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Thread: nitendo Wii

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    nitendo Wii

    now like most on here ive been jibber jabbering on about the 360 and halo, gta, fable 2 ect.
    and of course laughing at the ps3, which has suddenly, and not becuase of any possible bad press...apparently, changed the controller back to the ps2 one but with a motion sensor, can you say Wii rip off?

    well having now watched the press conferances on gamespot for all three
    companys im pretty sure the ps3 is going the way of the dream cast and the *snigger* gizmondo.

    but as for the 360 its got great graphics and more enemies on screen but overall its no leap, it just feels like and improved xbox but the Wii has caught my attention as its something new all together, kinda like the first time you ever saw a light gun in play. so im pretty sure im getting a nintendo Wii, i got a NES when i was a kid and ive allways been a nintendo fanboy at heart i got dragged away by the lure of halo but an entirely new way to play games and have fun is a much finer way to waste my cash and
    not be "that creepy white guy on the dancemat machine" in the arcade

    i myself thought that nintendo was on its way out but, though it wont and i garuantee this,it wont outsell the 360 the way it plays the new final fantasy games, actual survival horror games and mario 128, finally, im pretty damn sure sonys in a ****load of trouble.

    heres a link to the vids.

    lets see what your gonna get after watching all three

  2. #2
    Dead Tullaryx's Avatar

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    No question as to what I'm going to get. I already have a 360 and angling to buy a second. I will get the PS3, though not on day one. I will also get the Wii and not much for the new games and its funky-ass controller. Yes, the controller is not such a bg deal to me and it look like Nintendo trying to push something new of theirs on the public as if its sliced bread. I will get the Wii for the fact I will now have access to past NES and SNES games without having to plug in my old systems and go through my sotrage closet for the cartridges.
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  3. #3
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing
    now like most on here ive been jibber jabbering on about the 360 and halo, gta, fable 2 ect.
    and of course laughing at the ps3, which has suddenly, and not becuase of any possible bad press...apparently, changed the controller back to the ps2 one but with a motion sensor, can you say Wii rip off?

    i myself thought that nintendo was on its way out but, though it wont and i garuantee this,it wont outsell the 360 the way it plays the new final fantasy games, actual survival horror games and mario 128, finally, im pretty damn sure sonys in a ****load of trouble.

    The controller is frankly a joke. Sony's not utilizing it any sort of an effective manner. it's being employed like a low end flightstick for a windows PC game. it's very 1998.

    there's a video over on cnet, where a nintendo rep walk though the WII's controller set up. the nunchucku add-on controller has a built-in speaker that provides what they are calling "depth of sound" meaning when you interact with objects ingame it triggers a noise. for example if you use a bow in zelda you can hear the string draw back, go taught, then release when you fire.

    it's ****ing genius.

    After all of this, i think it's safe to say Nintendo has threaded the eye of the needle. unless they're outright lying the WII is going to own Q4 this year.

  4. #4
    Dead Tullaryx's Avatar

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    Article going through yahoo right now from Reuters is interesting. Peter Moore, thus Microsoft, seems to be taking Nintendo's side in terms of which one will do better business between then Wii and the PS3. He did make a good point that to get a high-end PS3 (and why would one get the gay-ass stripped 20GB version) a consumer can buy a 360 Premium system and a Wii. That's two consoles for the price of one.

    In the past there's always been talk of either Microsoft buying Nintendo outright or the two collaborating together. I could see Microsoft seeing the Wii as a platform that doesn't threaten their HD-system in the 360, but as a cost-conscious system they could take advantage of and make games for.
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  5. #5
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tullaryx
    Article going through yahoo right now from Reuters is interesting. Peter Moore, thus Microsoft, seems to be taking Nintendo's side in terms of which one will do better business between then Wii and the PS3. He did make a good point that to get a high-end PS3 (and why would one get the gay-ass stripped 20GB version) a consumer can buy a 360 Premium system and a Wii. That's two consoles for the price of one.

    In the past there's always been talk of either Microsoft buying Nintendo outright or the two collaborating together. I could see Microsoft seeing the Wii as a platform that doesn't threaten their HD-system in the 360, but as a cost-conscious system they could take advantage of and make games for.

    yep i done posted that article in a new thread a few minutes ago.

    i'm csomewhat content with Nintendo and Ms being seperate entities, just because they're products are so diverse, and they seem to be moving in seperate directions with their consoles.

