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Thread: does Land kinda blow?

  1. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by The Alive Man View Post
    Indeed, I'm gravely disappointed by that deal of "hate" surrounding the movie, especially if it comes from the fans.
    I think I'm gonna have to agree with you on that one.

  2. #77
    Dying The Alive Man's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Surely that's an odd statement, as the polls done about Land proved the majority like or love the film.

    The hatred comes from a minority (face it chaps, it's how it is).

    I hope so. I absolutely love the movie, it's my fave out of the Tetralogy.
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  3. #78
    Dead Mutineer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Indeed, Howard Sherman - but likewise, many fans liked or even loved Land. In both polls done last year/earlier this year the result was clear - more people were in favour than not.
    Sleightly skewed considering the Polls source (The Home Page of the Dead)

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    We're in agreement. Land turned out to be a joke. Even many Romero fans have acknowleged this.

    Here's a little FYI for you regarding the guy who played Bub. Something Sherman is his name. There's an episode of Seinfeld, The Junior Mints episode, to be exact, in which Elaine's ex-boyfriend is in the hospital. Well, the ex-boyfriend is played by the guy who played Bub.
    Awesome ! I remember this epsiode and have just now realized it was Bub; thanks !

    Quote Originally Posted by The Alive Man View Post
    Indeed, I'm gravely disappointed by that deal of "hate" surrounding the movie, especially if it comes from the fans.
    I just could not stand the film. I walked out almost embarrassed by it. The Dead Reckoning vehicle was just absurd, the Zombie's sucked, the story sucked, the ending sucked ...

    In the entire city, how come no one lived in all those sky scrapers ? There wasn't just ONE building. I was laughing out oud as they showed everyone living on the streets when there were hundreds of domains around them to live in.

    When the zombies attack Fiddler's Green; it was as bad as some 70's flick; shots of people 'frozen in fear' as the zombies burst in through the windows and doors and 'overrun' them.

    Just bad bad bad ....

    Romero has never grown as a filmmaker; his LAND looked and felt like DAY (Except DAY rules). From the opening shot of the zombies playing instruments and the young zombie couple holding hands .....

    The more I type, the more I get irritated !


    Just an opinion

  4. #79
    Dying The Alive Man's Avatar

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    LAND looks and sounds very modern and refreshing, still it's a very dark entry which retain all the "experimental" attributes of the series. ROMERO HAS GROWN, INDEED.

    On the top of that, BIG DADDY is great!
    "I'm not one of those things, baby. I like to consider myself as a milestone. If you can, well, just see me, hear me, kiss me or even fu*k me... and you'll know what it means to be living."

  5. #80
    Dead Mutineer's Avatar

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    You cannot even be serious !

    Possible jaded or myopic.

    LAND looked like it was shot in the 80's; the composition, the framing ....

    ROMERO has not grown at all (and never has been much a filmmaker anyways). In spite of him I love DAWN, DAY and NIGHT but I love it for the simple reason of 'Zombie Horror'

    LAND (It seems this is becoming my new mantra) belongs no where in the series.

    Big Daddy was a joke.

    (Opinion's are like ......... )


  6. #81
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    How is that skewed, it's a zombie fan - the zombie fans of this site were polled, the consensus came back that the majority were in favour of the film either liking it or loving it. Two polls, same result both times.

    How is it skewed to ask the opinion of the target audience?!

  7. #82
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    I did not mean skewed in that nature. The wrong word; my mistake.

    Probably not the most objective audience (demographic) when asking Pros or Cons on a Romero product. There is nothing wrong with at all and that being said; I didn't mean much of anything by it in the first place

    Like asking if the Raiders are a good football team over at a Raiders Forum.

  8. #83
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Again, not the most objective? Really?

    We rip into these movies deeper, stronger and longer than anyone else on the planet. The depth to which these films are discussed by us is insane - and - the minority who despised the movie made their opinions abundantly clear and detailed, while the "love camp" retorted in a similarly deeply thought out manner.

    :smug bastard smiley:

  9. #84
    Dead Mutineer's Avatar

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    We rip into these movies deeper, stronger and longer than anyone else on the planet
    As expected ! I agree !

    But we all know when we see unbiased free thought and we also know when we see opinion clouded by the love for Romero.

    Even you draw a line

    "We rip into these movies deeper, stronger and longer than anyone else on the planet. The depth to which these films are discussed by us is insane ....

