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Thread: "Rise of the Apes" - Planet of the Apes prequel

  1. #91
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Price View Post
    Well, when you show up and act like a f***ing dick from the get-go, what do you expect?

  2. #92
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Price View Post
    Dearest Felon#311 you got some bad info regarding your 14 April post (where is the asshat smiley?) speaking of regarding
    why do not the "unspoken rules" of spoilering apply to you?

    Anyone else revealing what you did in your August 5th post would have had the whole forum pulled over their ears down to their tits
    effectively smothering them (this means EDIT YOUR POST).


    Can we get this back on topic please or am i closing the thread too?

  3. #93
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Huzzah for Andy!!
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  4. #94
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clanglee View Post
    Huzzah for Andy!!

    As for 'Rise' - I'm genuinely shocked at how good this movie has been received. It's almost at 90% on the general audience rotten tomatoes score. It also earned the number one spot at the box office over the weekend. I NEVER thought it would be that good. And for all the complaining about the CGI, that's now being praised? Some even calling it the best motion capture work to date. Would those of you that have seen it agree? Out of the few negative things i'm reading, the worst seems to be that the characterization of the humans could have used some work.

    I figured the movie would do okay but as a fan of the original series i'm thrilled that it's doing this great. Hopefully the inevitable sequel will be better than Beneath.
    Last edited by bassman; 07-Aug-2011 at 11:30 PM. Reason: .

  5. #95
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    saw it, loved it, was totally right about 80% drama 20% action at the end, loved the references to the mars mission heston is one going missing and as usual serkis does amazing mocap acting.

    My only complaint is it leaves you wanting way more and the soundtrack was the most vanilla, dull, uninspired soundtrack i havent seen in a long time. no theme, no melody to anything, just the same "dududududududu" "something tense is occuring" crap ad nauseum.
    doesnt stop it being a great flick but fuck this needed some john williams to make it pop.

    -- -------- Post added at 01:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    Negatives: Terrible CGI (like most films that rely heavily on it) that just didn't seem realistic to me at all and is a step back from models/make-up/etc. if you ask me.
    okay, i must ask, if this is what you call bad CGI what unknown super secret CGi have you seen that makes this look bad your holding out on the rest of the world?!?

  6. #96
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    okay, i must ask, if this is what you call bad CGI what unknown super secret CGi have you seen that makes this look bad your holding out on the rest of the world?!?
    Ignore him...That must have been the PBR talking (LOL @ JDFP)

  7. #97
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post
    Ignore him...That must have been the PBR talking (LOL @ JDFP)
    I'll have you know I prefer Milwaukee's Best, good sir. The Beast truly cannot be beat. PBR works in a pinch though!

    I didn't completely slam the film or say I hated it. In fact, I gave several positives in my post and stated the story was actually interesting and the film was better than I expected (which wasn't much, I grant you though). The film didn't suck but I'm not going to scream to the rooftops that it's a great film, I didn't think it was and paled to the original and I even prefer Tim Burton's version just for the make-up and artistic expression in it. I just have a very difficult time with CGI personally. I don't care for it and almost every film I see which relies on CGI or has a great amount of CGI in it is ruined for me. It just looks fake to me. I can see through most of it and it detracts from my experience in enjoying a film. Then again, I prefer a good independent film or foreign film any day of the week over a Hollywood film. It doesn't make me pretentious, I can have a hell of a good time with some Hollywood blockbusters just like anyone else and don't refuse to watch them. In my case it's just a personal preference.

    The original with the great Charlton Heston was a much more philosophical film in nature focusing on the nature of humanity and questions as to whether humanity would ultimately destroy itself through war or not. The last scene and scream from Charlton Heston: "G-d damn you, G-d damn all of you!" is absolutely haunting and one of the most powerful closing shots to any film I've EVER seen just for the sheer weight of it. The first time I saw the film I couldn't help but think: "Wow!" although there are subtle hints up to the closing shot to make you believe he is, indeed, on earth. It's a punch to the gut. A type of philosophical punch to the gut in a way only Serling and a handful of other talented writers can present and filmed beautifully. Likewise, the very nature of humanity as actually being the masters of our own doom and destruction is just depressing as hell but a warning sign for us all.

