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Thread: time magazine call the ps3 a flop

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    time magazine call the ps3 a flop

    NYT not impressed with PS3

    Sony's new console "just isn't that great" according to The New York Times; online service, emphasis of power over entertainment cited as flaws.

    By Tim Surette, GameSpot
    Posted Nov 20, 2006 8:26 pm GMT

    Hundreds of thousands of PlayStation 3s have now shipped out of Sony's warehouses and are now where they belong--in gamers' hands. Word of mouth is beginning to spread as first impressions are surfacing, and according to The New York Times, the final product does not quite match the hype.

    The paper's Seth Schiesel opens his experience with the PS3 with this statement to Sony Corp.'s CEO: "Howard Stringer, you have a problem. Your company's new video game system just isn't that great."

    Schiesel claims to have spent more than 30 hours with a retail PS3 and played more than a dozen games. After his marathon of gaming, he says that although the PS3 is "the world's most powerful game console," it is "surprisingly clunky to use and simply does not provide many basic functions that users have come to expect, especially online."

    The high-profile newspaper goes on to point out several other problems with the console, including controllers that need to be synched up to each PS3 it is used with through a USB cable (versus Microsoft's truly universal Xbox 360 controller), lack of custom soundtracks, lack of a unified friends list, and no background downloading. In Sony's defense, the fact that the PS3 is a connected console means that system updates can be added later, like they have been with the Xbox 360.

    There are a few positive notes, but the review is overwhelmingly negative. Schiesel, who lauded the Xbox 360's ease of use when that console launched, feels as though the PS3 is largely "unfinished" with some features that feel "tacked-on."

    "Sony can't be happy with this review," Newsweek technology editor N'Gai Croal told GameSpot. "Fortunately, there's nothing like a Tickle Me Elmo-type shortage to keep potential customers salivating, regardless of what the Old Gray Lady has to say."

    Only time will tell whether this and any other poor reviews of the PS3 will do anything to deter gamers from buying the much-hyped console, or possibly convince them to buy a machine from one of Sony's rivals.

    One analyst thinks it's inevitable supply shortages will maximize the Xbox 360's chances this holiday season. In a memo sent to investors today, Colin Sebastian of Lazard Capital Markets said, "Retailers are likely to encourage consumers unable to find PS3 or Wii consoles to consider purchasing an Xbox 360."

    Sony was unavailable for comment as of press time.

    and heres the link cus the fanboys of all 3 major consoles are going at it, as usual on gamespot.

    ive said it before and ill say it again, sony really arent gonna start the year off so hot, but i feel bad if it fails for the people who shelled out all the cash on one, cus if it does fail you aint gonna get the same money back for it in a shop so you gonna lose moolah no matter what.
    now i love my ps2 but i really am not impressed by the ps3, now ive had a go on one (a freind of mine whent to the u.s just to get one) its basically the same as a 360 but the whole controller deal was tacked on at the end so they should have just put more work in than rush it out for christmas then i might have considered bying one, but without square enix making games for them exclusively, what with 3 new final fnatasy's coming out for nintendo and the next dragon quest, the sequel to the 8th game on the ps2 is not coming out on the ps3 but the wii instead, so sony really looks like its gonna lose a lot of its japanese market, but its still got a big fanbase in america and britain so they may still make it if they just try and sell games, and drop all this blu ray rubbish.

  2. #2
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    The word of mouth is nil re: PS3. People can't stop talking about the Wii, and can't start talking about the PS3.

  3. #3
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    I've played the PS3 at Best Buy. Nothing special. I actually thought the graphics were complete shiv, as it was right next to a 360 booth so I could compare.

    I know PS3 is still new... but the graphics are pretty much PS2 quality. I remember as soon as I saw 360 I thought "Holy crap, this is a step up" from launch. Didn't think anything like that with this.

  4. #4
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    [I]NYT not impressed with PS3

    what with 3 new final fnatasy's coming out for nintendo and the next dragon quest, the sequel to the 8th game on the ps2 is not coming out on the ps3 but the wii instead, so sony really looks like its gonna lose a lot of its japanese market, but its still got a big fanbase in america and britain so they may still make it if they just try and sell games, and drop all this blu ray rubbish.
    Dragon Quest 9 is only on the Nintendo DS, there is a Dragon Quest game coming out on the Wii, but it is not 9, it is called Dragon Quest Swords with a huge subtitle that im too lazy to type.

    Anyway, I really don't see Sony doing very well with the PS3, it is much too expensive and doesn't provide anything new yet. Hopefully it doesn't kill Sony as a game company as the Playstation and Playstation 2 both had a lot of great games, but at the same time I do hope that it knocks them down a few notches so they aren't so arrogant about their crap systems. They forced in a BluRay drive and that drove up the costs of their machine. Why would I buy BluRay disk for $40 when HDDVD is so much cheaper and almost the same quality, especially since BluRay has not reached its theoretical limits (which would make it much better than HDDVD) and is hardly why Sony says it is.