    ... the minority who despised the movie made their opinions abundantly clear and detailed, while the "love camp" retorted in a similarly deeply thought out manner.
    In my experience (Jesus, I'm getting lost in these threads) it is the GAR Faithful that defend and love a film like LAND while scoffing at a film like DAWN 04

    I have barely seen it the otherway around. It seems the minorty tends to be a fanbase that is not in love with George Romero.

    Nothing wrong with that of course and I am not pointing a finger in either direction; merely making observations

  10. #85
    Being Attacked EvilFlyingCow's Avatar

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    I've always loved Night, Dawn, and Day... Dawn being my favorite. I had been looking forward to the fourth film for years, and when I finally saw Land at the theater, I was greatly disapointed. It is definately my least favorite of the four.

    I can watch Dawn over and over, and never get bored with it. I've seen Dawn more times than I've seen any other film.

    If I had to watch Land multiple times, I would get so bored with it after the second time. I think I would rather watch The Crazies twenty times than to have to sit through Land even five times.

    So here's my question to everyone:
    If you *had* to watch any one of Romero's films every single day for the next month, which movie would you choose?

  11. #86
    Dawn. In fact, I probably watch that movie 2-3 times a week anyway so another 4 times 'aint gonna hurt.

  12. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilFlyingCow View Post
    If I had to watch Land multiple times, I would get so bored with it after the second time. I think I would rather watch The Crazies twenty times than to have to sit through Land even five times.

    So here's my question to everyone:
    If you *had* to watch any one of Romero's films every single day for the next month, which movie would you choose?
    Easy. Dawn extended. And I really like the Crazies..

    As far as Mutineers comment about that you hear pro Land, anti Dawn 04. well, this IS as GAR zombie fim board, not a zombie board. I am sure there are plenty of Snyder rocks george sucks posts, just not here. There are some but I think they are usually in the wrong place or just trying to be contrarian.

    And forgotten is the "I liked Land, but it was weaker than the trilogy" category.

    ANd I will never, ever call it some pompous phrase like Tetralogy. F*ck, that is more annoying than using giant fonts all the time. Soory dude, but that giant font crap is bugging the crap out of me. And I am not alone.

    And Big Daddy is ULTRA lame. He doesn't even look like a zombie. Christ, Kevin friggin Costner would be a better zombie!
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

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  13. #88
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mutineer View Post
    Sleightly skewed considering the Polls source (The Home Page of the Dead)

    Awesome ! I remember this epsiode and have just now realized it was Bub; thanks !

    I just could not stand the film. I walked out almost embarrassed by it. The Dead Reckoning vehicle was just absurd, the Zombie's sucked, the story sucked, the ending sucked ...

    In the entire city, how come no one lived in all those sky scrapers ? There wasn't just ONE building. I was laughing out oud as they showed everyone living on the streets when there were hundreds of domains around them to live in.

    When the zombies attack Fiddler's Green; it was as bad as some 70's flick; shots of people 'frozen in fear' as the zombies burst in through the windows and doors and 'overrun' them.

    Just bad bad bad ....

    Romero has never grown as a filmmaker; his LAND looked and felt like DAY (Except DAY rules). From the opening shot of the zombies playing instruments and the young zombie couple holding hands .....

    The more I type, the more I get irritated !


    Just an opinion
    yeah i gotta agree, land wasnt that bad it just felt like it was a few decades too late, like one of those old post apocalyptic movies with morlocs and crap, definatly my least favourite of the movies.

  14. #89
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    Did Land kinda blow? Yes, it blowed.

    One of the attractions of survival horror is the notiion of placing yourself in the shoes of the main characters and wondering "what would I do?"

    In Night, Dawn, and Day that was easy to do and very enjoyable. The setups were good. The characters were good. They generally made good decisions, and when they made bad decisions they did so within their characters. I never had cause to sit around and pick the movies apart.

    Land was exactly the opposite. I simply couldn't immerse myself. The setup didn't make sense. The character's actions were exactly what I would NOT do. The plot made numerous assumptions that were unbelievable to me. I just ended up shaking my head.

    I think Romero focused on conveying his message rather than trying to make an intelligent survival horror movie. I think this is the first of the Dead movies that placed the message above the plot or characters, and I think it suffered for it.

    I'm still a Romero fan and I enjoyed watching Land. There are things I loved about it. But at the end of the day it just wasn't that good.

  15. #90
    Just been bitten Brubaker's Avatar

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    It could be said that many people who hate the movie are FAILED fan fiction writers or low budget filmmakers who never produced work on par with Land of the Dead.

    As for the people who think the movie sucks, well if you were to sit down in a room with Romero and give him a list of your ideas for Land, he'd probably say that they suck.


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