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Thread: Job related weirdness

  1. #1
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    Job related weirdness

    I am wondering what everyone experiences in thier jobs that makes it
    a weird experience

    i work in a gambling facility
    in the promotions department
    so my job is to basically give free things out to people

    every day i go in and they give me a bag with $5000 cash in it
    and i spend the day handing it out to people
    along with t shirts, food vouchers, and other items

    as a result i have become well known in the place to all the

    as i am considered a friendly persona cuz i give and not take
    they all come to me with their stories

    i have the people who lose and then **** on the machines telling me how unfair it is they got thrown out
    or they want me to give them another pass to the buffet
    even though they were drunk and puked in their plate then fell asleep
    in the pile of vomit and had to be removed
    or when the guy next to them had a heart attack and while the EMts were
    using the paddles on him they jumped onto his slot machine and started using his credits and they want me to get them back in

    and it goes on and on and on

    so i was wondering what strange things do you encounter at work?

  2. #2
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    i quit my job as a paperboy two years ago and havent found one since, ringing up about tomorrow, in a game store , from 1am to 8pm and i make 579 quid in 4 days.

    anyway back to the paperroute, its true suburbs are were the wierdest **** goes on and visiting the multitude of houses that leave there doors open you see some wierd stuff, heres my most memorable.

    6:door wide open guy sitting in hall with eyes closed listening to the magic roundabout theme tune.

    5:a 5 foot long iguana hanging out the letterbox.

    4:collecting cash and going up to a door only to find a guy dressed like boba fett on the other side.

    3:as i walked down a path a police car pulled up grabbed the guy i was giving the paper too and dragged him into the car and away.

    2:a gimp doing some gardening and planting shrubs, swear to god.

    1:nudists, thats all i need to say.

  3. #3
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    Well at a previous job I whitnessed a baby snatching when I worked at JCPenney

  4. #4
    Just been bitten MapMan's Avatar

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    I ran into a portable Meth lab while making a All Terrain vehicle map. Rednecks actually using ATV's to make meth in the middle of no where. I was scared to death. Now I carry a handgun.

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Job related weirdness eh? Well at the moment I'm getting experience in my field, so it's not really a proper job, or one that gives way to weirdness. However, when I was working for the summer at a local VW garage I managed to clock up a few stories, here's some:

    1) "Nimrod" (the young guy who came to work after I joined) waxing a large VW (Toureg perhaps), the ENTIRE thing in small, linked circles of wax - ALL OVER the vehicle. Needless to say we ripped the **** out of him because by the time he'd done all that the wax had dried so he spent an hour fixing it.

    2) "Nimrod" opening a car too into the side of a man's large R.V. - which was his pride and joy. The RV was dented in the side and it was blindingly obvious. The car that did it wasn't the garage's, it was a customer car. So he'd dented two cars in one go. We then closed the bay doors and had to stall the owner to see if we could fix the problem - then Nimrod had to go and break the news, haha.

    3) Myself and one (or was it two?) of the full time valeters, brought round a car which was to be valeted. Someone had paid specifically for that job. We did a great job ... shame it was the WRONG car. So someone got a free valet and we had to do the actual car the following day.

    4) As part of my job I did "service washes" - cars in for a service also got a wash and vacuum inside. One car I got was sat out in the sun ... a car used by someone on a farm. Covered in mud. STACKS of eggs in the backseat - in the sun. The stink was pretty bad - but that wasn't the end of it - there were two caged ducks in the back of the car (estate car). I had to wear gloves and a mask to wash the damn thing.

    5) Snapping at the boss-boss of the garage who had me crawling around on my hands and knees cleaning minor marks and smudges all to impress his boss - who was at least twenty years younger than him. I stood up after being ordered around like a maggot and said "I've only got one pair of hands!" and stormed out. For the remainder of my time there he didn't order me around anymore. Previously he had looked down on me because I was doing hands on work, getting dirty etc. He disrespected me on face value, meanwhile I'm just as middle class as he is and was attending university at the time working my butt off to get a degree. I wasn't just some mindless chimp like he thought.

    6) The entirely male 'hands on work' staff (mechanics etc) gawping at a teenage girl's thong hanging out the back of her jeans from the service window round back. (She was 16 I think). Also them finding any excuse to walk through the main showroom to catch a peek at the thong as she was sat against a glass window, it was hilarious to see work grind to a half over a thong.

    That's all I can think of at the moment.

  6. #6
    Being Attacked TexasZombie's Avatar

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    I saw a rib cage crawl down an autopsy table like an inchworm... The attending staff all just sort of stood there like "What the f*ck???" until the ribcage got to the end of the table and fell off. One of the techs caught it and put it back on the table.


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  7. #7
    Just been bitten deadwrtr's Avatar

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    Hospital weirdness

    I see a lot of weird things at my job, and the majority of the weirdness comes from everyday people.

    Last night, a girl comes into the ER with rectal bleeding. Seems she stuck a pair of scissors into her anus to make herself bleed. Why? She's addicted to pain medication, is a self mutilator and figured she could kill 2 birds with one throw. The lengths people will go to get narcotics never ceases to amaze me. Average blood volume (HGB) for a female adult is 12.1-15.1g/dl Hers was 6.2

    The variety of objects people will stick in their bodies also never ceases to amaze me, especially the rectum. People have come in with vegetables, hairbrushes, perfume bottles, wooden dowels, golf balls, baseballs, a plethora of sexual toys, a bottle of Louisiana Hot Sauce, and a cell phone. Here is a tip for anyone inserting something into the anus: tie a string to it so it can be retrieved easily. The best proctologists have given this very information to patients who have lost objects in the rectum.

