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Thread: 3rd Episode - Tell it to the frogs

  1. #1
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    3rd Episode - Tell it to the frogs

    Today I was able to watch the 3rd episode of the series, entitled "Tell it to the frogs". For those wondering if the series will keep up the pace and quality set with the pilot...don't worry. It's fantastic!
    I wish that I could give out some details but I can't, plus I'd never want to spoil anything for those who have yet to watch it.
    So far the first three episodes I've watched have been great and I can't wait for the next 3 episodes.

  2. #2
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    i need to start hanging around with you, lee.

    i've been re-reading the hardback collections, just finished the first and currently midway through the 2nd.

    saw another site had a synopsis for each of the six episodes of the first season. i have a hunch about what's gonna go down, but from the pilot alone, i can tell they're mixing it up quite a bit.

    and those plot synopses i read earlier referred to a place that wasn't ever visited in the comics, so i'm very curious to see how this first season pans out. darabont has gave a few hints about what the second season might bring and what characters he's looking forward to introducing.

    i hope this show lasts for at least 5 or 6 seasons, there's so much in the comics that i'd love to see adapted to film.

    EDIT: and lee, since you're in such good graces with the people behind this show, i was wondering: have you heard anything about when we can expect the 2nd season? 6 episodes is gonna leave a very crazy itch for more TWD, and i really hope we don't have to wait till this time next year to pick the story up again...
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 26-Oct-2010 at 05:21 AM. Reason: TAKE THIS FUCKING"OPTIONAL" SHIT AWAY, MODS

  3. #3
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    "Tell it to the Frogs"?

    Seems like a strange name. Nice to hear at least the second and third episodes keep up with the pilot. It's going to be a long 2-3 week wait.

    Speaking of.....Have we heard whether or not the show will play every sunday after Halloween? I thought maybe they would switch it to another day, but on the other hand I think AMC always plays their shows on Sundays...

  4. #4
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    EDIT: and lee, since you're in such good graces with the people behind this show, i was wondering: have you heard anything about when we can expect the 2nd season? 6 episodes is gonna leave a very crazy itch for more TWD, and i really hope we don't have to wait till this time next year to pick the story up again...
    Professor, I have no information about a second season. Honestly, I think they will do a second season, but that's just me guessing.
    I would assume that AMC is waiting to see what kind of reception it gets. We have to hope the ratings are pretty strong. At the NYC Comic Con that was something that the entire cast/crew kept reiterating to fans - make sure that you tune in.

  5. #5
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    bassman,as far as i know, AMC always has played their original shows on sunday night, can't imagine they'll change it for this one.

    and lee, i don't have cable, but trust me, i've been telling everyone i know about this show, and will be making a final push while back home, doing my best to convince all my friends and family members to spend their halloween night having their mind blown by the best new tv show out this fall.

  6. #6
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    and lee, i don't have cable, but trust me, i've been telling everyone i know about this show, and will be making a final push while back home, doing my best to convince all my friends and family members to spend their halloween night having their mind blown by the best new tv show out this fall.
    Professor, I've been doing the same thing. In fact, my Mom came here to Pittsburgh to help me after my surgery and I let her watch the show and she enjoyed it a lot. And believe me my Mom does not care for horror films at all, but she really enjoyed the show. So I take that as a good sign that mainstream viewers might have the same reaction. I certainly hope so.

  7. #7
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Jusf thought i'd bump this thread in anticipation for tonights (tomorrow for me) episode. Can't wait. I love this show.

    and a well received and good one as well .

    Last edited by kidgloves; 14-Nov-2010 at 09:35 PM. Reason: sp
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  8. #8
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Wow, completely slipped my mind that we have a new episode tonight! Time to get psyched for some more zombie goodness.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

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    Time to find out if Shane (and/or Lori) deserves that bullet from Rick. Oh, I know he's too goody-two-shoes to do more than deck Shane at the worst, but still I wanna know. Though on the other hand something occurred to me after rewatching the first episode tonight.

