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Thread: Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things

  1. #1
    Dying Minerva_Zombi's Avatar

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    Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things

    Thoughts? I bought it a while back out of the dollar bin in Kroger and I pulled this out and watched it the other day. I think its quite a cool movie. I enjoy it. anyone else ?

  2. #2
    This movie is okay in that 'ish' way. Some of the 'dead' scenes were atmospheric enough, I suppose. Good for a bargain price job. It wouldn't surprise me if somebody really lurves this movie though because I have a friend who adores Driller Killer and that's one of the worst in my opinion. Apart from the footage of the old Max's Kansas City!

  3. #3
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Well, some of the effects were OK for such a low budget, but I overall dont care for the movie much. There are two things that really make me not like the movie.

    1) When the dead rise from the earth, you can tell that they have about 3 inches of dirt on top of them. Dont you think they should have been buried a little deeper?
    2) In one of the more unbelievable scenes in any movie ever, a guy actually agrees to be buried alive on an island, under the premise that his friends were going to get back in the boat, leave the island, go find some other friends, convince them to come back to the island, dig up the grave, and scare the friends when they discover something alive in there??!!? I mean, who would volunteer for this? What if the boat sank, cops arrest them, they get stoned and forget, etc. There would be any number of reasons why they might not make it to the island. And how long would he have been down there, at least an hour, probably longer! Can you imagine being in a box barely bigger than you, with no light, and not much air, no room to move, and no certainly about being dug up again? The whole idea of the dead rising seems to be more realistic than someone actually agreeing to do that.

  4. #4
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    Phillly, remember the movie? the guy his name escapses me at the moment was their director/boss so they so they felt they had to do what he ask of them! You can see the undertones all thru the movie...he was a bum and you were glad when was it Oscar? killed him in the end! He was a tyrant and an ass and deserved to die lol ! In their circle he must have been a bigwig that could have killed their chances of making it in the movies to go and do anything he wanted let alone be in the same room as he was...really he had the personality of a toad!
    It isnt the best B movie in my opinion but ok for a boring day or evening when you've watched all your zombie movie for the bzillionth time and looking for another one you havent watched in awhile!

  5. #5
    Just been bitten GRMonLI's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    Well, some of the effects were OK for such a low budget, but I overall dont care for the movie much. There are two things that really make me not like the movie.

    1) When the dead rise from the earth, you can tell that they have about 3 inches of dirt on top of them. Dont you think they should have been buried a little deeper?
    2) In one of the more unbelievable scenes in any movie ever, a guy actually agrees to be buried alive on an island, under the premise that his friends were going to get back in the boat, leave the island, go find some other friends, convince them to come back to the island, dig up the grave, and scare the friends when they discover something alive in there??!!? I mean, who would volunteer for this? What if the boat sank, cops arrest them, they get stoned and forget, etc. There would be any number of reasons why they might not make it to the island. And how long would he have been down there, at least an hour, probably longer! Can you imagine being in a box barely bigger than you, with no light, and not much air, no room to move, and no certainly about being dug up again? The whole idea of the dead rising seems to be more realistic than someone actually agreeing to do that.
    Point #1: Your right they were buried shallowly but it was a potters field mostly, so maybe they did not bury them too deep.

    Point #2: Roy, the person buried was ok because Emerson, the person who buried him never left the island. Emerson was there the whole time waiting for the others to arrive. If you remember he passed by the tied up groundskeeper and was the one who scared Terry as she was running through the woods. So if Allen and his pals had not made it to the island, Emerson would have been right there to dig Roy up.

    Yes I am a pretty big fan of the movie!!!

  6. #6
    Dying Minerva_Zombi's Avatar

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    i think its a good b-movie with no budget. i love some of the dialogue and of course the director bob clark moved on to direct other greats like Black Christmas and ....Porky's??? correct me if im wrong, but im sure it was Porky's.

  7. #7
    You are completely correct. Porky's kicks ass!

