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Thread: one day to go... (USA VOTES)

  1. #1
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    one day to go... (USA VOTES)

    Well, it's November 6th 2006. In less than 24 hours Polls will be opening in many states for americans to go out and cast their vote in the midterm elections.

    Many polls show the democrats taking a strong lead, and other polls (Fox News) show the republican maintaining control of all 3 branches of Government. Basically what it will all come down to is how may vote, who they vote for, and if the electronic machine they might use isn't rigged to swing votes.

    Many voter leagues and law groups are filing motions with courts to have machines examined for tampering before, during and after elections. The states having the heaviest focus are Maryland, Ohio, and parts of Florida. However, what is the main issue at hand... It is this... Is you elected official doing all he can for you? If you can answer yes to that question then by all means vote him another term. If you cannot answer yes, or have doubts you should probably vote for someone else.

    We have learned quite a few things in the last 6 years, actually the last 20. When dems were in control of the house and senate things we were almost as bad as they (repubs) are now. I say almost because they didn't have the blatant scams, and illegal acceptance of gifts from lobbyist Jack Abrahamoff(sp?) When the republicans took control in 1994, things seem to get a little better, but history seems to be repeating itself. Now we have a republican controlled congress doing exactly the same things they bitched the dem controlled congress was doing in the Reagan years, only this time they are doing it at a much larger scale, and making themselves look bad in the spotlight of it. The GOP is inches away from losing support and control.

    In this fight we have winners and losers. The winners can be anyone depending on the party and the losers... well just the same. The question is should the american public allow the GOP to maintain control on all 3 branches of the government, or should we toss them out and have a mix control and hope something gets done. The republicans want you to think this election is based solely on local issues. That is mistake #1 because it isn't just local issues. The war in IRAQ is the highest single reason most people are going to vote. They are either for it or against it. If you hate the war and want to see the troops come home you are probably going to vote democrat. If you are happy about seeing our service men and women murdered everyday over the cause of terrorism, and actually believe we need to be there, with no end in sight then you will probably vote Republican.

    However who are the lessor of both evils. That all depends on how much evil you can tolerate. The dems want you to believe they can put an end to the war if they are put in control. Maybe they can maybe they can't we don't know until they get in... However, I doubt the war will end no matter which party has control. According to Bush it is no bodies decision but his. Mr. Pres you are riding a high and mighty cloud. Not too mention bragging a week before the election that the Repubs will win regardless of what polls say otherwise. So my next question is, if repubs are stating vicotyr before the election does this mean that voter issues are already predicted. Are the machines rigged... has someone been paid off? I think declaring a victory as FACT before an election takes places just screams deep down inside... yep the vote is rigged. And if the vote is rigged, Hypothetically speaking, was does that say for democracy?

    Lets face facts we know two things.

    1. The republican machine will stoop to any level to get their comrades elected... The dems will pretty much do the same. However, whom has done more mud-slinging and used racisim as a campaign stopper? Republicans. In TN, the republican national committe released an ad with white girls saying they love dating black men, and that they would love to date DEMOCRAT hopeful Harold Ford, who happens to be black. They even went onto say he has dated more white women than black women. Now, the only reason you would do this in TN is hopes to rally the southern racist vote. In the south they haven't evolved as much, and racism plays a heavy roll in elections. Now what do you think of a politician or political party whom would stoop that low? Personally anyone who uses race to discourage a canidate, intimidate a canidate, or uses it to win an election has no place in my book.

    2. This will be a heavily contested election if any type of issue arises. With groups like and other voting commisions ready to pounce this could easily be one of the most sought after and hottest elections since Kerry v Bush in 2004.

    I will add one more thing... Americans look on issues facing the country today. Between this and the war, coupled with illegal immigration will probably be the leading issues, and will most likely cause a lot of GOP members to fight tooth and nail for thier seats in government. Any government official whom thinks this election is about local issues is sorely mistaken and needs to have his head removed from their ass.

    Now one question I have to ask...

    If the democrats win control, and I say if, Do you think they will move to impeach president Bush? I think no, but the discussion has come up. So what are you thoughts on this question as well as the whole US vote in general and tell us your predictions.

