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Thread: 4th episode - "Vatos"

  1. #76
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    So I guess I'm in the minority by thinking this was, by far, the worst episode yet?

    Yet even more horrific unnecessary stereotypes. Really, a bunch of [stereotypical latino] gangsters ready to kill Glenn and blast the rest in the face over a few guns, yet they deeply care for a large group of elderly??? Ugggh.

    Also, why is it that Daryl doesn't give two shits about any of the other guys and is gung-ho about finding his brother, Merle, but suddenly when Glenn gets kidnapped, he's all about helping Rick and T-Dog save him??? Then once they DO "save" Glenn from the orderlies, Daryl suddenly seems to forget all about Merle and is content with leaving the city, even though Merle was the sole reason he went there? It's not until they discover the van is missing that he seems to have any care of Merle.

    And another thing! Andrea's sister just STANDS there for the first few seconds she sees a zombie and completely allows it to bite her! WTF?! Terrible directing right there.

    There were a couple more things that irked me, but I'll allow you guys to retort/attack those three things.

  2. #77
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Also, why is it that Daryl doesn't give two shits about any of the other guys and is gung-ho about finding his brother, Merle, but suddenly when Glenn gets kidnapped, he's all about helping Rick and T-Dog save him???
    From what I saw Daryl didn't want to help at all at first. It was Rick who told him and T. to go back to camp as he was going to go after Glenn himself. When Daryl realized that he was going to probably die in doing it he decided to stand with him and T. in giving them a fight. I don't know that it was so much in saving Glenn so much as standing with his group of people.

    I wonder if Merle an Daryl have another brother named Daryl.

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  3. #78
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    So I guess I'm in the minority by thinking this was, by far, the worst episode yet?
    No, others further up the thread chain felt that way too.

    Yet even more horrific unnecessary stereotypes.

    Really, a bunch of [stereotypical latino] gangsters ready to kill Glenn and blast the rest in the face over a few guns, yet they deeply care for a large group of elderly??? Ugggh.
    Yeah, humans...they are a complex lot. Also, they weren't about taking Glenn as a hostage till Daryl seemingly assaulted and took a hostage of his own.

    Also, why is it that Daryl doesn't give two shits about any of the other guys and is gung-ho about finding his brother, Merle, but suddenly when Glenn gets kidnapped, he's all about helping Rick and T-Dog save him???
    Did you miss how he questioned Rick on this point? Plus, it seems Daryl is an asshole by nature, but probably not above either having some human tendency towards wanting human connections or just doesn't have his bitch-switch permanently set in the on position. On some level, you have to wonder if he acknowledges the fact that these people are sticking their necks out for him and his brother, regardless of what role they may have played in Merle's current predicament. Again, there are those wacky human tendencies towards messy thought processes and feelings on matters.

    Then once they DO "save" Glenn from the orderlies, Daryl suddenly seems to forget all about Merle and is content with leaving the city, even though Merle was the sole reason he went there? It's not until they discover the van is missing that he seems to have any care of Merle.
    I disagree and am not sure from where you're arriving at such conclusions. They searched for Daryl's brother, couldn't find him, survived a few crazy run-ins, got some of the firearms they seems to me that there was a need to take stock of the situation. It does not bother me that Daryl was not wholly consumed by the need to run about the city blindly searching for his brother, especially when they were somewhat weighed down toting extra supplies (firearms and extra ammo). Plus, it makes sense from a character development angle, to me. He knows his brother is an ass to some extent, knows he's dangerous and on some level may have been sticking with him out of family loyalty and common cause, seeing Rick stick his neck out for Glenn may have been reassuring to him and he may just be somewhat more open to not burning all his bridges unlike his brother. Sure he wants to find, Merle, but there are practical limits to what he had just gone through and what he immediately would have had the energy or ability to do given the current circumstances.

    And another thing! Andrea's sister just STANDS there for the first few seconds she sees a zombie and completely allows it to bite her! WTF?!
    Some people--I would imagine a shitload --might freeze up when confronted by their own mortality. i don't see it as much of an issue.

