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Thread: just a thought

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    simply walking into mordor

    just a thought

    whilst this isnt techincally story fiction but script fiction i think its best to ask the fans of all this post apocalyptic stuff there view, this year for media weve been given free reign to do anything, i decided to write a pilot script for a tv show, sort of a 1 hour kinda thing but not too much like that lost kinda shows.

    anway ill get to my point after the idea, which i got whilst playing half life 2 last night

    all across the globe for an as yet unknown reason tremors and quakes occur and the ground splits open and im talking from like los angeles to germany to china to ,well anywere and these "things" come out the ground which i can best describe as a cross between the thing from ....err the thing, the flood from halo, and the spikes from the planet hulk storyline in the incredible hulk,
    basically, in case you cant tell its a sorta spin on the zombie theme, if these things dont kill you ,the toxins they get into you means you'll soon be, not one of them, but a 'monster' nonetheless.
    add a few locations at the same time, like times squre, prague, london ect. with all the pedestrians running from these things coming out the ground, dropping shopping and what have you and then bam, cuts forward to 15 years later. the pilots about a small community living in the shelled out remains of a coastal town and a group raiding an area for suplies, no surprise the highway and ravenholm levels were inspiring as well, mostly the locations that kind of eastern european looking towns. and this is about people in one town, explaining the situation, the creatures and why they are were they are.

    but the bit im stuck at is you need to give an evaluation of were the story will go, now right now ive only got that crappy "you can find a "queen" which you can kill to go back to normal", but that sucks, so anybody got a good view they would want to see in a show/ film series like that?

  2. #2
    Twitching deadpunk's Avatar

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    Between states of non-existence
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    perhaps the introduction of a second coming? Another group of 'creatures' that arrive to stop the end of the world, and mankind must decide whether to pay the price they ask for salvation?

    meh...that's quite trite, but it was off the cuff and I'm too tired to think very hard on anything at the moment...


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