  8. #8
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by GRMonLI View Post
    Point #1: Your right they were buried shallowly but it was a potters field mostly, so maybe they did not bury them too deep.
    Three inches? Imagine this...."Hey GR, you got a quarter I can borrow?" "Sure, let me get it out of my pocket. Whoops, dropped it, lemme pick it up." Searches in dirt... "Did you find it?" "No, but I got a cock and a couple of balls....."

    Quote Originally Posted by GRMonLI View Post
    Point #2: Roy, the person buried was ok because Emerson, the person who buried him never left the island. Emerson was there the whole time waiting for the others to arrive. If you remember he passed by the tied up groundskeeper and was the one who scared Terry as she was running through the woods. So if Allen and his pals had not made it to the island, Emerson would have been right there to dig Roy up.

    Yes I am a pretty big fan of the movie!!!
    Yes you are a big fan! But I must ask you this.....imagine your best friend. The best friend you ever had. You trust him (or her) implicitly. Would you let yourself be buried alive for over an hour just because they stayed on the island with you? I know that I sure wouldnt!

  9. #9
    Just been bitten GRMonLI's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    Three inches? Imagine this...."Hey GR, you got a quarter I can borrow?" "Sure, let me get it out of my pocket. Whoops, dropped it, lemme pick it up." Searches in dirt... "Did you find it?" "No, but I got a cock and a couple of balls....."

    Yes you are a big fan! But I must ask you this.....imagine your best friend. The best friend you ever had. You trust him (or her) implicitly. Would you let yourself be buried alive for over an hour just because they stayed on the island with you? I know that I sure wouldnt!

    As for your first response...depending on whose they were I might not mind!!

    The second response, no I would not let myself be buried in real life. I detest tight closed spaces but remember...its a movie!!! Without that simple little plot device the whole movie would have radically changed.

    Your point in your original post was who would let themselves be buried....I only answered your question and pointed out that the character was somewhat "safe" because the other characted was right there all the time.

  10. #10
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by GRMonLI View Post
    Your point in your original post was who would let themselves be buried....I only answered your question and pointed out that the character was somewhat "safe" because the other characted was right there all the time.
    Well, actually my point was that it was totally unbelievable that anyone would let themselves be buried like that, which you helped me prove by agreeing that you wouldnt let yourself be buried like that. Now of course, someone could say "well it's totally unbelievable that the dead will rise and try to eat the living". That is true also, but that is the kind of "movie thing" that you have to suspend your disbelief for in order to enjoy the movie. In Star Wars, you have to accept that there are spaceships capable of going faster than the speed of light, and many races of aliens. In Groundhog Day, you have to accept that someone could live the same day, over and over. In CSPWDT, you have to accept that the dead can come back to life and want to attack the living. Other than that one issue, the rest of the movie is supposed to be taking place in the "real universe", meaning everything in the movie is just like real life, except for the fact that the dead will rise. No one can just magically lift off the ground and fly, no one can turn water into wine, etc, the rules of the real universe have to apply to everything in the movie except for the zombie thing, otherwise it is no longer a zombie movie, but some weird fantasy movie. I was just saying that it breaks the rules of this by having someone agree to be buried alive like that.

  11. #11
    Just been bitten GRMonLI's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    I was just saying that it breaks the rules of this by having someone agree to be buried alive like that.
    Isnt that what a movie is supposed to do, "Break the rules" and lead us to a place that we would not normally find in real life?

    Especially a horror or zombie movie?

    Oh well, you say potato.....I say rutabaga!!

    You dont like the movie, I do.....differences make the world more interesting

  12. #12
    Dying Bunker65's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by GRMonLI View Post
    differences make the world more interesting
    Totally agree with you there GR

    I would be in the camp of people that enjoyed the movie. We used to play it way back when I was in college after getting back from the bars . It always cracked us up & always entertained. Can't say more for a movie .

  13. #13
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by GRMonLI View Post
    Isnt that what a movie is supposed to do, "Break the rules" and lead us to a place that we would not normally find in real life?