    There were a couple more things that irked me, but I'll allow you guys to retort/attack those three things.

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  4. #79
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    I disagree and am not sure from where you're arriving at such conclusions. They searched for Daryl's brother, couldn't find him, survived a few crazy run-ins, got some of the firearms they seems to me that there was a need to take stock of the situation. It does not bother me that Daryl was not wholly consumed by the need to run about the city blindly searching for his brother, especially when they were somewhat weighed down toting extra supplies (firearms and extra ammo). Plus, it makes sense from a character development angle, to me. He knows his brother is an ass to some extent, knows he's dangerous and on some level may have been sticking with him out of family loyalty and common cause, seeing Rick stick his neck out for Glenn may have been reassuring to him and he may just be somewhat more open to not burning all his bridges unlike his brother. Sure he wants to find, Merle, but there are practical limits to what he had just gone through and what he immediately would have had the energy or ability to do given the current circumstances.
    I get what you're saying about character development. However, I don't think acquiring the weapons would have changed his mind; before they had the weapons wasn't the plan, according to Rick, to grab the weapons followed by some searching of the area for Merle? I understand that Glenn being taken changed the plans, but why when they got him back didn't Daryl want to continue the search for Merle? I was expecting him to be like "Okay, I helped you get Glenn back now you help me get my brother back." I don't think it was sheer family loyalty that set him to seek out Merle - it seemed like genuine brotherly love/friendship that he had lost and he was heartbroken/outraged.

    Yes, seeing what Rick would do to save Glenn definitely made Daryl see things in a different light, but I just thought it was a bit unrealistic that he would completely give up the current search for his brother like that.

  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    I get what you're saying about character development. However, I don't think acquiring the weapons would have changed his mind; before they had the weapons wasn't the plan, according to Rick, to grab the weapons followed by some searching of the area for Merle? I understand that Glenn being taken changed the plans, but why when they got him back didn't Daryl want to continue the search for Merle? I was expecting him to be like "Okay, I helped you get Glenn back now you help me get my brother back." I don't think it was sheer family loyalty that set him to seek out Merle - it seemed like genuine brotherly love/friendship that he had lost and he was heartbroken/outraged.
    I get what you're saying, but I'm approaching it from the fact that they must have been physically and factually overwhelmed to an extent. They had spent all day
    1) traveling to the city,
    2) evading zeds,
    3) Getting pumped for conflict (has very tiring after effects)
    4) 'Rescued' Glenn
    5) Made the deal for the guns

    On top of all of this, they actually hit a big dead end on Merle's fate. To follow up and try and find him is not an easy task at this point, sure they ave a probable search radius, but that is a maybe and happens to be an area with lots of zombies covering it. So I chalked it up to them being somewhat overwhelmed by not only everything that had happened to them that day, but also 'Where do we go from here?' in their search.

    All that said, if they had not hit a big 'oh shit' with the van being gone, I am sure Daryl would have had a lot to say about what should be done to find Merle once the excess ammo and guns were stowed, even if they did decide to call their 'search and rescue' off for the day at that point.

    Does that angle make sense? I know there are other ways to look at, but that seemed pretty natural to me.

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  6. #81
    Dead DEAD BEAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    Looks like its true we won't get the 2nd season until Oct 11. One of the mid level characters was interviewed on one of the podcasts and he said AMC didn't want him back until May to start shooting again. Unless this guy gets separated from the group before the end of ep6, I'm taking that as a good indicator for a late next year premiere. Lincoln's also referred to early summer as "back to work"
    wut! com' on dude gonna lose wood by then!

  7. #82
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Alright, I didn't think of looking at it from that angle. And you know what? You've persuaded me to change my opinion on that aspect.

    Perhaps you'll be able to iron out future problems I may have... although, I'm hoping there won't be any more; I get the feeling next week's episode will make up for this one, for me.

  8. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Alright, I didn't think of looking at it from that angle. And you know what? You've persuaded me to change my opinion on that aspect.

