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Thread: letting off some steam

  1. #1
    Chasing Prey

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    letting off some steam

    ok so is this seriously some horrible crap i hope no one ever has to go through like i did.

    first of al my job situation sucks. got a new job in march, had roomies along with it. weird stuff happened so i moved home for now back in june and had to leave my job behind.

    struggled to find a job, finally got one and i bust my ass for 55 cents above minimum wage in temperatures north of 100 degrees every day.

    then last friday after my first week of my new job when i was thinking about quitting, i get a call from directv asking me if i'd like to work for them in their call center starting at nearly $10 an hour. so i accepted.... the lady makes sure my number is right and says she'll get back to me soon. she called today after a hellacious day at work.

    so she asks when im able to come in for pre employment training. i said "tomorrow is fine and i'll even request a half day off "

    she says "ok,sounds good we are located by the HP bulding" yeah.... we dont have an HP building in town.

    so something said ask where shes located.


    she dropped a bomb on me.


    so i didnt let that deter me as im trying to relocate,so i ask about a program for new employees that'd allow me to move there.

    apparently only current employees are eligible....makes no sense but ok.

    so needless to say i was crushed because now im stuck at this job making nothing and taking a hell of a lot longer than i expected to move and its really kicking my ass.

    well,just thought i'd let you all know how much of a bad day ive been having. you take it easy,peeps. i hope some of you have been having a better day than me.

  2. #2
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Wow man. .that does indeed suck. To be honest though, If you are looking to relocate to an area with lots of jobs and lower cost of living, you need to come down south man. The Charlotte NC area is expecially growing. Join the southern exodus my friend!!
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  3. #3
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Hey, Greyhound bus for 40 bucks. They run all night; get down to the station.

  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    ifeel your pain dude, was given seven days to find a job or find a nice cardboard box down a quiet rat filled alley so i looked for a good 16 hours a day everyday till i got a job at one of the worst macdonalds in the country were i make almost £1.50 under minimum wage for 10 hour sifts flipping burgers.

    but it pays the rent and i can still take my degree, so i gotta put up with it, but getting **** from the neighbors and filthy chavsters every time im out makes me want to move somewhere like toronto when ive got my uni degree under my belt and just start over ya know?

  5. #5
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acealive1 View Post
    ok so is this seriously some horrible crap i hope no one ever has to go through like i did.

    first of al my job situation sucks. got a new job in march, had roomies along with it. weird stuff happened so i moved home for now back in june and had to leave my job behind.

    struggled to find a job, finally got one and i bust my ass for 55 cents above minimum wage in temperatures north of 100 degrees every day.

    then last friday after my first week of my new job when i was thinking about quitting, i get a call from directv asking me if i'd like to work for them in their call center starting at nearly $10 an hour. so i accepted.... the lady makes sure my number is right and says she'll get back to me soon. she called today after a hellacious day at work.

    so she asks when im able to come in for pre employment training. i said "tomorrow is fine and i'll even request a half day off "

    she says "ok,sounds good we are located by the HP bulding" yeah.... we dont have an HP building in town.

    so something said ask where shes located.


    she dropped a bomb on me.


    so i didnt let that deter me as im trying to relocate,so i ask about a program for new employees that'd allow me to move there.

    apparently only current employees are eligible....makes no sense but ok.

    so needless to say i was crushed because now im stuck at this job making nothing and taking a hell of a lot longer than i expected to move and its really kicking my ass.

    well,just thought i'd let you all know how much of a bad day ive been having. you take it easy,peeps. i hope some of you have been having a better day than me.
    Take a carpenters apprenticeship they start you out at like 16 bucks an hour where I live, with a guarenteed raise every 6 months, 1st raise gets you to lke 18 bucks, after the apprenticeship is done you are making close to 30 dollars an hour. My brother is doing it right now and its really paying off for him. Plus you learn awesome skills, and you can do carpentry anywhere.

  6. #6
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    Take a carpenters apprenticeship they start you out at like 16 bucks an hour where I live, with a guarenteed raise every 6 months, 1st raise gets you to lke 18 bucks, after the apprenticeship is done you are making close to 30 dollars an hour. My brother is doing it right now and its really paying off for him. Plus you learn awesome skills, and you can do carpentry anywhere.

    agreed. the only thing stopping that in ohio is the unions try to force to to work for straight time and no over time....yet they get paid "salary" regardless of how our wages change.

    well that and carpenters dont have a real good rep in this city, AKA they start a job on a floor and leave a gaping hole saying they'll "be back"

    its so bad they're always on the news for shoddy work and "the call to action team" which busts bad business men.

    i'll check it out though

  7. #7
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Dude, I know working for way less than what you are really worth sucks big time. I have had my share of terrible jobs with terrible pay.

    But if it is any consolation, there are plenty of folks that are totally unemployed and that sucks even worse. My late grandfather who grew up in the depression used to tell me when I would complain about poor wages at one of my mind-numbing and stupid jobs that, "Having a lousy job is better than having no job at all" While I don't know if I totally agree with his view on the subject - may he rest in peace - I do know that it helped me just a little to keep that in mind everytime I started to get depressed right after punching in for the day. (He used to also say to me when I would come home complaining after a bad day at work "In 1000 years no one, including you, will give a $hit that today was a tough day" -- how can you argue with that sort of philosophy?)

