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Thread: The Great Global Warming Swindle

  1. #1
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    The Great Global Warming Swindle

    This is something that bugs the sh*t out of me, so prepare for a long read. My apologies in advance for my long-winded post...


    Hmmm, seems someone has finally wised up to the 'so-called' global warming claims and will be making a documentary about it. I bet, however, they won't win an award for the film though next year. It's not politically correct to argue with Gore and Co. nowadays, is it?

    The Great Global Warming Swindle

    A quick excerpt:

    "In a polemical and thought-provoking documentary, film-maker Martin Durkin argues that the theory of man-made global warming has become such a powerful political force that other explanations for climate change are not being properly aired."

    Boy, that's a surprise, isn't it? The government using scare tactics to control your life? Other explanations for climate change not aired? Think that's because someone is being bullied to not disagree with the global-warming crowd?

    The most important statement in the above excerpt is this: "other explanations for climate change are not being properly aired." The idea that global warming is man-caused and there is no other reason for it is incorrect. It's obviously not the only factor of global warming (if a factor at all - remember the grand canyon in colorado? melting and migrating glaciers formed that - but there were no humans around at the time, so why did they melt & migrate? Was it forest animal farts that caused CO2 buildup, heating the planet and causing them to melt & move? )

    I realize most people won't like to read this, as it seems everyone I talk to has bought into the man-caused global warming theory. I, however, don't just buy what's spoon fed to me by environmentals. I understand the need to take care of the planet, but I also don't understand how people think humans are a 'threat' to the planet. Go ask the people in New Orleans (all the victims of hurricane Katrina) if they feel like they're a "threat" to the planet. How about the massive amounts of people in Florida killed and made homeless due to Hurricane Andrew back in the 90's? Ask the people up in New York, who have been buried in over TWELVE FEET of snow over the past month if they feel like they're a "threat" to the planet or mother earth - or if they believe global warming is real. Give to me a large break.

    ...and please don't tell me "you can't pick a single weather event and claim global warming isn't true" - the global warming bozos do it all the time. Does this sound familiar? "A record high temperture here today in Phoenix. This is probably due to the climate change and man-made global warming."

    What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

    All this being said, I do believe man has hurt the environment - there's no question about that, but to honestly believe that most of the planet will be underwater in 10 years (as claimed by Al Gore in his movie), hell, even in 100 years, is the most outlandish thing i've ever heard. Last time I checked my history books, the majority of the US was covered in ice thousands of years ago - but it's all gone, and was before man showed up. What happened there? What explanation is there from the environmentalist whack-jobs as to why that happened? It just COULDN'T be a natural occurrence now could it? Al and Co. don't believe in naturally occurring warming and cooling cycles, apparently.

    Not only that, did anyone ready recently about how Mars is now increasing in surface temperature? No humans or farting animals living there, so what's the cause?
    Sorry, but I'm about sick and tired of 'man caused global warming' BS. We were, a few decades ago, heading for "another ice age" according to climatoligists - but now, a few decades later, we're worried about the planet heating up and becoming unlivable? Which is it? For the love of God, weathermen can't even predict the weather next WEEK much less a few years from now! Lets get serious!!

    I'm also not bashing 'democrats' (so cool your jets, Dj), nor do I support any political party, period. Republican, Democrat, doesn't matter - they're all boneheads to me, and I subscribe to none of their ideas. The political party I consider myself a part of is the "common-sense" party. Too bad not many others fall into that catagory.

    ...and on that note, I await my bashing from the environmentalists.

    Last edited by LouCipherr; 05-Mar-2007 at 01:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    Good Job Lou. I don't agree with every little detail but I do feel like Global Warming is nothing short of political B.S.

  3. #3
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    So when the planet melts around you and our winters are 75 degrees does that not make you question WTF is going on?

    20 years ago we never had 75 degree days in January, especially not in Upstate Ny, but in 2007 they recorded a temp of 72 degrees on a normal weekday. So if its not global warming what is it?
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  4. #4
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    So when the planet melts around you and our winters are 75 degrees does that not make you question WTF is going on?
    First off, the planet ain't melted yet, my friend, so until it does (which should happen in 10 years according to your democrat buddy Al Gore), you have no legs to stand on.

