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Thread: what would you do different?

  1. #1
    Dying Bubdotd's Avatar

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    what would you do different?

    ok in dawn of the dead they lost roger and stephen. what would you do different (as there character) to survive im just wondering.

    In rogers place first of all id keep track of my bag at all times and when transfering to trucks id open both of the trucks doors so zombies couldent get us from the front and id watch the back of the trucks for upcoming also seemed he was being care free but maybe what he was doing was overwelming thinking of "this malls going to be ours."

    in stephen's place i would of jetted my ass to the elevator asap after doing my job closing the stores. id also wouldent be hangen with the hatch in the elevator open becuase of the bikers would shoot me like he got also get into the air shafts but i think that since the power was off he couldent get to the right floor to go through the shafts. but the part about him geting his radio becuase he droped it.. i woulda left it in there becuase yes i woulda feard the zombies might open the elevator.

    im just bored i figured id give my opinion of what i woulda done in there position. you tell me what you woulda done lol.

    X-box live GT: Fallenunder

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  2. #2
    Dead Trancelikestate's Avatar

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    yeah if i were roger i def woulda had that bag clutched tightly at all times. but he did waste time standing in between trucks just shooting zombies.

    as for steve he pretty much lost it when he sopped comunicating w/peter. it was all downhill from there.

  3. #3
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    you know it's interesting. hardly no one in the movie gets bit who wasn't doing something stupid. There's a scene in the european cut when they get back from their first venture down into the mall where stephen is going on and on about how he couldn't believe that people let the situation get this bad. How they could have handled it so easily if everyone just did what had to be done. He says " look what we were able to do today". aS if this were a picnic. Peter sternly reminds him that if "you underestimate these suckers you get eaten". Words which turned out to be prophetic. The thing that i would hve done differently from those two would be to take the threat more seriously. Roger obviously did not. Stephen should have adhered to the old saying easy come easy go. It's like getting into a fight in prison over the tv, when it really doesn't belong to anybody. It makes no sense. Nothing in that mall was theirs. Certainly not worth dying over. They even discussed the possibilitiy of looters. They had to know that this set up wouldn't last forever. He was so blind with rage ( like a child enraged that his mother made him share his toy with one of his playmates while he stands there fuming and giving the death ray stare) that he couldn't see the zombie/ biker threat that was closing in a round him. In That whole scene he was running and finally had no place to go. This scene is a testament to the power of GAR'S filmaking. What does it say about human beings when facing a situation like this that all that was on his mind was the protection and hording of expendable material things?

  4. #4
    Dying Bubdotd's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by darth los
    you know it's interesting. hardly no one in the movie gets bit who wasn't doing something stupid. There's a scene in the european cut when they get back from their first venture down into the mall where stephen is going on and on about how he couldn't believe that people let the situation get this bad. How they could have handled it so easily if everyone just did what had to be done. He says " look what we were able to do today". aS if this were a picnic. Peter sternly reminds him that if "you underestimate these suckers you get eaten". Words which turned out to be prophetic. The thing that i would hve done differently from those two would be to take the threat more seriously. Roger obviously did not. Stephen should have adhered to the old saying easy come easy go. It's like getting into a fight in prison over the tv, when it really doesn't belong to anybody. It makes no sense. Nothing in that mall was theirs. Certainly not worth dying over. They even discussed the possibilitiy of looters. They had to know that this set up wouldn't last forever. He was so blind with rage ( like a child enraged that his mother made him share his toy with one of his playmates while he stands there fuming and giving the death ray stare) that he couldn't see the zombie/ biker threat that was closing in a round him. In That whole scene he was running and finally had no place to go. This scene is a testament to the power of GAR'S filmaking. What does it say about human beings when facing a situation like this that all that was on his mind was the protection and hording of expendable material things?
    Well said.

    even tho roger wasent in most of the movie hes still my favorite im kinda like him lol. and peter comes next.

    stephen was a waist of breath near the beginning but when roger died he actualy made him self useful learned to shoot showed fran how to fly.

    fran was one of the best characters she had the strenth to be pregnate learn how to fly kinda take care of the boys while all this was going on. she was a strong character. know what i mean?

    peter was just bad ass and knew what he was doing lol. i kinda felt bad for peter after roger died he was kinda third party by himself and all. just imagine loseing your friend.

    X-box live GT: Fallenunder

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  5. #5
    Just been bitten Brubaker's Avatar

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    My thoughts

    The plan should have been "seek and destroy." They had the ammo and might have been better off shooting every last zombie they could find, by outside and actively hunting them. They shot enough to keep themselves safe inside but what about outside? I recently said in another thread that none of the characters in the four movies did this and it did make the problem worse. By making an effort to blow away a good number of zombies outside, they might have saved a few more people from getting bitten later down the road that weren't even in the vicinity of the mall.

    It goes along with Dr. Logan's response to Rhodes' plans (from Day) to blow the **** out of the zombies. The time to have done that was the beginning and in Dawn it was still the beginning stages, sort of. TV stations still broadcasting. Living people were still in the streets.

  6. #6
    Harvester Of Sorrow Deadman_Deluxe's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubdotd
    ok in dawn of the dead they lost roger and stephen. what would you do different (as there character) to survive im just wondering.

