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Thread: TWD 6x02 "JSS" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    TWD 6x02 "JSS" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

    Please keep all talk of episode 6x02 "JSS" specifically inside this thread.

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    Directed by: Jennifer Lynch
    Written by: Seth Hoffman

    Jennifer Lynch returns for her 2nd episode in the Director's chair (she previously did "Spend" in Season 5, which was the episode where Noah bit the dust).
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 17-Oct-2015 at 10:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    What does JSS stand for? Who's blowing the horn? Who's trying to enter Alexandria? Who really is Enid?

    Yeah, I'm excited for this one.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  3. #3
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    What does JSS stand for? Who's blowing the horn? Who's trying to enter Alexandria? Who really is Enid?

    Yeah, I'm excited for this one.
    The writers love messin with us. I think Alexandria is getting attacked by non walkers primarily. The walls seem walker proof for the most part. This may be an all Carol/Carl episode with the horn toward the end. The way episode 1 ended has the Walker herders cutoff. Ofcourse I am usually wrong predicting this show

  4. #4
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    The writers love messin with us. I think Alexandria is getting attacked by non walkers primarily. The walls seem walker proof for the most part. This may be an all Carol/Carl episode with the horn toward the end. The way episode 1 ended has the Walker herders cutoff. Ofcourse I am usually wrong predicting this show
    Definitely not Walkers. I'm gonna predict...
    The Wolves or another scavenging group with the horn going off at the end.

    Wolves not far.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  5. #5
    Just been bitten zomtom's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Definitely not Walkers. I'm gonna predict...
    The Wolves or another scavenging group with the horn going off at the end.

    Wolves not far.
    Looks like somebody had their crystal balls out! Great predictions. That was one hell of a good episode. I yelled so much at my television I have a sore throat. Thank God I was down in my man cave. I can't wait to watch it again later tonight. I always miss things the first time around. So far this season, this show is kicking some ass.

  6. #6
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Man, this was awesome! One of the most brutal and barbaric episodes to date considering it was humans vs humans and hand to hand for the most part on the side of the Wolves. Getting stabbed, impaled, and chopped to pieces is far more horrific than being shot. I'll have tons more to say later!

    Wolves weren't far.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    In some ways that's about all I really need to say about this episode, but I'll resist the urge and blather on regardless.

    So it's The Wolves, then! Good (or bad) to see the pictures that got left behind in Season 5 bear rotten fruit for Alexandria, and blimey - brutal or what?! Best parts of the episode was Carol kicking MAJOR amounts of arse - Melissa McBride brought her A game in this episode. Homemaker Carol, Ass Kicking Carol, Sad Carol ... we ran the gamut here. The moment when the smoker lady got taken out by that machete-wielding Wolf I flipped my shit - very unexpected!!!

    Enid - a great cold open to give us some info on the poor gal. Great stuff from Katelyn Nacon! Very dark with that sharp cut to her watching her parents slowly being devoured - that's a pretty messed up thing to witness! The tortoise moment, the bit where she almost didn't go into Alexandria ... excellent stuff all-round!

    So they'll be pretty beaten up, but they've got more hell coming their way - no time to rest!!!

    Also - Ron can do one. I hate that kid. On another note: Jessie going full on Mamma Bear with the scissors on that wretched Wolf was awesome!

    Oh! And the clash of minds/approaches between Carol and Morgan - very interesting and fertile ground there ... ooh, and Gabriel owning up and accepting a slice of reality (albeit tentatively), it's about time. OOOOOH, and Maggie bring on some Hershel vibes with Deanna (and good call on the boss lady to stay well clear and hang with Spencer). Deanna's had a pretty rough few days, eh?!

    "...just survive somehow..."


    TWD 6x02 Memes:

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    and Maggie bring on some Hershel vibes with Deanna (and good call on the boss lady to stay well clear and hang with Spencer). Deanna's had a pretty rough few days, eh?!
    I thought the zombies were going to show up while she was waiting outside for the Wolves' raid to end. That would have topped her bad luck.

  9. #9
    Just been bitten DayoftheZ's Avatar

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    Great, great episode. That moment when the smoker woman got taken out was one of the truly iconic The Walking Dead moments in my opinion.

    I enjoyed the Carol / Morgan dynamic way more than the Rick / Morgan dynamic of the previous episode and Carol yet again adds to the fact she is such a great character. Morgan is so interesting to watch and Lennie James is killing it with his acting chops. I hope he killed that Wolf at the end because it shows that he knows when to show restraint and when to step up which puts him firmly in Daryl Dixon territory of usefulness. It was also awesome to see Rosita, Aaron and Maggie stepping up when needed, we haven't seen enough of Rosita since her introduction so I hope to see more of her.