    Especially a horror or zombie movie?

    Oh well, you say potato.....I say rutabaga!!

    You dont like the movie, I do.....differences make the world more interesting
    No, a movie is not suppose to "break the rules" that the movie itself set. CSPWDT is set in a universe that is almost identical to the real universe....the only difference is that the dead can come back to life and attack the living. If no one in the "real" universe would allow themselves to be buried alive for hours, and someone in a movie does it with no problem, that is breaking the rules set forth by the movie itself, the rules of the real universe, except for the dead rising. The key ingrediant to what makes a horror movie a horror movie is that something scary is going on in something that we see as "our real universe". When Jason in Friday the 13th movies kills people and cant be killed, it is scary to think that could happen, and it would suck if it was happening to us the viewer. But if the Friday the 13th movies were like a Star Trek holodeck, when you could simply change the scenery, create weapons out of thin air, etc. then the movie wouldnt be scary anymore, because it would cease to be something that appears to be happening in our universe, just something that is happening in a fantasy universe.

    That is not to say that a movie taking place in a total fantasy universe can not be entertaining, it can. But those movies are not pretending to be taking place in the "real" universe, which CSPWDT does.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    No, a movie is not suppose to "break the rules" that the movie itself set. CSPWDT is set in a universe that is almost identical to the real universe....the only difference is that the dead can come back to life and attack the living. If no one in the "real" universe would allow themselves to be buried alive for hours, and someone in a movie does it with no problem, that is breaking the rules set forth by the movie itself, the rules of the real universe, except for the dead rising. The key ingrediant to what makes a horror movie a horror movie is that something scary is going on in something that we see as "our real universe". When Jason in Friday the 13th movies kills people and cant be killed, it is scary to think that could happen, and it would suck if it was happening to us the viewer. But if the Friday the 13th movies were like a Star Trek holodeck, when you could simply change the scenery, create weapons out of thin air, etc. then the movie wouldnt be scary anymore, because it would cease to be something that appears to be happening in our universe, just something that is happening in a fantasy universe.

    That is not to say that a movie taking place in a total fantasy universe can not be entertaining, it can. But those movies are not pretending to be taking place in the "real" universe, which CSPWDT does.
    People not allowing themselves to be buried alive in the "real" universe ?? Have you ever seen "Fear Factor" ?? I think you'll find plenty of people willing to do just about anything in the "real" universe up to & including being buried alive for an hour or 2.

  15. #15
    Just been bitten GRMonLI's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    No, a movie is not suppose to "break the rules" that the movie itself set. CSPWDT is set in a universe that is almost identical to the real universe....the only difference is that the dead can come back to life and attack the living. If no one in the "real" universe would allow themselves to be buried alive for hours, and someone in a movie does it with no problem, that is breaking the rules set forth by the movie itself, the rules of the real universe, except for the dead rising.

    Ok to use your logic, this movie is set in a universe where:

    1) everyone follows a dipsh*t like Allan
    2) they actually kidnap the groundskeeper
    3) they consider Paul to be the leading man hunk
    4) they sail in the middle of the night to a burial island
    5) they plan to raise the dead
    6) a man (Allan) marries and attempts to sleep with a corpse
    7) they have no problem digging up corpses
    8) they have no problem carrying corpses
    9) they let Allan use dried babys blood in the ritual, no questions asked
    10) I could go on and on.....

    and the thing that bothers you most is that no one in the "real world" would let themselves be buried for an hour?

    Take a look at the "Jackass" movies......or any reality show and you will see the lengths that people will go to in the "real world".

    Hmmmm, or maybe someone is dealing with a burial phobia?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker65 View Post
    People not allowing themselves to be buried alive in the "real" universe ?? Have you ever seen "Fear Factor" ?? I think you'll find plenty of people willing to do just about anything in the "real" universe up to & including being buried alive for an hour or 2.
    Thank you for getting my point!
    Last edited by GRMonLI; 18-Oct-2006 at 03:15 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


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