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Thread: Ahhh...Battlefield Vietnam...

  1. #106
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Now THIS sounds like my kinda game! must......have.....COD2!

    *wanders off in search of the holy grail of WWII games*

  2. #107
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I started playing it again last night, had lost my knack a bit, wasn't bothering to go for cover - which is something you really need to do in COD2. Run from one point to another staying under cover, covering your men and them covering you, gradually advancing towards the retreating enemy. So good.

    (Check out filmmaker's forum for that gag reel I was jibber jabbing about a while ago, in case you hadn't seen it yet.)

  3. #108
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    That almost sounds a bit like farcry - you really need to learn how to 'sneak' around in that game to do good in it. Standing up and running full-force at the enemy will reward you with nothing but bullet holes in your head & chest.

  4. #109
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    It's a good thing I cheat in single player then ain't it?

    It's like a safety net for me, I try to not get shot, but if I do, no big deal and it also means I don't die and get into a hissy fit like a whiny little bitch stomping my feet around because I have to go and re-do a bit I'd just done.

    And this coming from a guy who battled through The Terminator on Sega Mega Drive with no cheats on many occasions...

    When I play FarCry I just barge it most of the time, except when I'm snipesing bastards.

  5. #110
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    It's a good thing I cheat in single player then ain't it?

    It's like a safety net for me, I try to not get shot, but if I do, no big deal and it also means I don't die and get into a hissy fit like a whiny little bitch stomping my feet around because I have to go and re-do a bit I'd just done.

    And this coming from a guy who battled through The Terminator on Sega Mega Drive with no cheats on many occasions...

    When I play FarCry I just barge it most of the time, except when I'm snipesing bastards.

    Just reminded me of when i first got my PS1 back at xmas '97.I had no memory card & couldnt afford one,so when i played resident evil i had to start from scratch everytime i died,the first time i got right to the end it took me 6 hours,a whole saturday afternoon!only for that knobjockey tyrant to kill me in one swoop was not happy!

    I love far cry,the environments were awesome,& you could snipe someone from 2 miles away & still see all the little details on them!might have to start playing it again,ive been at the old half life 2 again the last week or so

  6. #111
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    lol, as soon as I've gone through Call of Duty 2 again I think I might have to have another razz on FarCry as well, been thinking about it for a little while. It's a beautiful game though. I prefer when you're outdoors, as the indoor segments can get a tad dull ... lol ... I remember when I originally played it I missed the setting to change how the water looked so it wasn't see-through when looking into it from land/above!

    I know, retard alert, I eventually remembered that the water should look a damn sight better than what it did (it was reminiscent of Quake, ha!) and changed the setting up a notch and wooooooooooooooooooooooooow, took me by surprise at how good it looked and how cool it was to go swimming around while looking at the scenery above.

    The outdoor, sandy beach-involving, day time levels are my favourites. I've played those over and over again because it's just so much fun, and so pretty to look at.

    I just wish I had loadsa money so I could get a MONSTER BEAST of a gaming machine that could kick the ass of Crysis when it comes out, it looks sooooooooooooooooooooooo good. I saw some screenshots where it compared real-life photographs to in-game scenes and while I could see the difference, it was minimal. It really looked that good!

  7. #112
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Ive had this PC almost 2 years now,time for me to upgrade to a monster gaming machine for this

  8. #113
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    nyyyyaaaahhhhhh ... *sigh*

    I think I need a change of underwear...


    Oh so pretty.

  9. #114
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    nyyyyaaaahhhhhh ... *sigh*

    I think I need a change of underwear...


    Oh so pretty.
    Imagine the bullets fizzing through those trees,snapping individual branches off *drool*
    Thing is,just as im looking at a dual core,dual sli PC,im now seeing quad core beasts with 1 gig directX 10 graphics cards that only work with windows vista coming over the hill.Technology moves too fast for my wallet to keep up

  10. #115
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    *sigh* Ain't it a bitch ...

