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Thread: The Thing Prequel

  1. #76
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    i realize all that, dude. it's just that with so much focus on those sort of films, it leaves little room for the quality stuff that i prefer (the road, gran torino, there will be blood, etc - movies that focus on characters and plot more than explosions, trendy pop music, in-film advertising)...not really into the big summer blockbuster hype marketing bullshit they force on audiences each year.

    and TWD is a totally different beast, in my opinion. taking a serious approach to the living dead genre and gearing it towards mature audiences with a fairly new source material...compared to casting the newest hot young actors into reboots of comics movies that have been using ideas from comics dating back 50+ years...yeah, i'm talking about you spider-man reboot.

  2. #77
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    seriously, though, the movie industry has been totally dominated by comic-book movies for so long now....and as soon as the well dries up, they just do a reboot (spider-man, hulk, FF) and cast different actors, and idiots keep lining up to pay money to see the same thing.

    things like this are why i sometimes think a nuclear attack on the west coast would be a blessing...fucking greedy film execs just bending audiences over time and time again, using storylines and characters that are decades old...
    If the audiences keep dropping their pants and winking suggestively at hollywood, they deserve what they get.

    Time for the public to take a bit of responsibility and stop going to watch these awful films.

    As for The Thing prequel, I started having doubts the moment that a woman was cast...even though the original clearly states (as far as I remember) that it was an all male crew in the Norgie research station
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  3. #78
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    If the audiences keep dropping their pants and winking suggestively at hollywood, they deserve what they get.

    Time for the public to take a bit of responsibility and stop going to watch these awful films.

    As for The Thing prequel, I started having doubts the moment that a woman was cast...even though the original clearly states (as far as I remember) that it was an all male crew in the Norgie research station
    i've been preaching for at least 2 or 3 years about comic book movies being a huge hindrance in modern cinema and boycotting the fuck out of them and encouraging my friends/family to do the same. i really don't think i'm being elitist by expressing my opinion that most of these films are dismissible crap on celluloid, but seems the majority of the film-going public can't get enough of these stupid fucking re-hashed stories.

    as for the thing, i have my reservations about a woman being cast in it as well, since the research crew from the carpenter version discuss how many were present, look at the video tapes of the expeditions, read the log books, etc. as long as they can provide a believable explanation of sorts, i guess i'm okay with it....

    as long as the don't pull an AvP and have her be the only competent one in the group who ends up buddying up with the thing and shows them running down a hallway or something side by side....i swear, i almost threw up in my mouth when that part happened in AvP. not that women can't be action heroes, but goddamn, that particular shot of her and the predator running and you can see their silhouettes ruined that entire film and was so fucking forced and cheesy....

  4. #79
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  5. #80
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Why are they using the exact same title as Carpenter's flick? "From the producers of Dawn of the Dead" - well being that'll be the remake, that's not selling me on the flick. Also, why are they using an image - or a version of an image - from the Carpenter movie? Tag line is weak too.

  6. #81
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Tagline IS weak. I'm also worried about them using the same title as the original; I hope they didn't scrap the idea of doing a prequel and just do an all-out remake.

  7. #82
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    They claim they couldn't come up with a good prequel name, so they're just calling it The Thing as if its another part of Carpenter's film. It's still a prequel though. I'm still interested to see what they did, but it's looking more and more grim.

    The poster may not be anythign revolutionary, but I kinda dig it. At least it's not another floating head photoshop job like so many posters these days....
    Last edited by bassman; 12-Jul-2011 at 04:23 PM. Reason: .

  8. #83
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    True, those friggin' photoshopped posters featuring the cast's heads pasted curiously onto body doubles really annoys me - I long for the days of painted posters that captured the essence of a movie, rather than a very literal cast roll call.

    However, they could easily make the image much more striking and bolder-looking.

    As for a name for it, surely it needs a sub-title - perhaps a reference to a line of dialogue, or the name of the location (the Norweigian Camp), or some sort of 'theme' word(s) linked to the concept of the movie and the content ... having not read the script or seen the movie yet, I can't venture as to what you could possibly do, but I find it a bit dumb they couldn't think of anything half-decent for the title to separate it from Carpenter's superb film.

  9. #84
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I long for the days of painted posters that captured the essence of a movie, rather than a very literal cast roll call.
    Hell yeah! A nicely dramatic and stylized movie poster is a thing of beauty.

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  10. #85
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Hell yeah! A nicely dramatic and stylized movie poster is a thing of beauty.
    Indeed, Drew Struzan's poster for Carpenter's "The Thing" is wonderful - and it was done at the last minute, with next-to-no-knowledge of the movie itself, and yet it encapsulates the essence of the movie is a simple, striking image. There's an artistic subtlety to it (coupled successfully, with a striking sense of boldness), which is lacking from that teaser poster for this new movie.

  11. #86
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    If anyone could change the title, then what would it be called?

  12. #87
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slickwilly13 View Post
    If anyone could change the title, then what would it be called?
    "The Thing But Not The Thing"

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    "Kurt Russell's Awesome, Ain't He? Yeah ... He's Not In This Movie"

    "The Thing Movie That's Got A Girl In It"

    "Them Crazy Swedes"


    Seriously though, the American camp was "Outpost 31" - so the new movie could be "The Thing: NAME OF THE NORWEGIAN CAMP" ... 'Outpost 30', or whatever it was/might have been (can't find a reference to the name of that camp beyond "the Norwegian Camp".

  13. #88
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Well, depending on how the film works you could just call it Things.

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  14. #89
    Dead Rancid Carcass's Avatar

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    Or how about "Another Thing" - as a sort of nod to the original, plus it differentiates from Carpenters film.

    Or failing that: Thinglings (from space!)

  15. #90
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    The Thingamajig!!!
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