    Ok, then explain this, Dj: thousands of years ago, the planet was cold enough to support ICEBERGS in what is now the GRAND CANYON (and all over north america to be exact). So what happened there? Did forest animal farts heat up the planet? It certainly wasn't humans, because we weren't around at that time. So until you and the tree-hugging global-warming nutbags can explain that, I can't even relate to your projections of what "might" happen in a few years/decades.

    Did you ever stop to think that the planet warming is a natural occurance and not one caused by people or animals?

    Once again, I state, yes, we have an impact on the environment, but to say that we, humans, are a threat that will destroy this planet is laughable (barring a nuclear war or something along those lines. I'm talking about natrual progression).

    Oh, and Dj, along the same lines as your 72 degrees in upstate new york - you're also not mentioning the catastrohpic snows up there. Not to mention, don't you find it funny that a national global warming conference in Minnestoa was cancelled due to a blizzard? If there's global warming, what's with all the flippin' snow burying everyone this year?

    It's called "weather cycles", and that's what the planet is working through.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 05-Mar-2007 at 03:20 PM.

  5. #5
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    First off, the planet ain't melted yet, my friend, so until it does (which should happen in 10 years according to your democrat buddy Al Gore), you have no legs to stand on.

    Ok, then explain this, Dj: 2000 years ago, the planet was cold enough to support ICEBERGS in what is now the GRAND CANYON (and all over north america to be exact). So what happened there? Did forest animal farts heat up the planet? It certainly wasn't humans, because we weren't around at that time. So until you and the tree-hugging global-warming nutbags can explain that, I can't even relate to your projections of what "might" happen in a few years/decades.
    We were around 2,000 years ago. Christ was born 2000 years ago.

    Did you ever stop to think that the planet warming is a natural occurance and not one caused by people or animals?
    Yes, and then I thought about it some more, and to this day I still think about it.

    Once again, I state, yes, we have an impact on the environment, but to say that we, humans, are a threat that will destroy this planet is laughable (barring a nuclear war or something along those lines. I'm talking about natrual progression).
    Natural progression will lead to us having a nuclear war which will destroy the planet

    Oh, and Dj, along the same lines as your 72 degrees in upstate new york - you're also not mentioning the catastrohpic snows up there. Not to mention, don't you find it funny that a national global warming conference in Minnestoa was cancelled due to a blizzard? If there's global warming, what's with all the flippin' snow burying everyone this year?
    Global Warming can also affect weather. Now while 11ft of snow is nothing new for New York I do find it strange that what was once a common occurance every few years about there now only happens every 10+ YEARS. Like I said, if we discredit global warming we need another theory.

    It's called "weather cycles", and that's what the planet is working through.
    Do you have scientific data to support this?

    Practice this in front of the mirror. "Although we continue to explore the subject, at the present time we cannot find any link to global warming being caused by the advancement of the human race."
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  6. #6
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    We were around 2,000 years ago. Christ was born 2000 years ago.
    First, that's if you believe in Christ/God and second, ok, ok, so the icebergs go back much further than that - maybe more like 5-6000 years ago or more. Stop trying to pull a technicality when you know you're incorrect. Excuse the typo, now move along..

    Natural progression will lead to us having a nuclear war which will destroy the planet
    Now THAT is totally possible, and I agree. But I do not agree that humans and their 'carbon footprints' will be the end of the planet as we know it.

    Global Warming can also affect weather. Now while 11ft of snow is nothing new for New York I do find it strange that what was once a common occurance every few years about there now only happens every 10+ YEARS. Like I said, if we discredit global warming we need another theory.
    ...and how long have you been living? 35 years? hardly enough to make a prediction on the planet over hundreds of thousands of years, eh? we have another theory, my friend: it's a normal trend the planet goes through. The simple fact that the ice melted away from north america (which was almost covered in ice many centuries ago - and this has been proven) is enough for a proper and provable theory, unlike the 'global warming' theory of today being spread by fear-mongers like Al Gore.

    Do you have scientific data to support this?
    To support what, that global warming is a farce? Sure, many scientists believe it. What is your point? Nothing has been "proven" - let me say that again - THERE IS NO DEFINITIVE EVIDENCE that there is global warming, but we can certianly prove the earth goes through warming and cooling cycles based on the historical data we have.

