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Thread: I hate my neighbors. Film Making related!

  1. #1
    Dying Dawg's Avatar

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    I hate my neighbors. Film Making related!

    I was downstairs in my front living room, trying to do some lines for a scene on a Sunday afternoon in a city.

    That is several mistakes in one because you have kids, loudmouths, traffic, dogs, etc, etc.

    My windows were closed, but unfortuately my house is like 130 years old, so it really doesn't have any insulation and the windows are single pane.

    So, I had to take the time and pause between mindless babble before I could resume filming. Now don't get me wrong, I understand it is nice out now and it is Sunday, so kids will be out playing, but why do adults have to talk really f**king loud as well?!

    Then you got the idiots that have nothing better to do than to drive up and down the street, back and forth. It is f**king stupid, especially the @$$holes who squeal their tires, which fortuately didn't happen today. Then there is the f**king scruff of a mutt across the street. The little hyper-@$$ furball is going to have a heart attack one of these days if it doesn't calm down.

    Anywho, I managed to get the dialogue, thank God.

    This may sound crazy, but I need to finish filming this damn movie in my house soon, because I want to sell it and move out of town. (I hate cities, give me the country anyday.)


    Original Member Since 1998. [10 YEARS AND COUNTING!]

  2. #2
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    man i get that, im currently working on about 5 things at once, and i thought it would be cool to do a little documentary bit for all 5 then add it together as one big one, and i wanted to do a little intro to each and my house is practially the msot unsoundproof it could be and it doesnt help you waiting for a time when the familys out for the day that when you try to film some "allright so what happened next was we.." it gets intterrupted by nmy neighbours yelling "AMY GET THE **** BACK IN BED!"

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Agreed, the country is better than the city, it's more relaxed and it's quieter, SO MUCH QUIETER ... and you don't get that orange glow (I really noticed that when at uni living in the city, the orange glow was insane, I really missed the silence and natural light of the countryside).

    Anyway, yep, there's always some noise getting in the way. I was recently filming an interview, and we were half way done and some bastard outside starts using some loud ass machine to remove gum from the pavement, we asked for a 5 minute respite and quickly wrapped it up.

    I remember recording dialogue for the first IAZM, and being the summer I had my window open, and being the summer and in the country, you've got some muppet out loud driving around in their ridiculously loud car with a bored-out exhaust, so I had to sit there for like 3 minutes until the noise went away (seriously, it hung around for ages).

    The little frustrations of filmmaking I guess, but yeah, sometimes your neighbours can be really loud. We don't get loud talking around here, but one of my neighbours has like 80 million cars in his driveway and there's always some f*cking engine revving on a Sunday morning when you're trying to get some lie-in time ... or - a f*cking yappy dog yapping away. We've not heard much lately, but for quite a while every morning and then again in the afternoon everytime another neighbour put their stupid little dog outside it'd just bark incessantly, it was INTENSELY ANNOYING. I wanted to run over there and punch the living sh*t out of the owners - TRAIN YOUR F*CKING DOG AND HAVE THE RESPECT TO ACTUALLY BE AROUND TO LOOK AFTER IT YOU F*CKING TWATS!


    Yep, I'm in a grumpy mood tonight...anyway, I feel what you're saying...

  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    i think the worst is when your out "doon tha' toon" with your camera filming theres those frikkin' teenybopper mopagans that rev there hairdryers like there real choppers.


  5. #5
    Fresh Meat bub21's Avatar

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    i love on a 30-acre farm in maine, so i cant say i feel your pain, but oh well, **** em!!
    Homepageofthedeader since 2002

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Damn, I wish I lived on a massive load of land like that, I'd never be short of somewhere to film!

  7. #7
    Dying Dawg's Avatar

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    Definitely, a lot of land would be nice. You can make good use of it, especially in a zombie flick.

    As for yapping dogs, that is the worst kind of security if they constantly bark. But if they only bark when someone is near or fooling around, then they are good.

    Most of the time it is some little $hit dog that won't shut the f**k up for the life of it. Those little b@$tards are the worse, because they tend to compresate for their lack of statue.

    Hate everyone of those yappy b@$tards! (I actually had a min-pin for a minute, didn't last. About a week after, gave that damn thing away to someone who wanted to put up with its hyperactive @$$.)


    Original Member Since 1998. [10 YEARS AND COUNTING!]

