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Thread: Wolverine Workprint now Online

  1. #1
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Wolverine Workprint now Online

    Still a month a way from the release of the film and the work pritn is floating out on the world wide web.

    you know someone at FOX is pissed.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  2. #2
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Ouch. That's got to sting for Fox.

    Sooo....anyone seen it? I enjoyed the Xmen films, but I'm not really a huge fan, so this origins film hasn't been on my radar.

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I've never seen any of the X-Men movies, but the lads and I will be off to see Wolverine in the cinema in about a month's time when it comes out.

  4. #4
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I've never seen any of the X-Men movies, but the lads and I will be off to see Wolverine in the cinema in about a month's time when it comes out.
    The first two are pretty great films, imo. And I was never into Xmen as a kid. The third film was okay as a mindless action film, but Bryan Singer's first two Xmen films were great entertainment.

  5. #5
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    I saw it.

    Its funny to watch cuz not all the cgi is complete.
    like one scene where a bus explodes and wolverine goes flying
    over it u see the cut from hugh to this grey body shaped image
    that hasnt got the finished fx. lol

    it actually wasnt a bad movie. if u like the xmen films u should
    like this

  6. #6
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    I'm interested to watch it if only for the insight of seeing a big Hollywood CGI movie without the CGI. I want to see if it still holds up as a good story without all the effects, trendy music and post-production sparkle.

  7. #7
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    It's funny, because the other evening I was about to make an "X-men Origins: Wolverine Suck-O-Meter" poll to see what people were expecting of the film, but I got bogged down doing something else and never finished the post.

    I am fully prepared to not like this film to such an extent that I will, in that weird way I am, probably enjoy it for all it's schmaltzy stupidity when I actually see the thing.

    -Well, it has Wolverine, who is way overhyped and has been for about the last 25 years, but he is a modern day comic book classic. So that's a pro and a con.

    -It has some cast members who can actually act.

    -Jackman hasn't come out of the closet yet, so the movie will not fail due to a homophobic public shying away from the film.

    -This movie has Gambit in it!(!!11one!!one111!!!) And as everyone knows, Gambit is the type of character that is purposefully designed by a secret cabal of international bankers and Free Masons with the express goal of being so over the top appealing to spotty 12 year olds, that you just have to hate him. It's like people decided to create a Wolverine/Rogue hybrid for sexually frustrated tween comic book readers. I loathe this character, because he's one big mass of hackneyed cliches, seemingly designed in a patronizingly obvious manner to be badazz.

    -Deadpool: Deadpool, to me, is a bit similar to Gambit in that he suffers from being a carbon-copy anti-hero that turns into a protagonist. Never mind the whole horribly scared schtick. He is only saved by his wisecracking and later his oddball pairing with another piece of deadwood, Cable (and barely saved, at that).

    -Liev Schrieber: Really, as opposed to so many people who can't stand this guy, I actually like him. But as Sabretooth? Whatever. At least he's not the hulking (literally hulk-sized) brute of his later artistic incarnations.

    -Having to deliver too much on a muddled basis: Wolverine, as only an over-hyped and way too popular franchise-character who is constantly trotted out to reveal this or that about his background or who must undergo a new earth-shaking event to shock his fans, has subsequently become a character with a ridiculous history and convoluted, contradictory back story. Will this all blend together seamlessly or gell into a fetid mass of 'utter gash'? Or will they just pick and choose from the smorgasbord of comic book pastiches that make up this character's origin? Either way, it's shaky ground they're walking on.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    The first two are pretty great films, imo. And I was never into Xmen as a kid. The third film was okay as a mindless action film, but Bryan Singer's first two Xmen films were great entertainment.

    Yeah, I felt the first one was surprisingly good for what seemed like a half-hearted attempt at making a franchise film, especially one that had to deal with so many characters. The second was pretty good too, but some characters really suffered from a lack of attention. The third film was...pretty damn bad...pretty damn bad, indeed.
    Last edited by AcesandEights; 03-Apr-2009 at 03:10 PM.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  8. #8
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Come out of the closet? Is this some sort of an insult because you don't like the guy or something? He's married with 2 or three children...

  9. #9
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Come out of the closet? Is this some sort of an insult because you don't like the guy or something? He's married with 2 or three children...
    Not really an insult. I do, however, think he is gay. Not sure if you would consider that an insult, but I do not.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  10. #10
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    I disagree with you about Deadpool. Many people think of him as a 2d character, and he was with leifield at the helm, but the character has grown immensely, and has been given a personality, and you can actually feel for him- the guy who tries to do the right thing, but continually messes up, but keeps trying anyways.

    HOWEVER! I'm not too thrilled with his portrayal in this movie..Ryan Reynolds even said he doesn't play Deadpool, but the character that eventually becomes Deadpool.

    goddamn now i am pissed about this movie, thanks Aces.

  11. #11
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    I disagree with you about Deadpool.
    Fair enough.

    Many people think of him as a 2d character, and he was with leifield at the helm,
    Graaargh! Leifield! *Sound of stomping about, the gnashing of teeth and the throwing of babies out with bathwater, can be heard*

    but the character has grown immensely, and has been given a personality, and you can actually feel for him- the guy who tries to do the right thing, but continually messes up, but keeps trying anyways.
    Well, I'll likely concede the point to you, as--in all fairness--I've not read much Deadpool material, of late. And, if you're right (and since--in great comic-nerd tradition--it all boils down to opinion), then I'm happy for both Marvel and fans of Deadpool.

    goddamn now i am pissed about this movie, thanks Aces.
    You're welcome Seriously, though...just get pissed about the film, then allow the ensuing disappointment to turn down your expectations a few notches and you might just really enjoy the film when you get to see it. That's what I'm doing; I'll probably love this flick
    Last edited by AcesandEights; 07-Apr-2009 at 02:45 PM.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  12. #12
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    no, I am seriously angry now. goddammit, I need some herbal tea or something.

    I mean have you *seen* what that shit looks like? blades growing from his arms? He looks more like that...sword arm dude from mortal combat whose name escapes me atm...



  13. #13
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    He looks more like that...sword arm dude from mortal combat whose name escapes me atm...
    Wasn't it like Barraka or something?

    Anyway, I feel your pain...I'm still fuming at the merest thought of that Leifield!

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany


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