    So which would you believe? something someone tells you and just demands you believe it because they say it's true, or do you take a look at proven facts and make your own judgement based on what can be shown to you with hard data?

    Practice this in front of the mirror. "Although we continue to explore the subject, at the present time we cannot find any link to global warming being caused by the advancement of the human race."
    That's much more logical thinking, dontcha think?
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 05-Mar-2007 at 03:27 PM.

  7. #7
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    First, that's if you believe in Christ/God and second, ok, ok, so the icebergs go back much further than that - maybe more like 5-6000 years ago or more. Stop trying to pull a technicality when you know you're incorrect. Excuse the typo, now move along..
    Ok moving along..... still moving.......moving some more...... ok is this far enough?
    Now THAT is totally possible, and I agree. But I do not agree that humans and their 'carbon footprints' will be the end of the planet as we know it.
    It may not happen in our lifetime but maybe in 100-200 years.

    ...and how long have you been living? 35 years? hardly enough to make a prediction on the planet over hundreds of thousands of years, eh? we have another theory, my friend: it's a normal trend the planet goes through. The simple fact that the ice melted away from north america (which was almost covered in ice many centuries ago - and this has been proven) is enough for a proper and provable theory, unlike the 'global warming' theory of today being spread by fear-mongers like Al Gore.
    But didn't the great meteor, and the great pumpkin, come crashing to earth 65 billion years ago and that started the ice age, and now we are recovering from that ice age, getting ready for the next one?

    To support what, that global warming is a farce? Sure, many scientists believe it. What is your point? Nothing has been "proven" - let me say that again - THERE IS NO DEFINITIVE EVIDENCE that there is global warming, but we can certianly prove the earth goes through warming and cooling cycles based on the historical data we have.
    Is there evidence to support global warming ISN'T Happening? (Not being a smart ass, just asking a question)

    So which would you believe? something someone tells you and just demands you believe it because they say it's true, or do you take a look at proven facts and make your own judgement based on what can be shown to you with hard data?
    Normally I just shake my magic 8 ball, but I seemed to have misplaced it.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  8. #8
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    I hope the planet does warm up. I don't want to see snow or ice in my area ever again. Plus I enjoy watching how people react during chaoic situations.

  9. #9
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Ok moving along..... still moving.......moving some more...... ok is this far enough?
    perfect, stay right there. Not too far to the left, not too far to the right.

    It may not happen in our lifetime but maybe in 100-200 years.
    This is my point. Why the fear mongering from Al & Co saying this could and will happen (if we continue at the rate that we are) in the next 10 years? Bullsh*t. I mean, c'mon, we are no threat to this planet in the grand scheme of things. I think we all know that. Mother Nature and this planet could wipe all of us out in a matter of minutes if she wanted to.

    But didn't the great meteor, and the great pumpkin, come crashing to earth 65 billion years ago and that started the ice age, and now we are recovering from that ice age, getting ready for the next one?
    Do you believe that is the only 'ice age' we have gone through? The icebergs didn't migrate through the colorado and the US 65 billion years ago, y'know. They may have, but there's evidence that shows that this has been happening a lot more recent than 65 billion years ago.

    Is there evidence to support global warming ISN'T Happening? (Not being a smart ass, just asking a question)
    I don't take is as a smartass question, that's a VERY good question Dj.

    Is there TRUTHFUL and undisputed evidence there IS global warming? No.

    Is there truthful and undisputed evidence there is NO global warming? No, but the facts that are available show that there's more of a chance this is all BS than truth. I choose to look at it from a realistic perspective, and the data shows this is a trend, not a freak occurance. I'm sorry, but I don't worry about what "could" happen, I look at the evidence to determine the possible future. That evidence does not show the north pole melting in 10-20 years and killing us all.

    Let me put it to you this way: there are just as many articles refuting global warming as there are supposedly 'proving' it. The thing that makes me wonder is, the first group of scientists to state there was a warming trend, said it was just that: a trend. However, then you get some d*ck like Gore who takes that statement and runs away with it making up his own story of what is going to happen. The group of people who first noticed the trend have said themselves (and I should dig up this link, but i'm supposed to be working.. ) that their findings and what is being said about global warming have been "blown out of proportion."