    In rogers place first of all id keep track of my bag at all times and when transfering to trucks id open both of the trucks doors so zombies couldent get us from the front and id watch the back of the trucks for upcoming also seemed he was being care free but maybe what he was doing was overwelming thinking of "this malls going to be ours."

    in stephen's place i would of jetted my ass to the elevator asap after doing my job closing the stores. id also wouldent be hangen with the hatch in the elevator open becuase of the bikers would shoot me like he got also get into the air shafts but i think that since the power was off he couldent get to the right floor to go through the shafts. but the part about him geting his radio becuase he droped it.. i woulda left it in there becuase yes i woulda feard the zombies might open the elevator.

    im just bored i figured id give my opinion of what i woulda done in there position. you tell me what you woulda done lol.

    I would have watched Dawn of the Dead first so then i would know EXACTLY what to do AND what not to do ... but then i am a kind of a smart guy a bit like like that with the brains you know?

    I would also continue work on my time machine after i had died, albeit at a much slower pace, in order to travel back and avoid making that same mistake twice over, twice over.

  7. #7
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    i woulda raided a gun store then a supermarket and then grab a boat. simple.

  8. #8
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing
    i woulda raided a gun store then a supermarket and then grab a boat. simple.
    Where ya gonna go?
    To the island.
    What island?
    any island!

    I don't think that Roger didn't take it seriously. (remember how he vomited after that bit with wooley). He just started going crazy from the pressure and hopelessness. And possibly suicidal
    He needed some Valiums before that truck mission.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
    -The Butthole Surfers

  9. #9
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    This is an interesting question. First of all, they did not seem to properly plan the whole moving the truck thing at all. I mean, they werent going anywhere else, they had made the decision to stay in the mall. This was a very risky and dangerous plan, one that warranted much more planning than they did. They should have had multiple bags of truck-wiring tools. It's not like they had to pay for it (one stop shopping, everything you want right at your fingertips). Maybe a crucial tool would have broken, then what? It was very dumb to have only one bag of tools. Also, at the truck yard, there was not many zombies there. Aside from that, after hotwiring the truck, with a few zombies around, they could have driven down the road a bit, to an area where there was no zombies. They should have brought some type of metal cutting saw and cut holes in the roofs of the trucks. That way, at the mall Roger could have exited thru the roof of one truck and back in the roof of Peters truck. This wouldnt have taken too long to do, and whats a few minutes when your life is at stake. That way, even if a horde swarmed the trucks (which they did) Roger could have made the move from one to the other with relative safety.

    As far as Stephen goes, he was just very stupid. As darth_los says
    What does it say about human beings when facing a situation like this that all that was on his mind was the protection and hording of expendable material things?
    At the very least, Stephen should have realized that the bikers could only carry so much, and were taking stuff that wasnt all that important to Stephen anyway (jewelry, cash, who cares? They had a bunch of cash already upstairs (like they needed it) and there was plenty of other jewelry in the mall) and eventually the bikers would have to leave and/or be eaten by zombies. Then he and Peter could have "gone on a hunt" and closed the mall off again. Roger's death was everyone's fault, due to improper planning. Stephen's death was due solely to his own stupidity. At the very least, he should have been willing to sacrifice some of the material items in the mall which he cherished so much to be alive and take care of his woman and unborn child. He told Fran that they were only gonna close the doors "they'll never even know we're here".
    Last edited by Philly_SWAT; 19-Aug-2006 at 01:42 AM.

  10. #10
    Dead general tbag's Avatar

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    molotov cocktails, they are and were pretty efficent in night. never figure out why malatov cocktails were never used in any other zombie movie.

  11. #11
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    well they used something similar in dawn in the form of the handtorches. Although, That zombies being afraid of fire thing sure died down with each succesive film didn't it. I think molotov cocktails carried the threat of burning down the entire mall where as the torches were more controlled. By the way how did they know in dawn that zombies were afraid of fire? Was it common knowledge being broadcast over the airwaves? Or was it to be just a carry over zombie repelling technique from night?
    Last edited by darth los; 19-Aug-2006 at 02:29 AM.

  12. #12
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    By the way how did they know in dawn that zombies were afraid of fire? Was it common knowledge being broadcast over the airwaves? Or was it to be just a carry over zombie repelling technique from night?
    Because Fran used the flare against the hare chrishna zombie.

  13. #13
    POST MASTER GENERAL darth los's Avatar
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    i see. So when she used the flare was it her intention to drive it back because she knew it was afraid of fire or did she learn something new by doing it and subsequently pass on the knowledge?

  14. #14
    Just been bitten creepntom's Avatar

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    stephen should have used some of the down time to perfect his aim, cause he couldn't hit a barn with an elephant.

    IMO, they should have known the bikers would get in, they should have hid out, made sure the hallway didn't get revealed, then play clean up again.

    highly unlikely they'd(the bikers) make it to the roof to mess with the chopper

  15. #15
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by darth los
    i see. So when she used the flare was it her intention to drive it back because she knew it was afraid of fire or did she learn something new by doing it and subsequently pass on the knowledge?
    No, she had no way to know that it was afraid of fire. She was left alone and pregnant in an unfamiliar room during a zombie outbreak with no gun. As the zombie was shambling in, she looked around the room to see if there was anything in there to defend herself with. She started looking thru the bags, desparate to find anything. Seeing as there was nothing in there but civil defense stuff, the only thing she could find in that short period of time that even remotely seemed like a weapon was the flares. So she used it, and saw that the zombie was afraid. Obviously she told the others exactly what happened off-screen. That is why Flyboy suggested getting more flares, or "maybe one of those propane jobs" to use as weapons. He would only say that based on hearing Fran's tale. Otherwise, why the hell choose flares, or even propane for that matter?


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