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Thread: Bush Vetoes Stem Cell Bill As Promised.....

  1. #1
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Bush Vetoes Stem Cell Bill As Promised.....

    I can't even go off on this lame f*ck for this........

    Way to go Christians!!!! Keep Humanity in the Dark Ages!!!!!!


  2. #2
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    This looks like a job for...Christopher Reeve!

    Ah Crap....

  3. #3
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311
    This looks like a job for...Christopher Reeve!

    Ah Crap....
    No, seriously.....this is something that NEEDS TO BE!!!!!!
    F*ck these creepy christians and their con job!!!
    Christians in 2006 need to reboot their brains and realize what reality is all about!
    "Oh, my God will be there and help"......"Oh, I put my life in GOD'S hands"........what the flying f*ck!!??
    It's time for Christianity to be put on the back burner with all the other failed religions.
    Last edited by Adrenochrome; 19-Jul-2006 at 07:52 PM.

  4. #4
    Dead Marie's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    No, seriously.....this is something that NEEDS TO BE!!!
    In all honesty I disagree. I think the adult and umbilical stem cells, which have been neglected as avenues of research, have rich potential without using potential life as a basis for research.

    I've never heard that being pro life is "creepy" but oh well....


  5. #5
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marie

    I've never heard that being pro life is "creepy" but oh well....

    That's what creeps me out about these guys......they haven't got a clue when it comes to science and REALITY!!!!!!
    "NO, you can't do this!!!"......"YES you can do that!!!!"
    I can ask my Christian friends ONE question.......and they ALL do the same thing..........they don't answer.....they gripe and bitch and point fingers toward everyone but themselves...they try and take said question into another relm,.......(yes, this is ONE thing....because all of them do it) eating and zombifying themselves in front of their TVs....they don't "think". There is only ONE way, long as I can give you many many many directions to get there. ---- What The Flying mutha fu*kin F*ck!!??

    I still love my Christian friends....but, dammit if they ain't a weird bunch of f*ckers!!!!?

    oh my.....let me get back to the point......Pro Life - Pro ME
    I am VERY pro life!!! BUT...I am also VERY pro self.

    Everyone that makes it out of the womb and survives a lifetime is alright by me!!!! I don't give a flying fuc* how you live as long as it dosen't interfere with my life!!!!
    If ya never made it out? Sorry.....wasn't my decision. - nuff said there..

    Stem Cell Research could save alot of lives, but, do we have enough space?
    Last edited by Adrenochrome; 19-Jul-2006 at 08:16 PM.

  6. #6
    Just been bitten prettycorpses's Avatar

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    HEY HEY HEY why does everyone always have a go at us christians because of a select few!?!? You cant tar us all with the same brush and I'll have you know its only the nuts who stay in the dark ages not christianity and if you knew anything about christianity you'd know most of us are very accepting! Yeh theres stuff in the world we moan about but who doesnt, its just people who dont know better seeing the religion from the outside and sticking their oar in.....ok rant over.........I do agree a lot of so called christians need a reality check though!

    God Bless
    Hmmmm Toast....YES it is called a crelbow!

  7. #7
    Dead Marie's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    That's what creeps me out about these guys......they haven't got a clue when it comes to science and REALITY!!!!!!
    The reality is, that even in places where the restrictions that America has put on stem cell research don't appy... very little has panned out. And what HAS panned out can use adult or umbilical stem cells....

    THAT'S the reality. Like it or not... totally without religous bias.


  8. #8
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marie
    And what HAS panned out can use adult or umbilical stem cells....

    THAT'S the reality. Like it or not... totally without religous bias.

    I know this.....but, as long as you have the resources to test different angles....go for it! Why not? Science has found MANY answers via researching EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING!!!!!!
    Christians hold TOO many things "sacred"......what if "Something is not to be touched" cures AIDS?

  9. #9
    Ipsissimus Kaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    I can't even go off on this lame f*ck for this........

    Way to go Christians!!!! Keep Humanity in the Dark Ages!!!!!!

    Agreed. This specific line of research has shown the most potential for success out of all other methods, and that is including the fact that many companies have had to pursue alternatives or lose federal funding since Bush has been in office.

    Bush's veto is a lame toss to his conservative base. I doubt that if a Republican wins in the next election (and that is not an insignificant "if" by any reasonable measure) that s/he would continue this ban, but you never know. Of course, if a Democrat wins the ban is least for 4 years. .

    Take this as a lesson Democrats - if given the choice between a conservative ideologue and a liberal ideologue, the conservative tends to win in America. If you put up a centrist and pragmatic Democrat against a conservative ideologue, the centrist is more popular. Bill Clinton being the classic example. I believe he was a member of a centrist caucus in the Democratic party, but the name of which escapes me.

    (In case you are wondering, I have voted Libertarian in every election since the early 90's. I vote my conscience every time.)

  10. #10

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    Why can't this minority realise that theres some people in the world with little quality of life that could be helped one day by this research.

  11. #11
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I find this shocking ... I really despair at this sort of sh*t.

    How is a bundle of cells a "life" or equal magnitude to anyone from a baby/toddler to an OAP? COME ON PEOPLE - CELLS - JESUS!!!