    But no one is listening because their heads have been filled with a "convienent lie" - which is just a way of controlling people. "Don't buy that SUV, don't burn that fossil fuel... here, use this global-friendly energy source that costs a hell of a lot more and is inconvienent to use, but will save the planet (oh, and did i happen to mention that I own 90% of the stock in the company? I didn't? oops, sorry about that)"

    Normally I just shake my magic 8 ball, but I seemed to have misplaced it.
    to be honest, you probably have more of a chance of predicting what's really going to happen with an 8-ball. *sniff*
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 05-Mar-2007 at 05:07 PM.

  10. #10
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    So when the planet melts around you and our winters are 75 degrees does that not make you question WTF is going on?

    20 years ago we never had 75 degree days in January, especially not in Upstate Ny, but in 2007 they recorded a temp of 72 degrees on a normal weekday. So if its not global warming what is it?
    It is global warming,but it doesnt mean we're the cause of it!i agree with lou,its a whole load of political bullsh!t!especially seen as the main way of tackling global warming that they've come up with is just to tax the hell out of everyone for things they need to go about day to day life!
    A village 2 miles away from me has just lost its fight against having dozens of wind turbines built around it,so i imagine the people living there will leave very soon.Those wind farms are crap,they cant run if the wind is too high or too low,they only ever run at about 25% capacity,they cost an absolute fortune to build,they are an eyesore & each one makes as much noise as a motorbike,imagine having to sleep with all that noise round the clock!plus the pollution caused building the components for them means that they arent saving anything!
    My attitude to global warming is "so f*ck!"

    Oh yes and il be blasting a large amount of Co2 out of my paintball gun and into the atmosphere this weekend ;p
    Last edited by Tricky; 05-Mar-2007 at 05:28 PM.

  11. #11
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    The arguement that humans are not causing global climate change currently has very little footing. The crux of their arguement is CO2.
    If someone can actually show that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas most scientists will be swayed to think that humans are not causing global climate change.

    If not though, and CO2 is a greenhouse gas like conventional wisdom and previous research has told us, then human activity unquestionably has been a major cumulative effect on the global climate since the mass burning of fossil fuels began.

    We know that CO2 stays in the atmosphere anywhere from 50-100 years. We know that all fossil fuels release CO2 into the atmosphere amongst other claimed greenhouse gases. We know that all of our livestock release methane gas which is also a claimed greenhouse gas and methane then further breaks down in the atmosphere into CO2. Cattle especially release high levels of Methane due to the nature of the food they eat and their digestion methods.
    Then to magnify this probelm we are destroying forests all around the globe. This is important because of a couple of factors. Forests fix carbon from the CO2 gas into their cells essentially removing CO2 out of the atmosphere. Most of these forests are being destroyed so that more crops can be grown to feed more livestock to feed even more people.

    So imagine all the methane/CO2 released from all of our livestock per year.
    And imagine all the CO2 released from the fossil fuels we burn per year.
    From 6 billion people.

    Then realize this means that at any given time there is 50-100 years worth of all that activity up in our current atmosphere. Since we are destroying the forests at the same time the CO2 will stay in the atmosphere longer so more in the 100 year range.
    This does not even include all the other claimed greenhouse gases that we are the direct cause of.

    But all this means nothing if CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.

    One of these days Im going to do the math of 100 years worth of human fossil fuel burning and livestock methane production and compare the CO2 produced to the CO2 released from a single climate changing super volcano....
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

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    Simply put
    If you introduce a foreign element or ratio in to a chemical composition it will change the outcome.

    Industry, vehicle emissions and waste is making everthing polluted and nasty, so it should be cleaned up no matter what

    Just because a politician or group or people someone disagrees with or dislikes support an idea does not make it untrue.

    Personally I tend to listen more to scientists I respect about the issue than any political group. And Most scientists believe it to be true. You can always trot out some who dont. There are always those who disagree and tell you you can keep on how you do things.

    I think, respectfully Lou and others, to say it is definatly a hoax is a very Luddite way of looking at things.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

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  13. #13
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    There have been volcanic eruptions that emitted more harfmful gasses into the atmosphere in one go than the entire industrial revolution combined. Imagine how fires used to rage before civilization, covering large parts on continents. No one is saying that the planet isn't heating up, people are disputing the reasoning is all.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    So when the planet melts around you and our winters are 75 degrees does that not make you question WTF is going on?

