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Thread: Let Me In... looks like more sh*t

  1. #1
    Banned User

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    Let Me In... looks like more sh*t

    So hey, I just saw a TV spot for the "Cloverfield" guy's American remake of "Let the Right One In", entitled "Let Me In". Looks like crap, to me. I mean, the original came out so recently, and it's really quite good. I don't think this new version will be able to improve on it in any way. I don't know how you guys here feel about it, but I would love to know! Positive and negative! Um, so it's another The Ring/The Grudge/REC type deal. I'm calling lame.

  2. #2
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I've never understood why the original is held so high by so many people, so i'm in no rush to see this one. I hear that the response from the Comic Con screening was fantastic, so we'll see.

    I'll probably wait for DVD or TV. Not wasting any money on it after the original...
    Last edited by bassman; 09-Sep-2010 at 07:11 PM.

  3. #3
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    I really liked the original for the cat scene... that and just the children acting was so... and the scenery/atmosphere... desolate... if you really let it get to you, it can be quite unsettling. Rubix cubes are also cool. Little things, kind of like The Ring, in a way... I guess. Murdoc, you wanna say something?
    Muds: Yeah, in fact I actually do! Now look here, I've seen my fair share of vampire films, and this is definitely the best one in recent memory. I mean, Twilight? Vampire Diarrhea? Interview? Bollocks! Sure, most vampire films are bad, but so are most zombie films, right 'D?
    2D: *incoherent mumbling*
    Muds: Right! So as I was saying,... what was I saying? Oh right! Let The Right One In is about as creepy as you can get when the main characters aren't even old enough to have gotten all their parts yet! And it wasn't made on a huge, Hollywood budget like this remake will undoubtedly be, giving it a more... I dunno, grassroots appeal... or whatever's trendy these days... je ne know what. And! Um, er... right! It'd be like, um, somebody remaking Land of the Dead... y'know, not the best movie in the world, but a right good and recent movie in its own right... and um, France would be making it, since it's an American/Canadian film... right, I've had a bit too much rum, I think... or perhaps not enough... Cyborg! More rum! Right, I'm off now. Gotta try on my new tux I was graciously given at the GQ awards... thing. Tah!

  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    I've never understood why the original is held so high by so many people, so i'm in no rush to see this one. I hear that the response from the Comic Con screening was fantastic, so we'll see.

    I'll probably wait for DVD or TV. Not wasting any money on it after the original...
    It's a good enough flick but this "NO FOREIGN LANGUAGE REMAKES EVAR" has come full circle from wanting to preserve a films cultural identity to some bastardized wannabe film snobbery. Like the fact that this is no longer in a foreign language it is automatically lowbrow and uncultured all of a sudden.

    It looks okay, nothing special, but i am not being one of those absolute retards who will shit all over a remake because i want to look smart and bias toward origionals and nothing else. I'll wait till i see it to make my judgement.

  5. #5
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Haven't seen the original. Want to though. Heard it was good from a number of people. The promo for the remake as got to be the most UNINTERESTING trailer I've ever seen. This coming from an industry that has gotten the art for cutting trailers that can even make a shit movie look epic (there should be a an Academy Award just for trailers IMO).

  6. #6
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    still haven't got around to watching the original, but i just ran across it and plan to sit back this weekend and check it out.

    and blind, you do realize that if you enlist in the military only one of you can go to basic training, right? j/k...send me a pm sometime with any questions you might have that i may be able to answer.
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 10-Sep-2010 at 08:10 AM.

  7. #7
    Dying Ghost Of War's Avatar

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    I love the original, the novel is superb, and I'll be watching the new version when I can. I'll make my mind up about it then. Hopefully it will be something different from the original version, and it'll turn people onto that.
    Kill 'em All

  8. #8
    Banned User

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    Thanks, Prof!
    Yeah, I'll watch the new version too, but... it's not that I'm upset about America remaking other countries' films (although I am), I'm more just upset that people making films nowadays care very little (in general) about actually being creative. Don't kid yourselves, remakes are not creative. And that the film is so recent. I mean, if they made a remake of, say, Labyrinth, or something now, that would kind of make sense because we have lots of new cinematic effects techniques that could improve/destroy it. But this? It was fine for the smaller budget it had, what could more money possibly improve? I just don't get it... same with those other movies listed. Also, I'm a little tired of direct sequels... unless it's following a truly epic (look at me, everybody! I'm trendy!) storyline, like Star Wars. Anyway... yeah, Americans should stick to dubbing, and leave it at that. Or subbing. Whatever.

  9. #9
    Just been bitten soulsyfn's Avatar

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    I saw the original and it was good... not great but good... it was a tad slow. But the acting by the children was superb!

    I will see this one as it looks interesting. And it looks like they are keeping a lot of what made the original as good as it did. Yes they did add in more action and less subtext and really give away the fact that she is a vampire... the original, you really had no idea what her issue was till closer to the end - which is what made it so good. I guess the average joe and sally public need everything slapped in their face.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulsyfn View Post
    I saw the original and it was good... not great but good... it was a tad slow. But the acting by the children was superb!

    I will see this one as it looks interesting. And it looks like they are keeping a lot of what made the original as good as it did. Yes they did add in more action and less subtext and really give away the fact that she is a vampire... the original, you really had no idea what her issue was till closer to the end - which is what made it so good. I guess the average joe and sally public need everything slapped in their face.
    Yep, it's the American way!

  11. #11
    Dead Purge's Avatar

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    The original was excellent, IMO, mostly because of the coming-of-age storyline and the way it sympathized with the Lina Leandersson character. Judging from the trailer, it looks like they're flotsaming all that in favor of a plot where the girl slowly takes over the boy and ruins him.

  12. #12
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    Full agreement with you there, purge.
    Incidentally, my step-mother just called it a rip-off.
    Then my father said that it was just like The Ring.
    She called that a rip-off too.
    Sometimes it's not so bad living with your parents.

  13. #13
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I realize it's still early in the game, but the few reviews at rottentomatoes are giving it a fresh rating and gave it an 8/10. These added on top of the fact that the comic con screening went great....I think this might be the rare exception of a good remake.

    That is if people can get over the whole "original was perfect" whining and give it a chance.

  14. #14
    Just been bitten soulsyfn's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    That is if people can get over the whole "original was perfect" whining and give it a chance.
    People would rather bitch... I will give it a shot for sure.

  15. #15
    Just been bitten soulsyfn's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Purge View Post
    The original was excellent, IMO, mostly because of the coming-of-age storyline and the way it sympathized with the Lina Leandersson character. Judging from the trailer, it looks like they're flotsaming all that in favor of a plot where the girl slowly takes over the boy and ruins him.
    That was part of the subtext in the original as well... she does ruin him...


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