    A guy came in who tried to remove his own testicles because he was an avid bike rider, and his balls were getting in the way. He removed one, sewed his sack back up with thread, but then got an infection. His scrotum swelled to the size of a large grapefruit.

    He said he was going after the other one as soon as he healed up.

    A guy came in with a nail shoved into his urethra. (where your pee comes out) He put it there...

    There was a guy who nailed a piece of board to his hand. This nail went through the back of his hand, through the board and into his leg. I have seen patients with this particular injury 4 times. There was a guy who tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head with a nail gun, another patient used a box cutter to slice his neck open, and yet another whacked himself in the head with a baseball bat.

    We have a bed called the Leather-pedic for individuals who are drunk and boisterous. It's a 4 point restraint bed used for the most violent of patients. At least once a weekend we are required to put down a drunk who most often does not want to be restrained. Last weekend, the was a 400lbs guy (at least 6 foot) who came in swinging. I threw a sheet over his head and 3 of us tackled him. That was hard work.

    Teetering on the edge of death, narcotic overdose patients require a drug called narcan, which antagonizes various opiate receptors, in effect, stealing spots on those receptors normally used by the drug. Invariably, they come out of their stupor violent, angry because we have taken away their high. You have to be careful with narcan, because it can cause violent withdrawal symptoms in addicts.

    Humans are strange creatures.

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Geez, with stories like that I'm glad I didn't go into the medical profession, sounds like a tough job, but also really weird. Why do people feel the need to stick all sorts of things in their bums? It's a one-way-exit people! If the medical service is anything like it is here, you guys don't get paid enough for what you do. Not everybody would be able to stomach the sort of things you mentioned, I know I couldn't. Fake gore is fine with me, real stuff makes me giddy.

  9. #9
    Just been bitten deadwrtr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie
    Geez, with stories like that I'm glad I didn't go into the medical profession, sounds like a tough job, but also really weird. Why do people feel the need to stick all sorts of things in their bums? It's a one-way-exit people! If the medical service is anything like it is here, you guys don't get paid enough for what you do. Not everybody would be able to stomach the sort of things you mentioned, I know I couldn't. Fake gore is fine with me, real stuff makes me giddy.
    One of the reasons I got into the medical field, first as a medic, and then nursing is because I am fascinated by gore. I love assisting with sutures, wound care, abcess drainage, you name it.

    As for why people stick things into their bum, I'm still trying to figure that out.

  10. #10
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    *absess drainage*


    Ewwww dude, f*ckin' ewww. Well, you're welcome to the real life gore, I'll stick with corn syrup and rubber latex

  11. #11
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    Two strangest things I've seen on the job have been people dying.

    1. Worked a job cleaning dorm rooms one summer, an old woman named Pearl collapsed with a massive heart attack. Ran next door to get the EMT, then watched as they tried to revive her with CPR. One EMT handed me her slimy false teeth for safe keeping. Had to give the teeth to her husband as they loaded her into the ambulance.

    2. Years later at another job, was leaving work via the public elevator. Elevator doors open and I step out to find a bloody dead body laying in the middle of the building lobby. Seems the homeless guy had seconds before jumped off the 2nd floor balcony. Head all busted open, from the amount of blood it was obvious the guy was either already dead or about to die. No one wanted to touch him due to fears of blood borne pathogens. Staff threw a sheet over the body and patrons walked around him until the ambulance arrived.

  12. #12
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Where the fudge do you live, Wysteria Lane?!

    'round these parts it's pretty normal. Though the house next door has to be the bastard cousin of the Amityville house or something. The original garage was destroyed when a tree fell on it, the first owner went bankrupt, the third owner's wife killed herself and the fourth owners had to move out for six months whilst the house was fixed after subsidence had set in thanks to the huuuuuge cedar tree in their garden.

    In the close next to us (linked through mine) two elderly blokes from separate households died of heart attacks on the same day. Ooh, and some bloke was arrested by the RSPCA for shooting at the birds which shat on his car. Ooh, and come to think of it, someone died in the converted hotel (now flats) in that close about two or three weeks ago.

    Sh*t, maybe I'm living in Wysteria Lane...

  13. #13
    Dying tju1973's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by HLS
    Well at a previous job I whitnessed a baby snatching when I worked at JCPenney
    You gave it back-- I take?

    just kidding...
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  14. #14
    Just been bitten Zombie-A-GoGo's Avatar

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    I used to sell sportswear in Santa Monica. One day, it was really slow and I was just sort of wandering around the store, when this little girl ('bout 4 or so) comes running in. She slammed into this little padded couch in the middle of the store. She looked at me, I looked at her. A few moments passed. I asked her if I could help her. She stared at me and started sticking her fingers in her mouth. Just then, Uma Thurman comes running in and grabs the kid. I told her I was just about to sell her some stretch pants. She smiled, ha-ha'ed and then wrangled her daughter out of the store. That was pretty funny.

    I also had to continually call Pete Rose to tell him his Gold and Silver mesh workout pants were in. He never picked them up, although he made a big deal about me ordering them from the main store. *sigh* Jerk.

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  15. #15
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    i knew there had to be some good stories out there

    you guys never disappoint me lol

    another time they had to fire a guy cuz he kept spanking it
    in the storage closet
    what was in there that turned him on so much was beyond us all

    then there was the time this kid painted the walls and floor
    with his own feces with the toilet brush
    a budding artist i guess...


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