    Honestly, I don't see HDDVD or BluRay replacing regular DVD's anytime soon. It's too expensive and doesn't provide something needed by the general public, right now it is just a niche market. The general public will not adopt another format change so soon unless they are forced to do so, like they were with the sudden DVD dominance over VHS. It took less than 10 years for DVD's to destroy the VHS market, but the HD stuff isn't a must have yet. So until it becomes the standard, I don't see it taking over and unless BluRay wins that war I don't see the PS3 becoming the "Must have" gaming device that Sony wants it to be.

    Right now DVD's are fine as they are. I really don't care to see the a$$hairs on a frog 30 feet away from the center of the action on the screen just because it's "High Def!".
    Check out my dvd collection @

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  5. #5
    Dead Mutineer's Avatar

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    Xbox ? PS3 ? Wii ?

    I'm a PC gamer. Leave the Playstations for my 6 year old.

  6. #6
    Well I aint shelling out 500 notes for one, that's for sure. I'm happy with my 360 and Wii thank you very much. Sony have no big guns to save them anymore except Metal Gear Solid 4 and Gran Turismo 5 and let's face it, both of those games are as cold as last night's custard now.

  7. #7
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    I have all three "next" gen systems, and by far, the PS3 is the best. R:FOM and Full Auto 2: Battlelines are just insane. Sure it has a hefty price.. But if you want to play, you got to pay.

    Just wait until MotorStorm and Twisted Metal comes out. People will be changing their tunes. Naughty Dog and Insomniac are going to develop crazy PS3 exclusives too.

    Xbox 360 comes in a close second, but the Wii is a distant last. Since I got my PS3, i've played Excite Truck for about an hour, total. Thus far, the Wii has been a total disappointment, merely a step up from my Gamecube.

    The bottom line is: Don't believe the hype. The PS3 kicks and until you experience it: ZIP IT. Haters will always hate if they can't afford one...

  8. #8
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    excuse me but are you telling us to ,quote, "zip it" because we dont particulary care for a games console, i mean excuse me, but i thought this was a free speech kind of internet, and if youve only played a console for an hour on one game how can you say if its crap or not.

  9. #9
    Dead Exatreides's Avatar

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    Yes I want to buy a $600 console with controlers exclusive to each PS3, with numerous bugs and who's lost nearly all graphical comparisons with a console already out for a year. Did the PS2 lose graphical comparisons to the Dreamcast?
    "if wishs were fishes we'd all cast nets" - Gurney Hallack

  10. #10
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    *high fives exatreides*

    preach it man!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    excuse me but are you telling us to ,quote, "zip it" because we dont particulary care for a games console, i mean excuse me, but i thought this was a free speech kind of internet, and if youve only played a console for an hour on one game how can you say if its crap or not.
    The PS3 is the future of console gaming. The xbox 360 has GWAR and the Halo series. Nothing else is exclusive. Sony hasn't even started to crank out exclusives for the PS3 yet, and there will be plenty.

    Basically, it comes down to content. Free online vs. xbox live (which I love, by the way), but Sony's is free. One point Sony.

    Secondly, 1080p blu-ray. Play Full Auto 2: Battlelines and then play that silly little Burnout game on the 360. Again, one point Sony.

    Third, Resistance: Fall of Man. Hands down, the best FPS ever developed for a console. This has all the makings of Halo killer. But until that order is delivered, we'll have to see a couple sequels. One point, Sony.

    One more before I go. My PS3 plays computer games too. While everyone else waits for FEAR, i've been playing it since Friday. Sony's open source approach towards the PS3 is THE FUTURE of console gaming and will continue to blur the line between console and PC. For YD linux 5.0, Sony TWO points.

    See what I mean? At the end of the day, all the xbox fans are just holding on to a year old, aged system. All talk and no cock, baby.

    But I still say, "Hey D! Hit the lights."
    Last edited by Chaos; 03-Jan-2007 at 06:47 PM.

  12. #12
    Dead Exatreides's Avatar

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    360 is also 1080P. Yes you may have a blue ray player, Sony's way of shoving a format down your throat. You can also buy a HD DVD add on for your 360. Key word "Also" you don't have to get it.