    Do you think the Democrats will gain control or the Repubs will maintain? Also tell us why you think one or the other.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  2. #2
    Being Attacked

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    Both parties will do anything to win. They are not much different from each other. We, as a country, I think, need to move away from the 2 party system. I look at my ballot and I see a tax and spend, pro abortion, grow the government at any rate possible liberal. And THAT'S the republican.

    We need choices and right now we have none. We need a couple or three good "3rd parties". Until that happens we are gonna have the same mess that we are in this election happen every 2 or 4 years...

    I think that the GOP will lose the House (probably not the Senate) on Tueday. They deserve it. And, no, I don't think there will be impeachment hearings on Bush. However inept he may be, I really don't think that his actions as president have risen to the level of criminal. I don't think that the democrats really think so either.

  3. #3
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Look at that, Dj - someone who can admit something you can't. Both partiest are crap.

    Here's how I look at it:

    1) Both parties suck, and they're both corrupt, neither any better than the other. If you're involved in "politics" you can't be trusted, no matter what your party affiliation is.

    2) Voting in the US is a complete waste of time. You can get a republican to replace a democrat in any office (or vise-versa) and guess what'll change for you and me and the average working-class people in the US? Nothing. Not a goddamn thing. Go ahead, prove me wrong.

    Oh, that's right.. you can't.

    This country was bought and sold a looong time ago, and a few days where they say they're having an "election" is just to give you the "illusion" that the people of the US actually matter and to make us think that our votes really 'count' to make this country a better place.. well, from way back when as far back as I can remember, nothing has ever changed no matter who was elected - not for the average citizen.

    If it makes you feel better about yourself, go have fun pulling those levers, playing on those computers, and filling out those absentee ballots. I'll be at home playing Battlefield 1942 on my computer - which is more engaging than anything having to do with politics - and when it's all said and done? Guess what? You'll still have lying thieves in office, regardless of their party affiliation... and then the complaints about government start again until the next election.. then someone will cry the ballots weren't counted right 'cause they're a sore loser.. then there will be more voter fraud controversy, people will feel cheated and that "their" leader really won but because of some kind of voting booth error, they didn't. Then we'll spend the next 2-4 years saying how this person shouldn't have been elected because someone cheated the system...

    hey.... waaaaaait a second! That sounds like a repeat of the past five or so elections we've held here, eh?

    Enjoy the illusion that you matter while it lasts, 'cause sooner or later, it won't. I have better things to worry about than bitter old men bickering with other bitter old men (and women too, not leaving them out) about who is right and who is wrong when they don't give one fu*k about anything or anyone but themselves. None of it makes a lick of difference. If you think it does, you've already bought into the lies.

    Sorry folks, that's just the way it is.

    As dennis miller always says, "That's just my opinion, I could be wrong" (the sad part is, I'm not, and that's what angers me the most)

  4. #4
    Being Attacked

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    Exactly, as it currently stands no one is going to be a winner on Tuesday, besides whoever gets to sit in their house or senate seat.

    The more I think about it the more I think that the country should move to a more parliamentary system. A coalition government might make a lot more sense than what we have today...

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I like the South Park theory - voting for the lesser of two evils, even if they're both a douche or a turd...

    As for 2 party system, on one hand it's good, here in the UK we have an absolute myriad of political parties. 3 main ones - Labour (booooooo!!! ), Conservatives (not always the best, but they're historically been the best - e.g. led us through World War 2 with Winston Churchill, they also had the first - and currently only female Prime Minister), Liberal Democrats (amalgamation of the Liberal Party and the Social Democrats happened about a century ago, the last time either of them was in power).

    Then there's:

    The Green Party (tree hugging is all they seem to do)
    The UK Independent Party (last I heard was still being led by Kilroy ... an ex-talk show host and all-round plonker/twat)
    British National Party (borderline/flat out racists who are mostly living 50 years in the past and are scared of non-white people, but hide behind an image of "just caring about traditional British roots - a worthy and just cause in itself - but when associated with these scumbags?...ewww)
    Legalise Cannibis Alliance (seriously)
    Monster Raving Loony Party (again ... seriously)

    Annnnnnnnd there's a bunch more...seriously.

    The Liberals will never get into power, so all they manage to do is take about 20% of votes away from the real game - which is always between Labour and Conservative.