    Id like to give kudos to the lesser used characters like Tara, Eugene and Doctor lady who gave some great moments in a fairly action free setting (nice to finally see Holly, but R.I.P!). Eugene's line of "You don't want to be a coward" was brilliant. I also loved the whole emotional bit with Aaron discovering the bag, just pure magic that was when he realized he probably brought this on Alexandria.

    So now we assume they are about to be hit by Walker Herd and presumably he Wolves that got away will be back which makes for exciting episodes down the line.

    Two final comments "Spencer grow a pair will you!"

    and 57419929.jpg

  10. #10
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    That was just sublime...The real-time massacre of the townsfolk is one of the greatest TV segments ever IMO.

    Couple of random observations...

    Both Carl and Carroll blanking Morgan after the attack, their ways are not his ways.

    Carl taking the food from the oven when the timer went off (food does not go to waste in this world, no matter what has just gone on). He is also completely bad-ass now IMO.

    Full-tilt attack-Carroll is best Carroll.

    Town must have lost well over half of it's people...mostly women by my reckoning. Even if they all become stone killers, they'll never be able to protect it from a well organised assault. It's just too big for them (especially now)

    JSS chick must have some involvement with the wolves. She almost said as much.

    The wolves need to be made extinct.

    Alexandrians may have just realised that they don't live in the old world anymore...if an attack of that level doesn't educate them, then they are already dead.

    Hats off to all involved in this was a blood soaked terror ride!
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  11. #11
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Very exciting episode.

    Carol has undoubtedly reached some serious fandom. Near useless from 1-3 she has now become a certified hero. Beginning with her comments to the little kid to her blowing that guys brains out right from Morgan and Gabriels bewildered conversation. I'll get to Morgan shortly. I found myself cheering her on as she so smartly wore a Wolves outfit and smoked those other idiots before they knew what hit them. But seeing that breakdown at the end leads me to believe that she isn't happy with what she has had to become. And I say has to, not chose to. The world turned her into a capable survivor but at what cost. She has tons of skills but she is far removed from being Sophia's mother which I believe is what she would rather be. Time will tell. Oh and Carol dear, next time take an assault rifle with a nice big mag.

    Gabriel. Still a douche

    Carl. Sorry Carl I just dont buy this kids acting. It just doesnt seem natural to me. The show is trying to tell us that he is now a hardened survivor but he's too flawed to me. Hey Carl I got a great tip for you. When you have a gun and your enemy doesnt, DONT CLOSE THE FKN DISTANCE. Completely moronic to allow a downed murderer the chance to grab your rifle. Protecting Judith was his job and truthfully she could be gone or dead with him playing hero on the front lawn. I love the show and I understand Carl is a part of it but I dont buy his acting.

    Morgan. Boy do I love Morgan. He is a good man. But what in the holy fuck is wrong with him. Understand I was a Dale supporter. I understood Dale's mission then about losing humanity by executing Randal. But even Dale wouldnt be a pacifist when a violent gang of humans were slaughtering his people. This was an unprovoked attack on peaceful human beings. For entertainment and that was clear. Morgan encounters a guy who threatened slow or fast and he gets upset with Carol. Respecting life is one thing. But allowing murderers to walk free, oh and arm themselves as they go, is an inexcusable mistake. I have argued with others regarding the final Wolf he encounters. Most tell me that Morgan killed him with that blow. I'm skeptical of that. I have a feeling it was a KO blow. I will root for Morgan to get his head out of his ass but if he continues this flower power peace and love shit, I think his popular following will dwindle.

    Aaron. Guy shouldnt be hard on himself. He dropped a bag while nearly being devoured alive. Mistake and nothing more. The slaughter there can be attributed to horrible spotters/sharp shooters and a complacent society. The wolves attack was not coordinated at all. No comms, no guns no order, just mayhem and slaughter. A couple capable town folks with guns could have handled that situation with ease. I think of Shane with his Mossberg shotty and glock. Dude would have smoked them turds.

    Maggie damnit. I want more Maggie. That girl is so much more than what we got to see. Can't really elaborate more just give me more Maggie.

    Ok I need a break for now. Great damn show though

  12. #12
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'm not convinced Morgan killed that guy either - I think he KO'd him, too. They'll want a hostage to find out more information about these guys (notice how Gabriel and Morgan had that one guy tied up ... although he seemed so crazy they wouldn't have got much sense out of him). Seems like The Wolves are some sort of cult, like some kind of fundamentalist extremists for their own warped zombie apocalypse religion. Freeing them, eh? You Wolves have got a funny way of showing it!

