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Thread: Fallout 3 (video game)

  1. #91
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    yes, this game is spectacular. there's been so many awesome moments that have blown me away. here's a couple of my faves:

    i see a super-mutant from across the potomac and fire a few round at him with "ol' painless". he begins to fire back, then turns to his left and begins shooting in that direction as he is running backwards. i scan over and catch my first glimpse of a deathclaw in action. the deathclaw was weakened by the super mutant, but ended up victorious. i then finished him off with a missile from the riverbank.

    another great time was when i first discovered the remains of the u.s. capital building and did some exploring inside. upon exiting, i was ambushed by regulators (for my character is a true misfit, evil to the bone) who wanted to kill me. finished them off and was then caught in the cross-fire of a raging battle between super mutant brutes and talon company mercenaries. popped all kinds of uppers and pills, my stealth boy camouflaging system, and jumped in the middle, killing every member of both factions. the scene was was like 12 monkeys meets predator meets rambo.

    mz, if you've not played this yet, you're missing out, brother.
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 03-Jan-2009 at 01:22 AM.

  2. #92
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    mz, if you've not played this yet, you're missing out, brother.
    Believe me, I plan on getting my mits on it once I've gotten STALKER: Clear Sky and Crysis done and dusted.

    Just finished Gears of War 2 last night, which was f*cking awesome.

    I look forward to playing Fallout 3 sometime soon.

  3. #93
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I read that stalker clear sky is a bit bab MZ!i never got really immersed in the first one either!i bought it back in march & ive put a good few hours into it,but as much as i loved the games setting,the dumb AI & some of the pointless missions stopped me getting fully into it,i still havent finished it!theres one part where you have to find some stash & after you have it you emerge in some military compound,all i did was hide behind a door in one of the buildings with the shotgun & kept shooting everyone as they mindlessly wandered through the door,ended up about 30 corpses piled up in the doorway,ridiculously dumb!Another bit was near the beginning where some heavily armed guy asks you to go & get a stash thats lost near a boars nest,i was expecting it to be miles away & highly dangerous,when in fact it was about 100 yards outside the village & there was 2 boars near it,so why couldnt that lazy arse with his machine gun (as opposed to my crappy pistol at that point) have gone to get it??!
    I think i expect too much from my games these days

  4. #94
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    STALKER wasn't the best game for stability or being finely tuned to be honest.

    But those that loved it (like me), saw beyond the crashes and the instability and so on, and enjoyed the world in which it all took place ... and I pretty much ignored many of the quests as they got old fast (go here - fetch that/kill this - come back).

    I haven't even gotten beyond the little camp outisde the building you begin in, in Clear Sky, so I haven't even had the chance to see if I'll like it as much as Shadow of Chernobyl or not ... we'll see, eh?

    Next game I'll play will be Crysis, as I'll bash through that fairly quick probably, whereas STALKER is more of a game I ponder over.

  5. #95
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    have you got the rig sorted out now then chief?no more freezes?

  6. #96
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    have you got the rig sorted out now then chief?no more freezes?
    Not yet, gotta wait until Tuesday when the shop opens before I can get in contact with them - although I've already sent an email so they'll get that before I give them a ring to say "oi, sort this out, yeah?"

    At the moment I'm just breathing through my mouth and trying to make the inside of my head have the same pressure as the world on the outside ... oh and getting the sweats too...a sucky cold, indeed.

  7. #97
    Just been bitten Dtothe3's Avatar

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    Personal "Brain Process" of the game so far:-

    (Bear in mind I first played as a melee specialist)

    "What's that? Super Mutant Behemoth? What a pussy, he doesn't look so hard... Least he won't once I put my sledgehammer betw..."

    That's about as far as I got I started over with an Energy Weapon Specialisation.

    As I consider myself somewhat organised, I have a list of weapons I try to adhere to when I go out questing/hunting. Any advice to improve my game would be well taken

    Chinese Assault Rifle/Combat Shotgun
    Sniper Rifle
    Hunting Rifle
    Laser Pistol
    3 x Frags
    3 x Mines

    5 x stimpacks
    all my drugs

    I try to stick to the shotgun or AR when inside, nothing like long narrow corridors. When outside I try to scout with the sniper, then pick my shots using the hunting rifle.

    I'm quite content to let enemies come to me, and I try to pick my slow-mo shots so I can always back off and throw a quick grenade if it means killing more then one enemy. Having said that I've not had the opportunity to fight mutants en masse with these tactics. In my first save, I had a tendency to get my arm ripped off and shoved up my... Well the less said about that the better >.>

    I have Farcry 2, Assassins Creed and Beautiful Katamari, yet I think Fallout 3 will ensure these don't get properly played for a while. This game is immense.

