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Thread: 35mm Dawn of the Dead Valuation

  1. #1
    Fresh Meat

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    35mm Dawn of the Dead Valuation

    I have a full length 35mm Print of Dawn of the Dead 78. It is from France, and as far as I know it is in reasonable condition (still hav'nt been able to run it yet) but it came from someone who has.
    The full film, six 16 inch film cans about 2 hours long in total but it is dubbed in FRENCH for the french market.
    I was over the moon when I bought this about 4 years ago but I'm thinking of trading it on now.
    Basicly I wanted to know where I can get a approximate value for this item, does anybody know of a place I can email, or do you know a value yourself?


  2. #2
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    I never see prints of Dawn on eBay in any variety, but 16mm prints of Night pop up from time to time and sell for around $125 US. Just a guess but I'd say you could expect to see no less than $300 for the 35mm print. I suppose you'd fetch a lot more if it were an English language version, but perhaps it being a rare version might up the value. Good luck selling it, although it is a shame that you haven't been able to run it yet. Perhaps a local cinema or university could help you out.

  3. #3
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    I'd think the age of the film stock would be an important factor.

    Beware the beast, man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.
    - 23rd Sacred Scroll, 6th verse

  4. #4
    Fresh Meat

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    Mar 2006
    Thanks for your replies.
    The other thing I was debating on doing is cutting it and selling it in strips for film mounts. Sounds drastic I know but I thought there may be a market for it.
    Do you think there is a market for doing this?
    I would hate to cut it up and only sell 10 strips.
    See one problem I have is the weight, I think it is about 35 kilos in total. Very Heavy and costly to someone for shipping.

  5. #5
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    Call FEDEX or UPS and see what their cheapest options are for shipping, I doubt it would be too harsh because the size isn't that big.

    I've seen mounted film strips sold on eBay before, they don't seem to go for that much. Please don't do that!

  6. #6
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    I agree, don't cut that film up. There are tons of collectors who would want that, you should advertise to a lot of horror websites about having the print. Take pictures of the cans, and the label. If you can get a cinema to run a reel so you can check the print, ask the projectionist after he runs it what he thinks on a scale of 1 to 10 the condition of the print is, and what items factored into his decision.

    Once you get that information you will find it easier to sell the print. However the fact it is DAWN of the DEAD should be enough but some people need to know these things, especially collectors.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  7. #7
    Don't cut the film up. That would be such a waste, regardless of condition.

  8. #8
    Fresh Meat

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    Mar 2006
    Thanks for the advise.
    When I get a bit more time I will try and find some way of getting it played to check out the quality.


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