    Follow me here: Rick goes through HELL trying to find Lori and Carl, with the high points being getting nearly entombed alive in a tank by the hordes of Atlanta, and then playing "Let's Remake Dawn of the Dead: This Time Its For Real". AT THE SAME TIME. Shane and Lori are slipping off into the woods to hump like horny teens while Lori is just palming responsibility for THEIR SON off on to some old guy way out of arm's reach if something happened, JUST SO SHE CAN SCRATCH HER ITCH with her new boy-toy.

    Then, to top it ALL OFF, when Lori sees the look on Shane's face, she cares more about that look than, oh say, grieving the husband she only "lost" A MONTH AGO.

    If I was Rick and I ever, EVER found out about that shit, they'd both be put on their knees, facing each other so they can look at their hump-buddy while the bullet passes through the back of one's head and into the face of the other.

    Rick has been BETRAYED with a Capital B-for-Booty-Call. By his best friend and partner, and by his wife when he's only supposed to have been dead and cold for about a month. That's EVEN IF they really "believed" he was dead, or just assumed it and went off to set up shop.

    Whatever he does, its my opinion that Lori is the kind of woman that will throw over whatever "Love" she professes the moment her "beloved" isn't temporarily available to attend to his "Man duties".

    Edit: Scratch the Headshots for Shane and Lori. Shoot em in the guts, let em die slow and reanimate, and be gone and playing house w/ Nadine by the time they start to twitch.

  10. #10
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    jesus, man, your past relationships have really got you fired the hell up about this....not to make light of getting burned by women, but holy fuck, i sense some major animosity in the posts you've made regarding lori and shane.

    in all seriousness, though, have you read the comics?

  11. #11

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    Haven't read the comics,
    And yes, I've been burned. Everyone thinks they've been burned the worst, but to give you an idea of mine: First love comes back into my life after 8yrs looking for help and fleeing an allegedly abusive (allegedly sexually and otherwise) marriage. Being honest, at this point was in friends mode. She took care of that fast enough once we met in person and she realized I still had feelings for her. "Jumped my bones" is the term I believe. Played it real well, had me thinking it was a forever thing. Then she bolted on me, on Xmas EVE.

    A month and a half later, she's back on my doorstep. Fool that I was, I accepted her B.S and took her back. Things were GREAT for 8 months. Not even a squabble. Then one day she wakes me up and tells me her childhood friend (actually an old mutual friend I'd lost touch with but she hadn't) had tried to kill herself, and she was going up to Maryland to spend time with her and make sure she'd be all right. I argued, I suggested I should go with, particularly because my beloved had a bad cold at the time. No dice. Finally, set off to take her to the bus station, but my mom caught us before we left my Grandmother's house, which we'd been kindly lent since it had been empty since my grandfather passed and my grandmother moved in with my Mom.

    End result, Mom ends up driving us to the bus station. I've at this point finally figured out something is "off" by her goodbye kiss, but don't wanna think badly of her. She goes inside, presumably to wait for her bus, and we're all set to leave and head out and away from the station.

    Then my Mom swings the van around the corner and surreptiously parks in the fenced business next door to the bus station, where we can't be seen, but where u can watch the entire bus station parking lot through small cracks in the fence. She DEMANDS I go to the fence and watch for fifteen minutes.

    I go, hoping to God not to see anything, cuz her bus doesn't leave supposedly for another hour.

    Ten minutes later, she leaves the bus station and gets into the car with an older/middle-aged woman I didnt recognize, crying and arguing with her. I'm flabbergasted and brokenhearted.

    We go home. Bad enough. Right?

    The cops show up. Courtesy of my beloved's mother, who she'd called and told I'd been holding her prisoner against her will, and the police were there asking to search the house because they believed I was STILL holding her prisoner.

    My Mom calls through the house "Shawn, the police are here, and they're saying (Insert her name) has been kidnapped. Now, I'm thinking the strange scene in the parking lot, and I'm officially her next of kin on the hospital's paperwork etc. That they're there to inform me. So I come bounding through the house at a dead run.

    I end up on my stomach, a 9mm behind my car, getting my arm damned near pulled out of the socket as they cuff me, then damn near give me a concussion bouncing my head DELIBERATELY off the top of the cruiser door. They search the house, of course find nothing, but meanwhile the female cop is SCREAMING AT ME to "Tell her what I've done with her!" Which of course was when my ex-beloved calls, and explains her lil deception.