    I don't feel this new film broke any new philosophical ground or that it was really aiming to do so much as opposed to give a philosophically-lite re-has of the original for a more contemporary perspective through pharmacology equaling "better" living and then giving us a great deal of eye candy with things blowing up and "ohhh, excitement!" as opposed to a ten minute dialogue on the nature of human existence like near the end of the original that would have put most people under 30 asleep today. "Rise" did what it did well and again I'll say it's not necessarily a bad film, because it does do what it does well. But, again, it's just not my cup of coffee -- or case of enjoyable piss-take American beer.

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  8. #98
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFP View Post
    I'll have you know I prefer Milwaukee's Best, good sir. The Beast truly cannot be beat. PBR works in a pinch though!
    The possiblity of you being in a pinch has not been eliminated just yet good buddy.
    Last edited by Mr. Clean; 08-Aug-2011 at 02:39 AM. Reason: ...

  9. #99
    Dead Purge's Avatar

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    Saw it last night. Not outstanding, but worht a watch. Andy Serkis was excellent as Caesar.

  10. #100
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    As if there were ever any question after the great reviews and opening weekend....they're already thinking about the sequel.

    Director Rupert Wyatt:
    "The ideas I’ve had are all sorts of things, ranging from Full Metal Jacket with apes… you could start this story again eight years from where we left off, the next generation of apes, those that have come from our protagonists, perhaps going in to a conflict with humans and showing real fear, in the same way as going into war for young soldiers in this day and age, telling their story. Or how apes are taking over cities, and being moved into human environments and having to interact with them and deal with things that are part of our culture and understand and evolve through them. Spies that are in the employ of the apes, working against humans and humans maybe existing underground, because that’s a way they can avoid the virus, coming up above ground wearing gas masks, and maybe that’s what dehumanises them."
    ...Say wha?

    -- -------- Post added 11-Aug-2011 at 10:13 PM ---------- Previous post was 09-Aug-2011 at 01:32 PM ----------

    Silly, out of place quote references aside.....GREAT reboot. Although not a remake of the same film, this pisses all over Tim Burton's film.

    The CGI was great compared to most. It's really starting to become "realistic". Hell...this looks miles ahead of Cameron's Avatar characters, which were praised as life-like.

    I'm really impressed with Rise. The blu ray will fit nicely next to my box set of the original series. I can't wait to see whats done with the sequel. Just please - Lay off the forced references.

    Last edited by bassman; 12-Aug-2011 at 02:16 AM. Reason: .

  11. #101
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    I saw it last night.

    I thought it did a good job! It wasn't a ground breaking film, but certainly brought a good story to the screen, was well filmed, and the CGI TBH was very impressive - I forgot I was watching CGI apes most of the time! Let's put it that way!

    Looking forward to the next one


    Worse part for me was the daft "damn dirty ape" line! Stupid!
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  12. #102
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Worse part for me was the daft "damn dirty ape" line! Stupid!
    Yeah, I literally cringed on that one. The "madhouse" line was pretty bad as well, but the "dirty ape" takes the cake as the most forced and out of place reference.

    For fans of the original series, there were also a bunch of non-dialogue references. I'll put some of them in spoiler tags for those that haven't seen it.

    The Harry Potter kid's name was Dodge Landon, the same as the two astronauts with Taylor(Heston) in the original film. The guy at the lab was named Jacobs, a reference to Arthur P. Jacobs who produced and started the Apes series. Heston was seen on a TV screen. The orangutan's name was Maurice, the same as the actor who played Dr. Zeus. The car driven by Franco appears to be the same car the nice scientists drive in Escape to help Cornelious and Zira escape. Caesar's mother's name is Bright Eyes, the same name given to Taylor in the original. Of course the hints at the mars team being lost is a hint at the original.

    I actually found it strange that there were so many references to the original film considering this is more of a remake of the fourth film in the series...
    Last edited by bassman; 12-Aug-2011 at 12:20 PM. Reason: .

  13. #103
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Im a little late on this one but me and my girlfriend just went to see this tonight, got to say im suprised, its actually a pretty decent movie. I hated the other planet of the apes movie from about 10 years ago now i guess? but this one was great, will definately recommend anyone to see this.

  14. #104
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    rewatched this and you can sum it up easily: it leaves you wanting more of it.

  15. #105
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    rewatched this and you can sum it up easily: it leaves you wanting more of it.
    Which is great for any potential franchise. It's nice to see this idea successfully carry over into a new generation.

    I saw this interesting article earlier today. As many times as i've seen the original series, I never knew they gave specific months with the dates.
    Last edited by bassman; 23-Aug-2011 at 10:28 PM. Reason: .


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