    Said it before, but gotta say it again - Carol/Melissa McBride absolutely rocked it in this episode - and I agree with the assessment about her sadness at the end. This world has forced her to become something she hates deep down, but she recognises the pragmatic need to be that way ... but the toll it takes is heavy. I think she was secretly rather enjoying being Undercover Carol as a fellow homemaker to match those in Alexandria.

    Interesting that The Wolves were trying to take some prisoners - are they seeking out new converts to brainwash and turn to their cause, whatever that may be?

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post

    Interesting that The Wolves were trying to take some prisoners - are they seeking out new converts to brainwash and turn to their cause, whatever that may be?
    The Wolves remind me of the second Mad Max movie and a question that some fans of it have asked before: if the thugs in the movie attack everyone who cross their path, then how in blazes did their gang keep on getting larger? When do they actually stop to think "hey, you know what, maybe we ought to ask questions before attacking anyone we see, they could in fact want to join us"?

  14. #14
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    To me, the moment Carol asked Andrea to sleep with The Governor so it would be much easier to kill him was the beginning of Carol's transformation into hardened survivor who will do what has to be done to survive. I think at this point she's not only the smartest member but also the most reliable. What she lacks physically she more than makes up with her masterful tactics and ruthlessness. Her breaking down at the end was very important because even though she's portrayed as this total badass, she isn't one dimensional and is indeed still pretty human inside. She's just not a remorseless stone cold killer.

    This episode was a fantastic vehicle for Carol but it also makes me worry for her inevitable future.

    Deanna and Spencer definitely had a rude awaking in "JSS". They just didn't really know what to do and how to handle things. However, Deanna did make the right choice in hanging back and props to Spencer for taking out that truck.


    I really feel bad for Aaron too. If anything, I blame Morgan more. Good seeing him get his hands dirty at least. That's one Alexandrian that isn't afraid.

    Pros: Enid's backstory as the cold open was great. No music; just chilling. The poor tortoise being devoured raw was the most brutal thing to watch this episode. The parallel to The Walkers eating her family was perfectly captured.

    The first kill shown right before commercial was brilliant and the fact the entire battle took the same amount of time as Carol's casserole was quite remarkable. Carl just popped that bad boy out as if it was just another day in the zombie apocalypse.

    Morgan was great. No surprise there; yet a little frustrating. Couldn't we had just kept Tyreese alive and play out the same exact story, though?

    Eugene and Tara are good together.

    DR Denise Cloyed finally makes her appearance yet feels a little different than her original version. I like it.

    The Wolves were well done. Brutal and savage.

    Overall, great stuff and one of my top episodes and it doesn't even feature the main players! B team stepping it up.

    Cons: Rosita underutilized yet again. Hard to believe Tara at this point is more interesting. Sigh.

    Maggie was also downplayed here. She's a great character but for some reason gets less screen time than Sasha. Baffling.

    Finally, what did they do to Holly's character? Really?

    Holly played a pretty good role in the books and I'm surprised she didn't make the cut. But what's more surprising is the fact they just decided to introduce her by name for multiple episodes and then kill her off while still going out of their way to not even show her face. So weird. Will Francine replace her in the story? At this point I hope not.

    Anyhow, besides my minor complaints, great stuff.

    Oh, and Carol refusing to help Father Gabriel was too funny. Lol.
    Last edited by Moon Knight; 21-Oct-2015 at 02:06 AM. Reason: Typo
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  15. #15
    Dying rightwing401's Avatar

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    Holy crap that was intense. I totally did not see that battle within the community coming. Especially when that lady that was smoking the cigarette got pounced

    On the flip side, I don't think the wolves were expecting the resistance they got in the community. Their entire fighting style seems to be centered on shock and awe combined with pure brutality. That was evident when the ax wielding wolf squared off against Morgan. Right when he spotted him, ax wolf practically bum rushed him, until Morgan stood his ground and took a very clear fighting stance. He paused and kind of sized him up before attacking.

    Same thing when Morgan faced the wolf pack at the end. They looked like they were ready to rip him apart, until he easily fought off a few of them. Hell, the leader actually jumped back a little from him at the end. So yeah, against soft targets like the people of Alexandria, the wolves are unstoppable, against survivors with equal skill and viciousness, not so well.

    And that damn creepy girl is in on the attack. She clearly said to Carl about the blind spots in the community, "that's how we got..."

    What the hell was this 'we' crap? And 'got' implies a past tense of something that already happened. Finally, why the hell would she want to up a leave right in the middle of an attack like that? Afterwards, understandable...during said attack, highly suspicious.


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