View Poll Results: What Should the Group Have Done With Randall?

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  • Execute Him

    16 55.17%
  • Release Him further away from the Farm

    4 13.79%
  • Release him as a new member of the group

    0 0%
  • Keep him under guard for now

    7 24.14%
  • Attempt to return or ransom him directly to his group

    0 0%
  • Use him as bait for an ambush on this other group of survivors

    2 6.90%
  • Other (explain in thread)

    0 0%
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Thread: TWD 2x11 "Judge, Jury, Executioner" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    TWD 2x11 "Judge, Jury, Executioner" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

    Roll up, roll up HPOTD'ers - three down, three to go, in the second half of season two.

    Remember - keep all discussion of the episode WITHIN THIS THREAD - many forum members don't get to see the episode until days later (e.g. my fellow Brits and I don't get to see it until the following Friday night at the earliest - five days later), so please don't post any spoilers, general info, or allusions in other discussion topics or in the shoutbox - thanks for your consideration in this matter.

  2. #2
    Dead Doc's Avatar

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    Well, damn! Did anybody see that ending coming!
    Last edited by Doc; 05-Mar-2012 at 02:04 AM. Reason: .

  3. #3
    Being Attacked White_Zombie's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    Well, damn! Did anybody see that ending coming!
    Not in a million years, holy shit!!

  4. #4
    Being Attacked

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    I liked Dale but I think it was about time for him to go, he's better off anyways since he didn't like where things were going. It was quite a shock, which is what I love about this series. They don't feel obligated to off somebody each episode, so when it actually does happen, it is quite jarring. I mean, you have dead wood hanging around like T-Dog who has 1 line per episode, and I thought he was done in episode 1 of season 2, and I was fine with that because I saw him as zombie fodder anyways, but yet, he's still hanging around.

    I'm disappointed in Rick in this episode, I knew he'd back out at the last minute and Randall needed to die. He obviously still has association in his mind with those who abandoned him, going off of what he said to Carl.

  5. #5
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    wasn't very impressed with this episode, seemed like it belonged in the first half....terrible pacing, too many commercial breaks.

    they should've just left randall to be devoured in town and been done with all that mess.

    and wtf is up with carl? being a smart-ass to carol? just going around adventuring on his own? and taking one of darryl's guns and losing it? kid needed a good fucking smack in nearly every scene he was in.

    and all dale does is fucking whine and cry, i'm truly glad they killed that miserable old bastard off. he wasn't one of my favorite characters in the comics, but he was at least likeable...i can't recall every liking him in this show...what a wasted character....good riddance, old man.

    and while i'm going on about all this, my gf is busy wiping tears from her eyes over dale's each his/her own i guess....but i thought this episode was pretty lame, overall.

    i dunno, i guess that after 3 solid episodes with the tension being ratcheted up with each week, this episode just felt very, very dull and flat.
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 05-Mar-2012 at 02:14 AM. Reason: .

  6. #6

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    That was a total sleeper of an episode. Felt my eyes glazing over with all the moral hand-wringing, then perked up at Carl's insanely dangerous behavior with the Walker...then WHAM! Absolutely BEAUTIFUL how they crafted that to wipe out a core character and rip Carl's guts out with guilt over it all in one blow.

    Sadly, the scenes from next week indicate that Dale has become something of a "Moral Martyr"...which would suck, but then we see that things go all kindsa wrong with Randall despite a decision to let him go.
    Still, an absolutely MONSTER ENDING. For dramatic punch it ranks up there with Rick's mad scrambled under the tank and away from the horde...and for creepiness leading up to the violence..while not eclipsing those creepy white fingers pushing out from beyond the chained-shut "Don't Open, Dead Inside!" doors, it was certainly right up there when you tie in Carl's earlier encounter with that Walker.

    Rick though ::shakes head::...he was starting to show such promise. Now this backsliding. Curse you Dale, you're moralizing from beyond the grave! :P

  7. #7
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    oh and does anybody who's read the comics think that:

    randall may be part of the governor's group? and that maybe merle is also in the group?

  8. #8
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Well, Dale was about the only character on the show I gave a shit about - while everyone else is being wishy-washing and going whichever way the wind blows at least he stood for what he believed. Honestly, it makes me upset that Otis didn't hit Carl in a vital organ somewhere so he could have never helped to free the zombie that killed Dale as he's been nothing but a little bitch since he got better. And now because of his irresponsibility Dale, one of the few characters on the show I liked, is dead.

