but my mind was getting f*cked with left, right and centre, then on my dashed way out I came across that psychic monster again, but he didn't leap around or try to attack me, he looked really tired, so I blasted him down. However, I came across my first bloodsucker ... I heard it (at the time "something") creeping around, I heard grunting, howling and general monstery noises, scared the turds out of me, then I had a battle with one. hehe.

    Anyway, I'm now chilling out at the 100 Rad bar, about to go off and fetch this blokes family gun in 'the wild zone' nearby, that'll be fun. Bought a load of info off this geezer selling it next to the barman/trader ... I certainly look forward to heading off to Yantar, go snooping around...nail me some zeds!

  9. #84
    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. got 9 out of 10 in GamesTM magazine. This is good because if it sells well then it's inevitable that a console version will be put together. Toppa notchas.

  10. #85
    Dead LoSTBoY's Avatar

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    I've just completed it, and I got a crap ending.

    I'm guessing it's because I rushed through it and didn't do a lot of the side missions. I never did find that guy you are meant to kill, I still had his flash drive when I completed it.

    As for my ending:
    I found the thing in the Chernobyl power plant which is meant to grant you a wish, I asked to be rich and gold started raining from the sky, but my guy is only hallucinating and some girders fall on him and kill him.

    I will have to go back to a previous save and work out what I'm meant to do with this flash drive.

    Still, excellent game, the Chernobyl map is going to be excellent for multiplayer.

    MZ, It took me ages to find that rifle(turns out to be a shotgun), you have to find a tunnel to get to it. You'll also find a good hand gun which uses rifle bullets.

  11. #86
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Do the endings happen as videos? I guess so ... I wonder if someone will put all the endings up on YouTube or something, cos annoyingly there aren't Bink files in the install folder ... also, no idea where my screenshots go, I went to the install folder but there's nout there.

    I'm doing as many side missions as possible, found the rifle, after spending ages snooping around above ground in a shed thingy, haha! Then thought - AHHHH, UNDER-F*CKING-GROUND!!! Grabbed it, and the pistol, noiiiice.

    Also got a nice Mercenery rifle.

    Gonna do as many side missions as possible so I explore the area as much as possible, might then go back to the Cordon and do some Sidrovich missions to extend it all out...gonna put some time into this game, trying to be a good STALKER and such, then when I replay it I'll be a complete and utter c*nt. ... wouldn't that be great as your reputation - "total c*nt".

    Did a favour for a guy in the bar (whose rifle I found) and killed some bloodsuckers in this crapped out village, that was kinda scary. Also I've come across zombie stalkers (the middle ground ones who can still use their guns anyway), there's another bloke who wants me to go get his f*cking gun in the dark valley, so I'll do that, check that place out, then I might go back to the Cordon and do some sh*t there, try and cover as much as possible in the outer limits before crossing into the North.

    How long did it take you to get to your first ending after powering through?

  12. #87
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    MZ, have you been in X18 yet, underneath Dark Valley? It's kinda creepy in there. I'm just about to head into X16, which is riddled with zombies. It's night here now, and I'm gonna play through it now for maximum effect.

    It's kind of interesting how we two played through the same events but in entirely different order. You already found the family rifle, I only accepted the mission and have yet to go look for it, but you haven't been in the Dark Valley yet which is a place I don't think I'm ever going back to this time around.

    Earlier I helped the Duty guys raid a Freedom base. That was nice. I pretty much do anything for money. But during the Freedom raid I got lots of cool ****, including a new assault rifle, a sniper rifle and a pump action shotgun. That made me bring out my old shells (i had hidden them in a pipe in Duty town) and it's really good against those jumping psycho zombies.

  13. #88
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Christ it cant be very big if you finished it so quick,even with rushing through!

  14. #89
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    SWEET! I wanna pump action, I'll blates sign up to the Duty folk in that case then, those Freedom folk are a bunch of hippies.

    Aye, off to Dark Valley for the first time soon, been hearing about this X18 thing, but was kinda confused what/where it was......anyway, it's a great game for exploring and it's so horrific when you think about it, I've had some proper scary moments, and I'm not even past the unexplored barrier yet!

    That is scary in itself, you have this map and there's all these icons on it (came in the "Radiation Pack" collector's edition thingy that I got) as it's explored territories, but there's this huge chunk which is not explored, and that's just scary in itself, "what the f*ck lives in there?!" you start thinking!

  15. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    Christ it cant be very big if you finished it so quick,even with rushing through!
    Yes, completion time is roughly 5-10 hours maximum.


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