View Poll Results: Choose a format

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  • VHS/Betamax (I keep it old skool)

    2 12.50%
  • Laserdisc (...yes, totally dominated the video age)

    0 0%
  • DVD (I like it just the way it is)

    14 87.50%
  • HD-DVD/Blu-Ray (The only way to go bee-yotches!)

    0 0%
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Thread: Favourite format

  1. #1

    Favourite format

    I apologise if this has been posted before but I searched around for a similar poll and never found one. Another simple one, what is your preferred format?

    I voted DVD 'cos of the options but damn, VHS comes a close second. I think tapes are way more accessible than DVD's and I'll never forget the era. It's like vinyl, preserve it.

  2. #2
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    dvds though minidv cassettes are cool too.

  3. #3
    Just been bitten Huescacho's Avatar

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    I vote Dvds because this is the most useful today. The laserdisc lost the war vs dvd because laserdis was very very expensive... Vhs is retreating now... In a few of video stores there are videos, in most of them, dvds...

  4. #4
    Wouldn't it just make your day if someone posted a vote for VHS/Betamax, I miss the 80's so much. <slaps face>

  5. #5
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    DVD, man. The best experience yet.

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    VHS, ya sumzabeetches!!

    I'm a whore for DVD, I have a wall-load of them and I love buying them/watching them/drooling over the extras ... but compared to VHS they're soul-less ... specifically in the horror genre.

    I remember watching all the gritty horror flicks that were previously banned in the UK on VHS, and it was always a copy I'd dubbed from a mate who'd dubbed it from the video shop or something, so it'd have fudgy sound, the image would be a bit screwy perhaps, but certainly grainy, it was darker and it just felt kinda illicit. A VHS tape looks like a movie, whereas a DVD looks like a coaster...and is just as succeptable to damage, if not more-so.

    Films like the original TCM on special editions digitally remastered DVDs with a load of stuff that tells you exactly how they did it spoils the whole vibe, kids today are spoiled by DVD. DVD to VHS is like CD to a vinyl fan - I'm the vinyl fan of visual media, it holds a special place in my heart...awwww.

    And think about it - Videodrome ... that's a cool ass movie ... you couldn't get away with DVD-drome ... and also, one of the coolest parts of the VHS era was the Video Nasty period, you wouldn't have DVD Nasties would ya?

    DVD is second place in my heart, I'm a whore for it, but VHS is my baby...

  7. #7
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    The standard DVD format for me.

    Since the war between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD is still in it's infancy (and I'm still not convinced people will switch over when standard DVD is plenty enough for the majority of people out there), I can't go the HD direction - at least not yet.

  8. #8
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Films like the original TCM on special editions digitally remastered DVDs with a load of stuff that tells you exactly how they did it spoils the whole vibe, kids today are spoiled by DVD. DVD to VHS is like CD to a vinyl fan - I'm the vinyl fan of visual media, it holds a special place in my heart...awwww.
    I dig the analogy, but the difference is many people think vinyl sounds BETTER, pops and all. No one thinks VHS looks better. You are not losing anything with DVD, but gaining a lot. Though neither are durable enough.
    And DVD players are made ultra sh*tty, while VHS players can last many years. I has a Non Macrovision early VHS that I used to dub rentals for YEARS (an essential tool for the collecting geek). Its not unusual for a DVD player to take a crap after a year or teo. Though I am not bothered by the VHS soft image cause I see everything in a soft image. Its the extras and cut scenes etc that I like about DVD.

    VHS is still better for some things, like taping off TV. Not many people have standalone DVD recorders. Maybe Tivo or other like like hard disk recorders, but I have yet to see one at someones home. I only know of one actual person who has one.
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  9. #9
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I still use VHS for taping stuff off TV. My folks use the Sky+ box that we got recently to record stuff, they never use tapes now, it certainly is a convenient way of doing things at the touch of a button, so I like that. But indeed, using tapes to record is piss easy. Never really got at all excited about DVD recorders, I'd rather go for a hard disk recorder, and buy/download anything I wanna properly keep.

