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Thread: Real Talk: most difficult film choice in horror?

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Real Talk: most difficult film choice in horror?

    Simple question that me and my mates have been debating for like 2 days now: WHICH FILM DO YOU THINK IS BETTER - THE SHINING OR THE EXORCIST?

    The two most widely considered horror classics that even in the mainstream media are up their with the other classic cinematic triumphs. But which one do you prefer?

    The in your face overwhelming enemy of pazuzu stealing the body of a young girl? Or the destruction of a family brought on by the sinsiter overlook hotel?

    Personally i love the exorcist, in particular the "can you spare change fer an old alter boy fadah, im a cath'lic" imitation scene near the end is always chilling, but i adore the shining because of the sheer amount of thought and craft kurbick put into it. The book might be better but in my opinion the shining is one of the greatest films ever made. As illy spooky story at first viewing, but every repeat watch shows you another layer to the goddamn onion that this movie is.

    Both are superb though, and thats why i think this is such a good question and wanted to share it, because its not one good one bad, its two incredible pieces of cinema that seems to polarise people in a very similar way to the omen or rosemarys baby or something.

    So which do you prefer?

  2. #2
    Banned User

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    Oh man, Danny.
    This is a really good question.
    Really tough for me to pick, too.
    I own both, I love both, I've seen both multiple times...
    Hmm... Well, for me anyway, the winner by a slight margin would have to be The Shining, and here's why:
    While The Exorcist has Pazuzu, The Shining really doesn't have one iconic image of evil, which I think makes it more frightening, what with the ambiguity and all.
    In Exorcist we know what's possessing the girl, basically. It's what it says it is. Lucifer, demons, what have you. Pretty cut and dry.
    The Shining however is much less clear. Of course something supernatural is going on, but why Jack Torrance does the things he does is up for interpretation.
    Is he possessed by an old spirit of the Overlook, or is he merely driven mad by cabin fever, and hallucinating? Also I like the psychic powers going on with Danny.
    I think The Exorcist has a few moments that stick out in people's minds, but The Shining has so many scenes that people immediately identify, which could be from other movies, but aren't. Sorry if I'm not clear on this point.
    Exorcist has Catholic priests, possessed little girl on a bed, and Pazuzu statue.
    The Shining has the typewriter, the hedge maze, the hallway twins, the big wheel, 'Here's Johnny', the bat, 'Redrum', Danny's finger, etc.
    So yeah, that's my vote. Think of me what you will, and thanks Danny for asking.

  3. #3
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    'The Exorcist'.

    'The Shining' is a great film too, but for me, the sheer seriousness with which the film makers approach the subject, makes 'The Exorcist' the more disturbing and therefore the more successful horror film. 'The Shining' is sprinkled liberally with offbeat humour, such as the Lloyd and Grady scenes.

    There's not an ounce of humour in 'The Exorcist' and that allows the viewer to buy into the story 100%. It's completely dour and that's the way I like my horror.

    That being said, I've probably seen 'The Shining' more times.
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  4. #4
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I haven't even seen the Exorcist! (Bad Ned, Bad Ned!)

    But I'd like to ask another question on another note; Is Option C: They're both equally great viable?

  5. #5
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    I'd go with The Shining though both are obviously great movies. I like the overall atmosphere of The Shining better... the spooky hotel, a somewhat unclear evil, and well, you can't beat hallways of blood, in my opinion

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I only saw The Exorcist for the first time earlier this year (or was it late last year?) ... anyway, I'd already seen all the "key moments" numerous times, so the impact was greatly diminished. I did think it was a spiffing flick, mind.

    On the other hand, The Shining has been a flick that I've been watching for years and years and I love it. I even saw the extended version at the cinema on Halloween night with a packed audience who were all thoroughly into it, so my personal experience with The Shining is much more elaborate than with The Exorcist. So personally I'd opt for The Shining over The Exorcist, not that the latter is bad by any means, or necessarily "worse" - but out of the two, I pick The Shining.

    One thing I noticed in the cinema, which I hadn't noticed as much watching it on TV, was just how hysterical the score for Kubrick's flick is. It's like the ramblings of an insane ghost wailing directly into your face at every turn - it's great, and really unsettling.


    Mentioning The Omen versus Rosemary's Baby - well, I've not yet seen the latter, but I have seen the former (and very much enjoyed it).

  7. #7
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    *prepares to be smacked by a rolled up newspaper*

    Well, since I never thought much at all of The Exorcist (I'm not into 'possession'-type movies), I have to go with The Shining.

    William Friedkin made a "scary movie" - but Kubrick? after watching those "spatial awareness and design" videos of The Overlook (thanks Danny! You forever fucked me up with those! ), he was a mad genius. I now have a much greater appreciation for The Shining than I ever had - and even before that, I still would have picked The Shining.

    Even The Shining has it's issues, especially if you're a fan of the book (way too many "liberties" taken by Kubrick), but, it's still a superior film to The Exorcist for me.

    **all opinions expressed in this post are the opinions of the author and no one else. If this opinion ruffles your feathers, perhaps you shouldn't have feathers.

  8. #8
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    The Shining. The Exorcist is a great film, but in the comparison to The Shining it's too "ooga booga! I'm the Devil! *BLARGH!*". The Shining is some how quieter, more sinister, more subtle. The isolation of the Overlook, the winter setting. It's just got so much more going on, on a myriad of levels.

  9. #9
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    Both are brilliant.
    Prefer The Shining. The exorcist is a tad too catholic I suppose to truly frighten me.
    Suspiria has them both beat in my book. That and Day of the dead are possibly the two best horror films ever made. To me at least
    Last edited by krisvds; 09-Dec-2012 at 02:09 PM. Reason: .

  10. #10
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Not a huge fan of either to be honest. I can barely remember what happened in The Exorcist except for a little girl swearing on a bed and Kubrick's interpretation of The Shining was sterile and unengaging.

    I agree with Kris on Suspiria, though. That movie is a masterpiece of gothic horror.

  11. #11
    Chasing Prey MissJacksonCA's Avatar

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    The Exorcism. It's terrifying in how (and this is only my personal belief) it can be rooted in reality. You can relate to it from both the perspective of the girl and the mother and even the priests. Imagine yourself becoming someone/something and you have no control... something has taken you over. Or you're the parent of a child who clearly is ill with something but can you grasp or even admit to what's wrong? Modern medical science would fail to aid you if you sought out treatment. And the only treatment there is is just as crazy as admitting what's happening and no matter what there's no real guarantee that any of what's happening is what's happening and that there would be any end to any of it. You just kind of have to have faith. The music in the film was phenomenal and of course it had its epic moments like the split pea soup thing and the priest being just flippin terrified. I think as someone who in general has no faith... and who is wild about hauntings I would be more prone to enjoy the Shining but really... for me it was The Exorcist.
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  12. #12
    Dying Geordie9's Avatar

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    i prefer the exorcist
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