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Thread: TWD Season 11-B & 11-C discussion... **ROLLING SPOILERS**

  1. #121
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    So how many episodes of this nonsense is left?

    I just cannot see the show coming to a satisfactory end if there's only 3 or 4 to go.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  2. #122
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    So how many episodes of this nonsense is left?

    I just cannot see the show coming to a satisfactory end if there's only 3 or 4 to go.
    Episode 11-24 is it and it airs Nov 20. It’s looking more obvious this isn’t going to be conclusive but rather set up spin-offs.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Episode 11-24 is it and it airs Nov 20. It’s looking more obvious this isn’t going to be conclusive but rather set up spin-offs.
    Which in itself is a bloody cheek, because the main show that started it all needs to have its own conclusion and wrap-up.

    I do hope the finale is a long episode, and not just a few extra minutes. We need a lot of screen time to cover our bases and have at least a half-decent sense of closure.

    As for this penultimate episode, yes, it was quite enjoyable. Lots going on, some good juicy zombie action - with the climbers playing a role now. It would have been nice to have had a bit more use out of the variants, but then again you can't have them hanging around for too long otherwise the Commonwealth soldiers would find one and mend their defences to reflect the new situation ... although to be honest, why they didn't already have sheets of metal welded to those columns to stop anyone from climbing up is beyond in-world logic. Obviously it's so we can have a walker climb it, cause chaos, and then the doors accidentally get opened up - but in-world it doesn't make much sense ... ... perhaps hubris?

    I half-wondered if Judith saying "Daddy" is because she did actually see him in the zombie horde, but because we don't see him then we assume it's her circling the drain and seeing things.

    If they don't bring Rick (and indeed Michonne) back into the final episode it'll be a total slap in the face to all the fans, it really will. Sure, we can have our spin-off and I really do hope the Rich/Michonne mini-series will be good and buck the trend of the utterly shite spin-offs TWD has so far had, but I need closure in this show.

    Time's marching on, the kids have grown so much and are only going to spurt up even more, so we need to have Rick and Michonne reunite with their family (remember - Rick has never met RJ and didn't even know Michonne was pregnant!!!) and then have a good chunk of time to show how things progressed from there on into the years that followed. That's what I'd do, at least.

    Anyway - good episode, some nice meat on the bones and peril going on, but trying to wedge the majority of the Commonwealth story into season 11 (with only dribs and drabs in season 10) has been not the greatest idea, even with an additional eight episodes thrown into the mix. Season 11 has overall been better than Season 10, but it could have easily been better in various ways.

    Still love the show, but the love affair passion of it all has faded.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Which in itself is a bloody cheek, because the main show that started it all needs to have its own conclusion and wrap-up.

    I do hope the finale is a long episode, and not just a few extra minutes. We need a lot of screen time to cover our bases and have at least a half-decent sense of closure.

    As for this penultimate episode, yes, it was quite enjoyable. Lots going on, some good juicy zombie action - with the climbers playing a role now. It would have been nice to have had a bit more use out of the variants, but then again you can't have them hanging around for too long otherwise the Commonwealth soldiers would find one and mend their defences to reflect the new situation ... although to be honest, why they didn't already have sheets of metal welded to those columns to stop anyone from climbing up is beyond in-world logic. Obviously it's so we can have a walker climb it, cause chaos, and then the doors accidentally get opened up - but in-world it doesn't make much sense ... ... perhaps hubris?

    I half-wondered if Judith saying "Daddy" is because she did actually see him in the zombie horde, but because we don't see him then we assume it's her circling the drain and seeing things.

    If they don't bring Rick (and indeed Michonne) back into the final episode it'll be a total slap in the face to all the fans, it really will. Sure, we can have our spin-off and I really do hope the Rich/Michonne mini-series will be good and buck the trend of the utterly shite spin-offs TWD has so far had, but I need closure in this show.

    Time's marching on, the kids have grown so much and are only going to spurt up even more, so we need to have Rick and Michonne reunite with their family (remember - Rick has never met RJ and didn't even know Michonne was pregnant!!!) and then have a good chunk of time to show how things progressed from there on into the years that followed. That's what I'd do, at least.

    Anyway - good episode, some nice meat on the bones and peril going on, but trying to wedge the majority of the Commonwealth story into season 11 (with only dribs and drabs in season 10) has been not the greatest idea, even with an additional eight episodes thrown into the mix. Season 11 has overall been better than Season 10, but it could have easily been better in various ways.