    Basically what happens in British politics:

    Labour comes in, throws a shedload of money at all their problems in the hope the troubles vanish ... when they don't, they need more money, so tax the skins of the British public - and not the rich British public either.

    Then they get completely out of control (currently happening right now) and the country needs some real control so the Conservatives get voted in, but because the country is in such trouble, they spend the majority of their time in office fixing the problems Labour caused. By the time they actually get around to trying to make their own decisions, the party has fallen into "absolute power corrupts absolutely" territory and they all start in-fighting like a bunch of little bitches.

    The public gets sick of this and votes in "New" Labour (i.e. Same Old Labour) who promise a fantasy land of golden opportunities and "things can only get better" ... until their first term is up and they're re-elected for a second term and things start collapsing as they're run out of money and start losing the plot completely.

    Labour are currently in their - FIRST - 3rd term in a row, and from the offset it's been a complete and utter disaster. Every week there is another f*ck up they're tried to hide, or there's another abusive stealth tax being brought in (usually under the guise of Health & Safety, Political Correctness, the Environment or Road Safety ... oh, and Anti-Terrorism - all things that Labour love ... in reality, they just want money and don't actually care about these issues used to cloak the reality).

    With that in mind, no wonder the last stint the Conservatives were in power lasted for 18 years. Thatcher may be lampooned as some Iron Devil Lady, but at least the gal had more balls than Tony Blair et al, she got sh*t done most of the time and didn't govern by tabloid. Guaranteed, in a couple of decades people will look back in hindsight on the (current) Labour gubment and view it as a total disaster - guaranteed 100%.

    Labour's support is currently at a 20 year low, they're losing their grip fast, all the Conservatives need to do is keep climbing the rope slowly but surely and we're looking at a new government - and hopefully, most importantly - and end (at least for a good chunk of time) to the utter retardation and downright violent silliness of Labour's policies (for instance, now they want to charge road users £1.34 per mile...and I'm not kidding).


  6. #6
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Its going to be a tight election. But if the momentum has anything to do with it (and this late int he game you look at momentum not numbers) then the Dems are in for an upset or at least a partial victory. Because Momentum has shown that the dems are losing ground and very fast.

  7. #7
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    I think the bottom line is, democracy doesn't work - at least not forever. It's a temporary solution.

    I found a quote about it that is so true it's scary. Take a look:

    “A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.

    “The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    From Bondage to spiritual faith;
    From spiritual faith to great courage;
    From courage to liberty;
    From liberty to abundance;
    From abundance to complacency;
    From complacency to apathy;
    From apathy to dependence;
    From dependence back into bondage.”

    With the US being 210 years old (1776-2006), we're not far, folks. Where do you think we're at in that list already? I say complacency & apathy.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 06-Nov-2006 at 01:37 PM.

  8. #8
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    See the film "Street Fight". Its a doc about a race in Newark for Mayor . Incumbent Sharpe James Vs. Young Idealist Corey Booker. They are both democtats but couldn't be more different. Sharpe is a Party Machine Boss who would do literally anyhting to remain in power. I mention this film to illustrate that all politicions are NOT the same.
    I don't believe that the parties are the same either. Nor do I believe that the early 1990s scandals in the Democratic house are anything remotely close in the magnitude to the corruption in todays GOP controlled branches. To compare stealing stamps from work to the patriot act, torture, Jack Abramov, and Oil companies writing Energy laws that are then rubberstamped is lunacy.
    Oh yeah, the really big scandal in the early 90s from the dem house was they they were overdrafting checks from the house banks. Nowadays we have overraft protection and most of us have done it. It wasn't stealing. It doesn't even compare to Habeus Corpus.
    My opinion is that the Dem party leadership is way more connected to the oft forgotten ideals of many democratic voters than it has been in a long time.

    If the "conservatives" control every branch of Govt ( a virtual dictatorship) and still refuse to pass conservative platforms, they are not conservative. Who do they represent? They aren't liberal (no social programs), they aren't conservative (fiscally irresponsible, No personal privacy, soft on Terrorists. re: BinLadin). They are Puppets of the Oil and defense industries existing only to mainain power.