    VHS (especially a 3rd/4th generation dub) is ideal for a horror film from the 70's/80's ... it captured the grotty vibe of those films so well. Hunkering down in a darkened room with a dubbed copy of some horror film, I LOVED that vibe.

    DVD is like one of VHS' siblings who left the family farm and sold out to go to Hollywood ... it's successful, but it's soul-less.

    I love buying DVDs, I love the extra features, I'm a whore for the format, but there's no soul to them and there's no memories connected to them for me. I have on the other hand, grown up with VHS tapes and was using them from as early as I can remember. I could operate a VCR before I could tie my shoes - honestly.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I love buying DVDs, I love the extra features, I'm a whore for the format, but there's no soul to them and there's no memories connected to them for me.
    Perfectly summed up to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I remember watching all the gritty horror flicks that were previously banned in the UK on VHS, and it was always a copy I'd dubbed from a mate who'd dubbed it from the video shop or something, so it'd have fudgy sound, the image would be a bit screwy perhaps, but certainly grainy, it was darker and it just felt kinda illicit. A VHS tape looks like a movie, whereas a DVD looks like a coaster...and is just as succeptable to damage, if not more-so.

    DVD is second place in my heart, I'm a whore for it, but VHS is my baby...
    Damn, MZ you're making me cry!

    I agree with every word you say bro. I loved the days when that dodgy bloke from town would knock on a thursday night and rent you 6 pirates on the sly. Ah man, the 80's!

    Oh and one of the last truly terrible pirate copies I ever saw was The Blair Witch Project. You know what? The movie was amazing! The grainy picture resembled what a bunch of old tapes lost in the forest and exposed to the elements would look like when played. When I later saw it at the cinema, it was the most laughable piece of s**t I have ever seen!

    I wish I had the balls to vote VHS, I'm a failure as a man...

  11. #11
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I wish I had the balls to vote VHS, I'm a failure as a man...
    Ya-boo-sucks to you!

    You know what Capn ... take Mr. T's advice ... ... "GET SOME NUTS!!!" ... gawd I love that advert!

    Ah mate, VHS ... how I love it ... but you'll know that as I made a film all about them! haha!

  12. #12
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I saw "Day" on VHS for the first time and it was great. I sometimes watch that version instead of the DVD. It really did help add to the experience. I'll never forget that night.....(everything gets blurry for a flashback)

    My brother walks in, says he bought a movie that was recommended by a friend. I never heard of it. The box looks cheesy, but I put it in anyway. The gritty as hell movie ended.....I enjoyed the hell out of.....but I just couldn't sleep for the entire night.(I was a youngin').

    Now watching it on DVD it isn't quite the same experience. I like the dvd because the features and the nice picture is great for a fan....but that VHS is the one that started it all for me.

  13. #13
    Twitching deadpunk's Avatar

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    I voted VHS for the simplicity of it all. Remember when you could pop in a movie and it would just f*cking play? You didn't have to run the guantlet of options, or get forced to watch unwanted previews? No lil' hand ever showed up when I hit the FF button on my trusty, dusty VCR.

    I love the quality of DVDs and even went so far as to buy a surround sound to further enrich the experience...But, VHS is the Mr. T of media, DVD is just some random dude with a mohawk and overalls...
    Last edited by deadpunk; 26-Apr-2007 at 10:48 PM. Reason: my brain is faster than my fingers...doh!

  14. #14
    <wipes tear> I can't believe I didn't vote for VHS, I've been using it quite a bit too... <sniff>

  15. #15
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deadpunk View Post
    I voted VHS for the simplicity of it all. Remember when you could pop in a movie and it would just f*cking play? You didn't have to run the guantlet of options, or get forced to watch unwanted previews? No lil' hand ever showed up when I hit the FF button on my trusty, dusty VCR.

    I love the quality of DVDs and even went so far as to buy a surround sound to further enrich the experience...But, VHS is the Mr. T of media, DVD is just some random dude with a mohawk and overalls...
    I agree with ya....but at least we don't have to rewind DVDs. And dvd players can't eat the film out, either.


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