    Still love the show, but the love affair passion of it all has faded.
    I’ll have to rewatch that alley scene. I did enjoy Negans “wtf” at the climbing walker. The group had a look of fear and that’s long over due.

    My faith in the show and the show runners has been low for a while. I am expecting disappointment in the finale. Maybe that’s just a defense mechanism so i’m not completely crushed. I even think they are going to throw in some major deaths for shock value, which at this point why bother. Many of the remaining characters most likely have a fan base. If the show is gonna suck it might as well make some fans happy by survival.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    I’ll have to rewatch that alley scene. I did enjoy Negans “wtf” at the climbing walker. The group had a look of fear and that’s long over due.
    Funny how they're now seemingly chucking in a "fuck" every episode now - has the broadcast landscape changed in America for accepting "fuck" on TV? I always found it odd how they could show people getting torn to shreds, but nobody could ever say "fuck". It's weird, especially from a UK perspective as we've been saying "fuck" on mainstream all-access television for ages now. "Cunt" even gets flung about in some contexts.

    Last week's ended on "Time to fuck shit up", for example, and aye, I did enjoy Negan's "what the fuck?!" at the sight of a climbing walker - great delivery of that line. If only all the villains were as well written as Negan has become, riddled with grey area complications where he's now doing good or even heroic stuff but he can never escape his past transgressions.

    One thing that bugged the fuck out of me in this episode - and I'm stunned they even left in - was Judith holding Rick's gun in that way. Loaded or not, having your hand over the business end is just stupid. Her finger wasn't on the trigger, but you never know and stranger things can happen and it just shows poor weapon discipline from a character who shouldn't really have that. We don't know whether or not it was loaded, quite possibly it wasn't, but she never checks when she picks it up out of the bottom of that box - so she wouldn't know. I was really surprised they shot that like that. Really surprised.

    I did enjoy seeing Mercer's second-in-command beginning to twig how rotten Pamela is, even if the 'throw the poor plebs to the wolves' approach is rather predictable and actually quite a bit silly - how are you going to run a city without the masses, eh? There's a more nuanced way that could've been handled, a ticking clock desperation of sorts to get through into a safe area that could have been blocked off for the common folk, but one that the top brass have put little thought into (i.e. no food, water, weapons, escape etc - things like that). My mind flashes back to the beginning of Doomsday, where Hadrian's Wall has essentially been rebuilt and is getting sealed off to cut Scotland - and the virus within - from the rest of the UK ... so shiver-inducing.

    I think any deaths in the finale should really be deserved, not just doing away with a villain, but a moment that is earned and means something, not just a senseless snuffing, you know?
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 07-Nov-2022 at 02:25 PM.

  6. #126
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    Regarding tv in America. I don’t watch much of it. GOT and TWD are really the only consistent programs I watch. TWD was once pulling in 12 and I think 13 million views per episode. It’s no longer that powerhouse and eyes aren’t really on it anymore. And I think TWD use of those words is actually contextual and blends in. This isn’t a Rob zombie or Terantino film where the language is over the top rediculous.

    “Gun play” has always been poor on TWD. I really have to turn my brain off during gun fights. The spray and pray. Pamela picking up a gun. Maggie standing in the open for Judith to have time to realize she has to run and tackle her because she knows Pamela is about to smoke Maggie. Then Daryl hovering over Judith while the balcony machine gunners freeze to show mercy?!???!? It’s some next level bafoonery. Now my stomach hurts. So yes, I too cringed with a season survivor(Judith) putting her hand at the business end of a revolver. But had to get past it quick because it is after all TWD.

  7. #127

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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Episode 11-24 is it and it airs Nov 20. It’s looking more obvious this isn’t going to be conclusive but rather set up spin-offs.
    See post #53 in this thread. It was not that difficult to predict.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    See post #53 in this thread. It was not that difficult to predict.
    Just trying to answer a question posed. Andrew Lincoln was photographed in the Atlanta area during/around the time when the series was wrapping up filming. Despite my displeasure at the direction it is unfolding I am still clinging to a faded hope that somehow Rick returns and gives us what we deserve.

  9. #129
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Episode 11-24 is it and it airs Nov 20. It’s looking more obvious this isn’t going to be conclusive but rather set up spin-offs.
    Right, so there's actually just one episode left and we are nowhere really near a proper conclusion. :/

    I think after that episode, I will be done with TWD.

    Made the mistake of not listening to myself again and watched 'Tales from the Walking Dead'.

    Fuck me.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Made the mistake of not listening to myself again and watched 'Tales from the Walking Dead'.

