Hi all
So I've gotten a *little* bit into PC gaming, nothing special - just as my video card can run most games really well I decided to invest in a few games and have been enjoying some FPS action on my machine.

the thing is, I hate k/m combos and unless you're playing "games for windows" you can't really put a controller into most games. Unfortunately for me, my left hand cramps up massively playing with a keyboard. I can't enjoy using the WSAD combo when it causes crampyness in my hand which requires me to take breaks.

But of course if you play an online game like BFBC2 (which I got for PC just for the giggles) you HAVE to use a k/m combo because a) the game doesn't support it and B) if you use a prog like xpadder to remap the keys, you lose analogue capability of the gamepad completely and worse still don't have a melee function, and of course you just get pwned by everyone in the game because of their set ups and non-crampy hands.

So is there a solution to this? like a gamepad, with loads of buttons, but has the same sensitivity and accuracy as a mouse yet is really a gamepad? I've been searching online but gaming mouses are different, I can't use my left hand on the keyboard - or any separate equipment (also my set up at home has my pc running on my plasma TV so I game on my sofa, hardly the best environment for a keyboard/mouse!) I'm thinking a big pad with a rollerball on it for the aiming, and an analogue stick or d-pad buttons for the movement, or some equivilent, that allows you to be deadly accurate with your sights yet gives you enough buttons to map that you don't have to use...

also - what's a good First person RPG in the same vein as Oblivion - but is fairly recent, looks good etc?

many thanks