    I guess go as far as you possibly can on your wallet and make sure you have a decent amount of upgrade-ability. For instance, I can't really upgrade much more beyond getting a larger hard-drive, as my motherboard doesn't have anymore room for RAM and can't support a graphics card higher than the one I have now. In fact, I had to turn off the AGP function because my motherboard (I think anyway) didn't wanna handle it properly.

    Man ... here I am with a single core and now people are talking about QUAD core...

  11. #116
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Im looking at this one at the moment,credit card is at meltdown in my pocket

    With the money i have at the moment,i could buy that on my credit card,& immedietly pay half of it off,but im not sure......

  12. #117
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Oh baby, Xmas 2003 I spent about that much on my desktop which had:

    512mb RAM - (upgraded to 1gig)
    AMD Athlon 2.2ghz
    ATI All-in-Wonder 9000 (not sure, 128mb ... I think, could have been 64mb!) - (upgraded to ATI Radeon 9600 256mb)
    17 inch CRT - (upgraded to 19 inch TFT)
    4x DVD Writer (and another disc drive that only "reads") - (upgraded to 8x ... or is it 16? ... DVD writer)
    2 80gig hard-drives

    Can't go any further on my current motherboard, if I got a win on the lottery or something (you know, a few thousand), I'd upgrade the whole thing - new motherboard, new graphics, change one of the hard-drives or add a third (is that possible?).

    When you change motherboard, does that mean you can change the processer power? Could you conceivably upgrade to a dual core? (I guess that would require Windows Fistula though...)

    OR...I'd just get a flat out NEW computer exclusively for gaming and then upgrade my current one with a new hard-drive only to keep it just for editing ... yeah, that'd be a sh*tload easier. Then of course that would mean there'd be three computers on my desk...
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 03-Nov-2006 at 07:12 PM. Reason: Obsessive compulse desire to change an "s" to a "d"...

  13. #118
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    All this talk about new rigs.. I dunno if I told you, but I'm taking Dj's current rig off his hands in January (he's giving me an incredible deal on it too) - and for one reason and one reason only: that bastard has a GeForce 7900 in it.


    the rest of the **** I'm not so worried about as this AMD64 3000+ still does everything I need it to do, but man, I NEED THAT FREAKIN' VIDEO CARD.

  14. #119
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I take it that's a good one then?

    I've no idea what the nVidia range means, I've always been ATI so if someone says they've got an X1900 then I'm like "you bastard", cos I've got the rather out-dated Radeon 9600...but then again, there are still the odd games coming out which support it, so it's not all bad, and it's stood me in good steed since I got it in 2004.

    Man, those were the days, I remember getting that bitch plugged in having had it sent to my term-time address, then fired up FarCry which I got specifically for it and then I got Doom 3 and marvelled at the graphics (whilst sh*tting my pants with fright) ... lol, with Doom 3 I actually talked to myself throughout to keep the scares from scaring me too much.

    My housemates kept hearing "oh yeah, come on then ya bastards, ooh yeah, ya think ya hard? come on, F*CK YOU!!! yeeaaaaah, have some of that ya wanker" etc through the walls. It worked though, I was still sh*t scared, but it helped...

  15. #120
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Yeah Doom 3 & farcry were the benchmark titles back then,to me it was "if i can run doom 3 & farcry on high settings then my PC is **** hot"
    My current rig first started struggling when call of duty 2 came out last year,it runs it,but the resolution has to be low (still looks mighty fine) & at certain parts of the game it blips along unless i look at the ground (pointe du hoc,crossing the rhine)
    At the moment i have an AMD athlon 64 3400,radeon 9600XT 256mb card & a gig of RAM.It winced & creaked when i played the demo of medieval 2 the other week,had to run it on medium settings for a decent frame rate,same with company of heroes.I wouldnt even dare try it with crysis such a shame its gone out of date so quick,when i upgrade it will be my third PC in 3 & a half years!


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