    Fuck me.
    Not the whole thing, surely???

  11. #131
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Right, so there's actually just one episode left and we are nowhere really near a proper conclusion. :/

    I think after that episode, I will be done with TWD.

    Made the mistake of not listening to myself again and watched 'Tales from the Walking Dead'.

    Fuck me.
    Shame on you. hahaha. I think most of us that started with Romero then finally got the blessing that Seasons 1-5 of TWD were feel the same. If Gimple wasn’t a jackass and killed Carl I think the show would have not lost so much. And, I personally believe Carls departure played a part in Lincoln’s decision to exit. Part of it is all I’m saying before the wolves come out. But I know I’d feel so much more emotionally invested if Rick and Carl were side by side for the finale. And Judith for that matter too. I wanted Rick Grimes story through the ZA. The majority of the cast that is left, I don’t care much for. Magna, yumiko kelly luke, haven’t sweated their fates for a second.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Not the whole thing, surely???

    Had it on the laptop while I was working.

    The first episode wasn't bad, but by christ you'd have to wonder who was in charge to give the ok on the whole series.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Shame on you. hahaha. I think most of us that started with Romero then finally got the blessing that Seasons 1-5 of TWD were feel the same. If Gimple wasn’t a jackass and killed Carl I think the show would have not lost so much. And, I personally believe Carls departure played a part in Lincoln’s decision to exit. Part of it is all I’m saying before the wolves come out. But I know I’d feel so much more emotionally invested if Rick and Carl were side by side for the finale. And Judith for that matter too. I wanted Rick Grimes story through the ZA. The majority of the cast that is left, I don’t care much for. Magna, yumiko kelly luke, haven’t sweated their fates for a second.
    TWD ended for me when Lincoln jumped ship. It's just shuffled on like one of its zombies ever since. I was never that bothered by Karl getting killed, but without Rick the whole foundation of the show was ripped out and it never settled again. Plus there's a legion of nobodies in it now that I simply couldn't give a toss about. I don't even know their names and frankly I get irritated when they're on the screen. There's tons of people in it that I just want to die.

    It's a show that's been dead in the water for some time now.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  13. #133
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    Putting Gimple in charge of 'over-seeing' the TWD franchise hasn't been a grand idea, either, it seems - certainly not if you're going by "World Beyond" and "Tales" ... then there was talk of three Rick Grimes movies that never happened, then it was talk of one Rick Grimes movie that never happened, now it's a spin-off series (I presume a mini-series or limited run). Please don't fuck that one up at least!!!

    TWD, at its core, has always been about a father shepherding his son not only through to adulthood, but doing so within the context of a zombie apocalypse. That's the entire heart of TWD, so killing off Carl was some fucking bullshit, moreso in the way it was handled with the actor.

    Amazingly, season 9 was really good despite Rick's departure. It actually worked really well after his exit, with his final episodes all being very, very good indeed. Season 10 lost its way in the first half, rallied in the second portion, then got wobbly in those additional six episodes. Season 11 has generally been better, but there's wasted opportunities abound, and the depth of the writing has become much more shallow unfortunately (the aforementioned moustache twirling villains, exploration of the full workings of The Commonwealth left to hurried scraps at times).

    I also come back to my repeated point that in this day and age there's no reason for any season of TV to be longer than 10 episodes. A positive outcome of such a thing, in addition to less filler and less likelihood of burning out the audience interest, is that everybody working on the show could spend more time pursuing other projects or being with their family, which is often the reasons for people departing these big shows - they either want to get other jobs (especially if you're grinding out the same character year after year), or you've spent so much time away from your family to work on it. It'd be entirely beneficial.

  14. #134
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    It really will be difficult to wrap it up. Like others have said it’s just setting up the spin-offs.

    I wasn’t a fan of killing Carl off, but if they had the 10+ time jump planned it kinda makes sense from a production standpoint. It would have been hard to take the the actor seriously as a 25 year old man. I guess they could have recast an older actor but that would have been awful as well.

    As far as the spin-offs, I choose to stay optimistic. The Daryl one sounds interesting and I’d be willing to bet that the Negan/Maggie one brings the CR back into the show. They are heading to NY. But that can also probably will mean some of cast from The high school of the Dead shitshow will appear so maybe I’m
    Not too optimistic about that one. ��

  15. #135
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    Well, looks like the series finale is gonna be a huge disappointment. Can’t believe I’m saying this but the comic did this story better. Unreal.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."


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