    Uncuffed, let go back inside. I cried for about a week.

    Bad enough. Justify that animosity?

  12. #12
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    sorry, bro. you didn't have to go into all that....i think you posted about the same deal in another thread a while back...i was just slightly amused by how much anger you were spitting out through the keyboard about lori and shane.

    in the comics, lori and shane had a one-night thing on the way to ATL, lori decides once rick gets back that she'd made a mistake by leaving rick behind and with what she did about shane...not sure how they're gonna play this out on the tv series.

    but it's like i've mentioned, we don't know how much they knew about rick's condition, and with 90% (or better) of the population dead/reanimated, it's gonna end up that people start pairing up, regardless of whether they'd just lost their spouse/significant other a few weeks prior. i mean seriously, the world and life as you know it is fucked, you gotta adjust to a whole new world, who's got time to sit around and mope about the past? i'm not currently in a serious relationship (hope you're not reading this julie, but we're taking it slow this time, remember?) but even if i was, i couldn't see the point in moping and grieving over their death the same way i would in a world without zombies were everything was normal.

    and if you were in their shoes, wouldn't it be better to be with somebody you already knew? if you were shane, would you want some stranger tapping your (assumed?) dead buddies widow? or if you were lori, would you rather be hooking up with some random stranger or a friend of your (presumed?) dead husband who was looking out for you and your son?

    again, sorry for making you drag all that shit out of your psyche, wasn't trying to get you all riled up. if the tv series sticks to the comics, you will be pleased about what awaits certain characters...

  13. #13
    Just been bitten Gryphon's Avatar

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    Wow, yeah.

    Let's blow Shane's guts out, then leave him on the department store roof, then he can have a snack with the reneck chained to the pipe

  14. #14
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    There are currently six members looking at this thread during commercial breaks. Enough to bring a smile to my face and make me laugh.

    That's what a great zombie show will do for us!

    They better be making ol' Merle and his brother more human (if they live). This one-dimensional cliched beyond words description of them so far is really interfering with the enjoyment for me of this show. It's like the producers intentionally sat down and said: "Hey, this is Georgia! We need a one-dimensional redneck here without any need to have any other meaning to his character!" -- as being a Southerner myself it's about as insulting as portraying everyone south of Maryland as having the EXACT SAME accent

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  15. #15

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    And it isn't on you that I chose to go into all that, just like it was my choice to go into it before. Here's what I DIDN'T SAY before.
    A month later, in sheer desperation because I wasn't eating, was barely hydrating (just enough to avoid mouth swelling/bleeding lips), and wasn't sleeping more than 40 mins here, 30 mins there (because just lying in a bed alone made me remember)...

    My Mom and Grandma called Samantha (my beloved). She came, back with her husband and all. Meant to just try and set me straight and explain herself. Ended up spending the night, enraging her husband. Long and the short of it was we started this illicit on again/off again thing. Would go for 10-11 months solid, then her husband would catch us, yell awhile, she'd calm him down and stick to phone/web sex w/ me in the meantime, then pick up where we left off a couple months later.

    Finally ended for good about 7-8 months ago, when she left me and her husband both, moved to Maryland and hooked up/moved in with some Jason guy.

    My point is, regardless of how unwise it was, that I'm not the kind that stops loving EVEN WHEN I'M BUTCHERED FOR IT.

    So no, I would NEVER EVER forgive a woman I loved not for hooking up with someone else, but for not even waiting a decent interval. I mean for Fuck's Sake, hold out some against-all-odds hope for my ass for a couple months. Not like she'd die of not being fucked in 60 days. Worse yet, letting another man, even WORSE, my BEST FRIEND try to take over and just step in as my child's father a MONTH AFTER I'm GONE?

    You haven't even seen the TIP of that Iceberg, of what I would do in Rick's place. I'd feed them to the zombies alive, by a chain I could lower then down to the zombies a few inches at a time, feet first.

    Try to wipe me away like I never was 30 days later? Capital Offense.

    Simple as that. I TOTALLY understood Rick's "I'll search the entire damned planet for them, until I find em or see their dead/undead bodies with my own eyes" kind of sentiment. I'm that way. Loyalty is what I believe in ABOVE ALL.


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