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Thread: TWD 3x04 "Killer Within" episode discussion...**SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    TWD 3x04 "Killer Within" episode discussion...**SPOILERS WITHIN**

    The fourth episode of season three - keep your discussion of 3x04 to this thread, don't post about it in the shoutbox, and as always keep any future comic book storylines/spoilers within "spoiler tags" (if you don't know how to use spoiler tags, go to the HPOTD FAQ and look up the section on 'BB Codes') - and finally, ENJOY THE DISCUSSION!

  2. #2
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    This is going to be one epic episode. Strap yourselves in people.
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  3. #3
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    This is going to be one epic episode. Strap yourselves in people.
    While it will certainly be a shock for the fourth episode of the season, I don't really see it as epic. Non-comic events happen, but they're not overly amazing, imo.

    It's crazy how much they're working into the prison arc with only three episodes, I'll put it that way. Especially when you consider that they've said it will last two seasons. Mazzara wasn't lying when he said the show's pace is being kicked into high gear. I couldn't be happier with Season Three from what we've seen/heard so far.

  4. #4
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    While it will certainly be a shock for the fourth episode of the season, I don't really see it as epic. Non-comic events happen, but they're not overly amazing, imo.
    Ok. Maybe not epic but certainly shocking. Im more pissed off about how it changes certain future events from the comic.
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  5. #5
    Fresh Meat Ultra Magnus's Avatar

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    I enjoyed the episode. I agree with kidgloves about how things will change after this episode.

  6. #6
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    What an explosive episode! Well, they finally got rid of Token-Dawg. I actually yelled out loud: "No, you killed Token!" at my TV when this took place and couldn't help but laugh afterwards. His tremendous presence on the show as being such a vital character in the series will be a major loss to the show (sarcasm off now).

    I was rather shocked at Lori's death. I honestly didn't see that one coming at all. It was certainly a surprise - but the character was a bitch anyway. If only she had taken out Carl too in re-animating it would have been a double win for me to see them both gone.

    Is Carol dead? I don't think she is - but since I don't get AMC on my cable (I'm cheap) I was watching it elsewhere (ahem) and the picture quality wasn't that great. I don't think Carol's dead - I certainly hope not - but can someone answer this for me? I really dig her character, so I hope she survived.

    I'm glad Herschel is still kicking and going strong. I was worried in the first episode of the season when his name wasn't mentioned up front in the intro but only as a "also starring" that his ticket was punched - it's good to see he's still with us (for now).

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  7. #7
    Just been bitten Zombie Snack's Avatar

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    Now that was good television!

  8. #8

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    Jesus Christ monkey balls. This Season is so intense. It's as if they saved all their craziest, most intense ideas for Season 3. They've covered so much ground in 4 episodes. They must have a LOT of ideas to fill up two seasons of prison, because they've done so much with it already.

    I'm seriously, THIS is the show we wanted. THIS is what we waited for. I've been a fan throughout the show, and even though Season 2 dragged at points, it works really well when watched as a cohesive unit. And I loved Season 1 all the way through. But Season 3...this is next level. They've hit their stride, full on, and they've been sprinting fucking fast and far. Can't wait to see what's in store.

    And guys? We've made it. We've finally made it. The Walking Dead hit the ground running from the series premiere and while it has stumbled a bit here and there, you can't deny it's been picking up speed all season. Feels good, brahs. Feels good.

  9. #9

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    I like how Carl comes walking out like the Terminator after doing the deed!

  10. #10
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    Holy shit!

  11. #11
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Dammit, I know people are probably glad T is finally gone but I like rooting for the underdogs. He's was finally getting some shine and just like that he's gone. He did go out in a very heroic fashion. Godspeed, T-Dog, godspeed.

    And Lori?

    Well that changes things.
    Last edited by Moon Knight; 05-Nov-2012 at 02:56 AM. Reason: show spoiler typo
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  12. #12

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    That'sa Spicy Meatball! Agree 200% with everyone talking about the plot having kicked into overdrive. T-Dog was actually beginning to grow on me (a little, and only as of this season), but I would've found his doomed-yet-still-sacrificial death for Carol MUCH more satisfying if they hadn't gone ambiguous with Carol's fate. It's a subjective view, but I feel they missed an opportunity to keep the hammer blow pacing coming by not nailing down her fate. Either dead within moments of pushing open the door, or surviving via narrow escape, in this case the ambiguity doesn't heighten tensions so much as diminish the grit of how T-Dog chose to go out knowing his number was up.

