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Thread: TWD 2x03 "Save The Last One" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Post TWD 2x03 "Save The Last One" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

    Have at it folks.

  2. #2
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Welp.....Shane's a douche again.

  3. #3
    Dying Ragnarr's Avatar

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    HOLY CRAP! So Shane does the math and concludes that saving Carl outweighs Otis' life. HOLY CRAP!
    Last edited by Ragnarr; 31-Oct-2011 at 02:34 AM. Reason: ed
    "When there's no more room in Taco Bell, the unfed will walk the Earth!"

  4. #4
    Fresh Meat Vulture Lives's Avatar

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    Now that's more like it!

    I had a lot of negative things to say about the season premiere. I didn't even bother to comment on last week's episode, because, once again, I wasn't happy. However, this week's episode turned things around for me. I can honestly say that it was a good episode. I enjoyed the somewhat lighthearted conversation between Daryl and Andrea (and that hanging zombie was badass!). I liked the scenes between Glenn and Maggie. Most significantly, the development with Shane was extremely well done. I loved how the end of the episode blended into the beginning of the episode.

    If I had to nitpick, I would say that Rick is currently on the uninteresting side. I'm sure that it'll change in future episodes, but I find myself more interested in what's going on with the other characters at this point.

  5. #5
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    This episode is classic Walking Dead.

    It had it all. However, the real question is, did Shane make his ultimate decision with Carl's best interest in mind? Or did he just do it to get good with Lori? After all, she did ask him to stay, right?
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  6. #6
    Fresh Meat living dude's Avatar

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    they were walking just as fast as the walkers. if they had time to wrassle for three minutes, they had time to keep walking

    so far this whole season has been pissing me off. Lori, Shane, and Andrea's over acting makes me want to puke

  7. #7
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Note to self: Don't ever be a fat guy with a leg injury being chased by the living dead next to a guy named Shane.

  8. #8
    Dying Ragnarr's Avatar

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    I think Shane & Otis should have had a plan for getting both in AND out of the FEMA trailer to begin with. Having failed to do that, they could have had Otis just remain in the trailer with the meds while Shane led the pack of Zeds away. The coast now clear, Otis then heads back for the truck to drive it to anywhere they might have prearranged to meet. Shane gets back in the truck. Mission accomplished.

    I think Shane just did the math that Carl's life was more important to him than Otis'. It's that simple.
    Last edited by Ragnarr; 31-Oct-2011 at 03:58 AM. Reason: ed
    "When there's no more room in Taco Bell, the unfed will walk the Earth!"

  9. #9
    Dead Mr. Clean's Avatar

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    That's all I have to say.

  10. #10
    Fresh Meat Vulture Lives's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by living dude View Post
    they were walking just as fast as the walkers. if they had time to wrassle for three minutes, they had time to keep walking
    You make a good point... but I'm willing to overlook it, simply because I liked the development so much.

    Quote Originally Posted by living dude View Post
    so far this whole season has been pissing me off. Lori, Shane, and Andrea's over acting makes me want to puke
    Lori is a little much at times. I've also started to notice that Andrew Lincoln's performance as Rick is on the mannered side. He has these certain head moves, and a twitchy way about him.

  11. #11
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    definitely my favorite episode this season so far. a decent amount of action/tension, they finally got around to getting carl's surgery underway, and i found it much easier to feel connected to the character in this episode, perhaps it was the writing ....and witnessing shane's cheese slide off his cracker was intriguing, too. i was shocked that otis came and went so fast....he was around for a good bit longer in the comics.

    i am getting a bit irritated by this finding sophia shit. she surely must've been picked up by someone by now, i'm guessing perhaps some certain characters from the comics who've not shown up yet may be introduced and worked into the series as sophia's saviors....cuz surely a young girl like that would be up shit creek without a paddle lost in the woods for days (three or so, by my estimate) with no food, water, weapons, etc.

  12. #12
    Just been bitten jded's Avatar

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    Shane is fucked up! If only Rick knew how much so. You don't do what Shane did. I don't like or care for Shane very much anymore.
    Tell me, how did they get out of the second episode situation and into the school? Looked like they were caught in a tight spot with no way out, guess that's what they wanted us to believe, that they were crammed into an entry way and unable to escape.

