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Thread: What's wrong with this picture?

  1. #1
    Chasing Prey

    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    What's wrong with this picture?

    Just found this on - never knew this existed:

    Trash Talk - Xbox360

    With Trash Talk for Xbox 360, you can insult your enemies at the push of a button. It's the ultimate weapon to flame, taunt and ridicule your buddies over Xbox Live. Sitting between your game controller and your plug-in headset, Trash Talk gives you a bank of buttons which activate pre-recorded sound clips, letting you assemble your own messages and activate them at will.

    You can, of course, record your own taunts and insults to use in the heat of battle. Instead of shouting "gotcha!", or "everybody follow me" down your microphone, you can just press a button and issue exclamations or instructions automatically. If your Xbox 360 microphone's on the blink or you simply havn't got one, by recording the samples on your PC and transferring them to Trash Talk, you can still issue your orders.

    But Trash Talk's capable of much more. Why not slip in a soundbite from your favourite film or TV show, to activate during the game? If you're injured, you could utter, "I ain't got time to bleed" in Jessie Ventura's sepulchral growl from Predator. If you're killed, play Arnie's catchline, "I'll be back!". If a talkative opponent is getting on your nerves, play him BA from The A-Team saying, "Shut up, you crazy fool". The possibilities are endless.

    Trash Talk for Xbox 360 contains everything you need. There's the Trash Talk unit, a USB cable to connect it to your PC and a PC application with which to manage your sounds. You can store up to 16 samples at a time, and the device has a total storage capacity of one minute.

    -- -----------------

    Does anyone feel there's enough arseholes on xbox live already?

  2. #2
    Rising Bub666's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    New York
    United States
    Very cool.

  3. #3
    Dead CornishCorpse's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Seems like a bad idea to me. The main problem with online games are assholes that feel the need to yell n00b throughout the entire length of a game or calling people racial slurs and this is making it even easier. If used properly it would kick some ass but I have a sneaky feeling its going to be the reason alot more people getting banned from psn and xbl, thats what assholes need something to make flaming even easier

    : Face Palm :
    Why arent you laughing?

  4. #4
    Chasing Prey

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CornishCorpse View Post
    Seems like a bad idea to me. The main problem with online games are assholes that feel the need to yell n00b throughout the entire length of a game or calling people racial slurs and this is making it even easier. If used properly it would kick some ass but I have a sneaky feeling its going to be the reason alot more people getting banned from psn and xbl, thats what assholes need something to make flaming even easier

    : Face Palm :
    The first review on this product written by a user of this device even said he gets kicked out of loads of games. Ridiculous. It's just given people a way to be anonymously annoying to people or ruin proper tactical information with ridiculous rubbish. Ironically the device is even advertised as an alternative to buying a headset, because you can pre-record orders and use them in, 20 quid for this, or 20 quid for a headset....worst idea ever...

  5. #5
    Does it have a 'stab buddy' application?


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