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Thread: So i forced myself to sit through contagium all the way last night....

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Mar 2006
    simply walking into mordor

    So i forced myself to sit through contagium all the way last night....

    14 mins in....

    14 mins in is the EXACT moment it goes to ****, beofre that loads of zombies, soldiers killing zombies,a ll good zombie fun -then when they find a canister one of them does the cliche' horror b movie precog bull and goes "dont open it" "why" "i dont know, i just think bad things will happen if you do" , WHAT THE **** WAS THAT?!?
    and it gets worse from then in, when the **** starts going down im thinking "you know this aint SO bad, maybe if they didnt name rape theyd have this seen in a better light"....

    thats before-

    magic powers
    fairys in glass jars zombifying people
    a random horror movie rapid pregnancy....yeah you heard me
    unorigional music
    one or two actors just spoilt it compred to some, like the ginger doctor who could actually act but got paired up with what seemed to be one of the directors drinkin' buddies
    no actual ending, it just tapers out.

    too sum it up i saw rambo just before this and it just shows the yin and yang of cinema, two unorigional ideas but one done incredibly well, the other slowly spiralled into crap by the end,
    guess wich is wich?

  2. #2
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    i salute your intestinal fortitude. it takes quite a bit of it to make it through this utterly ridiculous "movie."

    i saw this soon after it crawled from the afterbirth of whatever nightmare spawned it and was horrified at the blatant name-rape going on. this movie had me alternating between peals of laughter at its ineptness and moments of total disbelief, when i was sitting there saying to myself, "did i just see what i think i just saw. i did. WTF!"
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  3. #3
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    Paradise City, Florida
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    I think fourteen minutes are about where I fell asleep. I woke up around 35 minutes in, watched it for a bit, ejected it and never thought about it again until right now.


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