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Urgh, yep, the dog nearby me was/is one of those incessant yappers ... I think maybe they've either got rid of it or they've trained it, because I haven't heard a lot of yapping lately, but for a good few months there it was nothing but that f*cking yapping between 7 and 8am, then again in the afternoon ... occasionally in the middle of the f*cking night. One of our neighbours moved because of it, the final nail in the coffin so-to-speak.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Dawg View Post
    Then you got the idiots that have nothing better to do than to drive up and down the street, back and forth. It is f**king stupid, especially the @$$holes who squeal their tires, which fortuately didn't happen today. Then there is the f**king scruff of a mutt across the street. The little hyper-@$$ furball is going to have a heart attack one of these days if it doesn't calm down.
    I used to mess around doing audio skits with my pals and the noise outside my house used to be atrocious. All the neighbours driving in/out, doors slamming (sometimes at 2am!), dogs barking, foxes calling/fighting ensured there were many re-takes. I just wanted to stick my head out the window, tell the world to shut the f**k up and give me thirty minutes silence. Jeez, who am I kidding? Even dead people only get one minute.

  10. #10
    Dying Minerva_Zombi's Avatar

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    Yeah I just finished a film recently called "Dolor & Delirium" and while we were shooting, there was this dog that WOULD NOT SHUT UP!!! So, i said **** it, lets add the dog to the film. So, i just added shots of the dog barking at the camera to establish that the man had a loud ass dog. lol

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Minerva_Zombi View Post
    So, i said **** it, lets add the dog to the film. So, i just added shots of the dog barking at the camera to establish that the man had a loud ass dog.
    Nice switch.

  12. #12
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Working within your constraints, well played, Clerk ...

    That's always the best way, incorporate things you can't get rid of, if you can't find a way around the problem that would work well.

    I've been lucky thus far, only occasionally has filming been a little bit interupted by a dog walker, or a passing car, it's quite quiet around where I live and there's plenty of places to go film and be left totally alone ... I could film woodland pornos!

  13. #13
    I hate pornos that are filmed outside. They either shag uncomfortably up a tree or on a beach where all the sand gets in her wossitsname and that . The jizz never lands where it should 'cos the wind blows it in the wrong direction and they're always looking over their shoulder to see who's cumming . Give me a good old fashioned dungeon anytime.

  14. #14
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    *hellsing, NO gheay little quips or one liners*

    Back on topic, as I'm sure Dawg would prefer the topic to remain at least a little bit on track...

    As for filming in public, it can be a right pain in the ass, because people keep looking at the damn camera and ruining your shot, or they keep coming up asking what you're up to - I'm painting a picture of the Queen, wazzit look like?! I have a deadline to meet thank you very much ... although I'm actually polite and wrap it up as quick as possible in real life as I'm not a total dickhead.

    As for having a load of land at your disposal, I had a good run in Llangarron for a while, but Knox's family are moving out of that place to somewhere else, so that's a whole chunk of countryside now cut off!

    That's where I filmed "my NIGHTMARE", "Trapped" and both IAZMs.

  15. #15
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Dawg - I think we all feel your pain.

    After reading your inital post, it reminded me of filming at my house for Deadlands. I distinctly remember one night we were filming on the front lawn. There were probably 15 of us total out front (Dj, our DP, myself, my wife, and a few zombie extras). As we went to film one scene, a white Ford Tarus (or something along those lines) drives by just as Dj says "ACTION!" - which was quickly followed up by "FU*K! CUT!!!!"

    So, we waited a few seconds, the road was clear, so it was "ACTION!" again.

    Not a MINUTE later, the same jackass circles around the block and drives by AGAIN! It's pretty obvious we are filming, but the idiot apparently wasn't smart enough to realize that his car is getting in the way.

    This happens about 2 more times, at which point Dj is getting really pissed off at this person.

    We went for another take - and this time, the idiot didn't just circle around and drive by, he pulls over right across the street from my house - lights are on, the engine is running, and his was window down - not to mention he was talking so goddamn loud to the other person in the car that his voice was echoing through the neighborhood.

    Dj finally had enough and walked over to car and said "y'know, i don't care if you want to sit here and watch but TURN YOUR GODDAMN CAR ENGINE & LIGHTS OFF AND SHUT UP!" (or something close to that) and stomed away from the car back to the set.

    Needless to say, the guy left about a minute later.

    That was one of many, many, many interruptions we had to deal with - and that was the one I thought for sure would cause Dj to pull the guy outta the car window and kick his ass. I don't remember why the night was a tense one, but I do remember it was getting pretty tense on the set - then this sh*t went down. I wish we would've got that on tape.

    There is one thing we have audio of, but no video. Again, filming at my house. My neighborhood is pretty busy, and we were filming on the weekends, so there's always cars zipping up and down my street. This made Dj none-too-happy. I distictly remember watching one of the playbacks and hearing "action" from Dj - followed 3 seconds later by a car diving by and Dj shouting "MOTHERF*CKER!" at the top of his lungs while throwing down his water bottle - which sounded like a gunshot when it hit the ground!!

    Nobody ever said we were patient.

    It's always somethin'..
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 15-Mar-2007 at 07:31 PM.


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