    Resistance fall of man revived a 8.6
    Madden got a 7.9
    and Marval ultimate allience got a 8.2

    Three games on the PS3 top list have a score everything else is TBA

    for the 360
    Gears of War has a 9.6
    Oblivion 9.5
    Rainbow six vegas 9.1
    Call of duty 3 8.8
    Star trek Legacy 7.2
    Saints row 8.3

    Call of duty on the 360... 8.8
    Call of Duty 3 on PS3 8.2

    With such a superior gaming system, and with such open source capabilities. Why has the Wii which released later then PS3 sold roughly twice as many units. Why was it reported on Attack of the show last night, that stores are having to remind people that they have PS3's while Wii's and 360's are selling so well?

    Case in point. The Sega saturn was more powerfull in numerous aspects to the Sony Playstation, but due to its higher price tag and developers difficulty programing for the console. Don't belive me? do a search on Youtube for Shenmue Sega saturn. While it doesn't look as good as the Dreamcast or Xbox version, the system could still make a quite delious game for a 32bit system.

    However, which system won the 32 bit war? and Why? Developers could pump out more games for a cheaper price, and people could buy the system for a lower price.

    Also, the Nintendo 64 was twice as powerfull as the Sega Saturn and the Pllaystation 1. Did it win the console war of that generation or did the weakest system of the three win?

    Playstation 1 won.
    The playstartion 3 will lose. Look at history, look even further back to 3do.
    "if wishs were fishes we'd all cast nets" - Gurney Hallack

  13. #13
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    Basically, it comes down to content. Free online vs. xbox live (which I love, by the way), but Sony's is free. One point Sony.
    Wasn't PS2's online play free, also? From what I heard from my friends that had it: It was utter shiv.

    Guys, we've got a fanboy on our hands!

  14. #14
    Twitching Maitreya's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    I have all three "next" gen systems, and by far, the PS3 is the best. R:FOM and Full Auto 2: Battlelines are just insane. Sure it has a hefty price.. But if you want to play, you got to pay.

    Just wait until MotorStorm and Twisted Metal comes out. People will be changing their tunes. Naughty Dog and Insomniac are going to develop crazy PS3 exclusives too.

    Xbox 360 comes in a close second, but the Wii is a distant last. Since I got my PS3, i've played Excite Truck for about an hour, total. Thus far, the Wii has been a total disappointment, merely a step up from my Gamecube.

    The bottom line is: Don't believe the hype. The PS3 kicks and until you experience it: ZIP IT. Haters will always hate if they can't afford one...
    Twisted Metal, eh? So we can expect ANOTHER game that's been released 50 million ****ing times, just with better graphics now (which are still rated inferiorly to the 360's, read the reviews). That's fantastic. Also, from what I've read on here the controllers can ONLY be used on your own PS3? How is that good, just remind me again because my memory seems to be failing me.

    Sony's slipping simple as that, they're losing business and are being outsold by Nintendo nearly threefold (I don't count the 360 in competitive sales, as it's been out for far longer and will always have a higher sales number). They really shouldn't have been so cocky after the success of their first two systems.

    Also as I recall most of the hype WAS for the PS3. And I'm more than happy not to believe the hype.

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  15. #15
    I too have briefly played a display PS3 in a London high street store and I think it's the biggest pile of s**t I have ever seen in my life. Why? Because they have had to repair/replace it 3 times in 2 weeks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    Full Auto 2: Battlelines
    Pile of s**t.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    Twisted Metal
    My grandma plays that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    Resistance: Fall of Man. Hands down, the best FPS ever developed for a console. This has all the makings of Halo killer.
    Dream on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    While everyone else waits for FEAR, i've been playing it since Friday.
    That's funny, I've been playing it on my 360 for a month now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    At the end of the day, all the xbox fans are just holding on to a year old, aged system. All talk and no cock, baby.
    Coming from a Sony fan, thats the biggest contradiction I have ever read.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    The PS3 is the future of console gaming. The xbox 360 has GWAR and the Halo series. Nothing else is exclusive.
    Bulls**t. A large percentage of games on the 360 are exclusive, including the Live mission packs on GTA 4. Oh, and were getting Resi 5 before you too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    The PS3 kicks and until you experience it...
    Experienced it, not blown away in the slightest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    Haters will always hate if they can't afford one.
    Could afford 3 is I wanted. Just don't believe in throwing money down a used toilet.

    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    Sony have no big guns to save them anymore except Metal Gear Solid 4 and Gran Turismo 5 and let's face it, both of those games are as cold as last night's custard now.
    I still stand by this comment but I will also add Virtua Fighter 5 to the list (even though it's been out in the arcades for years). I'm sure the Playstation 3 will be a success 'cos let's face it "da PS3 r00lz man" but I for one wont put my hard earned cash into a glorified George Forman grill with Spiderman fonts for a logo.

    As for the Wii, it's a BILLION more times innovative than the PS3 will ever be. Graphics are only important to idiots, gameplay is important to gamers, end of.
    Last edited by capncnut; 04-Jan-2007 at 09:04 AM.


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