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Thread: Halloween "The Night HE Came Home..."

  1. #1
    Dying Minerva_Zombi's Avatar

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    Jul 2006
    Hopkinsville, Ky

    Halloween "The Night HE Came Home..."

  2. #2
    Right, I'm gonna be blunt here. I had to quit watching towards the end of part two because I was absolutely bored to death. Now, I'm not saying this to offend in any way but damn, the elongated set-up scenes are excruciating. I think there's a whole minute of a girl drinking a soda and looking out of a window... In the first ten minutes of this forty minute film there's NOTHING going on whatsoever. All long exterior and interior shots (I thought you was gonna trim this down?), which serve no purpose (the rainy ambience cannot save a sequence bordering on 60 seconds of just a car parking up and nothing else) other than imitate shoddily the original's opening scene.

    Acting-wise, it's below par (cue chick choosing between two dresses and uttering with a sigh, 'well, it's another Halloween in Haddonfield...' Also, the overuse of Carpenter's music is a little monotonous. When you hear the same piece of music playing for the fifth time in 15 minutes, it really does grate. Now this is not to say there aren't signs of promise as some shots are nicely done. This also includes the very interesting opening title sequence because it does command your attention but unfortunately after that the film simply falls flat on it's arse.

    I respect your effort and commend you for having a stab nonetheless. I would much rather see something that comes from within you personally as opposed to a bargain bin installment of a much respected cult franchise. With sequels to RZ's Halloween and Halloween 7 on the horizon, do we need another?

  3. #3
    Dying Minerva_Zombi's Avatar

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    Hopkinsville, Ky
    Im sorry you didn't much care for it. Though I do urge you to watch the entire film before you critique it. And keep in mind that the only tools I have at my disposal are friends and family, windows movie maker, and a cheap camera from wal mart. lol. So, acting and such may be a bit "below-par"

    And as far as your observation that its real slow and drawn out, thats just how I structure it. I dunno why but I find long continuous shots more effective for the overall build up of the story. I like to keep action for the end. Im kind of old school in that way. Which may not play well to this generation which is all about quick cuts, speed, and loud noises instead of slow and suspenseful build ups. And you'll also notice that the film is nearly bloodless. I wanted to spend less time of gore and blood and more time on suspense and scare tactics. This movie was tough as **** to make because its all about timing, lighting, and music. All of which are tough to get right. And if they aren't done right, the film ultimately fails. RZ took the loud and gorey approach. I took the suspenseful approach.

  4. #4
    Fresh Meat S&Dproductions's Avatar

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    Mar 2008

    Fast Cutting

    My film making style is similar to yours as in respect to long suspenceful scenes. I think the fast cutting, loud noise **** is old and played out. It's almost clichee to me to follow this structure. My short film "The Lord's Work" was cut with a slow pace and I got complaints for it. The fact of the matter is this genration is fixated on mind numbing bull**** and cheap thrills. I eventualy cut my film down and conformed. As a filmmaker trying to make money it's acceptable. For someone trying to create something artistic it's bassicly the equivelant of selling out. But I say work out the kinks of the craft and make the best of it.


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