    Now, I don't pretend that the Democrats are all that awesome either, but we only have 2 parities and I tend to favor a more left view. We do need a few more parties. A right one, Conservative, Moderate, Liberal and real left wing party. There are no Leftists amongst the representatives from the Dem party and anyone who tries to say that knows absolutley nothing about political definitions.
    The closet to 3rd parties was Reform Party (gone). Green (inneffective). Marijuana Legalization.
    Working families party is a local party that does OK due to cross party affiliation.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
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  9. #9
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Look at that, Dj - someone who can admit something you can't. Both partiest are crap.

    Here's how I look at it:

    1) Both parties suck, and they're both corrupt, neither any better than the other. If you're involved in "politics" you can't be trusted, no matter what your party affiliation is.

    2) Voting in the US is a complete waste of time. You can get a republican to replace a democrat in any office (or vise-versa) and guess what'll change for you and me and the average working-class people in the US? Nothing. Not a goddamn thing. Go ahead, prove me wrong.

    Oh, that's right.. you can't.

    This country was bought and sold a looong time ago, and a few days where they say they're having an "election" is just to give you the "illusion" that the people of the US actually matter and to make us think that our votes really 'count' to make this country a better place.. well, from way back when as far back as I can remember, nothing has ever changed no matter who was elected - not for the average citizen.

    If it makes you feel better about yourself, go have fun pulling those levers, playing on those computers, and filling out those absentee ballots. I'll be at home playing Battlefield 1942 on my computer - which is more engaging than anything having to do with politics - and when it's all said and done? Guess what? You'll still have lying thieves in office, regardless of their party affiliation... and then the complaints about government start again until the next election.. then someone will cry the ballots weren't counted right 'cause they're a sore loser.. then there will be more voter fraud controversy, people will feel cheated and that "their" leader really won but because of some kind of voting booth error, they didn't. Then we'll spend the next 2-4 years saying how this person shouldn't have been elected because someone cheated the system...

    hey.... waaaaaait a second! That sounds like a repeat of the past five or so elections we've held here, eh?

    Enjoy the illusion that you matter while it lasts, 'cause sooner or later, it won't. I have better things to worry about than bitter old men bickering with other bitter old men (and women too, not leaving them out) about who is right and who is wrong when they don't give one fu*k about anything or anyone but themselves. None of it makes a lick of difference. If you think it does, you've already bought into the lies.

    Sorry folks, that's just the way it is.

    As dennis miller always says, "That's just my opinion, I could be wrong" (the sad part is, I'm not, and that's what angers me the most)
    Actually if you read my initial post you would have noted I didn't really endorse either party. In fact I mention that the repubs and dems will stoop to any level.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    Its going to be a tight election. But if the momentum has anything to do with it (and this late int he game you look at momentum not numbers) then the Dems are in for an upset or at least a partial victory. Because Momentum has shown that the dems are losing ground and very fast.

    Stop watching FOX news they will always show Dems losing. Check a real poll like CNN or USA today whom remain an affixed to anyone party. They show, clearly the DEMS probably taking control. BTW here is your momentum
    Last edited by DjfunkmasterG; 06-Nov-2006 at 02:11 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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  10. #10
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Actually if you read my initial post you would have noted I didn't really endorse either party. In fact I mention that the repubs and dems will stoop to any level.

    Stop watching FOX news they will always show Dems losing. Check a real poll like CNN or USA today whom remain an affixed to anyone party. They show, clearly the DEMS probably taking control. BTW here is your momentum

    Democrats Have Narrower Lead in Election, Polls Find (Update1)

    By Nadine Elsibai

    Nov. 5 (Bloomberg) -- The contest for control of Congress has tightened in the days leading up to the Nov. 7 vote with the Democrats' margin narrowing, two polls showed.