  8. #98
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    yeah, my dude is a gunslinger from hell. all sorts of weapons, and he sure knows how to use 'em. i employ similar tactics (with regards to indoor/outdoor engagement of hostiles).

    another thing i use a bunch of is fragmentation mines. with the "bloody mess" perk, you can see some pretty awesome fatalities.

    and yes, every other game i've been playing has been moved to the back burner for the immediate future. can't wait for the DLC to hit..

  9. #99
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    Finally got around to picking this up for 360 today, can't wait to dig in.

  10. #100
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post

    Anybody else find the pet dog (Dogmeat) yet? I can't stand him and just leave him at home. Whenever I try to walk anywhere with him, he pretty much always runs off to attack things and gets himself killed.

    3,000TH POST!!!
    Can either Mike or someone please hip me to where I can find Dogmeat, the pet dog? I read about the dog on the thread, but have not yet run into him, and sure could use the company while I am out on my long, lonely walks across the wasteland.

    Please PM me if revealing this ends up being too "spoilerish"
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  11. #101
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    Whos excited about the DLC Operation Anchorage? meee

  12. #102
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    Operation Anchorage sounds great and I'll be picking it up, but I'm really excited for The Pitt. From the Fallout 3 wiki:

    Journey to the industrial raider town called The Pitt, located in the remains of Pittsburgh. Choose your side. Scheduled for release in February. It will cost 800 Microsoft points.($10 US)
    C'mon Bethesda, give us a Romero homage or two!

    This game is amazing, by the way. I'm kicking myself for not picking it up back in October.

  13. #103
    Dead CornishCorpse's Avatar

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    Damn Im on PS3 so I miss out on all the DLC fun which is a bitch but theres plenty to entertain me yet. Only recently grasped this whole "doing quests" thing, since I got out of the vault have just been wandering around and there has never been a time when I ran out of something to do. Nothing like grabbing youre hunting rifle climbing to the top of a hill and seeing the shape of a building and making that shape todays objective.

    Here are some of the moments that show why I love fallout and no spoilers, all details are just small random things that in the scale of fallout are nothing. Everytime I play some random thing happens, PM for an example.

    Wandering through this wastes and this guy jumps out from behind a rock and yells " Stop where you stand or Ill shoot! Give me all you got!" the rule of the wastes being someone shoots at you, you shoot back I tell him to go frigg himself. He laughs and says that maybe Im better at him than this, he doesnt even have a real gun and then starts to run away. Should I take pity on the poor guy down on his luck or take it as offence? Crippled the little bugger with two rounds to the kneecap and went on my way.

    Thing about a proper RPG is you can develop a character not in the GTA way where you can get the best clothes and the best weapons ( although you can ) in the karma system. Do you want to be a good guy a bad guy or just living youre life? Anyway was wandering around as usual, got attacked underground by a group of runners. Picking them off easily enough, five to start with then hear the stairway go to see four more running towards me. Start backing away while emptying an assault rifle blowing limbs off at the oncoming hoard. Manage to get out of the doors reloading only to hear " Well look who it is, goody mr two shoes" before hearing the sound of buckshot hit the wall next to me. God damn Mercs

    Finally desperate times come from desperate measures. After a long hard battle, I had no money and no health to heal up with and not enough money to buy either thanks to spending all my money on health and ammo ( playing it on hard so stocking up is always useful ). I had enough for a few clips of a pistol so I was screwed. Nearly dead, nearly out of ammo and stuck in the middle of nowhere. So I see this light in the distance so head towards it and its this old man with his brahmin ( cow purty much ) and his dog sitting by the fire. So I walk over talk to him about selling, I couldnt afford a thing even if I sold all my gear. Two rounds to the side of his head, put the dog down and the brahmin. Looted everything from the trader and headed off fully healed, slightly richer and with a decent amount of ammo. Sometimes you gotta make these choices.

    I love this game.
    Why arent you laughing?

  14. #104
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    anyone else found the alien crash site for "recon craft theta"? and got the alien ray gun?

  15. #105
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    no, not mean there's aliens in this game, too? out-fucking-standing!

    *adds "find alien stuff" to massive to-do-list for fallout 3*

    my dude is such a bad mofo. last night i got ambushed by about half a dozen enclave soldiers and officers. they even had a deathclaw locked up in a cage and sent it after me. luckily, my "shishkabob" sword and combat shotgun made a big bloody mess out of all of 'em.

    watching news highlights of todays big circus in d.c. made me wanna go do some exploring of the national mall.


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