    MS is going for universal compatability between all formats. while nintendo has been intent on creating a fun yet simple games system. neither philosophy is bad. but i'd hate to see either lost in some massive merger.

  6. #6
    Dead Tullaryx's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by p2501
    yep i done posted that article in a new thread a few minutes ago.

    i'm csomewhat content with Nintendo and Ms being seperate entities, just because they're products are so diverse, and they seem to be moving in seperate directions with their consoles.

    MS is going for universal compatability between all formats. while nintendo has been intent on creating a fun yet simple games system. neither philosophy is bad. but i'd hate to see either lost in some massive merger.
    A merger is fantasyland for MS shareholders, but a collaboration between the two companies would be doable and probably an advantage in eroding even more of Sony's chokehold on the marketplace.
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  7. #7
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    i think itd be great to see microsft and nintendo merge companys, imagine the graphical and game engine capabilities of the 360 combined with the innovativeness of the Wii, with a back catalogue AND live.

    plus mario vs master chief in smash bros 4.

    seriously who doesnt think its great that solid snake is in super smash bros. brawl?

  8. #8
    Dead Tullaryx's Avatar

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    I think unlike Sega, Nintendo's created a large enough Apple-like fanbase that their systems will always sell enough to allow them yearly profits. True a merger between the two would be a great, but I agree with p2501 that it'd be best for the two to remain two separate entities. That doesn't mean the two couldn't work together to make games for their respective systems. I mean Microsoft could license the advance motion-sensitive controller from Nintendo and make a select set of games for the 360 that would work best using motion-sensor. Nintendo could license popular xbox and 360 characters like Master Chief, Ryu Hayabusa, etc... to appear in the usual Nintendo Mario party games.
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  9. #9
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    all this video game talks inspired me to get back to my game creating.

    check out gamespace 1.5 on the net you can make character models at n64 level with incredible ease, google it.

    and yeah now i think about it they should remain seperate but sony hasnt got a chance.

    *hellsing does a funeral march with a rolled up tube of paper*.

  10. #10

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    Well, Sony's had their 15 minutes in this game, Nintendo had theirs at one time as did Sega. Since the difference between PS3 and Xbox 360 is marginal the next winner should be Microsoft and it's nice to see them be good sports about it. Everything Sony's said about the big N of late reeks of desperation and fear.

  11. #11
    Dying Bunker65's Avatar

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    Another bonus for Microsoft in a possible collabiration with Nintendo is that it would help MS's standing in the Japanese gaming market. If there were games created for the 360 by Nintendo it would more than likely increase MS's sales in Japan.

    I think it would be a mutually benificial relationship that I would love to see.

  12. #12
    Banned Tri0xin's Avatar
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    Nintendo still makes games for kids...

    Afterall, that's who console designers video game companies should be catering too. Let the twenty-something and thirty-something burnouts have their M-rated games, but let the kids have their Mario games. When I was a kid, Mario and Sonic were the best.

    Other systems are leaving kids and early teens behind, and that's where Nintendo picks up the slack.

    Nintendo is still the champ, eventough WII sounds dumber than a pussy fart.

  13. #13
    Dead Tullaryx's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tri0xin
    Afterall, that's who console designers video game companies should be catering too. Let the twenty-something and thirty-something burnouts have their M-rated games, but let the kids have their Mario games. When I was a kid, Mario and Sonic were the best.

    Other systems are leaving kids and early teens behind, and that's where Nintendo picks up the slack.

    Nintendo is still the champ, eventough WII sounds dumber than a pussy fart.
    Did you just call the Holy Grail of Nintendo fanboys a "queef"?
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  14. #14
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    everything seems funnier when it comes fomr someone with a bruce cambell avatar.

    but i for one cant wait to play the next mario and zelda games, and hes right now adays all we have is another bloody 06/07 football license cash in, about 5 world war 2 games a month and more shooters, whereas the japanese get all kindsa cool wierd ****.

    thankfully because of the Wii and the ds that starting over here with games like trauma centre and ace attorney things are looking up, theres more to gameing than yet another **** EA license.

    *folds arms and nods knowingly*.

  15. #15
    Dying Bunker65's Avatar

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    Figured I'd post this in the thread about the Wii. This just struck me as really funny :

    Look at everyone running past the PS3 booth to get to the Nintendo booth to try out the Wii .

    And just in case anyone is wondering, the MS booth was in a different part of the building so the people weren't running past MS's booth as well to get to the Wii.


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