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Thread: Another school shooting..

  1. #16
    Twitching fartpants's Avatar

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    guns dont kill people, wackos kill people, and it seems that America has more than its fair share

  2. #17
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by fartpants View Post
    guns dont kill people, wackos kill people, and it seems that America has more than its fair share
    I suspect if we have guns laws like the states we'd have similar events...
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  3. #18
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    yeah "welcome to the news at ten ,this is tevor macdonald, today the time team crew finally snapped adn ,quote "busted a cap in that west country ****s ass", more on this story at eleven"

  4. #19
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I just can't get over the fact that this guy went on with it for more than 2 hours. Nobody even attempted to stop him for more than two friggin hours.

  5. #20
    Twitching fartpants's Avatar

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    if you heard somebody shooting the place up, and you were unarmed, would you have done anything. And where the hell were the police while this was happening

  6. #21
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    guns dont kill people

    but they make it a lot easier.

    all it takes is a slight squeeze and bang, dead person. if you were in a rage and you tried to strangle someone to death, you might at some point come to your senses and stop. with a gun it would be too late before you reached that point.
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  7. #22
    Fresh Meat

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    I would have done something. I'd be climbing out the second story window with everyone else.

    The police were probably waiting for SWAT to show up to deal with the shooter. Two hours does seem a very long time to allow what happened to continue. I guess we'll find out once they finish their investigation.

  8. #23
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fartpants View Post
    if you heard somebody shooting the place up, and you were unarmed, would you have done anything.

    I would've damn well tried. For instance, this student was on the news earlier and they were calling him a hero because he barricaded the door in one of the classrooms with a table. When the gunman came to that door and saw it was blocked, he shot a few rounds through the door/table. Then the "Hero" said that he clearly heard the gunman's empty clip hit the floor and a few seconds went by for the reload.

    There had to have been 15+ males in that room that could've charged his South Korean ass while he was attempting to reload. That seems like a situation where it could have all been stopped.

    I'm not saying I would be the moronic hero that would run straight into gunfire just so I can be on the news as a "hero". But if I saw a slight chance where I could contain the asswipe and prevent other's from being hurt, especially if I had some other men ready to help, I would.

  9. #24
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Ooh, I duno, terrifying situation, you'd have to make the decision, you'd have to remove the blockade, open the door and rush the person, and if the person is even remotely organised and proficient enough with guns, they'd be able to reload by then I'd have though, especially if they take a few paces back so they have enough 'room to shoot' so-to-speak.

    I don't think you can really say what you'd do in that situation unless you've been in it, or are in it, then it all comes down to instincts and spur-of-the-moment moments.

    Speaking of which, guess what's the main story on Channel 4 News now?

    There's already people bleetering out about how it's all down to videogames (check out, but I duno about that, I read some of the comments in the nutjobs note that he left somewhere and he doesn't sound like the sort of person who'd fritter away time playing GTA.

    The guy was also blatantly a nutter, they're one in a million, you can't censor society as a whole just to try and stop someone from flipping out (no matter what influences they have). Nutters are nutters, no matter what the media they consume. If you can run around a campus and shoot a load of people, then you're clearly not well adjusted to say the least.

  10. #25
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    The guy was also blatantly a nutter, they're one in a million, you can't censor society as a whole just to try and stop someone from flipping out (no matter what influences they have). .
    Those people are not actually trying to stop violence, they are only trying to censor and that is their excuse.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

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  11. #26
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I don't think you can really say what you'd do in that situation unless you've been in it, or are in it, then it all comes down to instincts and spur-of-the-moment moments.

    True, I've never been in that situation, but i'm normally a level-headed guy when it comes to life threatening situations. I've been shot at before and stayed pretty cool about it(probably what kept me alive). Not to say it wasn't frightening, but i'm generally not one of those people that go completely ape sh*t when some sh*t hits the fan.

  12. #27
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    I would've damn well tried. For instance, this student was on the news earlier and they were calling him a hero because he barricaded the door in one of the classrooms with a table. When the gunman came to that door and saw it was blocked, he shot a few rounds through the door/table. Then the "Hero" said that he clearly heard the gunman's empty clip hit the floor and a few seconds went by for the reload.

    There had to have been 15+ males in that room that could've charged his South Korean ass while he was attempting to reload. That seems like a situation where it could have all been stopped.

    I'm not saying I would be the moronic hero that would run straight into gunfire just so I can be on the news as a "hero". But if I saw a slight chance where I could contain the asswipe and prevent other's from being hurt, especially if I had some other men ready to help, I would.
    That's what needed to be done. A similar situation happened at a high school up north years ago. This pussy gets upset because the school found a handgun in his locker and expelled his ass. His dad finds out and threatens to take away his gun collection and his secret arsonal they weren't aware of. So, he shoots his dad in the back of the head when he wasn't looking then kills his mom after she comes home. Next day, the coward goes to school and starts shooting anyone who bullied him. He ran out of bullets and reached for another gun. When he did that about 10 + high school football players bum-rush him. And proceeded to pound the living sh!t out of him, until the police arrived. The policed pretty much saved him from them. He got a life sentence, btw.

    I couldn't believe the guy was Korean. Usually, a white guy does this kind of thing.

  13. #28
    You know what? When I turned on the television and saw the news reports on CNN about yet another kid in America going off on a rampage with a gun - it didn't affect me one little bit. I thought to myself 'wait a minute, lots of innocent people just died' and then realised that the reason why I felt nothing was because I am simply not surprised by this bulls**t anymore. This type of thing occurs way too often, I'm afraid.

    We can all go off about how the gun laws should be changed in America but it's a different world outside folks. Besides the situation over there is way beyond repair in that regard. It has been a part of US culture for too long now.
    Last edited by capncnut; 17-Apr-2007 at 09:27 PM.

  14. #29
    Dead Mutineer's Avatar

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    It is redundant for me to declare this a travesty as it leaves me speechless. Such a sad, sad, sad day.

    It is no secret we (the States) need tougher gun laws. If this is not a compelling enough reason, then I'm not sure what is. The U.S. regulary has lead the league in richest nations on gun deaths.


  15. #30
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Considering the extent of gun ownership in the US its suprising this happens as little as it does actually,and its probably a credit to the majority who are responsible owners.It doesnt make it any less awful when something like this happens though,and as i said elsewhere maybe there should be a restriction on handguns so that only rifles and shotguns can be owned as you cant exactly walk down the street with one concealed.Yes they are still as dangerous and someone determined could still do some mischief,but handguns seem to be the real danger and they are just too easy to sneak into schools etc


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