    Democrats hold a 51 percent to 45 percent edge among likely voters, down from a 14-point margin two weeks ago, according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll. A separate poll by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press showed a similar decrease in support for Democrats, who now have a 47 percent to 43 percent advantage over Republicans compared with 50 percent to 39 percent two weeks ago.
    I dont watch CCCPNN or MSocialistNBC or any of the liberal media outfits, they only show what the libs want to see, and I only occasionally just watch Fox. Mostly because its fair broadcasting. however I didnt get that the lead is reversing and the momentum is favoring the R's form Fox, I got it from Connecticut Local Politics which is run by insane liberal nutroots activists. Even they cant hide the truth.

    in 2 week the Dems suppport dropped by a GIGANTIC % These races are going to be extreamily tight. I think that the Looney left will pick up a few house and senate seats, but I think ultimatly control of the Senate will remain with the R's and the dems may squeak into power in the House, or be only a few seats out of power. Either way it will be incredibly close. Which bodes pretty poorly for the Democrats who have been trying to tell us since June that this election is in the bag.
    Last edited by Khardis; 06-Nov-2006 at 02:24 PM.

  11. #11
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Actually if you read my initial post you would have noted I didn't really endorse either party. In fact I mention that the repubs and dems will stoop to any level.
    I never stated you did in that post, Dj. Go back and read my post again. I was just stating my opinion on things.

    You're always hoping the dems win because "things will be better" and the country is in "better shape under dems" - this is what you always say to me, I'm just continuing that dialouge.

    My question is, WHAT will get better? Nothing for me as an average citizen. To be quite honest, I don't give one sh*t what we look like to other countries. Foreign policies to me, as an average citizen of the US, doesn't mean dick. They can say we suck all they want, they can hate us with all their might - doesn't matter to me 'cause I don't live there and they don't live here, but not a damn thing will change after the elections. Just more liars and idiots in office.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 06-Nov-2006 at 02:40 PM.

  12. #12
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    With the widespread introduction of electronic voting machines... you think the Republicans will lose the election?

    Ever look at who sits on the board of Diebold?

  13. #13
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    My question is, WHAT will get better? Nothing for me as an average citizen. To be quite honest, I don't give one sh*t what we look like to other countries. Foreign policies to me, as an average citizen of the US, doesn't mean dick. They can say we suck all they want, they can hate us with all their might - doesn't matter to me 'cause I don't live there and they don't live here, but not a damn thing will change after the elections. Just more liars and idiots in office.
    The exception to that is when they come and blow us the f**k up. As an average citizen that aspect of Foreign Policy is pretty important to me.

    You may be right about nothing changing. For me, I would rather attempt a change than just leave it where it is. A change means maybe, no Change means things will absolutely remain the same.

    The dems are running on a health care/ Insurance reform platform (particularly locally). If that happens, for one, will be very happy and relieved. There is no chance for me to stop getting screwed the way it is.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
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  14. #14
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coma View Post
    The exception to that is when they come and blow us the f**k up. As an average citizen that aspect of Foreign Policy is pretty important to me.

    You may be right about nothing changing. For me, I would rather attempt a change than just leave it where it is. A change means maybe, no Change means things will absolutely remain the same.

    The dems are running on a health care/ Insurance reform platform (particularly locally). If that happens, for one, will be very happy and relieved. There is no chance for me to stop getting screwed the way it is.

    I am with Coma on this. Foreign policy means a lot and is one issue that can either make or break homeland security and global terrorism. If you have 20 Foreign countries/nations that hate your guts then your chance for being the receiver of a terrorist attack increases. Since the current bozo in the oval office would rather give everyone the finger that doesn't stand good with me. I would rather be friendly with everyone, and have everyone try to work together as opposed to blowing each other up. If no one is willing to give that a try maybe we need someone who can or will.

    It maynot mean much to you Lou, but in the long wrong good foreign policy benefits everyone... bad foreign policy can wreak havoc on families, the economy and citizens in general. You may think the opposite but it is something clearly needed.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  15. #15
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by coma View Post
    The exception to that is when they come and blow us the f**k up. As an average citizen that aspect of Foreign Policy is pretty important to me.
    I understand what you're saying coma, but there's a problem: they've already done that, and will do it again anyway regardless of who is in power and regardless of our association or relationship with foreign governments. We could be on great terms with every country in the world, but it just takes one fanatical fraction who disagrees with a countries policies to cause issues - this will never change. You can never please all of the people all the time - and the ones you can't please, are the ones that will eventually rise up and bite you in the ass.

    Remember, it's no safer in the US right now than it ever has been in the past - it's just more difficult to get on a plane.


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