    Oh and please could someone tell me the important information given to Lori by Rick during the conversation about the special church and the deer, I happened to hear that much but was interupted during this scene and couldn't fully grasp it.
    It started to become clear what Jenner may have said to Rick when Shane mentioned in episode two that the church was wrong because it was lacking a cross at the top.
    But was there also something to do with the deer? Because I swear I sort of thought Rick said something to Lori about someone talking about deer, again like I said I was interupted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vulture Lives View Post
    If I had to nitpick, I would say that Rick is currently on the uninteresting side.
    Uh yeah I'd be a bit dazed and out to lunch too if I'd of given blood three times in one night, and my son had been shot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    This episode is classic Walking Dead.

    It had it all. However, the real question is, did Shane make his ultimate decision with Carl's best interest in mind? Or did he just do it to get good with Lori? After all, she did ask him to stay, right?
    No it was very plain to see. Shane weighed the odds of his bad leg, and knew a big boy like Otis would satisfy the walkers for a moment to allow him to get away. I say Shane was purely thinking of himself, and yes Carl, but selfishness first and foremost.
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  13. #13

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    This week was interesting,
    Been a while since I've had a "whoa moment" with TWD, and the scene where Shane just cold-bloodedly hobbles Otis to save his own ass (and by extension Carl, but I will contend he was thinking of himself first and foremost there.) Not that I blame Shane this time. My entry/exit plan would do its best to nix the potential of ending up trying to escape dozens of Walkers to reach a vehicle parked WAY TOO FAR AWAY, but assuming that things went tits up and I ended up in that situation...Yea, I could definitely see myself capping someone I just met to save my own ass and keep my group from getting any MORE emotionally dysfunctional.

    The Daryl/Adrea convo in the woods was fairly interesting (btw, agreed with Daryl that was a waste of a friggin X-bow bolt. Even if the rope eventually rotted through Hangman Zombie wouldn't be anymore mobile than the torso zombie Rick capped before leavin his home town.), but the whole "Oh I was wrong, here's your gun Andrea. ::insert guilt trip::" then "So, you forgive me right?" thing from Dale is interesting to watch even as its yanking me out of the "realism" when he makes such clueless comments.

    That scene made me think of something else. Ever notice that even if someone escapes being bitten by the absolute slenderest of margins that they're basically "over it" within 2 days of series-time? I mean I get them not getting all bent by events like the herd wandering close by...but it just seems that when Andrea or one of the others (with the exception of Daryl and the other couple Alpha Males) has to neutralize a zombie in desperate could-go-either-way hand-to-hand combat of a protracted nature (Andrea with the screwdriver in the RV bathroom being a great example)...that they get over such incidents in a hurry. No, I'm not expecting recurring crying jags and nervous breakdowns, but a perceivable emotional effect that lasts longer than 5 minutes post-zombie-close-call would be cool.

    Don't get me wrong. A lot of the actors do a great job of conveying their feelings about the OVERALL situation/life they're all being forced to lead. It just seems kinda weird to me that someone can end up flat on their back frantically kicking outta-their-head desperate to keep the Walker thats trying to fall on and take a bite outta them one day, and be no more disturbed than usual the next day. It's like they've all become numb or had their capacities to retain the feelings they experience when attacked for longer than a few hours.

    If you think about it, that could be a big part of why the group seems to behave as if there are no zombies unless staring at one or more that moment. Just a thought.

    Interesting episode. I'll close by agreeing the Sophia thing has been dragging/going on WAY WAY too long at this point. It's splitting up the group and dulling the punch of some other plot elements.

  14. #14
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jded View Post
    Oh and please could someone tell me the important information given to Lori by Rick during the conversation about the special church and the deer, I happened to hear that much but was interupted during this scene and couldn't fully grasp it.
    It started to become clear what Jenner may have said to Rick when Shane mentioned in episode two that the church was wrong because it was lacking a cross at the top.
    But was there also something to do with the deer? Because I swear I sort of thought Rick said something to Lori about someone talking about deer, again like I said I was interupted.
    Rick tells Lori the story of how the deer stood there and allowed Carl to get so close. He then tells her that this is the reason they shouldn't give up on Carl and why it's important that he stays alive in this world. Carl woke up for a few seconds in the bed, but rather than talk about being shot or any of the nasty things they've been going through, the first thing he mentions is how beautiful the deer was. For seeing the beauty in such a horrible world, this is why Rick believes Carl would be better alive than dead.

    As other posts have mentioned, I too am getting a bit tired of the Sophia plotline. I'm hoping Daryl is going to find her in that run-down house we see in the previews for next week's episode. Also, the clip during Talking Dead shows that Dale and Andrea are at Hershel's farm, so hopefully they find the girl and all gather at the Greene's.

  15. #15
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    Would be interesting if Sofia was hiding nearby and saw what Shane did...

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