    The Japanese-Americans have this term that they call "Shikata-ga-nai" which loosely translates to "This cannot be helped" and they would say this to themselves when they were experiencing bad times, like being sent to relocations camps during world war two. They would also say "Gaman" which means persevere. Grandpa would say these things to me and being a punk kid, I would just roll my eyes. Though, now, as I get older, I realize the lessons he was trying to teach me.

    But I am a Fifth Generation Japanese American, and a non-practicing Buddhist which makes it easy for me to be a little more optimistic than the older generations. So I believe that something better is always bound to come around. The trick is to keep hope and do what you have to do in the mean time while you are waiting.

    So, at the risk of sounding all cliched, keep your hopes up, brother, and don't let it get you down. (And if it helps, you can always say "Shikata-ga-nai!")
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  8. #8
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yojimbo View Post
    Dude, I know working for way less than what you are really worth sucks big time. I have had my share of terrible jobs with terrible pay.

    But if it is any consolation, there are plenty of folks that are totally unemployed and that sucks even worse. My late grandfather who grew up in the depression used to tell me when I would complain about poor wages at one of my mind-numbing and stupid jobs that, "Having a lousy job is better than having no job at all" While I don't know if I totally agree with his view on the subject - may he rest in peace - I do know that it helped me just a little to keep that in mind everytime I started to get depressed right after punching in for the day. (He used to also say to me when I would come home complaining after a bad day at work "In 1000 years no one, including you, will give a $hit that today was a tough day" -- how can you argue with that sort of philosophy?)

    The Japanese-Americans have this term that they call "Shikata-ga-nai" which loosely translates to "This cannot be helped" and they would say this to themselves when they were experiencing bad times, like being sent to relocations camps during world war two. They would also say "Gaman" which means persevere. Grandpa would say these things to me and being a punk kid, I would just roll my eyes. Though, now, as I get older, I realize the lessons he was trying to teach me.

    But I am a Fifth Generation Japanese American, and a non-practicing Buddhist which makes it easy for me to be a little more optimistic than the older generations. So I believe that something better is always bound to come around. The trick is to keep hope and do what you have to do in the mean time while you are waiting.

    So, at the risk of sounding all cliched, keep your hopes up, brother, and don't let it get you down. (And if it helps, you can always say "Shikata-ga-nai!")

    nah u dont sound cliched, its actually great hearing that people know where im coming from. i work in a factory with which cuts up toppings for pizza (produce) mainly onions and bell peppers though. and we also print pizza boxes for companies all over this area in and out of state. and all that money they make, and all the money our company makes and we get this wage per hour which sucks.

    we get left out of employee functions and people wonder why morale is low and people quit so much.

    its hard not being appreciated when every normal human uses your products daily.

  9. #9
    Banned User

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    By every normal human you mean people willing and ready
    to poison their innards by ingesting the chemical Titanium Dioxide?
    It is included in every mass produced frozen pizza known to man (and it's also the stuff lifegards block UV with on their noses).
    Gayman :roll:

  10. #10
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Millard Rausch View Post
    By every normal human you mean people willing and ready
    to poison their innards by ingesting the chemical Titanium Dioxide?
    It is included in every mass produced frozen pizza known to man (and it's also the stuff lifegards block UV with on their noses).
    Gayman :roll:
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  11. #11
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acealive1 View Post
    agreed. the only thing stopping that in ohio is the unions try to force to to work for straight time and no over time....yet they get paid "salary" regardless of how our wages change.

    well that and carpenters dont have a real good rep in this city, AKA they start a job on a floor and leave a gaping hole saying they'll "be back"

    its so bad they're always on the news for shoddy work and "the call to action team" which busts bad business men.

    i'll check it out though
    Join the Union for Carpenters, scab carpenters are the ones who do shoddy work and your OT has nothing to do with the union and everything to do with the company that hires you.

  12. #12
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by Millard Rausch View Post
    By every normal human you mean people willing and ready
    to poison their innards by ingesting the chemical Titanium Dioxide?
    It is included in every mass produced frozen pizza known to man (and it's also the stuff lifegards block UV with on their noses).
    Gayman :roll:

    al our stuff is fresh made, if not, its given a chloride bath which helps longevity.

  13. #13
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Millard Rausch View Post
    By every normal human you mean people willing and ready
    to poison their innards by ingesting the chemical Titanium Dioxide?
    It is included in every mass produced frozen pizza known to man (and it's also the stuff lifegards block UV with on their noses).
    Gayman :roll:
    What? First off Titanium Dioxide is in ALL sorts of stuff. Food, paint, anything colored white for instance. Second of all it is harmless. Third of all what the hell does this have to do with the topic at hand?
    Last edited by clanglee; 13-Aug-2008 at 03:11 AM.
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  14. #14
    Rising Bub666's Avatar

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    That really sucks.I hate my job too.

  15. #15
    Rising Chic Freak's Avatar

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    Why don't you join a temping agency or apply to the local council for jobs?
    La freak, c'est chic!



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