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Thread: I'm very proud to say....

  1. #1
    Chasing Prey

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    I'm very proud to say....

    It was me that first coined the phrase ghey08 for the Day remake...I'm glad you've all adopted it hahaha

  2. #2
    Erm, are you quite sure about that?

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I can't remember who did first use it exactly, but Ghey08 is a great nickname for it. It'd involve a trawl through old posts, but I'm lazy so I'll just take SX at his word.


    There's a difference between "gay" and "ghey", so please don't take offense and there's certainly none intended. "GHEY" means stupid, rubbish or similar and has nothing to do with homosexual orientation.

    Alright, now move along, move along...

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    "GHEY" means stupid, rubbish or similar and has nothing to do with homosexual orientation.
    Erm, are you quite sure about that?

    Actually the alternate spelling of 'ghey' originates from bypassing profanity filters on messageboards. It is most definitely a play on the word 'gay', as it is generally used by Emo's or some other non-human turdwipe who thinks that if they change the spelling of a word then it's okay to use it.

    Here's the perfect summation by Encyclopedia Dramatica:

    Ghey is a word coined so that deluded morons can call s**t 'gay' and keep a clear conscience.

    Used by some to distinguish between the "really f**king retarded" sense of the word gay from the homosexual sense of the word. Some homosexuals get offended when you call something gay as it originated as an insult towards them. However, now the word is used so commonly as an insult even by people who aren't homophobes that some f**ktard thought it was OK to say it if there is a different spelling. However, it is still equally as insulting to gays and the stupid f**king spelling is meaningless crap.
    "Oh, that's sooo gay!" Is without a doubt a dig at gay people that has become so widespread now that it's homophobic origins have become unintentional among it's users today. There is no other use for the word other than being joyous.

    "Oh, that's so joyous!" Nah, I don't think so. When does joyous and 'stupid' or 'rubbish' enter the same equation.

    I don't find the word 'ghey' offensive (hey, even I have said Ghey 08) but it's obvious that someone probably will at some point.

    Quote Originally Posted by SymphonicX View Post
    It was me that first coined the phrase ghey08 for the Day remake...
    I saw it being referred to as Gay Of The Dead long before it became widespread here. Ghey 08 is just a shortening of the title.

  5. #5
    Dying Griff's Avatar

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    I feel sorry for those poor women who were named Gay by parents who had no idea that the word, essentially meaning 'merry', was gonna one day be associated with a) homosexuality and then later b) lameness. They're the true victims of this corruption!
    "28 Days Later came out after we started (Dawn 04). Our zombies were running before we knew what their zombies were." - Zack Snyder, LIAR.

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Well, whenever I've used "ghey", it's got f*ck all to do with emo, and f*ck all to do with sexuality. The first thing I think of when using "ghey" is "stupid", the last thing I think of is "homosexual" or "man love" or whatever.

    I mean crap, "f*ck" is supposed to mean sex/intercourse, but it can be used in so many different contexts.

    Likewise, when people use "retarded", they're on about something being stupid or lame - not on about people with mental problems.

    On the opposite side of the scale you have some jock who's actually using it in an abusive tone with the intent of causing harm and offense, and most likely backing it up with violent action.

    Actions speak a hell of a lot louder than words. People complaining about a word is rather lame IMHO - especially with the variables of intent and intonation. Scumbags who bully and beat up gay people or disabled people or whatever should be hunted themselves, and then roshambo'd till the cows come home.

    If "gay" used to mean happy, why can't it also be used to mean "stupid" or "lame" in a completely non-sexual context?

    When gay was originally used to mean happy, it was being used purely in a sense of describing someone's mood, not their sexual orientation. Then it got used to mean "homosexual", so why can't it mean something else now?

    I can't be doing with word nazi's, they creep me out. Focus on actions please.


    Well...this thread went off the rails quickly, eh?

  7. #7
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Griff View Post
    I feel sorry for those poor women who were named Gay by parents who had no idea that the word, essentially meaning 'merry', was gonna one day be associated with a) homosexuality and then later b) lameness. They're the true victims of this corruption!
    My Grandmother and Mother's middles names are Gay.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Likewise, when people use "retarded", they're on about something being stupid or lame - not on about people with mental problems.
    Retarded is totally different. Retarded could be used to describe a person or thing that isn't quite working properly or is dumb. It's not right that we all use retarded but again, it's accepted. And it makes sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    If "gay" used to mean happy, why can't it also be used to mean "stupid" or "lame" in a completely non-sexual context?
    Because it doesn't make sense. How the f**k does gay mean stupid or lame? Where's the connection? Everyone that uses this word to describe something dumb knows full well what the real meaning is.

    A faggot is a type of British meatball but we all know what it means. If I start calling people 'fahgotz', would I get away with it?

    "But I'm not using it to describe homosexuals!"

