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Thread: Ahhh...Battlefield Vietnam...

  1. #91
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Haven't really bothered with UAV, I thought they just told you where enemies were instead of peeping yourself.

    Aye I do the old circle strafe now and then, I usually just go nuts and start jumping in and out, shakin' it all about, proning and then standing, jumping some more, running back and forth, around and around in both directions and it's just the luck of the draw sometimes ... I tell you, seeing that you'd think my character was controlled by someone having a fit.

  2. #92
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    It sounds like your soldier is having a seizure instead of fighting like a man! circle-strafe those suckers and give 'em the smackdown! They'll die with a defribilator in their hand.. what a way to go..

    As far as the UAV, well, it can tell you where they are, but you can also bomb HUGE areas and take out lots of enemies if placed right in the right spot. Check it out sometime, it's worth the time to figure it out.

  3. #93
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Will give the UAV thing a go then ... it's funny you should mention the man having a seizure - I have an infra-red mouse, so from time to time it wigs out and he ends up looking upright and spinning around really fast.

  4. #94
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    If im playing as commander,i use the UAV to guide my jet pilots in on bombing runs,if they pay attention to their radar instead of chasing their own glory then they can rack up some points & help the advancing ground troops out sometimes some will request a UAV overflight as well,those ones know how to play the game

  5. #95
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Was flying a jet in the game today on the ultra-laggy map that is Operation Hastings (for BF2), but couldn't get any missles to lock on, was handling the flight alright, just killing anything was impossible.

  6. #96
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Ive got quite good at flying jets since i sorted my wireless broadband lag problems out!ive even flown upside down under one of the bridges on wake island,& flown through the hole in the middle of the kubra dam!still nowhere near as good as some of the other flyboys on there though.....
    I prefer to be fighting on the ground though,theres always too many people willing to teamkill you for stepping near one of the jets when they want it or they initiate a kick vote cos you got the jet they wanted,even though you'd been waiting ten minutes for it!

  7. #97
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    WOW! Tricky, you could do some of those BF stunt videos flying upside-down under bridges like that! awesome! I can fly pretty good, but that's only 'cause I have a Logitech Windman Extreme 3D flight stick. Without that, I'd NEVER get in a plane.. trying to control one with the keyboard and mouse is way too much for my brain to handle.

    MZ - y'know, the UAV, when I use it, I do it like this: I join a squad then assume the commanders position. Once I do that, I pull up the commands and request a UAV strike right where i'm at. Once it's confirmed, I boogie my little ass right the hell outta town, and in about 20-30 seconds, it starts raining bombs EVERYWHERE.. A great way to take out masses of players if they're not paying attention. muhahahahahaha

    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    I prefer to be fighting on the ground though,theres always too many people willing to teamkill you for stepping near one of the jets when they want it or they initiate a kick vote cos you got the jet they wanted,even though you'd been waiting ten minutes for it!

    and that, my friends, is exacly why I don't like playing BF2 online most of the time. The TK's piss me off, and to vote someone off a map just 'cause they took "their" plane is assinie.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 19-Oct-2006 at 12:11 PM. Reason: spelling corrections

  8. #98
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    MZ - I expect a full debriefing on your current BF2 assignment. I know you just got that computer back - how's BF2 running on it now? I'm sure, like Ed would say, "it's like buttahhhhhhh"

  9. #99
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    lol, haven't fired it up again on my computer yet.

    I've been transferring nothing but files from my laptop that I'd downloaded this past week onto it (about 10 gigs, via a USB connector, so it's not the fastest way to move files ... perhaps I can link them with a serial cable, or like in a LAN way, or something like that - I forget the proper term).

    Installed the demo of NFS: Carbon though, will give that a go, otherwise I'd been hankering for a 4th play through of Call of Duty 2 to be honest...

    I'm so transient...:shameful head hanging smiley:

  10. #100
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    It's all good...recently I've been playing Jaws Unleashed on my computer (as well as my son, who's only 10 and is better at the damn game than me!) and it's a load of shark-munchin' fun. There are some bugs in the game (some camera and movement issues), but there's nothing like being able to play the shark itself and rip swimmers on the beach apart.. or dragging them through the water in your jaws at a high rate of speed while blood trails behind.

  11. #101
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    lol, maniac.

    I was taken aback when I saw they'd made a game of the movie, sorta.

    I was playing the demo of NFS: Carbon last night, doesn't handle as well as NFS: Underground 2 did unfortunately, looks pretty though, but NFSU2 was better.

    Call of Duty 2 here I come, whack that volume up loud and get that M1 Garand pointing at some soon-to-be-dead Nazi bastards!

  12. #102
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Jaws is pretty fun though, especially if you're into games with blood and guts, which of course is exactly my cup of tea. You can literally eat anything in the game - people, seals, walrus', boats, whales - you name it, it's edible...and the amount of blood in the game makes it all the more fun. You can grab people by the legs, rip them off, then circle around for more chompin' - either on their arm, head, etc - or just grab them and fly through the water with their body in your jaws and watch body parts fall off as your cruise through the ocean. fun!!

    Call of Duty - now that's a game I never really got into. I know it's a FPS of sorts, but doesn't CoD have kind of a linear gameplay - meaning it's not a 'free-roaming' game like BF1942 where you can go and do whatever you want, whenever you want?

  13. #103
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Well, indeed, Call of Duty isn't as 'free-roaming' as the BF games, and when you pay attention there's a vague path as to where you go, but there are some levels in COD2 where you can take a village, for example, however you want. The action and sheer involvement you feel from the game though, makes up for any possible linear feel - however, Medal of Honour - those games were much more linear, sometimes in Pacific Assault you're going through the jungle but you can see it's a distinct corridor. However, being an FPS nut I didn't mind and was more into it for all the guns and shooting and whatnot.

    Call of Duty (and especially COD2) brought real drama and scale to the WW2 FPS genre though, rather than the lone soldier winning it alone, you're just one of many, many men.

    You should check out Call of Duty 2, it's great to crank up the volume and feel the bombs going off and get immersed in the drama. I'd wind my housemates up my cranking the volume and blasting away on it. I remember in the first year in campus res, I was playing Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and cranked the volume up so loud my room was shaking. No wonder the chinese/japanese/i-don't-know-ese girl next door left her room, haha! BOOM! BOOM! BANG! CRASH! BOOOOOOOOM!!!!

  14. #104
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    that is SO not right! That poor girl.. probably having flashbacks.

    I'll have to check out CoD2. Sounds interesting. Reminds me of a FPS version of Company of Heroes (which is a RTS game, but is one hell of a lot of fun, and when the sh*t starts hitting the fan - bombing runs and such - it really does sound like you're right there on the battlefield. awesome. )

  15. #105
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Oh if you want virtual battlefield immersion (or what you'd equate being on a battlefield to kinda be like anyway), then go for COD2. Some of the levels really are a barrage of bullets and exploding shells all around you. Mud flying through the air, bullets zipping by your ears and thudding into the scenery around you. Men screaming, grenades flying through the air and exploding all over the place, barrels of fuel bursting into flames, buildings exploding, planes flying overhead, infantry boats exploding to your left and right, bodies flying into the air as a blast knocks them for six, MG-42 gunfire chomping up the surroundings, tanks rolling in, rain/snow coming down, smoke grenades being lobbed forth as you and your men charge screaming into battle ...

    Oh man ... I've gotta go play it again, damnit!!!


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