    Perhaps you'll be able to iron out future problems I may have... although, I'm hoping there won't be any more; I get the feeling next week's episode will make up for this one, for me.
    talkin' bout my boner?

    Oh my bad, your answering the dude before me!

  9. #84
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD BEAT View Post
    wut! com' on dude gonna lose wood by then!
    I doubt it. This is YOU we're talking about, after all.

  10. #85
    Dead Trancelikestate's Avatar

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    What the hell kinda show has 6 episodes a season?

  11. #86
    Dead Doc's Avatar

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    Despite, nitpickiness I like how everyone here has actual plotholes, and flaws to call out in the series so far. Unlike other forums where I really see is "Boo this series sucks! The writing is terrible, the characters are boring, and there are no zombies! Yadda, yadda, yadda" without giving examples of said bad writing, and plotholes.

  12. #87

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    Tend to agree with Aces at least partially on this one,
    I mean for awhile there the trail was still warm. Followed Merle's blood trail into the adjoining building (And WHY THE FUCK didn't we even KNOW THIS BUILDING EXISTED back in Ep. 2?), found where Merle cauterized his stump, and located probable zombie kills of Merle's. Then...nothing. There was nothing left to follow once they got to the "Why the fuck did he go outside through the window he busted out?" point. At that point, you tell me, how do you even PICK A DIRECTION to search in? This isn't the woods, and they aren't Native American scouts. Not much trail on asphalt unless your a tire being burned in a peel-out.

    Totally agree that in the wake of the clusterfuck w/ the gangbangers (they took a hostage, threatened to throw said hostage off the roof unless they got their way, and were seemingly willing to engage in a horribly bloody gun-battle/melee with shotgun-wielding adversaries (Which the "Vatos" would've have lost, by their leader's own indirect admission. Remember him saying they welded all the other entrance/exits shut? That doorway they were standing in was THE ONLY entrance/exit.) All Rick and Co. had to do was lay down some of that sweet sweet buckshot as they withdrew, and take up positions covering the door. When the zombies start arriving due to the noise, haul ass up on to the rooftop access T-Dog used and go roof to roof. Let the 'bangers deal with the zombies.)...these are NOT moral people.

    Hitler pulled strings to get his brother/half-brother set up in his own business. That doesn't make him a good guy. Taking care of a bunch of old people doesn't make that group of Latino Gangbangers anything More or LESS THAN gangbangers.

    What really tied it for me though was G's willingness to let them leave the initial meeting with the teenager they were keeping prisoner. You can't get around the fact the man wrote off the well-being of his guy in the effort to get the guns. Ends don't justify means, ya know?

    Whoever mentioned Daryl's Xbow bolts being contaminated hit the nail on the head. If you go back and watch it, you'll see that he was re-using the 4-5 bolts he could put in the holder on the crossbow, instead of reaching for his other bolts. He shot 4 zombies before the scene in the alley where he shot the gangbanger in the ass. That dude has a 4-in-5 chance that a bolt sticky with zombie gore ended up ripping into his buttock. Nice catch.

    I'd been thinking about that ever since I saw Daryl shoot the zombie that was eating his deer, and the way he mentioned "think we can just cut around the chewed on part?"...It was symptomatic of his disregard for what bolt he shoots into what target. He's obviously not keeping track of "tainted" versus "clean" bolts, since he puts them all back on the bolt-guard on the Xbow.

    Something occurred to me after thinking back on Ep. 1, where the group just barely caught a brief transmission from Rick in the squad car. It was broad daylight when Rick drove past and out of range of their radio, and it was BRIGHT broad daylight when he was approaching the horse and starting to ride off on it. It was STILL pretty bright out when he reached the camera shot of the Interstate choked with outbound cars, and STILL bright out when he ends up in the tank and then makes his run for it to Glenn. You can really tell how bright it is when they're up on the roof when Merle makes his power play.

    Anyways, my point is, it was towards Noon when he drove out of radio contact, and going by the light couldn't have been more than 3 hours before he ended up in the tank, and then up on the roof. It's STILL good and light out when the survivors and Rick pull into the camp.