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I mean crap, "f*ck" is supposed to mean sex/intercourse, but it can be used in so many different contexts.
    Yes, but ultimately it's used to cause offense. If I'm gonna f**k some ho or f**k a guy up, it still means that both people are gonna get done good and proper at the end of the day. It makes sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I can't be doing with word nazi's, they creep me out. Focus on actions please.
    Oh puhlease, no one is being a word nazi. It's just fact. I think most people accept that 'ghey' is used without intention to cause offense. Anyone can say what the f**k they want, it doesn't bother me. I'm just saying that someone WILL take offense and the arguments presented so far in favour of it's use are lame.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Well...this thread went off the rails quickly, eh?
    Actually, I think some life has been injected into it.

    Alright now move along, move along...
    Last edited by capncnut; 10-Mar-2008 at 02:50 PM.

  9. #9
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    I'm inventing one right now...

    $HITE '90

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by axlish View Post
    I'm inventing one right now...

    $HITE '90
    Bwaa! I don't agree but damn, I'm gonna use that for $hite 30th and $hite 3D all the way!

  11. #11
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    But why did gay end up meaning homosexual? Are homosexuals happier than straight people? That makes no sense.

    It's a bunch of letters in a combination and attributed to a particular object or person or idea.

    You could say any word is daft, I ain't buying that come back. To be honest, if people get offended by one friggin' word, they're gotta step back a moment and consider what's worse in life.

    I feel that some people can be quite rigid in their thinking in terms of language, while others aren't as much, or some people specifically get fussed over one particular word.

    It's all about context, intent and intonation. If none of those add up to a homosexual-bashing hate rant, then what's to get fussed over?

    It's like the whole n-word thing. Can be used by ignorant racist bastards in an angry tone in a violent context ... or it ends up being used (mainly among black men it seems) to substitute the word "friend"/"man"/"guy" or similar.

    It's like "cracker" - that's a racial slur against a white person. I don't mind the use of "cracker" in the right context and tone, but if I had someone violently attacking me with that word to deliberately cause offense, then that's a whole other kettle of fish.

    Context. Intonation. Intent. ... That's just how it is with these sort of words.

    I still think the main focus of disgust should be actions though. A word might offend someone, but it's not going to break their nose or burn their house down...a racist bigot scumbag with size 12's and a pack of matches will though.



    I think Sh*te90 is hilarious. I don't agree, but it's a good one. Well played, people.

    But - what about Return of the Living Dead.

    Hands up for a good title quip for that flick? (I liked it though).

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    But why did gay end up meaning homosexual? Are homosexuals happier than straight people? That makes no sense.
    I guess it was the narrowminded perception that all homosexuals back in the day were effeminate, prancing nancy boys who skipped along the streets hand in hand with their fellow ducky and the other hand bent downwards with a handbag slung around the elbow. Appearing to be joyous, so to speak.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    But - what about Return of the Living Dead.

    Hands up for a good title quip for that flick? (I liked it though).
    Return Of The Giving Head?

  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Return Of The Giving Head?
    Nah ... that's ghey......see what I did there, in-post referencing! *space-time-continuum EXPLODES ALL OVER FACES!!!111!1!!1!!*

    ROTLD ... ROFL-D ... ?

    Fairly ghey as well...

    *more explosions!*

  14. #14
    Dying Griff's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    I guess it was the narrowminded perception that all homosexuals back in the day were effeminate, prancing nancy boys who skipped along the streets hand in hand with their fellow ducky and the other hand bent downwards with a handbag slung around the elbow. Appearing to be joyous, so to speak.
    Except its the homosexuals who appropriated the term themselves - I don't believe it was 'assigned' to them by disapproving outsiders.

    The fact is, pre-teens now associate the term 'gay' with meaning 'lame'. They have little-to-no concept of sexuality and is not a hateful term in their eyes.

    I can only hope that in another 20 years, when the cycle is completely, that 'gay' will once again mean 'merry'. Till then, 'GHEY 08' is an entirely appropriate moniker in my book.
    "28 Days Later came out after we started (Dawn 04). Our zombies were running before we knew what their zombies were." - Zack Snyder, LIAR.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Griff View Post
    Except its the homosexuals who appropriated the term themselves - I don't believe it was 'assigned' to them by disapproving outsiders.
    Erm, are you quite sure about that?

    I do believe that the earliest known use of the word 'gay' was sometime in the early 1900's by straight people along with the word 'queer'. Both words defined a person of hedonistic lifestyle - homosexual or straight. Soon after they became common in name calling used to describe homosexual people.

    It is true though that homosexual authors such as Noel Coward and Oscar Wilde began to drop 'gay' frequently into their works. 'Queer' was not favoured among the community at all, as it implies that a homosexual person is strange.

    Quote Originally Posted by Griff View Post
    The fact is, pre-teens now associate the term 'gay' with meaning 'lame'. They have little-to-no concept of sexuality and is not a hateful term in their eyes.
    No s**t, Sherlock.

    But surely you must see how a homosexual person might be offended by a dumbass emo kid using the word 'gay' to mean 'lame'. When 'ghey' was originally coined, it was undoubtedly used in a homosexual context.

    "Aw man, you are so gay!"

    I accept and know it now means lame, I'm just saying...


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