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Thread: E3 2013

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    E3 2013

    Well todays the day. Time to get ready for surprises and letdowns in hopefully equal measure.

    Any predictions for today?

    -also first leak, a guy snuck into the building as stuffs being set up and snapped some pictures of what looks like a new zombie game of some sort i know will probably have interest for most of us.

    -and just like that a trailer appears, looks like mirrors edge meets left 4 dead.

    Last edited by Danny; 10-Jun-2013 at 09:39 AM. Reason: asdasds

  2. #2
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    I've copied your "Dying Light" post to the dedicated thread -
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  3. #3
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Oh nice i didnt even see that thread, i had never even heard of this game before.

  4. #4
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    I'm hyped! New games from all three companies, new consoles from two of them.

    Should be the most exciting E3 half a decade or more. Got by bowl backed, waiting for the Microsoft presser. Bring on Dead Rising 3!
    Last edited by CoinReturn; 10-Jun-2013 at 01:15 PM. Reason: derp!

  5. #5
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Well the MS conference is underway

    -new slim version of the 360 available from today, not really sure what the market for it is this late in the lifespan and so close to the ones release for die hard xbox fans though
    -mgsv a xbox one exclusive, which really sucks since i dont plan on getting the console and love metal gear
    -world of tanks which to be honest, free to play cash shop monopoly being ported to a console, not really sure whos cheering this. probably the low point thus far.
    -2 xbox games a month for gold users, but starting with halo 3 and assassins creed 3 makes me think it will be the cheapest, oldest games and while still not as good as what PS+ offers, unlike plus you keep them when your sub runs out i think.

    now, heres the bit that rustles my jimmies as a 360 owner. Remember the one unveiling last month? "dont worry about the 360, theres plenty of games for it at e3"....

    and all we get is 3 trailers, one for a free to play pc port? and then "from this point on take a look at all the launch titles which will probably 70% crap like most console launches"? yeah. fantastic.
    I mean i get they are in damage control for the new console and trying to push as much controlled news out at once but geez.

    anyway, xbxo one titles -
    ryse - meh
    sunshine overdrive - i have no f*cking clue what demographic this is aimed at.
    forza 5 - if you love racing games im sure it looks amazing, personally i couldnt care less about racing games. i know thats just me though. DRIVATAR! yeah he seriously said that about 2 dozen times...
    minecraft updated
    quantum break, looks nice, but i cant help but think of sam lake almost tearing up explaining why alan wake 2 got canned.
    an episodic swery game, f*ck knows what the hell hes making this time.
    project spark, a game creation game using surface. cant really say much since the 'demo' was clearly a video.
    new panzer dragoon style game looks neat, shame no sound on stage though
    dead rising 3. graphically great, but a gta style open map and no multiplayer? personally i dont think the single player formulae of dead rising can get me into a game again.
    the witcher looks amazing, little more fable-ey than the past games though.
    battlefield, yeesh, boos and heckles, DICE guy telling the crowd to be quiet and a generic trailer for a dude shooting other dudes. thrilling. and pc button prompts so not exactly console graphics likely.
    what lies below looks good, im a sucker for roguelikes and i dig the art style
    halo, not halo 5, just "halo". mastercheif in broken armour in a cloak in a desert. not much to say, just a teaser and expected.
    £429 in the uk. considering amazon was taking preorders for £599 that could be worse, still f*cking steep though.
    Finally, not ending with halo or metal gear solid 5 surprisingly we had titanfall, a game looking like an answer to the now freed from microsofts exclusivity contracts bungie creation destiny. On the whole this was probably one of the lamer new ip's thus far. At least the others are trying something different.

    On the whole? nice news about the xbox live free games for paying subscribers, no more microsoft points but real world currency, mgs5 looks fantastic and actual games and not half spent on kinect wagglan like last year. Still a bit 'meh' overall and nothing to sell me on a xbox one.

  6. #6
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    That was 90 minutes of nonstop games. I'm definitely leaning toward purchasing One, there are to many exclusives I'm interested in. Sunrise Overdrive, Ryse, Dead Rising 3, Quantum much awesomeness.

    Also, talk about a crowd full of obnoxious c*nts.

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I didn't watch the press conference, but I did see the Quantum Break trailer separately (apparently that's all in-game! ) ... but yeah ... Sam Lake's video to the Alan Wake fans regarding no sequel was painful to watch as a Remedy/AW fan.

