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Thread: Darryl and Merle

  1. #1
    Fresh Meat

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    Darryl and Merle

    What are your predictions for them? Will they last? Will they wind up fighting each other over something? Merle tried to make up with Michonne (in a round about way) but I don't know. He is such an ass toward people with his gung ho attitude. Darryl seems as if he is just trying to hold it together. I'm just unsure about these two at the moment.

  2. #2
    Dying rightwing401's Avatar

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    I don't really see them actually fighting it out anymore, not unless it's in a heat of the moment over something. Like Michonne and Merle going to the death in the midst of the whole group. I thought that it was an interesting touch to have Herschel speak to him about 'finding his way' and giving Merle his bible. To me, that spoke volumes about Herschel's deeply rooted religious beliefs about anyone being able to come back from the brink. Now whether Merle has a sort of come to Jesus moment, who's to say. Doubtful though. My bet is that even if he somehow is reluctantly accepted into the group, Michonne's going to turn him into a redneck pinata the second he lets his guard down and she can get away with it relatively scott free.

    I did enjoy seeing Darryl finally standing up to Merle and his narrow minded ways just before they got back to the prison. Quite a difference from when Darryl first appeared and was mildly parroting Merle's views towards others.

  3. #3
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by rightwing401 View Post
    I don't really see them actually fighting it out anymore, not unless it's in a heat of the moment over something. Like Michonne and Merle going to the death in the midst of the whole group. I thought that it was an interesting touch to have Herschel speak to him about 'finding his way' and giving Merle his bible. To me, that spoke volumes about Herschel's deeply rooted religious beliefs about anyone being able to come back from the brink. Now whether Merle has a sort of come to Jesus moment, who's to say. Doubtful though. My bet is that even if he somehow is reluctantly accepted into the group, Michonne's going to turn him into a redneck pinata the second he lets his guard down and she can get away with it relatively scott free.

    I did enjoy seeing Darryl finally standing up to Merle and his narrow minded ways just before they got back to the prison. Quite a difference from when Darryl first appeared and was mildly parroting Merle's views towards others.
    Tell you what, I'm feeling a lot of love for Herschel lately, he's hugely important to the groups mental well being IMO...that scene at the fence with Rick when he simply asked "can I help you Rick" was gold for me, and his trying to help Merle sums him up for me...he's a good man, and not half as wet as old Dale was.

    As for the Daryl/Merle dynamic, I think Merle is realising that Daryl is his own man and not going to be bossed around by his big bro anymore (he was also right about where they were located a few episodes ago)
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  4. #4
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    Tell you what, I'm feeling a lot of love for Herschel lately, he's hugely important to the groups mental well being IMO...that scene at the fence with Rick when he simply asked "can I help you Rick" was gold for me, and his trying to help Merle sums him up for me...he's a good man, and not half as wet as old Dale was.
    Funny you say that because i was thinking the exact same thing.. with dale the whole moral compass thing was pushed in your face so much you could not like or trust the man, no way would he have survived in the prison.

    With Herschel, its done exactly right. You are spot on, he's a moral and mental guide for the group without being all preachy and in your face.

  5. #5
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Norman just tweeted this photo of him in make up, I wonder if its a spoiler of what may become of Daryl?

    Daryl zombie.jpg

    *edit - don't panic at the photo title "Daryl zombie", I saved it as that so I could post it here.
    Last edited by Tricky; 07-Mar-2013 at 09:48 PM.

  6. #6
    Just been bitten Staredge's Avatar

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    I can't imagine they'd let that out. WAAAAAAAAYYY too big a spoiler. Seems more like him screwing with people. Dream sequence, maybe???

  7. #7
    Being Attacked

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    I hope I'm wrong, but I think at some point Merle will have Rick in a compromising situation and Daryl will have to make the decision to come to Rick's aid.