    As for Lori, that was just wild. Once again having Carl perform the coup de grace, and on his mother no less was just amazing. The Shane shooting felt like a snap act of necessity, almost unconsidered in its execution by comparison. I totally don't get all the Carl-hate. Sure he was an annoying git for much of Season 2, but this season he's been the freaking MAN. I really enjoyed how they flashed back to the "Kid stuff is over. People are going to die, I'm going to die, your can never be prepared for it" speech Rick gave him back on the farm. THEN it came off as a bit trite, but in montage-combination with performing the "Last Rites of the Zombie Apocalypse" on Lori, coupled with that icy no-bullshit unblinking gaze as Carl marched past Maggie within two seconds of firing the shot it really gave the scene even more gravity if that was possible.

    As to Andrew the Sociopath: Man, that was a hand-grenade-like detonation of bad karma. Rick opts not to expend the bullet, and pays with T-Dog's, Lori's and perhaps Carol's lives....and another crushing responsibility forced on Carl. No one can see the future, but it couldn't be a more crystal-clear example of a leader being responsible for the consequences of his decisions, no matter how improbable or unintended. Leaving aside last week's debate, the message that I get from many of TWD's events so far SEEMS to be that expedience ultimately leads to disaster, however instantaneous or delayed.

    Kudos to Maggie for that glazed yet responsive traumatized expression as she emerged with the baby in her arms. Kudos ad infinitum to Rick for that hands-on-knees "No, oh no. NO, NO!!" denial as he looks at Carl and takes in the monumental scope of the horror. I truly felt for the character. Which was damned refreshing, given how glacially stiff Rick has been of late. Opportunities deferred are opportunities no more, and that's something I think everyone can empathize with. Andrew Lincoln really surprises me during some clutch moments by hitting them so picture-perfect. He may miss a few pitches, but when he connects the ball is headed downtown.

    The Woodbury stuff just felt like fluff that reiterated last week, other than the brief back and forth between Merle and The Governor about Merle wanting to go look for Daryl. That's one of the few genuinely interesting nuances (beyond the obvious) about Woodbury that's really prompted my appetite for speculation.

    A great episode in all. Yet I still think they erred by not tying Carol's fate to T-Dog's sacrifice in an immediate-shot sense. If she survives now, seven days from now the connection between said survival and T-Dog is intellectual rather than emotional. At least IMHO.

    My .02, your mileage may vary.

  13. #13
    Being Attacked

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    I enjoyed the contrast at the end between an expressionless Carl, and Rick reacting more like one might expect Carl to (with every right to of course).

    I do love the pacing, but it almost seems too intense to me, like there is just too much going on in a 40 minute episode (excluding the commercials). I enjoyed a few of those moments that were drawn out in season 2 that allowed us viewers a chance to breathe. I'm not complaining though, I am loving season 3 so far.
    Last edited by AnxietyDilemma; 05-Nov-2012 at 03:55 AM. Reason: more

  14. #14
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    sooo glad that wasn't spoiled for me, as lori's death was something i expected, but not this early and definitely not like that...and damn, carl is harder than a barrel of woodpecker lips now. christ, that would be tough to do. rick and carl are both gonna be messed up big-time for quite some time over this.

    and RIP, finally got your chance to shine in season 3, but alas, nobody is safe in this brave new world. godspeed, theodore. where's carol, though? i'm guessing she made it, but after tonight, who knows what the writers have in store for anyone?

    and i had a pretty strong feeling that andrew was the one watching carol and letting all the walkers back in to the prison. awesome to see the little shit get wasted by his own boy for being such a pain in the ass.

    i really hate andrea this she's always looking runway-ready with her hair and make-up is probably my biggest gripe about this show right now....i really hope that she gets killed off next, as her character is a bitch and totally worthless to the plot as far as i'm concerned. michonne is improving, i really can't wait to see her get mid-evil on a certain someone if things progress like they do in the comics.

    and i'm telling ya, the dixon reunion is gonna be epic. that's probably my most anticipated scene, right next to rick and the governor's first showdown.... ya follow me? (hell yeah, axel!)
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 05-Nov-2012 at 04:07 AM. Reason: .

  15. #15
    Just been bitten

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    The scene with Merle and the Governor at the "Driving Range" was subtle and intense.
    Did you catch the Governor's face twitch when he realized Merle was choosing his brother over Woodbury? I had to rewind twice to confirm and saw it again after his talk with Andrea. He does not like it when he is challenged. Great acting.
    FYI, I hate Andrea's guts. The flirting with Merle and the Governor confirms the board's suspicions about her relationships.
    Way to go out Lori and T-Dawg.......................


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