    To be honest - I'm finding it really hard to give a shit about any of the rest of the characters on the show. I do dig Herschel and I think he's come a long way. He made the only valid alternative point as well ("Hey, can't you just take him out further?") to outright murdering the guy too. I like Carol too. I wish Lori would hurry up and die as she's nothing but a whining bitch and every time she opens her mouth I want to slap her. T-Dawg is basically useless and could basically just have his name changed to "Token" in all honesty. Daryl grows moody and emo every episode (I'm waiting for him to start wearing eye-liner as he's sulking in every scene). Andrea is ALMOST as bad as Lori. All the rest of them just run around and squabble over silly bullshit while Rick and Shane are trying to compare which of the two of them have a bigger penis.

    I'm not going as far as throwing a 12 year old tantrum of: "You killed my favorite character! I'm not watching this show anymore!" as I'll certainly continue watching it as it's still the best thing on TV right now, but the characters are basically going the way of the new "Battlestar Galactica" where they are all basically shitty people doing shitty things to one another and it's just a matter of picking which character you think is less morally reprehensible. At this point in time though, honestly, I just really couldn't be bothered to care what happens to the vast majority of them (other than perhaps Carol) as I just don't really like any of them.

    My hope is that in season 3 we'll get some more interesting characters in the mix as regulars since they killed off one of the few characters I gave two shits about this episode. I'm sure it'll be interesting regardless, and I'll watch regardless out of interest, but at this point in time I just can't really be bothered in what happens to any of them.

    I miss Dr. Jenner - at least he was interesting.

    Last edited by JDFP; 05-Mar-2012 at 02:27 AM. Reason: 1
    "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." - Ronald Wilson Reagan

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  9. #9
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by White_Zombie View Post
    Not in a million years, holy shit!!
    Gotta say, it was welcome to see a major member of the group eat it and not ever see it coming. I'm partly annoyed and partly pleased how far they're going away from the original storylines, but at least it really throws everything up in the air

    I actually think the episode was pretty solid, though not up to the level of the previous three. They can't all be so well balanced with action, I'm afraid; otherwise it'd just be the A-team with zombies.

    They really need to mix the flow of the stories and character interactions up and now I'm just looking forward to them getting off the farm some day and getting more outsiders involved.

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  10. #10
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Way to get rid of the trash. "I don't want to live in this world, waaah". Um, dummy, there hasn't been a "society" in MONTHS! What the fuck have you been seeing? If you didn't like it, why didn't you just opt out with Jenner? What, zombies everywhere trying to eat you looks like sunshine and rainbows?

    I really thought Carl was going to have his man-up moment and kill Randall himself when he got in the "jailhouse", since the adults didn't have the stomach for it.

  11. #11
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Pretty good episode. Unfortunately Dale met his demise long before he sould have. We now know for sure that DeMunn was the actor asking to leave after Darabont's departure. Not that there was ever any question, imo. After all, he's one of Darabont's good friends and been in all of his films...

    Anyway, I think they went a good direction with Carl's attitude. He's edging closer and closer to a total badass zombie killer. On the other hand, I love how they treated Dale's character before he left. He's one of the very few voices of reason and it was nice to see him go out as a loner. While he considered it, I was shocked to see Rick be so cold about the execution. It wasn't until Carl walked in that he remembered what makes him a good man...

  12. #12
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Pretty good episode. Unfortunately Dale met his demise long before he sould have.
    Yeah, his talent, alternate viewpoints and adherence to more humane methods will be missed, from a dramatic perspective to say the least.

    That said, maybe we can move things along some now in the grand scheme of the story.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  13. #13
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Letting Nice Guy Randy go to get his farm-jacking buddies will probably be what forces our heroes off the farm, finally.

  14. #14
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Good episode and wow I was a bit shocked at that ending. I do admit, that ending made the entire episode come together well cause it was a really slow burn, but that's what I love about the show. They all can't be like the last two episode action wise and I'm ok with that.

    I loved how Dale just didn't get shot but was brutally ripped open like that. I really did feel sorry for him, and as someone pointed out, he went alone.

    I do admit, Carl was a wee bit annoying in this one but I'm glad he realized what a horrible mistake he made. Rick, too, like Shane would put it, "Pussied out". SMH.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  15. #15
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Watching the episode play again, it makes me love Rick all the more. Such a good man. When Carl does wrong, he talks to him and says "Don't talk!.....think."

    That's something I heard my entire childhood and has turned out to be one of the greatest gifts from my father. Even during the apocalypse, Rick is raising his son to be not just an adult, but a man. This is why Shane fails on so many levels.
    Last edited by bassman; 05-Mar-2012 at 03:26 AM. Reason: .


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