We are trying to win the competition and get a nice bonus and possibly an Ipod Nano. What we need is for people to sign up for the free trial of Blockbuster Online. It is a free 2 week trial and you are under no obligation to keep it once the trial is up. You can cancel it the day after you sign up and my store still gets credit for that online activation plus you get to try out the program.

Blockbuster Online works like netflix, but with one major advantage, you are now allowed to return all of your online rentals to your local store and get a free rental for each one returned like that... so basically if you do the trial for 3 rentals at a time you can bring them into your local blockbuster and redeem them for 3 free rentals, they will then check them in and your next movies will be sent out plus you get the free instore rentals.

So, if you want to help me and my co-workers out, you can sign up for blockbuster online by going to www.blockbuster.com/total and using the promotion code 26028B

IF you help us out, we will be very greatful. Also, spread the word if you know people who are interested. If you know any Netflix subscribers or are one yourself, give this program a try. It's a free 2 weeks and if you don't like it get rid of it.

Adam aka DeadJonas190

PS This code will only work in the USA, but if I find anything about an international Blockbuster Online and if you guys can get it for free I'll post it.

PSS I do not intend to make this sound like spam, I am honestly asking for help.

PSSS Tell your friends and family and I will love you forever if they sign up.

PSSSS Yes, I feel like a whore, but I want that bonus and the I Pod!