    All this taken into account, as well as the department store being very near the city limit, it might've been as little as 60-75 minutes by truck to where they parked, and another 15 to walk to the department store. IF that's the case, the walk/run back to the camp (especially if they traveled as the crow flies due to being on foot) might have taken only 3x as long for Rick/Glenn/Daryl and T-Dog to hoof it back to camp. So many like 4 hours.

    They left the city while it was still light out, but starting to dim towards sunset. My gut says 4:50pm-5:20pm as the time they left Atlanta. It was full dark, in the southern part of Georgia. We know its LATE autumn but CANT be winter yet, because it doesn't start being dark around 6-6:30pm here until late November/Early December. Ed was cold enough to put that log on the fire, but the whole group wasn't sitting there shivering with their teeth chattering, DESPITE the alcohol they were drinking. So probably November.

    So, it was full dark and everyone was wound down and all relaxed and shooting the breeze about Dale's watch. That would put it at LEAST at 8:30pm, and probably later because the kids were wound down. That would give Rick and Co. Something like four hours and change to make the trip. At least. It could've been MUCH later by the time of the zombie attack. If it was even 10pm, it wouldn't be fun, but 4 healthy young men could walk/jog/run that return trip without HUGE difficulty. Being encumbered like they were woulda made it HURT, but it's a plausible timeline with an undisclosed amount of "flex time" favoring Rick and the others return to camp.

    What do you guys think?

  13. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Some people--I would imagine a shitload --might freeze up when confronted by their own mortality. i don't see it as much of an issue.
    I dunno, I watched a show tonight about a bunch of ways of dying, and I coulda/woulda found a way to zigzag my way around getting zapped, so to speak. Except the bullet from a mile away. Dayumn, nearly died a million times, have I...
    As far as the episode, I liked it, if only for the wild ass melee at the end. I had just told my kid, "Heyyyyy, not alot of decomposing meat action tonight......"
    This was when my wife walked into the room, in the last 5 fucking minutes, saying, "What, you guys watched the new episode without me?"
    Then, somehow, I lost it.
    She was mad, because she saw the meat of the episode at the ass end...
    I'm still not sure how the redneck escaped the roof, but I guess I will find out. His brother being a self preserving douchenozzle? He did use his own brother's hand, in a lie, to convince a Latino dood he was muy serioso, lol.
    Easily explained. The same fucked up genes that made his brother made him forget his original mission. Self preservation, I said. If we are going to go there with the hillbilly references from people that don't really know anything about how life really is, then... yeah.
    I personally think that when the shit goes down, we will forget color and focus on getting rid of the immediate threat at hand... then get back to hating each other for whatever stoopid reason we hate each other for. Racial hatred is as retarded here as people getting it on under this kind of duress. Know what I mean?
    the only reason why I hate when that happens...
    And I swear, that guy who got an arrow in the butt, is he the first guy any movie/TV show calls when they need a bald, gangbanging Latino who needs to be re-educated? Or does his agent jump on that shit?
    I keep trying and trying...
    Get that GED, Holmes...
    Last edited by rongravy; 24-Nov-2010 at 12:30 AM. Reason: getting drunk and remember shit after the fact?

  14. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    What do you guys think?
    i think you and a few others are nit-picking this poor series waay too much. it's like the deal with the airport and mall from the original dawn only being a few miles apart. you've gotta draw the line somewhere...taking the height of the sun, seasons of the year, geographical location, etc into such extreme consideration must be such a burden....why can't some of you guys just relax and enjoy the show?

    i seriously picture some members of this board sitting back with their dvr remotes, a pen, and a notebook just looking for the tiniest detail to rip to shreds for no other reason than they've got to much time on their hands or a strong sense of self-worth from finding the most irrelevant things to prattle on about.

    this is not entirely directed at you, but this over-examination of things like what you did above are what i'm talking about....

  15. #90
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    fuck, i posted some serious shit only to lose it. damn it all to hell.


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