    I was surprised that there's a new look for the 360 - makes me wonder what the point is? You're pushing this new console, but you're saying you're putting out an improved 360 right now ... so you do kinda wonder what on earth the point is ... and yes, Halo 3 and AC2 (yes 2, not 3) as the first two "free games" smacks of 'cheap as chips games you've already played, but it looks like we're on your side' ... if you're on the side of gamers, MS, you wouldn't have made a right pig's ear of your launch and all the came tumbling after.

    Saw some videos for the new COD game - I don't play online, so I'm purely about the single player experience in those games, and I liked what I saw. Nothing drastically different, but it looks like it'll be fun (should be a step up from Black Ops 2, which was, interesting changes aside and some good inclusions, a little bit of a disappointment ... I think it was the less-than-inspiring level design that has meant I've replayed it less than I would have otherwise done ... admittedly BO2 wasn't Infinity Ward).

  8. #8
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoinReturn View Post
    That was 90 minutes of nonstop games.
    Certainly a big change from the wagglan dance off 40 minutes of horseshit from last year.

    - - - Updated - - -

    EA's was pretty samey but two stand outs for me
    1: plants verssu zombies sequel as a tf2 style team 3rd person shooter.
    2: MIRRORS FUCKING EDGE SEQUEL aka one of my favourite games of all time is getting a sequel "when its ready"

  9. #9
    Dead Rancid Carcass's Avatar

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    Woooo! New Star Wars Battlefront!

    When the hell did E3 become a gaming cavalcade of awesome????

  10. #10

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    It has been awesome I was very impressed by Xbox One's offerings and both EA and Ubisofts games! Now lets see what that lumbering dinosaur Nintendo craps out, likely a new 3DS model and a price cut with more Iwata bullshit to boot.

  11. #11
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    Mad Max for PS4. No game footage. Just a trailer.

  12. #12
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Okay, first off for sony MAD MAX?!? Christ that came out of nowhere. so fallout in australia with cars? mite b cool
    -Destiny looked very cool
    -First i saw of watchdogs, looks great but could be buggy as hell
    -FF15 and kingdom hearts 3 are going to sell like crazy.
    -used games, no need for any online ever.
    -don't starve, a HD rebuild of abes oddessy and a new game from bastions creators on the indie section, frigging lorne lanning on stage, i honestly thought he was dead!
    -20 launch titles, 14 new ips.
    -no last guardian or beyond good and evil 2 news
    -130 games in the first year
    -new last of us trailer and beyond two souls, both look great.

    That was crazy, i havent seen a crowd like that at an e3 since they announced the gamecube and the sequel to smash bros. They were jumping up and down and chanting sonys name. A year ago you couldnt predict that. It was jaw dropping.

    So far without question Sony has had the best showing thus far. Now i'm just waiting for nintendo who are at the right time in the wii U's lifespan to start showing stuff of the new zeldas and marios and so on. Those are the last big things i could expect.

  13. #13
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    not even really that interested in the next gen of consoles right now, but i'm damn certain that MS and their anti-consumer practices can kiss my ass and my money goodbye when/if i do decide to take the next-gen plunge.

    aside from gta5, perhaps a stellar movie tie-in game for the amazing spider-man 2, and *fingers crossed* the follow-up to state of decay, the planned MMORPG codenamed "class 4", i really don't even give a fuck if i get another game for my 360 again. i've simply got too many games too catch up on these days and not enough time to do it to even consider moving to a new console (oh and not to mention that none of my games i have now will be playable on the piece of shit known as xbox one....i realize that i can't play any of my 360 games on a ps4 either, but sony won me over with just a few simple bullet points, should i decide to go next-gen.)

  14. #14
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    No DRM on sony's PS4 and it's 100 euro cheaper? For real? Never expected this. Smart business decision all the same.
    Microsoft will see a lot of consumer migration now I suppose.

    Also: Mad Max by those Just Cause guys sounds good.

    Edit: Seems they are imposing a Ps+ subscription to anyone whio wants to play online. Hmmm...
    Last edited by krisvds; 11-Jun-2013 at 07:29 AM. Reason: .

  15. #15
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    -mgsv a xbox one exclusive
    Gonna have to call bullshit. Not saying "YOU'RE" lying but I don't see why Kojima Productions would change their colors during the new console war since this is to be the last MGS game. I would think Sony would have that on lock down as an opening title.


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