    Stem Cell is well known to be quite possibly the biggest and best scientific advancement since sliced bread *chuckles*, but I'm serious, cutting this off to appease a bunch of know nothing rednecks who somehow think Stem Cell research means sucking spinal fluid out by your mouth from foetuses.

    How can a life be a life without achieving consciousness and mobility?

    The sooner STR gets approved the better, hideous conditions like Alzheimers or a multitude of diseases could be cured or at least afford people some dignity - especially with alzheimers. If these idiots blocking this sort of research actually paid attention to the horror of living your life in a state of constant, fierce decline then maybe they'd have some f*cking compassion for once in their miserable little lives.

    "Yo Blair!" indeed...

    It's like here in the UK when "Frankenstein Food" was getting tested, the idiots of gubment (surprise surprise - LABOUR) TELL protesters where the trials are taking place. Said tree hugging hippy know-nothings turn up and destroy countless millions worth of crops and research ... we could have solved world hunger with that, but oh no, some hairy-arm-pitted, smelly weed smoking layabout reads one article by one of their favourite radical know-nothings and then humanity takes a giant step backwards...


    And another point - why should a bunch of Christian scared-e-cats stop athiests and agnostics from having access to potentially life-saving science!!!??? Democracy my arse. It's like with the UK's "assisted suicide bill" - again, a bunch of complainer religious nuts stop folk who don't believe in THEIR god from having the ability to choose to cease existing in a vegetable state, oh thanks a f*cking bunch!

    What do you expect from the sort of people that call "creationism" a SCIENCE ... I mean, come on...

    Be a Christian, I don't give a sh*t, but don't dare encroach on my right to human advancement, life-saving science (that can save THEIR asses too!) and the ability to die with dignity should the situation arise.

    Ack! Now I'm all p*ssed's too damn HOT today too, f*ck this sh*t...
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 19-Jul-2006 at 10:35 PM.

  12. #12
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by prettycorpses
    HEY HEY HEY why does everyone always have a go at us christians because of a select few!?!? You cant tar us all with the same brush and I'll have you know its only the nuts who stay in the dark ages not christianity and if you knew anything about christianity you'd know most of us are very accepting! Yeh theres stuff in the world we moan about but who doesnt, its just people who dont know better seeing the religion from the outside and sticking their oar in.....ok rant over.........I do agree a lot of so called christians need a reality check though!

    God Bless
    You said it right! I couldn't have said it better myself!

  13. #13
    Dying Graebel's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DoomOnYou
    from what i understand, embryonic stell cells have never helped any condition, only adult stem cells... second, at what point of development does this fetus have to be terminated?
    Usually very early. Before the blastocyst stage. Which means that there are just a ball of cells, no distinguishing features, no organs, blood vessesl or anything.

    Another fact to consider is that 2/3 of all pregnancies undergo natural miscarraiges. Most women do not even know they have them. If every life is sacred then women shouldn't be allowed to have sex since we don't maintain every pregnancy.

    Last point, if we disallow stem cell research then we should shut down every in vitro clinic as they waste (and experiment on) hundreds more embryos than any stem cell research would ever have access to........Its okay to waste embryos to create a baby - but not to save any one else's life.
    A penny for the old guy.

  14. #14
    Ipsissimus Kaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoomOnYou
    from what i understand, embryonic stell cells have never helped any condition, only adult stem cells...
    Even if true, and I couldn't say either way, it misses THE point entirely. Embryonic Stem Cell Research has been scientificly shown to have more potential in areas of spinal cord injury, juvenile diabetes, Parkinson's etc...etc...etc...

    Adult stem cells have been shown not to have this same potential. If you are a scientist who is trying to solve these problems, you want to be able to investigate and experiment in those areas that grant you the most potential.

    It is not like scientists are not doing this research now. They are, but some are doing it without federal funding. It is also currently ok to experiment on a certain group of embryonic stem cells that is exempt from the federal funds ban, but the problem is that it is a limited and possibly tainted population.

  15. #15
    Just been bitten Zombie-A-GoGo's Avatar

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    Here's my question...if nutso Christians are so concerned about these embryonic stem cells, instead of merely stunting important life-saving stem cell research, why aren't they, en masse (like they do with abortion), trying to close down each and every IVF clinic? Why are they only outspoken against embryonic stem cell research and abortion? To me, this says "We're not okay with using these cells for life-saving research while at the same time helping infertile couples procreate, but we're okay with helping infertile couples procrate and we'd rather just toss the lil' suckers." I'm not saying they love IVF, but I don't see them having nearly as big a fit about it. Must be Bush's precious Snowflake Babies that's got them turned around on that. *groan*

    Also, just for the record, because I just love stating my unpopular opinions, because I really just don't give a rat's a$$ who disagrees with me...I consider Anti-Choice folks creepy. I also consider all Christians as living in the Dark's a silly, childish superstition, and generally, the world would be a better place without it, and really, anyone who believes there's anything other than what we've got right here. I feel that those Christians who sit there and pick and choose the things they like about their chosen religion and reject what they don't are worse than fundies. At least the fundies take it seriously and don't just say "Oh, I'm a Christian, but I am fine with gays." Please. And don't give me any crap about the individual or branch interpretation of the bible, because that in itself should tell you a little something about your word of god.

    Let me repeat that I don't care if you disagree. There's no possible way that anything you can say would ever change my opinion on this matter. Thank you.

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