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Thread: "IS this bizzaro world?"

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor

    "IS this bizzaro world?"

    please, doctor doom is away, please help solve my pitiful moral quandry.

    this cant be right, can it?

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I like the look of it, but I always think "Doom 3" when I watch footage from the game.

    But then again, I really enjoyed Doom 3, it's was pure horror fun.

    Mind you, watching the production vlogs for Dead Space, I just cringe everytime one of the devs speak like they're making the biggest slice of art you've ever seen, going on about their scare mechanics as if nobody ever thought of loud noises happening after quiet moments and dark corridors before.

    I'd still like to play the game mind you ... but what's the bet that you, Sir Hellsing of Jaded, come back to us with an over all "meh" on the game once you've played it?


    I've played and enjoyed a fair number of EA titles, but I know exactly what you mean, they do do a lot of franchise-sucking, I mean Need For Speed and Madden NFL are two that spring to mind.

    Also, they generally have bugs or things that don't quite work amazingly well.

    I mean - for instance - I really enjoyed playing Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (as well as Allied Assault, I got LOADS of play out of them both), but they both had technical flaws and could have been more ... which is where COD came in and blew everybody's panties off with a lusty hazah.

    The Battlefield franchise, played them all bar 2142 and the most recent one, and enjoyed them all immensely, and definitely plan to get Bad Company sometime.

    So they have good and bad sides I guess.


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