    20 years ago we never had 75 degree days in January, especially not in Upstate Ny, but in 2007 they recorded a temp of 72 degrees on a normal weekday. So if its not global warming what is it?

    I agree with you 100% I mean we pump so much pollution in the atmosphere I do not see how people can think it will have no effect on the environment and global warming. The winters have indeed been getting increasingly warmer year after year.

  15. #15
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Lou, I will most definitely be watching this documentary. I saw it trailed last night and will be watching it very closely. I am very much of the school that yes, global warming does exist, but the doomsayer "we're all gonna die!!!" stuff is complete bollocks and classic human self-obsession, like we're the be-all and end-all of everything.

    A few years ago it wasn't an issue, now all of a sudden we're all going to die in either a new ice age or the fires of hell made flesh.

    The answer is simple - work towards clean, renewable sources of energy and don't be wasteful, also look to replenish areas you've affected (e.g. WHACK UP A SH*TLOAD OF TREES!).

    Tricky is spot on, Labour's response to saving the world (despite the fact that if Britain suddenly gave up modern living to return us to the era of the Bubonic Plague the space we left would be filled within a matter of months by either China or America) is to simply tax an easily taxable thing - the car.

    Fact is, the car is so successful because it's an incredibly useful tool. I mean honestly, who travels on the roads for fun anymore? The only fun you can have in a car is on a race track for those track days, the normal roads are for doing a task that needs doing. I don't know of anyone who drives for pleasure. I get some pleasure out of driving, but the only time I drive is when I need to drive - especially being out in the sticks (or relative sticks) - which is, after all, where two thirds of the British populace lives! - NEWS FLASH LABOUR, LONDON ISN'T REPRESENTATIVE OF BRITAIN, YOU UTTER WANKERS.

    There are many people in the green brigade who just make me laugh so hard due to their utter hypocrisy, they'll often be the chattering champagne socialist class of people, jetting off to all these holidays abroad, they're running some rather expensive and gas guzzling car (or cars, including a "Chelsea Tractor").

    The electric car - at first it was complete sh*t - you PLUG IT IN!!! Where does the f*cking electricity come from?! A F*CKING POWER STATION YOU COMPLETE AND UTTER MORON WHO IS RAPING THE WORLD OF ALL INTELLIGENCE!!!

    Even now, that hunk of poorly made celebrity-loving sh*t - The Prius - has nothing better than average (or even below average) fuel consumption and the battery itself is filled with the most hideous sh*t that is far more damaging to the environment.

    There was a nice thing on Top Gear at one point, they were reviewing a brand new fancy Mercedes, which had some beasty engine, and they sat it next to a Prius and asked which was most environmentally friendly? - answer - the beast-engined Mercedes, because the materials used to make it were all recycled.

    This whole green movement is completely inundated with retards. Apparently we're all to blame, meanwhile the earth is hurting itself just as much, if not more, than we have/are/will. Also, apparently planes and cars are the devil, meanwhile they actually aren't, they're just easy to tax so some socialist champagne supping wanker can feel better about themselves and their hollow little lives that they live.

    Don't be wasteful - simple solution.
    Find practical renewable energy sources
    Don't leave your TV on stand-by
    Don't buy a f*cking Hummer

    Just two of the things that need doing, not taxing the f*cking roads.

    Just think about it - all those office buildings across the globe. They've all got their lights and computers (among other appliances) running 24/7.



    Install motion-sensitive lights in all the floors above the ground and first floors. Those two bottom floors would still have the lights on, but the computers would be shut off.

    Just think of the energy conservation you could achieve from that simple step, and just think of how much money each business would save on elecricity bills?

    Green Facists ... it's the new religion, I'm tellin''s f*cking nuts.

    We need realistic approaches to bettering the environment, but also face up to the fact that the earth is doing a lot of damage to itself of it's own accord. Then what about the sun itself - I heard that was burning brighter now than it used to - well if you turn up the fire, of course it's gonna get hotter. That Mars note was also intriguing...

    I look forward to seeing this documentary, there is a distinct lack of media attention on the other side of the argument, and that is very wrong.

    There's just something very dodgy and rather suspicious and ever-so not-simple about the whole global warming "thing" to me.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 05-Mar-2007 at 09:40 PM.


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