  8. #8
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Ha, maybe Daryl will actually die. All those poor, dear weepy fangirls...
    Kidding, but I'd rather have Merle anyway. Daryl pussyfooted around too much with Carol.
    We know Merle would tag and bag it in a heartbeat if she shook it around in front of his grizzled mug.
    Whatever happened to his bag full of drugs? I highly doubt Daryl took his meth. I wondered about it, and hoped it would be mentioned.
    Maybe Merle could be high as a kite and make a move on Rick, or get a little too frisky with one of the ladies, and Daryl could take him down. Who knows?

  9. #9

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    One would surmise lack of supply has forced Merle to go cold-turkey...if he was that big a meth-head to begin with and not just selling the stuff as a lot of biker-scum types do. Meth does NOT keep well, and this far into the Zombie Apocalypse any leftover crystal meth one found would be extremely dangerous (which is funny to say, given how absurdly dangerous it is to consume the day its made perfectly). One might, with EXTREMELY determined, high-risk foraging be able to keep an Opioid habit going. Rx drugs last for years, and aren't that easy to loot these days given that pharmacies now have to keep them in fireproof, bulletproof lockbox containers. (The DEA has lost its mind of late) So, the casual looter wouldn't be able to get at the good stuff in a pharmacy beyond maybe rifling the already made up, but not yet dispensed prescriptions. Now, if one had an acetylene torch rig, and was careful to make sure the flame didnt fry the contents, you could pop one of those boxes open....assuming one feels like transporting 75-125lbs of clunky equipment through wreck-strewn streets in a Walker-infested town/city.

    More likely by far is that most junkies die off, or end up cold-turkeyed by necessity.

    Just some thoughts.

  10. #10
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rongravy View Post
    Ha, maybe Daryl will actually die. All those poor, dear weepy fangirls...
    I would love that! The character is pretty damned good, especially considering where he started, but his Mary Sue status needs to come to a shuddering tragic end. Then, something interesting, and hopefully not too trite, can happen with Merle.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  11. #11
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    I would love that! The character is pretty damned good, especially considering where he started, but his Mary Sue status needs to come to a shuddering tragic end. Then, something interesting, and hopefully not too trite, can happen with Merle.
    Don't really see what the fuss is about with Daryl.
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  12. #12
    Dead Trencher's Avatar

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    I think Merle is an inside guy for the governor. And he will kill the whole lot including his brother to save his own skin and have a nice place to stay in Woodberry.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trencher View Post
    I think Merle is an inside guy for the governor. And he will kill the whole lot including his brother to save his own skin and have a nice place to stay in Woodberry.
    I think Merle has went back to them for good. He's done being the inside guy I think.

  14. #14

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    It just doesn't make sense for Merle to be an inside guy. That plan would've had to be hatched real early on, and in the blink of an eye. What would the logic be?

    They would've had to conspire on this in between the time it took to take Daryl hostage and bring him out in the arena. The Gov thought that there was a conspiracy between Merle, Michonne, and the prison group. Because Merle lied about killing Michonne, and then Michonne tried to kill him at the same time as the rest of the group was assaulting Woodbury.
    It just doesn't seem that the writers of the show would go to the trouble of showing several plot points to drive the viewers mind in a specific direction, but all the while going off into an alternate direction that's being completely concealed from the viewer. No hints to it, nothing. No suspense of it has been built. The only thing to even suggest it is that Merle was once the Gov's right hand man and now he's on team prison. If it were a conspiracy like that, they'd be going through a whole lot of trouble for something that has no real benefit to anyone involved. What's the desired outcome of such a drawn out over-complicated plan?
    That would be a complete conspiracy against the viewer, not a conspiracy that's been worked into the plot.
    That's something you might see in a reality show, not on a scripted drama.

  15. #15
    Just been bitten Staredge's Avatar

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    I think Milton is more likely to end up being a mole. All the hinting about him having issues with what the Governor is doing could just be laying the groundwork for a season 4 betrayal. Would bring the story back around to being closer to the comics as well.


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